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package wechatopen
import (
// Client 实例
type Client struct {
requestClient *gorequest.App // 请求服务
config struct {
componentAccessToken string // 第三方平台 access_token
componentVerifyTicket string // 微信后台推送的 ticket
preAuthCode string // 预授权码
authorizerAccessToken string // 接口调用令牌
authorizerRefreshToken string // 刷新令牌
authorizerAppid string // 授权方 appid
componentAppId string // 第三方平台appid
componentAppSecret string // 第三方平台app_secret
messageToken string
messageKey string
cache struct {
redisClient *dorm.RedisClient // 缓存数据库
log struct {
gormClient *dorm.GormClient // 日志数据库
gorm bool // 日志开关
logGormClient *golog.ApiClient // 日志服务
mongoClient *dorm.MongoClient // 日志数据库
mongo bool // 日志开关
logMongoClient *golog.ApiClient // 日志服务
// client *dorm.GormClient
type gormClientFun func() *dorm.GormClient
// client *dorm.MongoClient
// databaseName string
type mongoClientFun func() (*dorm.MongoClient, string)
// NewClient 创建实例化
// componentAppId 第三方平台appid
// componentAppSecret 第三方平台app_secret
// messageToken
// messageKey
// redisClient 缓存数据库
func NewClient(componentAppId, componentAppSecret, messageToken, messageKey string, redisClient *dorm.RedisClient, gormClientFun gormClientFun, mongoClientFun mongoClientFun, debug bool) (*Client, error) {
var err error
c := &Client{}
c.config.componentAppId = componentAppId
c.config.componentAppSecret = componentAppSecret
c.config.messageToken = messageToken
c.config.messageKey = messageKey
c.requestClient = gorequest.NewHttp()
gormClient := gormClientFun()
if gormClient.Db != nil {
c.log.logGormClient, err = golog.NewApiGormClient(func() (client *dorm.GormClient, tableName string) {
return gormClient, logTable
}, debug)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.log.gorm = true
c.log.gormClient = gormClient
mongoClient, databaseName := mongoClientFun()
if mongoClient.Db != nil {
c.log.logMongoClient, err = golog.NewApiMongoClient(func() (*dorm.MongoClient, string, string) {
return mongoClient, databaseName, logTable
}, debug)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.log.mongo = true
c.log.mongoClient = mongoClient
c.cache.redisClient = redisClient
return c, nil