You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

574 lines
15 KiB

2 years ago
// Copyright 2014 beego Author. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package orm
import (
const (
odCascade = "cascade"
odSetNULL = "set_null"
odSetDefault = "set_default"
odDoNothing = "do_nothing"
defaultStructTagName = "orm"
defaultStructTagDelim = ";"
var defaultModelCache = NewModelCacheHandler()
// model info collection
type modelCache struct {
sync.RWMutex // only used outsite for bootStrap
orders []string
cache map[string]*modelInfo
cacheByFullName map[string]*modelInfo
done bool
// NewModelCacheHandler generator of modelCache
func NewModelCacheHandler() *modelCache {
return &modelCache{
cache: make(map[string]*modelInfo),
cacheByFullName: make(map[string]*modelInfo),
// get all model info
func (mc *modelCache) all() map[string]*modelInfo {
m := make(map[string]*modelInfo, len(mc.cache))
for k, v := range mc.cache {
m[k] = v
return m
// get ordered model info
func (mc *modelCache) allOrdered() []*modelInfo {
m := make([]*modelInfo, 0, len(mc.orders))
for _, table := range mc.orders {
m = append(m, mc.cache[table])
return m
// get model info by table name
func (mc *modelCache) get(table string) (mi *modelInfo, ok bool) {
mi, ok = mc.cache[table]
// get model info by full name
func (mc *modelCache) getByFullName(name string) (mi *modelInfo, ok bool) {
mi, ok = mc.cacheByFullName[name]
func (mc *modelCache) getByMd(md interface{}) (*modelInfo, bool) {
val := reflect.ValueOf(md)
ind := reflect.Indirect(val)
typ := ind.Type()
name := getFullName(typ)
return mc.getByFullName(name)
// set model info to collection
func (mc *modelCache) set(table string, mi *modelInfo) *modelInfo {
mii := mc.cache[table]
mc.cache[table] = mi
mc.cacheByFullName[mi.fullName] = mi
if mii == nil {
mc.orders = append(mc.orders, table)
return mii
// clean all model info.
func (mc *modelCache) clean() {
defer mc.Unlock()
mc.orders = make([]string, 0)
mc.cache = make(map[string]*modelInfo)
mc.cacheByFullName = make(map[string]*modelInfo)
mc.done = false
// bootstrap bootstrap for models
func (mc *modelCache) bootstrap() {
defer mc.Unlock()
if mc.done {
var (
err error
models map[string]*modelInfo
if dataBaseCache.getDefault() == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("must have one register DataBase alias named `default`")
goto end
// set rel and reverse model
// RelManyToMany set the relTable
models = mc.all()
for _, mi := range models {
for _, fi := range mi.fields.columns {
if fi.rel || fi.reverse {
elm := fi.addrValue.Type().Elem()
if fi.fieldType == RelReverseMany || fi.fieldType == RelManyToMany {
elm = elm.Elem()
// check the rel or reverse model already register
name := getFullName(elm)
mii, ok := mc.getByFullName(name)
if !ok || mii.pkg != elm.PkgPath() {
err = fmt.Errorf("can not find rel in field `%s`, `%s` may be miss register", fi.fullName, elm.String())
goto end
fi.relModelInfo = mii
switch fi.fieldType {
case RelManyToMany:
if fi.relThrough != "" {
if i := strings.LastIndex(fi.relThrough, "."); i != -1 && len(fi.relThrough) > (i+1) {
pn := fi.relThrough[:i]
rmi, ok := mc.getByFullName(fi.relThrough)
if !ok || pn != rmi.pkg {
err = fmt.Errorf("field `%s` wrong rel_through value `%s` cannot find table", fi.fullName, fi.relThrough)
goto end
fi.relThroughModelInfo = rmi
fi.relTable = rmi.table
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("field `%s` wrong rel_through value `%s`", fi.fullName, fi.relThrough)
goto end
} else {
i := newM2MModelInfo(mi, mii)
if fi.relTable != "" {
i.table = fi.relTable
if v := mc.set(i.table, i); v != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("the rel table name `%s` already registered, cannot be use, please change one", fi.relTable)
goto end
fi.relTable = i.table
fi.relThroughModelInfo = i
fi.relThroughModelInfo.isThrough = true
// check the rel filed while the relModelInfo also has filed point to current model
// if not exist, add a new field to the relModelInfo
models = mc.all()
for _, mi := range models {
for _, fi := range mi.fields.fieldsRel {
switch fi.fieldType {
case RelForeignKey, RelOneToOne, RelManyToMany:
inModel := false
for _, ffi := range fi.relModelInfo.fields.fieldsReverse {
if ffi.relModelInfo == mi {
inModel = true
if !inModel {
rmi := fi.relModelInfo
ffi := new(fieldInfo) =
ffi.column =
ffi.fullName = rmi.fullName + "." +
ffi.reverse = true
ffi.relModelInfo = mi
ffi.mi = rmi
if fi.fieldType == RelOneToOne {
ffi.fieldType = RelReverseOne
} else {
ffi.fieldType = RelReverseMany
if !rmi.fields.Add(ffi) {
added := false
for cnt := 0; cnt < 5; cnt++ { = fmt.Sprintf("%s%d",, cnt)
ffi.column =
ffi.fullName = rmi.fullName + "." +
if added = rmi.fields.Add(ffi); added {
if !added {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot generate auto reverse field info `%s` to `%s`", fi.fullName, ffi.fullName))
models = mc.all()
for _, mi := range models {
for _, fi := range mi.fields.fieldsRel {
switch fi.fieldType {
case RelManyToMany:
for _, ffi := range fi.relThroughModelInfo.fields.fieldsRel {
switch ffi.fieldType {
case RelOneToOne, RelForeignKey:
if ffi.relModelInfo == fi.relModelInfo {
fi.reverseFieldInfoTwo = ffi
if ffi.relModelInfo == mi {
fi.reverseField =
fi.reverseFieldInfo = ffi
if fi.reverseFieldInfoTwo == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("can not find m2m field for m2m model `%s`, ensure your m2m model defined correct",
goto end
models = mc.all()
for _, mi := range models {
for _, fi := range mi.fields.fieldsReverse {
switch fi.fieldType {
case RelReverseOne:
found := false
for _, ffi := range fi.relModelInfo.fields.fieldsByType[RelOneToOne] {
if ffi.relModelInfo == mi {
found = true
fi.reverseField =
fi.reverseFieldInfo = ffi
ffi.reverseField =
ffi.reverseFieldInfo = fi
break mForA
if !found {
err = fmt.Errorf("reverse field `%s` not found in model `%s`", fi.fullName, fi.relModelInfo.fullName)
goto end
case RelReverseMany:
found := false
for _, ffi := range fi.relModelInfo.fields.fieldsByType[RelForeignKey] {
if ffi.relModelInfo == mi {
found = true
fi.reverseField =
fi.reverseFieldInfo = ffi
ffi.reverseField =
ffi.reverseFieldInfo = fi
break mForB
if !found {
for _, ffi := range fi.relModelInfo.fields.fieldsByType[RelManyToMany] {
conditions := fi.relThrough != "" && fi.relThrough == ffi.relThrough ||
fi.relTable != "" && fi.relTable == ffi.relTable ||
fi.relThrough == "" && fi.relTable == ""
if ffi.relModelInfo == mi && conditions {
found = true
fi.reverseField =
fi.reverseFieldInfo = ffi.reverseFieldInfoTwo
fi.relThroughModelInfo = ffi.relThroughModelInfo
fi.reverseFieldInfoTwo = ffi.reverseFieldInfo
fi.reverseFieldInfoM2M = ffi
ffi.reverseFieldInfoM2M = fi
break mForC
if !found {
err = fmt.Errorf("reverse field for `%s` not found in model `%s`", fi.fullName, fi.relModelInfo.fullName)
goto end
if err != nil {
mc.done = true
// register register models to model cache
func (mc *modelCache) register(prefixOrSuffixStr string, prefixOrSuffix bool, models ...interface{}) (err error) {
for _, model := range models {
val := reflect.ValueOf(model)
typ := reflect.Indirect(val).Type()
if val.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
err = fmt.Errorf("<orm.RegisterModel> cannot use non-ptr model struct `%s`", getFullName(typ))
// For this case:
// u := &User{}
// registerModel(&u)
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
err = fmt.Errorf("<orm.RegisterModel> only allow ptr model struct, it looks you use two reference to the struct `%s`", typ)
if val.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Slice {
val = reflect.New(val.Elem().Type().Elem())
table := getTableName(val)
if prefixOrSuffixStr != "" {
if prefixOrSuffix {
table = prefixOrSuffixStr + table
} else {
table = table + prefixOrSuffixStr
// models's fullname is pkgpath + struct name
name := getFullName(typ)
if _, ok := mc.getByFullName(name); ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("<orm.RegisterModel> model `%s` repeat register, must be unique\n", name)
if _, ok := mc.get(table); ok {
return nil
mi := newModelInfo(val)
if == nil {
for _, fi := range mi.fields.fieldsDB {
if strings.ToLower( == "id" {
switch fi.addrValue.Elem().Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: = true = true = fi
break outFor
mi.table = table
mi.pkg = typ.PkgPath()
mi.model = model
mi.manual = true
mc.set(table, mi)
// getDbDropSQL get database scheme drop sql queries
func (mc *modelCache) getDbDropSQL(al *alias) (queries []string, err error) {
if len(mc.cache) == 0 {
err = errors.New("no Model found, need register your model")
Q := al.DbBaser.TableQuote()
for _, mi := range mc.allOrdered() {
queries = append(queries, fmt.Sprintf(`DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s%s%s`, Q, mi.table, Q))
return queries, nil
// getDbCreateSQL get database scheme creation sql queries
func (mc *modelCache) getDbCreateSQL(al *alias) (queries []string, tableIndexes map[string][]dbIndex, err error) {
if len(mc.cache) == 0 {
err = errors.New("no Model found, need register your model")
Q := al.DbBaser.TableQuote()
T := al.DbBaser.DbTypes()
sep := fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", Q, Q)
tableIndexes = make(map[string][]dbIndex)
for _, mi := range mc.allOrdered() {
sql := fmt.Sprintf("-- %s\n", strings.Repeat("-", 50))
sql += fmt.Sprintf("-- Table Structure for `%s`\n", mi.fullName)
sql += fmt.Sprintf("-- %s\n", strings.Repeat("-", 50))
sql += fmt.Sprintf("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s%s%s (\n", Q, mi.table, Q)
columns := make([]string, 0, len(mi.fields.fieldsDB))
sqlIndexes := [][]string{}
var commentIndexes []int // store comment indexes for postgres
for i, fi := range mi.fields.fieldsDB {
column := fmt.Sprintf(" %s%s%s ", Q, fi.column, Q)
col := getColumnTyp(al, fi)
if {
switch al.Driver {
case DRSqlite, DRPostgres:
column += T["auto"]
column += col + " " + T["auto"]
} else if {
column += col + " " + T["pk"]
} else {
column += col
if !fi.null {
column += " " + "NOT NULL"
// if fi.initial.String() != "" {
// column += " DEFAULT " + fi.initial.String()
// }
// Append attribute DEFAULT
column += getColumnDefault(fi)
if fi.unique {
column += " " + "UNIQUE"
if fi.index {
sqlIndexes = append(sqlIndexes, []string{fi.column})
if strings.Contains(column, "%COL%") {
column = strings.Replace(column, "%COL%", fi.column, -1)
if fi.description != "" && al.Driver != DRSqlite {
if al.Driver == DRPostgres {
commentIndexes = append(commentIndexes, i)
} else {
column += " " + fmt.Sprintf("COMMENT '%s'", fi.description)
columns = append(columns, column)
if mi.model != nil {
allnames := getTableUnique(mi.addrField)
if !mi.manual && len(mi.uniques) > 0 {
allnames = append(allnames, mi.uniques)
for _, names := range allnames {
cols := make([]string, 0, len(names))
for _, name := range names {
if fi, ok := mi.fields.GetByAny(name); ok && fi.dbcol {
cols = append(cols, fi.column)
} else {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot found column `%s` when parse UNIQUE in `%s.TableUnique`", name, mi.fullName))
column := fmt.Sprintf(" UNIQUE (%s%s%s)", Q, strings.Join(cols, sep), Q)
columns = append(columns, column)
sql += strings.Join(columns, ",\n")
sql += "\n)"
if al.Driver == DRMySQL {
var engine string
if mi.model != nil {
engine = getTableEngine(mi.addrField)
if engine == "" {
engine = al.Engine
sql += " ENGINE=" + engine
sql += ";"
if al.Driver == DRPostgres && len(commentIndexes) > 0 {
// append comments for postgres only
for _, index := range commentIndexes {
sql += fmt.Sprintf("\nCOMMENT ON COLUMN %s%s%s.%s%s%s is '%s';",
queries = append(queries, sql)
if mi.model != nil {
for _, names := range getTableIndex(mi.addrField) {
cols := make([]string, 0, len(names))
for _, name := range names {
if fi, ok := mi.fields.GetByAny(name); ok && fi.dbcol {
cols = append(cols, fi.column)
} else {
panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot found column `%s` when parse INDEX in `%s.TableIndex`", name, mi.fullName))
sqlIndexes = append(sqlIndexes, cols)
for _, names := range sqlIndexes {
name := mi.table + "_" + strings.Join(names, "_")
cols := strings.Join(names, sep)
sql := fmt.Sprintf("CREATE INDEX %s%s%s ON %s%s%s (%s%s%s);", Q, name, Q, Q, mi.table, Q, Q, cols, Q)
index := dbIndex{}
index.Table = mi.table
index.Name = name
index.SQL = sql
tableIndexes[mi.table] = append(tableIndexes[mi.table], index)
// ResetModelCache Clean model cache. Then you can re-RegisterModel.
// Common use this api for test case.
func ResetModelCache() {