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2 years ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | ThinkLibrary 6.0 for ThinkPhP 6.0
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | 版权所有 2017~2020 [ ]
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// | 官方网站:
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// | 开源协议 ( )
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// | github 仓库地址
// | Packagist 地址
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace DtApp\ThinkLibrary\service;
use DtApp\ThinkLibrary\exception\DtaException;
use DtApp\ThinkLibrary\Service;
use think\App;
* 纯真数据库
* Class QqWryService
* @package DtApp\ThinkLibrary\service
class QqWryService extends Service
* QQWry.Dat文件指针
* @var resource
private $fp;
* 第一条IP记录的偏移地址
* @var int
private $firstIp;
* 最后一条IP记录的偏移地址
* @var int
private $lastIp;
* IP记录的总条数不包含版本信息记录
* @var int
private $totalIp;
* 不存在
* @var string
private $unknown = '未知';
* 构造函数,打开 QQWry.Dat 文件并初始化类中的信息
* @param App $app
public function __construct(App $app)
$this->fp = 0;
if (($this->fp = fopen(__DIR__ . '/bin/qqwry.dat', 'rb')) !== false) {
$this->firstIp = $this->getLong();
$this->lastIp = $this->getLong();
$this->totalIp = ($this->lastIp - $this->firstIp) / 7;
* 设置未知的返回字段
* @param string $unknown
* @return QqWryService
public function setUnknown(string $unknown = '未知')
$this->unknown = $unknown;
return $this;
* 获取省信息
* @param string $ip
* @return mixed
* @throws DtaException
public function getProvince(string $ip = '')
return $this->getLocation($ip)['state'];
* 获取城市信息
* @param string $ip
* @return mixed
* @throws DtaException
public function getCity(string $ip = '')
return $this->getLocation($ip)['city'];
* 获取地区信息
* @param string $ip
* @return mixed
* @throws DtaException
public function getArea(string $ip = '')
return $this->getLocation($ip)['area'];
* 获取运营商信息
* @param string $ip
* @return mixed
* @throws DtaException
public function getExtend(string $ip = '')
return $this->getLocation($ip)['extend'];
* 根据所给 IP 地址或域名返回所在地区信息
* @param string $ip
* @return mixed|null
* @throws DtaException
public function getLocation(string $ip = '')
if (empty($ip)) {
$ip = get_ip();
if (strpos($ip, 'http://') === 0) {
$ip = substr($ip, 7);
$ip = gethostbyname($ip);
static $locationData = [];
if (!isset($locationData[$ip])) {
if (!$this->fp) {
// 如果数据文件没有被正确打开,则直接返回错误
throw new DtaException('数据库文件不存在!');
$location['ip'] = $ip; // 将输入的域名转化为IP地址
$ip = $this->packIp($location['ip']); // 将输入的IP地址转化为可比较的IP地址
// 不合法的IP地址会被转化为255.255.255.255
// 对分搜索
$l = 0; // 搜索的下边界
$u = $this->totalIp; // 搜索的上边界
$findip = $this->lastIp; // 如果没有找到就返回最后一条IP记录QQWry.Dat的版本信息
while ($l <= $u) { // 当上边界小于下边界时,查找失败
$i = floor(($l + $u) / 2); // 计算近似中间记录
fseek($this->fp, $this->firstIp + $i * 7);
$beginip = strrev(fread($this->fp, 4)); // 获取中间记录的开始IP地址
// strrev函数在这里的作用是将little-endian的压缩IP地址转化为big-endian的格式
// 以便用于比较,后面相同。
if ($ip < $beginip) { // 用户的IP小于中间记录的开始IP地址时
$u = $i - 1; // 将搜索的上边界修改为中间记录减一
} else {
fseek($this->fp, $this->getLong3());
$endip = strrev(fread($this->fp, 4)); // 获取中间记录的结束IP地址
if ($ip > $endip) { // 用户的IP大于中间记录的结束IP地址时
$l = $i + 1; // 将搜索的下边界修改为中间记录加一
} else { // 用户的IP在中间记录的IP范围内时
$findip = $this->firstIp + $i * 7;
break; // 则表示找到结果,退出循环
fseek($this->fp, $findip);
$location['beginip'] = long2ip($this->getLong()); // 用户IP所在范围的开始地址
$offset = $this->getLong3();
fseek($this->fp, $offset);
$location['endip'] = long2ip($this->getLong()); // 用户IP所在范围的结束地址
$byte = fread($this->fp, 1); // 标志字节
switch (ord($byte)) {
case 1: // 标志字节为1表示国家和区域信息都被同时重定向
$countryOffset = $this->getLong3(); // 重定向地址
fseek($this->fp, $countryOffset);
$byte = fread($this->fp, 1); // 标志字节
switch (ord($byte)) {
case 2: // 标志字节为2表示国家信息又被重定向
fseek($this->fp, $this->getLong3());
$location['all'] = $this->getString();
fseek($this->fp, $countryOffset + 4);
$location['extend'] = $this->getExtendString();
default: // 否则,表示国家信息没有被重定向
$location['all'] = $this->getString($byte);
$location['extend'] = $this->getExtendString();
case 2: // 标志字节为2表示国家信息被重定向
fseek($this->fp, $this->getLong3());
$location['all'] = $this->getString();
fseek($this->fp, $offset + 8);
$location['extend'] = $this->getExtendString();
default: // 否则,表示国家信息没有被重定向
$location['all'] = $this->getString($byte);
$location['extend'] = $this->getExtendString();
// CZ88.NET表示没有有效信息
if (trim($location['all']) === 'CZ88.NET') {
$location['all'] = $this->unknown;
if (trim($location['extend']) === 'CZ88.NET') {
$location['extend'] = '';
$location['all'] = iconv("gb2312", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $location['all']);
$location['extend'] = iconv("gb2312", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $location['extend']);
$location['extend'] = $location['extend'] ?? '';
$parseData = $this->parseLocation($location['all']);
$location['state'] = $parseData[0];
$location['city'] = $parseData[1];
$location['area'] = $parseData[2];
// 全部地址
$res['location_all'] = $location['all'];
// 运营商
$res['isp']['name'] = $location['extend'];
// IP
$res['ip']['ipv4'] = $location['ip'];
$res['ip']['beginip'] = $location['beginip'];
$res['ip']['endip'] = $location['endip'];
$res['ip']['trueip'] = ip2long($location['ip']);
$res['ip']['ipv6'] = $this->getNormalizedIP($location['ip']);
$getAdCodeLatLng = $this->getNameAdCodeLatLng($location['state'], $location['city'], $location['area']);
// 省份
$res['province'] = $getAdCodeLatLng['province'];
// 城市
$res['city'] = $getAdCodeLatLng['city'];
// 地区
$res['district'] = $getAdCodeLatLng['district'];
$locationData[$ip] = $location;
return $res;
* 解析省市区县
* @param $location
* @return array
* @example '江苏省苏州市吴江市' , '江苏省苏州市吴中区' , '江苏省苏州市昆山市' , '黑龙江省鸡西市' , '广西桂林市' , '陕西省西安市户县' , '河南省开封市通许县' ,'内蒙古呼伦贝尔市海拉尔区','甘肃省白银市平川区','孟加拉','上海市' , '北京市朝阳区' ,'美国' ,'香港' , 俄罗斯' ,'IANA'
private function parseLocation($location)
$state = $city = $area = $this->unknown;
if (preg_match('/^(.+省)?(新疆|内蒙古|宁夏|西藏|广西|香港|澳门)?(.+市)?(.+市)?(.+(县|区))?/', $location, $preg)) {
if (count($preg) == 4) { //匹配 "浙江省杭州市"
$state = $preg[1] ? $preg[1] : ($preg[2] ? $preg[2] : $preg[3]);
$city = $preg[3];
} else if (count($preg) == 7) { //匹配 "浙江省杭州市江干区"
$state = $preg[1] ? $preg[1] : ($preg[2] ? $preg[2] : $preg[3]);
$city = $preg[3];
$area = $preg[5];
} else if (count($preg) == 3) { //匹配 "香港"
$state = $preg[1] ? $preg[1] : $preg[2];
$city = $state;
} else if (count($preg) == 2) { //匹配 "浙江省"
$state = $preg[1] ? $preg[1] : $this->unknown;
return [$state, $city, $area];
* 返回读取的长整型数
* @return mixed
private function getLong()
$result = unpack('Vlong', fread($this->fp, 4));
return $result['long'];
* 返回读取的3个字节的长整型数
* @return mixed
private function getLong3()
$result = unpack('Vlong', fread($this->fp, 3) . chr(0));
return $result['long'];
* 返回压缩后可进行比较的IP地址
* @param $ip
* @return false|string
private function packIp($ip)
// 将IP地址转化为长整型数如果在PHP5中IP地址错误则返回False
// 这时intval将Flase转化为整数-1之后压缩成big-endian编码的字符串
return pack('N', intval(ip2long($ip)));
* 返回读取的字符串
* @access private
* @param string $data
* @return string
private function getString($data = "")
$char = fread($this->fp, 1);
while (ord($char) > 0) { // 字符串按照C格式保存以\0结束
$data .= $char; // 将读取的字符连接到给定字符串之后
$char = fread($this->fp, 1);
return $data;
* 返回地区信息
* @return string
private function getExtendString()
$byte = fread($this->fp, 1); // 标志字节
switch (ord($byte)) {
case 0: // 没有区域信息
$area = "";
case 1:
case 2: // 标志字节为1或2表示区域信息被重定向
fseek($this->fp, $this->getLong3());
$area = $this->getString();
default: // 否则,表示区域信息没有被重定向
$area = $this->getString($byte);
return $area;
* 析构函数,用于在页面执行结束后自动关闭打开的文件。
public function __destruct()
if ($this->fp) {
$this->fp = 0;
* ipv4转换ipv6
* @param $ip
* @return bool|false|string|string[]|null
protected function getNormalizedIP($ip)
if (!is_string($ip)) {
return '';
if (preg_match('%^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$%', $ip, $match)) {
$IPParts = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) {
$IPPart = (int)$match[$i];
if ($IPPart > 255) {
return '';
$IPParts[$i] = str_pad(decHex($IPPart), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
return '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:' . $IPParts[1] . $IPParts[2] . ':' . $IPParts[3] . $IPParts[4];
return '';
* 解析CODE
* @param $province_name
* @param $city_name
* @param $district_name
* @return array
private function getNameAdCodeLatLng($province_name, $city_name, $district_name)
// 名称
$province['name'] = $province_name;
$city['name'] = $city_name;
$district['name'] = $district_name;
// adcode
$province['adcode'] = '';
$city['adcode'] = '';
$district['adcode'] = '';
// lat
$province['lat'] = '';
$city['lat'] = '';
$district['lat'] = '';
// lng
$province['lng'] = '';
$city['lng'] = '';
$district['lng'] = '';
if (!empty($province_name)) {
$json_province = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/bin/province.json'), true);
foreach ($json_province['rows'] as $key => $value) {
if ($value['name'] == $province_name) {
$province['name'] = $value['name'];
$province['adcode'] = $value['adcode'];
$province['lat'] = $value['lat'];
$province['lng'] = $value['lng'];
if (!empty($city_name)) {
$json_city = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/bin/city.json'), true);
foreach ($json_city['rows'] as $key => $value) {
if ($value['name'] == $city_name) {
$city['name'] = $value['name'];
$city['adcode'] = $value['adcode'];
$city['lat'] = $value['lat'];
$city['lng'] = $value['lng'];
if (!empty($district_name)) {
$json_district = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/bin/district.json'), true);
foreach ($json_district['rows'] as $key => $value) {
if ($value['name'] == $district_name) {
$district['name'] = $value['name'];
$district['adcode'] = $value['adcode'];
$district['lat'] = $value['lat'];
$district['lng'] = $value['lng'];
return [
'province' => $province,
'city' => $city,
'district' => $district