You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

438 lines
17 KiB

// Code generated by smithy-go-codegen DO NOT EDIT.
package s3
import (
awsmiddleware ""
s3cust ""
smithyhttp ""
// Uploads a part by copying data from an existing object as data source. You
// specify the data source by adding the request header x-amz-copy-source in your
// request and a byte range by adding the request header x-amz-copy-source-range in
// your request. For information about maximum and minimum part sizes and other
// multipart upload specifications, see Multipart upload limits
// ( in the
// Amazon S3 User Guide. Instead of using an existing object as part data, you
// might use the UploadPart
// ( action and
// provide data in your request. You must initiate a multipart upload before you
// can upload any part. In response to your initiate request. Amazon S3 returns a
// unique identifier, the upload ID, that you must include in your upload part
// request. For more information about using the UploadPartCopy operation, see the
// following:
// * For conceptual information about multipart uploads, see Uploading
// Objects Using Multipart Upload
// ( in the
// Amazon S3 User Guide.
// * For information about permissions required to use the
// multipart upload API, see Multipart Upload and Permissions
// ( in the
// Amazon S3 User Guide.
// * For information about copying objects using a single
// atomic action vs. a multipart upload, see Operations on Objects
// ( in the
// Amazon S3 User Guide.
// * For information about using server-side encryption with
// customer-provided encryption keys with the UploadPartCopy operation, see
// CopyObject (
// and UploadPart
// (
// Note the
// following additional considerations about the request headers
// x-amz-copy-source-if-match, x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match,
// x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since, and
// x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since:
// * Consideration 1 - If both of the
// x-amz-copy-source-if-match and x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since headers are
// present in the request as follows: x-amz-copy-source-if-match condition
// evaluates to true, and; x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since condition
// evaluates to false; Amazon S3 returns 200 OK and copies the data.
// *
// Consideration 2 - If both of the x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match and
// x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since headers are present in the request as
// follows: x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match condition evaluates to false, and;
// x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since condition evaluates to true; Amazon S3
// returns 412 Precondition Failed response code.
// Versioning If your bucket has
// versioning enabled, you could have multiple versions of the same object. By
// default, x-amz-copy-source identifies the current version of the object to copy.
// If the current version is a delete marker and you don't specify a versionId in
// the x-amz-copy-source, Amazon S3 returns a 404 error, because the object does
// not exist. If you specify versionId in the x-amz-copy-source and the versionId
// is a delete marker, Amazon S3 returns an HTTP 400 error, because you are not
// allowed to specify a delete marker as a version for the x-amz-copy-source. You
// can optionally specify a specific version of the source object to copy by adding
// the versionId subresource as shown in the following example: x-amz-copy-source:
// /bucket/object?versionId=version id Special Errors
// * Code: NoSuchUpload
// *
// Cause: The specified multipart upload does not exist. The upload ID might be
// invalid, or the multipart upload might have been aborted or completed.
// * HTTP
// Status Code: 404 Not Found
// * Code: InvalidRequest
// * Cause: The specified copy
// source is not supported as a byte-range copy source.
// * HTTP Status Code: 400
// Bad Request
// # Related Resources
// * CreateMultipartUpload
// (
// *
// UploadPart
// (
// *
// CompleteMultipartUpload
// (
// *
// AbortMultipartUpload
// (
// *
// ListParts
// (
// *
// ListMultipartUploads
// (
func (c *Client) UploadPartCopy(ctx context.Context, params *UploadPartCopyInput, optFns ...func(*Options)) (*UploadPartCopyOutput, error) {
if params == nil {
params = &UploadPartCopyInput{}
result, metadata, err := c.invokeOperation(ctx, "UploadPartCopy", params, optFns, c.addOperationUploadPartCopyMiddlewares)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out := result.(*UploadPartCopyOutput)
out.ResultMetadata = metadata
return out, nil
type UploadPartCopyInput struct {
// The bucket name. When using this action with an access point, you must direct
// requests to the access point hostname. The access point hostname takes the form
// When using this
// action with an access point through the Amazon Web Services SDKs, you provide
// the access point ARN in place of the bucket name. For more information about
// access point ARNs, see Using access points
// (
// in the Amazon S3 User Guide. When using this action with Amazon S3 on Outposts,
// you must direct requests to the S3 on Outposts hostname. The S3 on Outposts
// hostname takes the form
// When using
// this action with S3 on Outposts through the Amazon Web Services SDKs, you
// provide the Outposts bucket ARN in place of the bucket name. For more
// information about S3 on Outposts ARNs, see Using Amazon S3 on Outposts
// ( in the
// Amazon S3 User Guide.
// This member is required.
Bucket *string
// Specifies the source object for the copy operation. You specify the value in one
// of two formats, depending on whether you want to access the source object
// through an access point
// (
// *
// For objects not accessed through an access point, specify the name of the source
// bucket and key of the source object, separated by a slash (/). For example, to
// copy the object reports/january.pdf from the bucket awsexamplebucket, use
// awsexamplebucket/reports/january.pdf. The value must be URL-encoded.
// * For
// objects accessed through access points, specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
// of the object as accessed through the access point, in the format
// arn:aws:s3:::accesspoint//object/. For example, to copy the object
// reports/january.pdf through access point my-access-point owned by account
// 123456789012 in Region us-west-2, use the URL encoding of
// arn:aws:s3:us-west-2:123456789012:accesspoint/my-access-point/object/reports/january.pdf.
// The value must be URL encoded. Amazon S3 supports copy operations using access
// points only when the source and destination buckets are in the same Amazon Web
// Services Region. Alternatively, for objects accessed through Amazon S3 on
// Outposts, specify the ARN of the object as accessed in the format
// arn:aws:s3-outposts:::outpost//object/. For example, to copy the object
// reports/january.pdf through outpost my-outpost owned by account 123456789012 in
// Region us-west-2, use the URL encoding of
// arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/object/reports/january.pdf.
// The value must be URL-encoded.
// To copy a specific version of an object, append
// ?versionId= to the value (for example,
// awsexamplebucket/reports/january.pdf?versionId=QUpfdndhfd8438MNFDN93jdnJFkdmqnh893).
// If you don't specify a version ID, Amazon S3 copies the latest version of the
// source object.
// This member is required.
CopySource *string
// Object key for which the multipart upload was initiated.
// This member is required.
Key *string
// Part number of part being copied. This is a positive integer between 1 and
// 10,000.
// This member is required.
PartNumber int32
// Upload ID identifying the multipart upload whose part is being copied.
// This member is required.
UploadId *string
// Copies the object if its entity tag (ETag) matches the specified tag.
CopySourceIfMatch *string
// Copies the object if it has been modified since the specified time.
CopySourceIfModifiedSince *time.Time
// Copies the object if its entity tag (ETag) is different than the specified ETag.
CopySourceIfNoneMatch *string
// Copies the object if it hasn't been modified since the specified time.
CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince *time.Time
// The range of bytes to copy from the source object. The range value must use the
// form bytes=first-last, where the first and last are the zero-based byte offsets
// to copy. For example, bytes=0-9 indicates that you want to copy the first 10
// bytes of the source. You can copy a range only if the source object is greater
// than 5 MB.
CopySourceRange *string
// Specifies the algorithm to use when decrypting the source object (for example,
// AES256).
CopySourceSSECustomerAlgorithm *string
// Specifies the customer-provided encryption key for Amazon S3 to use to decrypt
// the source object. The encryption key provided in this header must be one that
// was used when the source object was created.
CopySourceSSECustomerKey *string
// Specifies the 128-bit MD5 digest of the encryption key according to RFC 1321.
// Amazon S3 uses this header for a message integrity check to ensure that the
// encryption key was transmitted without error.
CopySourceSSECustomerKeyMD5 *string
// The account ID of the expected destination bucket owner. If the destination
// bucket is owned by a different account, the request fails with the HTTP status
// code 403 Forbidden (access denied).
ExpectedBucketOwner *string
// The account ID of the expected source bucket owner. If the source bucket is
// owned by a different account, the request fails with the HTTP status code 403
// Forbidden (access denied).
ExpectedSourceBucketOwner *string
// Confirms that the requester knows that they will be charged for the request.
// Bucket owners need not specify this parameter in their requests. For information
// about downloading objects from Requester Pays buckets, see Downloading Objects
// in Requester Pays Buckets
// (
// in the Amazon S3 User Guide.
RequestPayer types.RequestPayer
// Specifies the algorithm to use to when encrypting the object (for example,
// AES256).
SSECustomerAlgorithm *string
// Specifies the customer-provided encryption key for Amazon S3 to use in
// encrypting data. This value is used to store the object and then it is
// discarded; Amazon S3 does not store the encryption key. The key must be
// appropriate for use with the algorithm specified in the
// x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm header. This must be the same
// encryption key specified in the initiate multipart upload request.
SSECustomerKey *string
// Specifies the 128-bit MD5 digest of the encryption key according to RFC 1321.
// Amazon S3 uses this header for a message integrity check to ensure that the
// encryption key was transmitted without error.
SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string
type UploadPartCopyOutput struct {
// Indicates whether the multipart upload uses an S3 Bucket Key for server-side
// encryption with Amazon Web Services KMS (SSE-KMS).
BucketKeyEnabled bool
// Container for all response elements.
CopyPartResult *types.CopyPartResult
// The version of the source object that was copied, if you have enabled versioning
// on the source bucket.
CopySourceVersionId *string
// If present, indicates that the requester was successfully charged for the
// request.
RequestCharged types.RequestCharged
// If server-side encryption with a customer-provided encryption key was requested,
// the response will include this header confirming the encryption algorithm used.
SSECustomerAlgorithm *string
// If server-side encryption with a customer-provided encryption key was requested,
// the response will include this header to provide round-trip message integrity
// verification of the customer-provided encryption key.
SSECustomerKeyMD5 *string
// If present, specifies the ID of the Amazon Web Services Key Management Service
// (Amazon Web Services KMS) symmetric customer managed key that was used for the
// object.
SSEKMSKeyId *string
// The server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in Amazon S3
// (for example, AES256, aws:kms).
ServerSideEncryption types.ServerSideEncryption
// Metadata pertaining to the operation's result.
ResultMetadata middleware.Metadata
func (c *Client) addOperationUploadPartCopyMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) {
err = stack.Serialize.Add(&awsRestxml_serializeOpUploadPartCopy{}, middleware.After)
if err != nil {
return err
err = stack.Deserialize.Add(&awsRestxml_deserializeOpUploadPartCopy{}, middleware.After)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil {
return err
if err = awsmiddleware.AddClientRequestIDMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
return err
if err = smithyhttp.AddComputeContentLengthMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
return err
if err = addResolveEndpointMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil {
return err
if err = v4.AddComputePayloadSHA256Middleware(stack); err != nil {
return err
if err = addRetryMiddlewares(stack, options); err != nil {
return err
if err = addHTTPSignerV4Middleware(stack, options); err != nil {
return err
if err = awsmiddleware.AddRawResponseToMetadata(stack); err != nil {
return err
if err = awsmiddleware.AddRecordResponseTiming(stack); err != nil {
return err
if err = addClientUserAgent(stack); err != nil {
return err
if err = smithyhttp.AddErrorCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
return err
if err = smithyhttp.AddCloseResponseBodyMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
return err
if err = swapWithCustomHTTPSignerMiddleware(stack, options); err != nil {
return err
if err = addOpUploadPartCopyValidationMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
return err
if err = stack.Initialize.Add(newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opUploadPartCopy(options.Region), middleware.Before); err != nil {
return err
if err = addMetadataRetrieverMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
return err
if err = addUploadPartCopyUpdateEndpoint(stack, options); err != nil {
return err
if err = addResponseErrorMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
return err
if err = v4.AddContentSHA256HeaderMiddleware(stack); err != nil {
return err
if err = disableAcceptEncodingGzip(stack); err != nil {
return err
if err = s3cust.HandleResponseErrorWith200Status(stack); err != nil {
return err
if err = addRequestResponseLogging(stack, options); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func newServiceMetadataMiddleware_opUploadPartCopy(region string) *awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata {
return &awsmiddleware.RegisterServiceMetadata{
Region: region,
ServiceID: ServiceID,
SigningName: "s3",
OperationName: "UploadPartCopy",
// getUploadPartCopyBucketMember returns a pointer to string denoting a provided
// bucket member valueand a boolean indicating if the input has a modeled bucket
// name,
func getUploadPartCopyBucketMember(input interface{}) (*string, bool) {
in := input.(*UploadPartCopyInput)
if in.Bucket == nil {
return nil, false
return in.Bucket, true
func addUploadPartCopyUpdateEndpoint(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) error {
return s3cust.UpdateEndpoint(stack, s3cust.UpdateEndpointOptions{
Accessor: s3cust.UpdateEndpointParameterAccessor{
GetBucketFromInput: getUploadPartCopyBucketMember,
UsePathStyle: options.UsePathStyle,
UseAccelerate: options.UseAccelerate,
SupportsAccelerate: true,
TargetS3ObjectLambda: false,
EndpointResolver: options.EndpointResolver,
EndpointResolverOptions: options.EndpointOptions,
UseARNRegion: options.UseARNRegion,
DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints: options.DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints,