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package jd
import (
// ClientConfig 实例配置
type ClientConfig struct {
AppKey string // 应用Key
SecretKey string // 密钥
SiteId string // 网站ID/APP ID
PositionId string // 推广位id
ApiGormClientFun golog.ApiClientFun // 日志配置
Debug bool // 日志开关
ZapLog *golog.ZapLog // 日志服务
// Client 实例
type Client struct {
requestClient *gorequest.App // 请求服务
zapLog *golog.ZapLog // 日志服务
config struct {
appKey string // 应用Key
secretKey string // 密钥
siteId string // 网站ID/APP ID
positionId string // 推广位id
log struct {
status bool // 状态
client *golog.ApiClient // 日志服务
// NewClient 创建实例化
func NewClient(config *ClientConfig) (*Client, error) {
c := &Client{}
c.zapLog = config.ZapLog
c.config.appKey = config.AppKey
c.config.secretKey = config.SecretKey
c.config.siteId = config.SiteId
c.config.positionId = config.PositionId
c.requestClient = gorequest.NewHttp()
c.requestClient.Uri = apiUrl
apiGormClient := config.ApiGormClientFun()
if apiGormClient != nil {
c.log.client = apiGormClient
c.log.status = true
return c, nil
// GoodsPriceToInt64 商品券后价
func (c *Client) GoodsPriceToInt64(LowestCouponPrice float64) int64 {
return int64(LowestCouponPrice * 100)
// GoodsOriginalPriceToInt64 商品原价
func (c *Client) GoodsOriginalPriceToInt64(Price float64) int64 {
return int64(Price * 100)
// CouponProportionToInt64 佣金比率
func (c *Client) CouponProportionToInt64(CommissionShare float64) int64 {
return int64(CommissionShare * 10)
// CouponAmountToInt64 优惠券金额
func (c *Client) CouponAmountToInt64(Commission float64) int64 {
return int64(Commission * 100)
// CommissionIntegralToInt64 佣金积分
func (c *Client) CommissionIntegralToInt64(GoodsPrice, CouponProportion int64) int64 {
return (GoodsPrice * CouponProportion) / 1000