# gosuv [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/codeskyblue/gosuv.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/codeskyblue/gosuv) golang port of python-supervisor ## Program not implement **Not done yet.** ## Require Go version at least `1.4` ## Install go get -v github.com/codeskyblue/gosuv For binary version, just click [![gorelease](https://dn-gorelease.qbox.me/gorelease-download-blue.svg)](http://gorelease.herokuapp.com/dn-gobuild5.qbox.me/gosuv/master) ## Usage $ gosuv add --name timetest -- bash -c "while true; do date; sleep 1; done" program "timetest" has been added. $ gosuv status NAME STATUS timetest running $ gosuv stop timetest program "timetest" stopped $ gosuv tail -n 2 -f timetest line 1 line 2 line ... # see more usage $ gosuv help # Config Config file load order `$HOME/.gosuvrc` `$PWD/gosuvrc` config example [server] web-addr = rpc-addr = # State Only 4 states. [ref](http://supervisord.org/subprocess.html#process-states) ![states](images/states.png) # Plugin Design Current plugins: - [tailf](https://github.com/codeskyblue/gosuv-tailf) All command plugin will store in `$HOME/.gosuv/cmdplugin`, gosuv will treat this plugin as a subcommand. for example: $HOME/.gosuv/cmdplugin/ --. |- showpid/ |- run There is a directory `showpid` When run `gosuv showpid`, file `run` will be called. # RPC Design I decide to use [grpc](http://www.grpc.io/) in 2015-09-05 go get -u -v github.com/golang/protobuf/{proto,protoc-gen-go} pbrpc/codegen.sh **Need protoc 3.0** Do not use `brew install protobuf`, this will only install protoc 2.6 # Design Has a folder `.gosuv` under `$HOME` path. Here is the folder structure $HOME/.gosuv |-- gosuv.json |-- logs/ |-- program1.log |-- program2.log For first run `gosuv` command, will run a golang server. Server port default 17422 or from env defined `GOSUV_SERVER_PORT`. When server get `TERM` signal, all processes spwaned by srever will be killed. ## How to add program to gosuv Eg, current folder is in `/tmp/hello` gosuv add --name "program1" -- ./program1 1888 Will add a record to `$HOME/.gosuv/programs.json` { "name": "program1", "command": ["./program1", "1888"], "directory": "/tmp/hello", "environ": [], } Show status $ gosuv status program1 RUNNING Stop program, ex: "program1" $ gosuv stop program1 program1 stopped ## LICENSE [MIT](LICENSE)