# gosuv [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/codeskyblue/gosuv.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/codeskyblue/gosuv) ## Program not implement **Not done yet.** golang port of python-supervisor Features * [ ] Realtime log view * [ ] Github webhook * [ ] Web control page ## Requirements Go version at least `1.5+` ## Installation ```sh go get -v github.com/codeskyblue/gosuv ``` ## Usage ```sh $ gosuv status NAME STATUS timetest running $ gosuv help ... ``` ## Configuration Default config file stored in directory `$HOME/.gosuv/` ## Design ### Get or Update program ` /api/programs/:name` ### Add new program `POST /api/programs` ### Del program `DELETE /api/programs/:name` ## State Only 4 states. [ref](http://supervisord.org/subprocess.html#process-states) ![states](docs/states.png) # Plugin Design (todo) Current plugins: - [tailf](https://github.com/codeskyblue/gosuv-tailf) All command plugin will store in `$HOME/.gosuv/cmdplugin`, gosuv will treat this plugin as a subcommand. for example: $HOME/.gosuv/cmdplugin/ --. |- showpid/ |- run There is a directory `showpid` When run `gosuv showpid`, file `run` will be called. ## Use libs * ## LICENSE [MIT](LICENSE)