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# Mongo Go Models
The Mongo ODM for Go
- [Features](#features)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Bugs / Feature Requests](#bugs--feature-request)
- [Communicate With Us](#communicate-with-us)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)
## Features
- Define your models and perform CRUD operations with hooks before/after each operation.
- `mgm` makes Mongo search and aggregation super easy to do in Golang.
- Just set up your configs once and get collections anywhere you need them.
- `mgm` predefines all Mongo operators and keys, so you don't have to hardcode them yourself.
- `mgm` wraps the official Mongo Go Driver.
## Requirements
- Go 1.10 or higher.
- MongoDB 2.6 and higher.
## Installation
__Important Note__: We changed the package name from
`` (uppercase `Kamva`)
to `` (lowercase `kamva`) starting with version 3.1.0.
go get
## Usage
To get started, import the `mgm` package and setup the default config:
import (
func init() {
// Setup the mgm default config
err := mgm.SetDefaultConfig(nil, "mgm_lab", options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://root:12345@localhost:27017"))
Define your model:
type Book struct {
// DefaultModel adds _id, created_at and updated_at fields to the Model
mgm.DefaultModel `bson:",inline"`
Name string `json:"name" bson:"name"`
Pages int `json:"pages" bson:"pages"`
func NewBook(name string, pages int) *Book {
return &Book{
Name: name,
Pages: pages,
Insert new document:
book := NewBook("Pride and Prejudice", 345)
// Make sure to pass the model by reference.
err := mgm.Coll(book).Create(book)
Find one document
// Get the document's collection
book := &Book{}
coll := mgm.Coll(book)
// Find and decode the doc to a book model.
_ = coll.FindByID("5e0518aa8f1a52b0b9410ee3", book)
// Get the first doc of the collection
_ = coll.First(bson.M{}, book)
// Get the first doc of a collection using a filter
_ = coll.First(bson.M{"pages":400}, book)
Update a document
// Find your book
book := findMyFavoriteBook()
// and update it
book.Name = "Moulin Rouge!"
err := mgm.Coll(book).Update(book)
Delete a document
// Just find and delete your document
err := mgm.Coll(book).Delete(book)
Find and decode a result:
result := []Book{}
err := mgm.Coll(&Book{}).SimpleFind(&result, bson.M{"pages": bson.M{operator.Gt: 24}})
### A Model's Default Fields
Each model by default (by using `DefaultModel` struct) has
the following fields:
- `_id` : The document ID.
- `created_at`: The creation date of a doc. When saving a new doc, this is automatically populated by the `Creating` hook.
- `updated_at`: The last updated date of a doc. When saving a doc, this is automatically populated by the `Saving` hook.
### A Model's Hooks
Each model has the following hooks:
- `Creating`: Called when creating a new model.
Signature : `Creating(context.Context) error`
- `Created`: Called after a new model is created.
Signature : `Created(context.Context) error`
- `Updating`: Called when updating model.
Signature : `Updating(context.Context) error`
- `Updated` : Called after a model is updated.
Signature : `Updated(ctx context.Context, result *mongo.UpdateResult) error`
- `Saving`: Called when creating or updating a model.
Signature : `Saving(context.Context) error`
- `Saved`: Called after a model is created or updated.
Signature: `Saved(context.Context) error`
- `Deleting`: Called when deleting a model.
Signature: `Deleting(context.Context) error`
- `Deleted`: Called after a model is deleted.
Signature: `Deleted(ctx context.Context, result *mongo.DeleteResult) error`
**Notes about hooks**:
- Each model by default uses the `Creating` and `Saving` hooks, so if you want to define those hooks yourself, remember to invoke the `DefaultModel` hooks from your own hooks.
- Collection methods that call these hooks:
- `Create` & `CreateWithCtx`
- `Update` & `UpdateWithCtx`
- `Delete` & `DeleteWithCtx`
func (model *Book) Creating(ctx context.Context) error {
// Call the DefaultModel Creating hook
if err := model.DefaultModel.Creating(ctx); err!=nil {
return err
// We can validate the fields of a model and return an error to prevent a document's insertion.
if model.Pages < 1 {
return errors.New("book must have at least one page")
return nil
### Configuration
The `mgm` default configuration has a context timeout:
func init() {
_ = mgm.SetDefaultConfig(&mgm.Config{CtxTimeout:12 * time.Second}, "mgm_lab", options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://root:12345@localhost:27017"))
// To get the context, just call the Ctx() method, assign it to a variable
ctx := mgm.Ctx()
// and use it
coll := mgm.Coll(&Book{})
coll.FindOne(ctx, bson.M{})
// Or invoke Ctx() and use it directly
coll.FindOne(mgm.Ctx(), bson.M{})
### Collections
Get a model's collection:
coll := mgm.Coll(&Book{})
// Do something with the collection
`mgm` automatically detects the name of a model's collection:
book := Book{}
// Print your model's collection name.
collName := mgm.CollName(&book)
fmt.Println(collName) // output: books
You can also set a custom collection name for your model by implementing the `CollectionNameGetter` interface:
func (model *Book) CollectionName() string {
return "my_books"
// mgm returns the "my_books" collection
coll := mgm.Coll(&Book{})
Get a collection by its name (without needing to define a model for it):
coll := mgm.CollectionByName("my_coll")
// Do Aggregation, etc. with the collection
Customize the model db by implementing the `CollectionGetter`
func (model *Book) Collection() *mgm.Collection {
// Get default connection client
_, client, _, err := mgm.DefaultConfigs()
if err != nil {
db := client.Database("another_db")
return mgm.NewCollection(db, "my_collection")
Or return a model's collection from another connection:
func (model *Book) Collection() *mgm.Collection {
// Create new client
client, err := mgm.NewClient(options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://root:12345@localhost:27017"))
if err != nil {
// Get the model's db
db := client.Database("my_second_db")
// return the model's custom collection
return mgm.NewCollection(db, "my_collection")
### Aggregation
While we can use Mongo Go Driver Aggregate features, `mgm` also
provides simpler methods to perform aggregations:
Run an aggregation and decode the result:
authorCollName := mgm.Coll(&Author{}).Name()
result := []Book{}
// Lookup with just a single line of code
_ := mgm.Coll(&Book{}).SimpleAggregate(&result, builder.Lookup(authorCollName, "auth_id", "_id", "author"))
// Multi stage (mix of mgm builders and raw stages)
_ := mgm.Coll(&Book{}).SimpleAggregate(&result,
builder.Lookup(authorCollName, "auth_id", "_id", "author"),
M{operator.Project: M{"pages": 0}},
// Do something with result...
Do aggregations using the mongo Aggregation method:
import (
. ""
// The Author model collection
authorColl := mgm.Coll(&Author{})
cur, err := mgm.Coll(&Book{}).Aggregate(mgm.Ctx(), A{
// The S function accepts operators as parameters and returns a bson.M type.
builder.S(builder.Lookup(authorColl.Name(), "author_id", field.Id, "author")),
A more complex example and mixes with mongo raw pipelines:
import (
. ""
// Author model collection
authorColl := mgm.Coll(&Author{})
_, err := mgm.Coll(&Book{}).Aggregate(mgm.Ctx(), A{
// S function get operators and return bson.M type.
builder.S(builder.Lookup(authorColl.Name(), "author_id", field.Id, "author")),
builder.S(builder.Group("pages", M{"books": M{operator.Push: M{"name": "$name", "author": "$author"}}})),
M{operator.Unwind: "$books"},
if err != nil {
### Transactions
- To run a transaction on the default connection use the `mgm.Transaction()` function, e.g:
d := &Doc{Name: "Mehran", Age: 10}
err := mgm.Transaction(func(session mongo.Session, sc mongo.SessionContext) error {
// do not forget to pass the session's context to the collection methods.
err := mgm.Coll(d).CreateWithCtx(sc, d)
if err != nil {
return err
return session.CommitTransaction(sc)
- To run a transaction with your own context, use the `mgm.TransactionWithCtx()` method.
- To run a transaction on another connection, use the `mgm.TransactionWithClient()` method.
## Other Mongo Go Models Packages
**We implemented these packages to simplify queries and aggregations in mongo**
`builder`: simplify mongo queries and aggregations.
`operator` : contains mongo operators as predefined variables.
(e.g `Eq = "$eq"` , `Gt = "$gt"`)
`field` : contains mongo fields used in aggregations and ... as predefined variable.
(e.g `LocalField = "localField"`, `ForeignField = "foreignField"`)
import (
f ""
o ""
// Instead of hard-coding mongo operators and fields
_, _ = mgm.Coll(&Book{}).Aggregate(mgm.Ctx(), bson.A{
bson.M{"$count": ""},
bson.M{"$project": bson.M{"_id": 0}},
// Use the predefined operators and pipeline fields.
_, _ = mgm.Coll(&Book{}).Aggregate(mgm.Ctx(), bson.A{
bson.M{o.Count: ""},
bson.M{o.Project: bson.M{f.Id: 0}},
## Bugs / Feature request
New features can be requested and bugs can be reported on [Github issue tracker](
## Communicate With Us
* Create new topic at [mongo-go-models Google Group](!forum/mongo-go-models)
* Ask your question or request new feature by creating an issue at [Github issue tracker](
## Contributing
[![Open in Gitpod](](
1. Fork the repository
1. Clone your fork (`git clone<your_username>/mgm && cd mgm`)
1. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
1. Make changes and add them (`git add .`)
1. Commit your changes (`git commit -m 'Add some feature'`)
1. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
1. Create new pull request
## License
Mongo Go Models is released under the [Apache License](