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4 years ago
if (!defined("KS3_API_PATH")) {
define("KS3_API_PATH", __DIR__);
4 years ago
if (!defined("KS3_API_VHOST")) {
define("KS3_API_VHOST", FALSE);
4 years ago
if (!defined("KS3_API_LOG")) {
define("KS3_API_LOG", FALSE);
4 years ago
if (!defined("KS3_API_DISPLAY_LOG")) {
4 years ago
if (!defined("KS3_API_LOG_PATH")) {
define("KS3_API_LOG_PATH", "");
4 years ago
if (!defined("KS3_API_USE_HTTPS")) {
//是否开启curl debug模式
4 years ago
if (!defined("KS3_API_DEBUG_MODE")) {
define("KS3_API_Author", "");
define("KS3_API_Version", "1.2");
4 years ago
require_once KS3_API_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "config" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "Consts.php";
require_once KS3_API_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "core" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "Signers.php";
require_once KS3_API_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "core" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "Ks3Request.class.php";
require_once KS3_API_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "core" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "Handlers.php";
require_once KS3_API_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "core" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "Builders.php";
require_once KS3_API_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "core" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "Logger.php";
require_once KS3_API_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "core" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "MessageHolder.php";
require_once KS3_API_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "lib" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "RequestCore.class.php";
require_once KS3_API_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "exceptions" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "Exceptions.php";
4 years ago
if (function_exists('get_loaded_extensions')) {
$extensions = get_loaded_extensions();
if ($extensions) {
if (!in_array('curl', $extensions, true)) {
throw new Ks3ClientException("please install curl extension");
if (!in_array('mbstring', $extensions, true)) {
throw new Ks3ClientException("please install mbstring extension");
} else {
throw new Ks3ClientException("please install extensions");
} else {
throw new Ks3ClientException();
4 years ago
class Ks3Client
private $accessKey;
private $secretKey;
private $endpoint;
private $log;
4 years ago
public function __construct($accessKey = NULL, $secretKey = NULL, $endpoint = NULL)
$this->accessKey = $accessKey;
$this->secretKey = $secretKey;
if (empty($endpoint)) {
throw new Ks3ClientException("must set endpoint, please see Region part");
$this->endpoint = $endpoint;
$this->signers = array();
$this->log = new Logger();
4 years ago
* 方法列表:(具体使用请参考
* listBuckets,罗列bucket
* deleteBucket删除bucket
* deleteBucketCORS删除bucket跨域配置
* createBucket,新建bucket
* setBucketAcl设置bucket访问权限
* setBucketCORS,设置bucket跨域配置
* setBucketLogging,设置bucket日志配置
* listObjects,罗列object
* getBucketAcl,获取bucket访问权限
* getBucketCORS,获取bucket跨域配置
* getBucketLocation,获取bucket地点配置
* getBucketLogging,获取bucket日志配置
* bucketExists,判断bucket是否存在
* listMutipartUploads,罗列当前bucket下尚未结束的分块上传
* putObjectByContent,上传文件
* putObjectByFile,上传文件
* setObjectAcl设置object访问权限
* copyObject,复制object
* getObjectMeta获取object元数据
* objectExists判断object是否存在
* deleteObject删除object
* deleteObjects删除多个object
* getObject下载object
* getObjectAcl获取object访问权限
* initMultipartUpload初始化分块上传
* uploadPart上传块
* abortMultipartUpload终止分块上传
* listParts罗列已经上传的块
* completeMultipartUpload完成分块上传
* generatePresignedUrl生成文件外链
* putAdp,添加异步数据处理任务
* getAdp,查询异步数据处理任务
* @param $method
* @param array $args
* @return ResponseCore|string|string[]|null
* @throws Exception
public function __call($method, $args = array())
$holder = new MessageHolder();
4 years ago
$holder->msg = "------------------Logging Start-------------------------\r\n";
$holder->msg .= "method->" . $method . " args->" . serialize($args) . "\r\n";
$ex = NULL;
try {
$result = $this->invoke($method, $args, $holder);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$holder->msg .= $e . "\r\n";
$ex = $e;
$holder->msg .= "------------------Logging End-------------------------\r\n";
if ($ex != NULL) {
throw $ex;
4 years ago
return $result;
private function invoke($method, $args = array(), $holder, $location = NULL)
$api = API::$API[$method];
if (!$api) {
throw new Ks3ClientException($method . " Not Found API");
if (count($args) !== 0) {
if (count($args) > 1 || !is_array($args[0])) {
throw new Ks3ClientException("this method only needs one array argument");
$args = $args[0];
if (isset($api["redirect"])) {
$api = API::$API[$api["redirect"]];
$request = new Ks3Request();
if (empty($args["Bucket"])) {
if ($api["needBucket"]) {
throw new Ks3ClientException($method . " this api need bucket");
} else {
$request->bucket = $args["Bucket"];
$position = $api["objectPostion"] ?? "Key";
if (empty($args[$position])) {
if ($api["needObject"]) {
throw new Ks3ClientException($method . " this api need " . $position);
} else {
$key = $args[$position];
$preEncoding = mb_detect_encoding($key, array("ASCII", "UTF-8", "GB2312", "GBK", "BIG5"));
$holder->msg .= "key encoding " . $preEncoding . "\r\n";
if (strtolower($preEncoding) !== "utf-8") {
$key = iconv($preEncoding, "UTF-8", $key);
$request->key = $key;
$method = $api["method"];
if ($method === "Method") {
if (empty($args["Method"])) {
$request->method = "GET";
} else {
$request->method = $args["Method"];
} else {
$request->method = $api["method"];
$request->scheme = "https://";
4 years ago
else {
$request->scheme = "http://";
4 years ago
$request->endpoint = $this->endpoint;
//add subresource
if (!empty($api["subResource"])) {
$request->subResource = $api["subResource"];
//add query params
if (isset($api["queryParams"])) {
foreach ($api["queryParams"] as $key => $value) {
$required = FALSE;
if (strpos($value, "!") === 0) {
$required = TRUE;
$value = substr($value, 1);
$index = explode("->", $value);
$curIndexArg = $args;
$add = TRUE;
$curkey = "";
foreach ($index as $key1 => $value1) {
if (!isset($curIndexArg[$value1]) && $value1 !== "*") {
$add = FALSE;
} else {
$curkey = $value1;
if ($curkey === "*") {
foreach ($curIndexArg as $queryK => $queryV) {
if (!is_array($queryV)) {
$request->addQueryParams($queryK, $queryV);
$add = FALSE;
$required = FALSE;
$curIndexArg = $curIndexArg[$value1];
4 years ago
if (!empty($curIndexArg) && $add) {
$request->addQueryParams($curkey, $curIndexArg);
if ($required) {
throw new Ks3ClientException($method . " param " . $value . " is required");
4 years ago
if (isset($api["body"])) {
if (isset($api["body"]["builder"])) {
$builderName = $api["body"]["builder"];
$builder = new $builderName();
$request->body = $builder->build($args);
} else if (isset($api["body"]["position"])) {
$position = $api["body"]["position"];
$index = explode("->", $position);
$curIndexArg = $args;
$add = TRUE;
$curkey = "";
foreach ($index as $key1 => $value1) {
if (!isset($curIndexArg[$value1])) {
$add = FALSE;
} else {
$curIndexArg = $curIndexArg[$value1];
$curkey = $value1;
if (!empty($curIndexArg) && $add) {
$request->body = $curIndexArg;
4 years ago
//add ext headers
//sign request
$signer = NULL;
if (isset($api["signer"])) {
$signers = explode("->", $api["signer"]);
foreach ($signers as $key => $value) {
$signer = new $value();
$log = $signer->sign($request, array("accessKey" => $this->accessKey, "secretKey" => $this->secretKey, "args" => $args));
if (!empty($log)) {
$holder->msg .= $log . "\r\n";
4 years ago
if ($signer === NULL || !($signer instanceof QueryAuthSigner)) {
$url = $request->toUrl($this->endpoint);
if ($location != NULL) {
$url = $location;
4 years ago
$httpRequest = new RequestCore($url);
$httpRequest->debug_mode = TRUE;
4 years ago
foreach ($request->headers as $key => $value) {
$httpRequest->add_header($key, $value);
$httpRequest->request_body = $request->body;
4 years ago
if (isset($args["writeCallBack"])) {
if (isset($args["readCallBack"])) {
4 years ago
$read_stream = $request->read_stream;
$read_length = $request->getHeader(Headers::$ContentLength);
$seek_position = $request->seek_position;
if (isset($read_stream)) {
$httpRequest->set_read_stream($read_stream, $read_length);
$write_stream = $request->write_stream;
if (isset($write_stream)) {
4 years ago
$holder->msg .= "request url->" . serialize($httpRequest->request_url) . "\r\n";
$holder->msg .= "request headers->" . serialize($httpRequest->request_headers) . "\r\n";
$holder->msg .= "request body->" . $httpRequest->request_body . "\r\n";
$holder->msg .= "request read stream length->" . $read_length . "\r\n";
$holder->msg .= "request read stream seek position->" . $seek_position . "\r\n";
$body = $httpRequest->get_response_body();
$data = new ResponseCore ($httpRequest->get_response_header(), Utils::replaceNS2($body), $httpRequest->get_response_code());
4 years ago
if ($data->status == 307) {
$respHeaders = $httpRequest->get_response_header();
$location = $respHeaders["location"];
if (strpos($location, "http") === 0) {
$holder->msg .= "response code->" . $httpRequest->get_response_code() . "\r\n";
$holder->msg .= "response headers->" . serialize($httpRequest->get_response_header()) . "\r\n";
$holder->msg .= "response body->" . $body . "\r\n";
$holder->msg .= "retry request to " . $location . "\r\n";
return $this->invoke($method, array($args), $holder, $location);
$holder->msg .= "response code->" . $httpRequest->get_response_code() . "\r\n";
$holder->msg .= "response headers->" . serialize($httpRequest->get_response_header()) . "\r\n";
$holder->msg .= "response body->" . $body . "\r\n";
$handlers = explode("->", $api["handler"]);
foreach ($handlers as $key => $value) {
$handler = new $value();
$data = $handler->handle($data);
return $data;
$url = $request->toUrl($this->endpoint);
$holder->msg .= $url . "\r\n";
return $url;
4 years ago
public function postObject($bucket, $postFormData = array(), $unknowValueFormFiled = array(), $filename = NULL, $expire = 18000): array
$policy = array();
$expireTime = Utils::iso8601(time() + $expire);
$policy["expiration"] = $expireTime;
$postFormData["bucket"] = $bucket;
$conditions = array();
foreach ($postFormData as $key => $value) {
$condition = array();
$condition[$key] = str_replace("\${filename}", $filename, $value);
$conditions[] = $condition;
foreach ($unknowValueFormFiled as $key => $value) {
$condition = array();
$condition[] = "starts-with";
$condition[] = "\$" . $value;
$condition[] = "";
$conditions[] = $condition;
$policy["conditions"] = $conditions;
$json = json_encode($policy);
$signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', base64_encode($json), $this->secretKey, true));
$result = array();
$result["Policy"] = base64_encode($json);
$result["Signature"] = $signature;
$result["KSSAccessKeyId"] = $this->accessKey;
return $result;
4 years ago