- update wechatopen

李光春 1 year ago
parent c238ba648a
commit 470f5dba37

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ require (
github.com/basgys/goxml2json v1.1.0 github.com/basgys/goxml2json v1.1.0
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github.com/go-co-op/gocron v1.25.0 github.com/go-co-op/gocron v1.26.0
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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ require (
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@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ require (
go.uber.org/multierr v1.11.0 // indirect go.uber.org/multierr v1.11.0 // indirect
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@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ github.com/gin-contrib/sse v0.1.0 h1:Y/yl/+YNO8GZSjAhjMsSuLt29uWRFHdHYUb5lYOV9qE
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github.com/gin-gonic/gin v1.9.0 h1:OjyFBKICoexlu99ctXNR2gg+c5pKrKMuyjgARg9qeY8= github.com/gin-gonic/gin v1.9.0 h1:OjyFBKICoexlu99ctXNR2gg+c5pKrKMuyjgARg9qeY8=
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golang.org/x/crypto v0.1.0/go.mod h1:RecgLatLF4+eUMCP1PoPZQb+cVrJcOPbHkTkbkB9sbw= golang.org/x/crypto v0.1.0/go.mod h1:RecgLatLF4+eUMCP1PoPZQb+cVrJcOPbHkTkbkB9sbw=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.6.0/go.mod h1:OFC/31mSvZgRz0V1QTNCzfAI1aIRzbiufJtkMIlEp58= golang.org/x/crypto v0.6.0/go.mod h1:OFC/31mSvZgRz0V1QTNCzfAI1aIRzbiufJtkMIlEp58=
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@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20201126162022-7de9c90e9dd1/go.mod h1:bj7SfCRtBDWHUb9sn
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golang.org/x/term v0.1.0/go.mod h1:jbD1KX2456YbFQfuXm/mYQcufACuNUgVhRMnK/tPxf8= golang.org/x/term v0.1.0/go.mod h1:jbD1KX2456YbFQfuXm/mYQcufACuNUgVhRMnK/tPxf8=
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golang.org/x/term v0.7.0 h1:BEvjmm5fURWqcfbSKTdpkDXYBrUS1c0m8agp14W48vQ= golang.org/x/term v0.8.0 h1:n5xxQn2i3PC0yLAbjTpNT85q/Kgzcr2gIoX9OrJUols=
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golang.org/x/tools v0.8.0 h1:vSDcovVPld282ceKgDimkRSC8kpaH1dgyc9UMzlt84Y= golang.org/x/tools v0.9.1 h1:8WMNJAz3zrtPmnYC7ISf5dEn3MT0gY7jBJfw27yrrLo=
golang.org/x/tools v0.8.0/go.mod h1:JxBZ99ISMI5ViVkT1tr6tdNmXeTrcpVSD3vZ1RsRdN4= golang.org/x/tools v0.9.1/go.mod h1:owI94Op576fPu3cIGQeHs3joujW/2Oc6MtlxbF5dfNc=
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golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20190717185122-a985d3407aa7/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0= golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20190717185122-a985d3407aa7/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0=

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
package go_library package go_library
func Version() string { func Version() string {
return "1.0.139" return "1.0.140"
} }

@ -25,10 +25,6 @@ func newWxaDeleteTemplateResult(result WxaDeleteTemplateResponse, body []byte, h
// WxaDeleteTemplate 删除指定代码模板 // WxaDeleteTemplate 删除指定代码模板
// https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/oplatform/Third-party_Platforms/2.0/api/ThirdParty/code_template/deletetemplate.html // https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/oplatform/Third-party_Platforms/2.0/api/ThirdParty/code_template/deletetemplate.html
func (c *Client) WxaDeleteTemplate(ctx context.Context, templateId string, notMustParams ...gorequest.Params) (*WxaDeleteTemplateResult, error) { func (c *Client) WxaDeleteTemplate(ctx context.Context, templateId string, notMustParams ...gorequest.Params) (*WxaDeleteTemplateResult, error) {
// 检查
if err := c.checkAuthorizerConfig(ctx); err != nil {
return newWxaDeleteTemplateResult(WxaDeleteTemplateResponse{}, []byte{}, gorequest.Response{}), err
// 参数 // 参数
params := gorequest.NewParamsWith(notMustParams...) params := gorequest.NewParamsWith(notMustParams...)
params.Set("template_id", templateId) params.Set("template_id", templateId)

@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ s.Every(2).MonthLastDay().Do(func(){ ... })
// cron expressions supported // cron expressions supported
s.Cron("*/1 * * * *").Do(task) // every minute s.Cron("*/1 * * * *").Do(task) // every minute
// cron second-level expressions supported
s.CronWithSeconds("*/1 * * * * *").Do(task) // every second
// you can start running the scheduler in two different ways: // you can start running the scheduler in two different ways:
// starts the scheduler asynchronously // starts the scheduler asynchronously
s.StartAsync() s.StartAsync()
@ -85,16 +88,16 @@ For more examples, take a look in our [go docs](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/go
There are several options available to restrict how jobs run: There are several options available to restrict how jobs run:
| Mode | Function | Behavior | | Mode | Function | Behavior |
|----------------------------|---------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------|---------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| Default | | jobs are rescheduled at every interval | | Default | | jobs are rescheduled at every interval |
| Job singleton | `SingletonMode()` | a long running job will not be rescheduled until the current run is completed | | Job singleton | `SingletonMode()` | a long running job will not be rescheduled until the current run is completed |
| Scheduler limit | `SetMaxConcurrentJobs()` | set a collective maximum number of concurrent jobs running across the scheduler | | Scheduler limit | `SetMaxConcurrentJobs()` | set a collective maximum number of concurrent jobs running across the scheduler |
| Distributed locking (BETA) | `WithDistributedLocker()` | prevents the same job from being run more than once when running multiple instances of the scheduler | | Distributed locking | `WithDistributedLocker()` | prevents the same job from being run more than once when running multiple instances of the scheduler |
## Distributed Locker Implementations ## Distributed Locker Implementations
- Redis: [redis.go](lockers/redislock/redislock.go) `go get github.com/go-co-op/gocron/lockers/redislock` - Redis: [redislock](lockers/redislock/README.md) `go get github.com/go-co-op/gocron/lockers/redislock`
## Tags ## Tags
@ -122,8 +125,8 @@ s.RunByTag("tag")
- Q: I'm running multiple pods on a distributed environment. How can I make a job not run once per pod causing duplication? - Q: I'm running multiple pods on a distributed environment. How can I make a job not run once per pod causing duplication?
- We recommend using your own lock solution within the jobs themselves (you could use [Redis](https://redis.io/topics/distlock), for example) - We recommend using your own lock solution within the jobs themselves (you could use [Redis](https://redis.io/topics/distlock), for example)
- A2: Currently in BETA (please provide feedback): Use the scheduler option `WithDistributedLocker` and either use an implemented backend - A2: Use the scheduler option `WithDistributedLocker` and either use an implemented [backend](lockers)
or implement your own and contribute it back in a PR (we hope)! or implement your own and contribute it back in a PR!
- Q: I've removed my job from the scheduler, but how can I stop a long-running job that has already been triggered? - Q: I've removed my job from the scheduler, but how can I stop a long-running job that has already been triggered?
- A: We recommend using a means of canceling your job, e.g. a `context.WithCancel()`. - A: We recommend using a means of canceling your job, e.g. a `context.WithCancel()`.

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
version: "3.8"
image: redis:6.2-alpine

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ type executor struct {
limitModeFuncsRunning *atomic.Int64 // tracks the count of limited mode funcs running limitModeFuncsRunning *atomic.Int64 // tracks the count of limited mode funcs running
limitModeFuncWg *sync.WaitGroup // allow the executor to wait for limit mode functions to wrap up limitModeFuncWg *sync.WaitGroup // allow the executor to wait for limit mode functions to wrap up
limitModeQueue chan jobFunction // pass job functions to the limit mode workers limitModeQueue chan jobFunction // pass job functions to the limit mode workers
limitModeQueueMu *sync.Mutex // for protecting the limitModeQueue
limitModeRunningJobs *atomic.Int64 // tracks the count of running jobs to check against the max limitModeRunningJobs *atomic.Int64 // tracks the count of running jobs to check against the max
stopped *atomic.Bool // allow workers to drain the buffered limitModeQueue stopped *atomic.Bool // allow workers to drain the buffered limitModeQueue
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ func newExecutor() executor {
limitModeFuncsRunning: &atomic.Int64{}, limitModeFuncsRunning: &atomic.Int64{},
limitModeFuncWg: &sync.WaitGroup{}, limitModeFuncWg: &sync.WaitGroup{},
limitModeRunningJobs: &atomic.Int64{}, limitModeRunningJobs: &atomic.Int64{},
limitModeQueue: make(chan jobFunction, 1000), limitModeQueueMu: &sync.Mutex{},
} }
return e return e
} }
@ -96,7 +97,6 @@ func (jf *jobFunction) singletonRunner() {
} }
func (e *executor) limitModeRunner() { func (e *executor) limitModeRunner() {
for { for {
select { select {
case <-e.ctx.Done(): case <-e.ctx.Done():
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ func (e *executor) limitModeRunner() {
return return
case jf := <-e.limitModeQueue: case jf := <-e.limitModeQueue:
if !e.stopped.Load() { if !e.stopped.Load() {
runJob(jf) e.runJob(jf)
} }
} }
} }
@ -122,9 +122,48 @@ func (e *executor) start() {
e.jobsWg = &sync.WaitGroup{} e.jobsWg = &sync.WaitGroup{}
e.stopped = &atomic.Bool{} e.stopped = &atomic.Bool{}
e.limitModeQueue = make(chan jobFunction, 1000)
go e.run() go e.run()
} }
func (e *executor) runJob(f jobFunction) {
switch f.runConfig.mode {
case defaultMode:
lockKey := f.jobName
if lockKey == "" {
lockKey = f.funcName
if e.distributedLocker != nil {
l, err := e.distributedLocker.Lock(f.ctx, lockKey)
if err != nil || l == nil {
defer func() {
durationToNextRun := time.Until(f.jobFuncNextRun)
if durationToNextRun > time.Second*5 {
durationToNextRun = time.Second * 5
if durationToNextRun > time.Millisecond*100 {
timeToSleep := time.Duration(float64(durationToNextRun) * 0.9)
_ = l.Unlock(f.ctx)
case singletonMode:
e.singletonWgs.Store(f.singletonWg, struct{}{})
if !f.singletonRunnerOn.Load() {
go f.singletonRunner()
f.singletonQueue <- struct{}{}
func (e *executor) run() { func (e *executor) run() {
for { for {
select { select {
@ -138,6 +177,7 @@ func (e *executor) run() {
if countRunning < int64(e.limitModeMaxRunningJobs) { if countRunning < int64(e.limitModeMaxRunningJobs) {
diff := int64(e.limitModeMaxRunningJobs) - countRunning diff := int64(e.limitModeMaxRunningJobs) - countRunning
for i := int64(0); i < diff; i++ { for i := int64(0); i < diff; i++ {
go e.limitModeRunner() go e.limitModeRunner()
e.limitModeFuncsRunning.Add(1) e.limitModeFuncsRunning.Add(1)
} }
@ -154,7 +194,7 @@ func (e *executor) run() {
if panicHandler != nil { if panicHandler != nil {
defer func() { defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != any(nil) { if r := recover(); r != any(nil) {
panicHandler(f.name, r) panicHandler(f.funcName, r)
} }
}() }()
} }
@ -163,42 +203,21 @@ func (e *executor) run() {
switch e.limitMode { switch e.limitMode {
case RescheduleMode: case RescheduleMode:
if e.limitModeRunningJobs.Load() < int64(e.limitModeMaxRunningJobs) { if e.limitModeRunningJobs.Load() < int64(e.limitModeMaxRunningJobs) {
e.limitModeQueue <- f select {
case e.limitModeQueue <- f:
case <-e.ctx.Done():
} }
case WaitMode: case WaitMode:
e.limitModeQueue <- f select {
case e.limitModeQueue <- f:
case <-e.ctx.Done():
} }
return return
} }
switch f.runConfig.mode { e.runJob(f)
case defaultMode:
if e.distributedLocker != nil {
l, err := e.distributedLocker.Lock(f.ctx, f.name)
if err != nil || l == nil {
defer func() {
durationToNextRun := time.Until(f.jobFuncNextRun)
if durationToNextRun > time.Second*5 {
durationToNextRun = time.Second * 5
if durationToNextRun > time.Millisecond*100 {
timeToSleep := time.Duration(float64(durationToNextRun) * 0.9)
_ = l.Unlock(f.ctx)
case singletonMode:
e.singletonWgs.Store(f.singletonWg, struct{}{})
if !f.singletonRunnerOn.Load() {
go f.singletonRunner()
f.singletonQueue <- struct{}{}
}() }()
case <-e.ctx.Done(): case <-e.ctx.Done():
e.jobsWg.Wait() e.jobsWg.Wait()
@ -222,5 +241,8 @@ func (e *executor) stop() {
} }
if e.limitModeMaxRunningJobs > 0 { if e.limitModeMaxRunningJobs > 0 {
e.limitModeFuncWg.Wait() e.limitModeFuncWg.Wait()
e.limitModeQueue = nil
} }
} }

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ var (
// SetPanicHandler sets the global panicHandler to the given function. // SetPanicHandler sets the global panicHandler to the given function.
// Leaving it nil or setting it to nil disables automatic panic handling. // Leaving it nil or setting it to nil disables automatic panic handling.
// If the panicHandler is not nil, any panic that occurs during executing a job will be recovered // If the panicHandler is not nil, any panic that occurs during executing a job will be recovered
// and the panicHandlerFunc will be called with the job's name and the recover data. // and the panicHandlerFunc will be called with the job's funcName and the recover data.
func SetPanicHandler(handler PanicHandlerFunc) { func SetPanicHandler(handler PanicHandlerFunc) {
panicHandlerMutex.Lock() panicHandlerMutex.Lock()
defer panicHandlerMutex.Unlock() defer panicHandlerMutex.Unlock()

@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ type jobFunction struct {
function any // task's function function any // task's function
parameters []any // task's function parameters parameters []any // task's function parameters
parametersLen int // length of the passed parameters parametersLen int // length of the passed parameters
name string // nolint the function name to run jobName string // key of the distributed lock
funcName string // the name of the function - e.g. main.func1
runConfig runConfig // configuration for how many times to run the job runConfig runConfig // configuration for how many times to run the job
singletonQueue chan struct{} // queues jobs for the singleton runner to handle singletonQueue chan struct{} // queues jobs for the singleton runner to handle
singletonRunnerOn *atomic.Bool // whether the runner function for singleton is running singletonRunnerOn *atomic.Bool // whether the runner function for singleton is running
@ -74,7 +75,8 @@ func (jf *jobFunction) copy() jobFunction {
function: jf.function, function: jf.function,
parameters: nil, parameters: nil,
parametersLen: jf.parametersLen, parametersLen: jf.parametersLen,
name: jf.name, funcName: jf.funcName,
jobName: jf.jobName,
runConfig: jf.runConfig, runConfig: jf.runConfig,
singletonQueue: jf.singletonQueue, singletonQueue: jf.singletonQueue,
ctx: jf.ctx, ctx: jf.ctx,
@ -135,6 +137,16 @@ func newJob(interval int, startImmediately bool, singletonMode bool) *Job {
return job return job
} }
// Name sets the name of the current job.
// If the scheduler is running using WithDistributedLocker(),
// the job name is used as the distributed lock key.
func (j *Job) Name(name string) {
defer j.mu.Unlock()
j.jobName = name
func (j *Job) setRandomInterval(a, b int) { func (j *Job) setRandomInterval(a, b int) {
j.random.rand = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) // nolint j.random.rand = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) // nolint

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
"sort" "sort"
"strings" "strings"
"sync" "sync"
"time" "time"
"github.com/robfig/cron/v3" "github.com/robfig/cron/v3"
@ -22,8 +23,7 @@ type Scheduler struct {
locationMutex sync.RWMutex locationMutex sync.RWMutex
location *time.Location location *time.Location
runningMutex sync.RWMutex running *atomic.Bool // represents if the scheduler is running at the moment or not
running bool // represents if the scheduler is running at the moment or not
time TimeWrapper // wrapper around time.Time time TimeWrapper // wrapper around time.Time
timer func(d time.Duration, f func()) *time.Timer timer func(d time.Duration, f func()) *time.Timer
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ func NewScheduler(loc *time.Location) *Scheduler {
return &Scheduler{ return &Scheduler{
jobs: make([]*Job, 0), jobs: make([]*Job, 0),
location: loc, location: loc,
running: false, running: &atomic.Bool{},
time: &trueTime{}, time: &trueTime{},
executor: &executor, executor: &executor,
tagsUnique: false, tagsUnique: false,
@ -82,7 +82,12 @@ func (s *Scheduler) StartBlocking() {
s.startBlockingStopChanMutex.Lock() s.startBlockingStopChanMutex.Lock()
s.startBlockingStopChan = make(chan struct{}, 1) s.startBlockingStopChan = make(chan struct{}, 1)
s.startBlockingStopChanMutex.Unlock() s.startBlockingStopChanMutex.Unlock()
<-s.startBlockingStopChan <-s.startBlockingStopChan
s.startBlockingStopChan = nil
} }
// StartAsync starts all jobs without blocking the current thread // StartAsync starts all jobs without blocking the current thread
@ -111,16 +116,12 @@ func (s *Scheduler) runJobs(jobs []*Job) {
} }
func (s *Scheduler) setRunning(b bool) { func (s *Scheduler) setRunning(b bool) {
s.runningMutex.Lock() s.running.Store(b)
defer s.runningMutex.Unlock()
s.running = b
} }
// IsRunning returns true if the scheduler is running // IsRunning returns true if the scheduler is running
func (s *Scheduler) IsRunning() bool { func (s *Scheduler) IsRunning() bool {
s.runningMutex.RLock() return s.running.Load()
defer s.runningMutex.RUnlock()
return s.running
} }
// Jobs returns the list of Jobs from the Scheduler // Jobs returns the list of Jobs from the Scheduler
@ -130,6 +131,16 @@ func (s *Scheduler) Jobs() []*Job {
return s.jobs return s.jobs
} }
// Name sets the name of the current job.
// If the scheduler is running using WithDistributedLocker(), the job name is used
// as the distributed lock key.
func (s *Scheduler) Name(name string) *Scheduler {
job := s.getCurrentJob()
job.jobName = name
return s
func (s *Scheduler) setJobs(jobs []*Job) { func (s *Scheduler) setJobs(jobs []*Job) {
s.jobsMutex.Lock() s.jobsMutex.Lock()
defer s.jobsMutex.Unlock() defer s.jobsMutex.Unlock()
@ -662,7 +673,7 @@ func (s *Scheduler) Remove(job any) {
j := s.findJobByTaskName(fName) j := s.findJobByTaskName(fName)
s.removeJobsUniqueTags(j) s.removeJobsUniqueTags(j)
s.removeByCondition(func(someJob *Job) bool { s.removeByCondition(func(someJob *Job) bool {
return someJob.name == fName return someJob.funcName == fName
}) })
} }
@ -678,7 +689,7 @@ func (s *Scheduler) RemoveByReference(job *Job) {
func (s *Scheduler) findJobByTaskName(name string) *Job { func (s *Scheduler) findJobByTaskName(name string) *Job {
for _, job := range s.Jobs() { for _, job := range s.Jobs() {
if job.name == name { if job.funcName == name {
return job return job
} }
} }
@ -824,7 +835,7 @@ func (s *Scheduler) SingletonModeAll() {
// TaskPresent checks if specific job's function was added to the scheduler. // TaskPresent checks if specific job's function was added to the scheduler.
func (s *Scheduler) TaskPresent(j any) bool { func (s *Scheduler) TaskPresent(j any) bool {
for _, job := range s.Jobs() { for _, job := range s.Jobs() {
if job.name == getFunctionName(j) { if job.funcName == getFunctionName(j) {
return true return true
} }
} }
@ -872,10 +883,10 @@ func (s *Scheduler) Stop() {
} }
func (s *Scheduler) stop() { func (s *Scheduler) stop() {
s.stopJobs(s.jobs) s.stopJobs(s.jobs)
s.executor.stop() s.executor.stop()
s.StopBlockingChan() s.StopBlockingChan()
} }
func (s *Scheduler) stopJobs(jobs []*Job) { func (s *Scheduler) stopJobs(jobs []*Job) {
@ -919,10 +930,10 @@ func (s *Scheduler) doCommon(jobFun any, params ...any) (*Job, error) {
} }
fname := getFunctionName(jobFun) fname := getFunctionName(jobFun)
if job.name != fname { if job.funcName != fname {
job.function = jobFun job.function = jobFun
job.parameters = params job.parameters = params
job.name = fname job.funcName = fname
} }
f := reflect.ValueOf(jobFun) f := reflect.ValueOf(jobFun)
@ -1380,8 +1391,8 @@ func (s *Scheduler) CustomTimer(customTimer func(d time.Duration, f func()) *tim
func (s *Scheduler) StopBlockingChan() { func (s *Scheduler) StopBlockingChan() {
s.startBlockingStopChanMutex.Lock() s.startBlockingStopChanMutex.Lock()
if s.startBlockingStopChan != nil { if s.IsRunning() && s.startBlockingStopChan != nil {
s.startBlockingStopChan <- struct{}{} close(s.startBlockingStopChan)
} }
s.startBlockingStopChanMutex.Unlock() s.startBlockingStopChanMutex.Unlock()
} }
@ -1400,8 +1411,13 @@ func (s *Scheduler) StopBlockingChan() {
// Another strategy is to use the Cron or CronWithSeconds methods as they // Another strategy is to use the Cron or CronWithSeconds methods as they
// use the same behavior described above using StartAt. // use the same behavior described above using StartAt.
// //
// NOTE - the Locker will NOT lock jobs using any of the limiting functions: // NOTE - the Locker will NOT lock jobs using the singleton options:
// SingletonMode, SingletonModeAll or SetMaxConcurrentJobs // SingletonMode, or SingletonModeAll
// NOTE - beware of potential race conditions when running the Locker
// with SetMaxConcurrentJobs and WaitMode as jobs are not guaranteed
// to be locked when each scheduler's is below its limit and able
// to run the job.
func (s *Scheduler) WithDistributedLocker(l Locker) { func (s *Scheduler) WithDistributedLocker(l Locker) {
s.executor.distributedLocker = l s.executor.distributedLocker = l
} }

@ -99,14 +99,20 @@ Care should be taken when parsing and interpreting HTML, whether full documents
or fragments, within the framework of the HTML specification, especially with or fragments, within the framework of the HTML specification, especially with
regard to untrusted inputs. regard to untrusted inputs.
This package provides both a tokenizer and a parser. Only the parser constructs This package provides both a tokenizer and a parser, which implement the
a DOM according to the HTML specification, resolving malformed and misplaced tokenization, and tokenization and tree construction stages of the WHATWG HTML
tags where appropriate. The tokenizer simply tokenizes the HTML presented to it, parsing specification respectively. While the tokenizer parses and normalizes
and as such does not resolve issues that may exist in the processed HTML, individual HTML tokens, only the parser constructs the DOM tree from the
producing a literal interpretation of the input. tokenized HTML, as described in the tree construction stage of the
specification, dynamically modifying or extending the docuemnt's DOM tree.
If your use case requires semantically well-formed HTML, as defined by the
WHATWG specification, the parser should be used rather than the tokenizer. If your use case requires semantically well-formed HTML documents, as defined by
the WHATWG specification, the parser should be used rather than the tokenizer.
In security contexts, if trust decisions are being made using the tokenized or
parsed content, the input must be re-serialized (for instance by using Render or
Token.String) in order for those trust decisions to hold, as the process of
tokenization or parsing may alter the content.
*/ */
package html // import "golang.org/x/net/html" package html // import "golang.org/x/net/html"

@ -1266,6 +1266,27 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
return res, nil return res, nil
} }
cancelRequest := func(cs *clientStream, err error) error {
defer cs.cc.mu.Unlock()
if cs.ID != 0 {
// This request may have failed because of a problem with the connection,
// or for some unrelated reason. (For example, the user might have canceled
// the request without waiting for a response.) Mark the connection as
// not reusable, since trying to reuse a dead connection is worse than
// unnecessarily creating a new one.
// If cs.ID is 0, then the request was never allocated a stream ID and
// whatever went wrong was unrelated to the connection. We might have
// timed out waiting for a stream slot when StrictMaxConcurrentStreams
// is set, for example, in which case retrying on a different connection
// will not help.
cs.cc.doNotReuse = true
return err
for { for {
select { select {
case <-cs.respHeaderRecv: case <-cs.respHeaderRecv:
@ -1280,15 +1301,12 @@ func (cc *ClientConn) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
return handleResponseHeaders() return handleResponseHeaders()
default: default:
waitDone() waitDone()
return nil, cs.abortErr return nil, cancelRequest(cs, cs.abortErr)
} }
case <-ctx.Done(): case <-ctx.Done():
err := ctx.Err() return nil, cancelRequest(cs, ctx.Err())
return nil, err
case <-cs.reqCancel: case <-cs.reqCancel:
cs.abortStream(errRequestCanceled) return nil, cancelRequest(cs, errRequestCanceled)
return nil, errRequestCanceled
} }
} }
} }

@ -113,6 +113,20 @@ const (
opObj = 'O' // .Obj() (Named, TypeParam) opObj = 'O' // .Obj() (Named, TypeParam)
) )
// For is equivalent to new(Encoder).For(obj).
// It may be more efficient to reuse a single Encoder across several calls.
func For(obj types.Object) (Path, error) {
return new(Encoder).For(obj)
// An Encoder amortizes the cost of encoding the paths of multiple objects.
// The zero value of an Encoder is ready to use.
type Encoder struct {
scopeNamesMemo map[*types.Scope][]string // memoization of Scope.Names()
namedMethodsMemo map[*types.Named][]*types.Func // memoization of namedMethods()
// For returns the path to an object relative to its package, // For returns the path to an object relative to its package,
// or an error if the object is not accessible from the package's Scope. // or an error if the object is not accessible from the package's Scope.
// //
@ -145,24 +159,7 @@ const (
// .Type().Field(0) (field Var X) // .Type().Field(0) (field Var X)
// //
// where p is the package (*types.Package) to which X belongs. // where p is the package (*types.Package) to which X belongs.
func For(obj types.Object) (Path, error) { func (enc *Encoder) For(obj types.Object) (Path, error) {
return newEncoderFor()(obj)
// An encoder amortizes the cost of encoding the paths of multiple objects.
// Nonexported pending approval of proposal 58668.
type encoder struct {
scopeNamesMemo map[*types.Scope][]string // memoization of Scope.Names()
namedMethodsMemo map[*types.Named][]*types.Func // memoization of namedMethods()
// Exposed to gopls via golang.org/x/tools/internal/typesinternal
// pending approval of proposal 58668.
//go:linkname newEncoderFor
func newEncoderFor() func(types.Object) (Path, error) { return new(encoder).For }
func (enc *encoder) For(obj types.Object) (Path, error) {
pkg := obj.Pkg() pkg := obj.Pkg()
// This table lists the cases of interest. // This table lists the cases of interest.
@ -341,7 +338,7 @@ func appendOpArg(path []byte, op byte, arg int) []byte {
// This function is just an optimization that avoids the general scope walking // This function is just an optimization that avoids the general scope walking
// approach. You are expected to fall back to the general approach if this // approach. You are expected to fall back to the general approach if this
// function fails. // function fails.
func (enc *encoder) concreteMethod(meth *types.Func) (Path, bool) { func (enc *Encoder) concreteMethod(meth *types.Func) (Path, bool) {
// Concrete methods can only be declared on package-scoped named types. For // Concrete methods can only be declared on package-scoped named types. For
// that reason we can skip the expensive walk over the package scope: the // that reason we can skip the expensive walk over the package scope: the
// path will always be package -> named type -> method. We can trivially get // path will always be package -> named type -> method. We can trivially get
@ -421,7 +418,13 @@ func (enc *encoder) concreteMethod(meth *types.Func) (Path, bool) {
} }
} }
panic(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't find method %s on type %s", meth, named)) // Due to golang/go#59944, go/types fails to associate the receiver with
// certain methods on cgo types.
// TODO(rfindley): replace this panic once golang/go#59944 is fixed in all Go
// versions gopls supports.
return "", false
// panic(fmt.Sprintf("couldn't find method %s on type %s; methods: %#v", meth, named, enc.namedMethods(named)))
} }
// find finds obj within type T, returning the path to it, or nil if not found. // find finds obj within type T, returning the path to it, or nil if not found.
@ -730,23 +733,8 @@ func namedMethods(named *types.Named) []*types.Func {
return methods return methods
} }
// scopeNames is a memoization of scope.Names. Callers must not modify the result.
func (enc *encoder) scopeNames(scope *types.Scope) []string {
m := enc.scopeNamesMemo
if m == nil {
m = make(map[*types.Scope][]string)
enc.scopeNamesMemo = m
names, ok := m[scope]
if !ok {
names = scope.Names() // allocates and sorts
m[scope] = names
return names
// namedMethods is a memoization of the namedMethods function. Callers must not modify the result. // namedMethods is a memoization of the namedMethods function. Callers must not modify the result.
func (enc *encoder) namedMethods(named *types.Named) []*types.Func { func (enc *Encoder) namedMethods(named *types.Named) []*types.Func {
m := enc.namedMethodsMemo m := enc.namedMethodsMemo
if m == nil { if m == nil {
m = make(map[*types.Named][]*types.Func) m = make(map[*types.Named][]*types.Func)
@ -758,5 +746,19 @@ func (enc *encoder) namedMethods(named *types.Named) []*types.Func {
m[named] = methods m[named] = methods
} }
return methods return methods
// scopeNames is a memoization of scope.Names. Callers must not modify the result.
func (enc *Encoder) scopeNames(scope *types.Scope) []string {
m := enc.scopeNamesMemo
if m == nil {
m = make(map[*types.Scope][]string)
enc.scopeNamesMemo = m
names, ok := m[scope]
if !ok {
names = scope.Names() // allocates and sorts
m[scope] = names
return names
} }

@ -8,10 +8,12 @@ package gocommand
import ( import (
"bytes" "bytes"
"context" "context"
"fmt" "fmt"
"io" "io"
"log" "log"
"os" "os"
"regexp" "regexp"
"runtime" "runtime"
"strconv" "strconv"
@ -215,6 +217,18 @@ func (i *Invocation) run(ctx context.Context, stdout, stderr io.Writer) error {
cmd := exec.Command("go", goArgs...) cmd := exec.Command("go", goArgs...)
cmd.Stdout = stdout cmd.Stdout = stdout
cmd.Stderr = stderr cmd.Stderr = stderr
// cmd.WaitDelay was added only in go1.20 (see #50436).
if waitDelay := reflect.ValueOf(cmd).Elem().FieldByName("WaitDelay"); waitDelay.IsValid() {
// https://go.dev/issue/59541: don't wait forever copying stderr
// after the command has exited.
// After CL 484741 we copy stdout manually, so we we'll stop reading that as
// soon as ctx is done. However, we also don't want to wait around forever
// for stderr. Give a much-longer-than-reasonable delay and then assume that
// something has wedged in the kernel or runtime.
waitDelay.Set(reflect.ValueOf(30 * time.Second))
// On darwin the cwd gets resolved to the real path, which breaks anything that // On darwin the cwd gets resolved to the real path, which breaks anything that
// expects the working directory to keep the original path, including the // expects the working directory to keep the original path, including the
// go command when dealing with modules. // go command when dealing with modules.
@ -229,6 +243,7 @@ func (i *Invocation) run(ctx context.Context, stdout, stderr io.Writer) error {
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "PWD="+i.WorkingDir) cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "PWD="+i.WorkingDir)
cmd.Dir = i.WorkingDir cmd.Dir = i.WorkingDir
} }
defer func(start time.Time) { log("%s for %v", time.Since(start), cmdDebugStr(cmd)) }(time.Now()) defer func(start time.Time) { log("%s for %v", time.Since(start), cmdDebugStr(cmd)) }(time.Now())
return runCmdContext(ctx, cmd) return runCmdContext(ctx, cmd)
@ -242,10 +257,85 @@ var DebugHangingGoCommands = false
// runCmdContext is like exec.CommandContext except it sends os.Interrupt // runCmdContext is like exec.CommandContext except it sends os.Interrupt
// before os.Kill. // before os.Kill.
func runCmdContext(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Cmd) error { func runCmdContext(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Cmd) (err error) {
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil { // If cmd.Stdout is not an *os.File, the exec package will create a pipe and
// copy it to the Writer in a goroutine until the process has finished and
// either the pipe reaches EOF or command's WaitDelay expires.
// However, the output from 'go list' can be quite large, and we don't want to
// keep reading (and allocating buffers) if we've already decided we don't
// care about the output. We don't want to wait for the process to finish, and
// we don't wait to wait for the WaitDelay to expire either.
// Instead, if cmd.Stdout requires a copying goroutine we explicitly replace
// it with a pipe (which is an *os.File), which we can close in order to stop
// copying output as soon as we realize we don't care about it.
var stdoutW *os.File
if cmd.Stdout != nil {
if _, ok := cmd.Stdout.(*os.File); !ok {
var stdoutR *os.File
stdoutR, stdoutW, err = os.Pipe()
if err != nil {
return err
prevStdout := cmd.Stdout
cmd.Stdout = stdoutW
stdoutErr := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
_, err := io.Copy(prevStdout, stdoutR)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("copying stdout: %w", err)
stdoutErr <- err
defer func() {
// We started a goroutine to copy a stdout pipe.
// Wait for it to finish, or terminate it if need be.
var err2 error
select {
case err2 = <-stdoutErr:
case <-ctx.Done():
// Per https://pkg.go.dev/os#File.Close, the call to stdoutR.Close
// should cause the Read call in io.Copy to unblock and return
// immediately, but we still need to receive from stdoutErr to confirm
// that that has happened.
err2 = ctx.Err()
if err == nil {
err = err2
// Per https://pkg.go.dev/os/exec#Cmd, “If Stdout and Stderr are the
// same writer, and have a type that can be compared with ==, at most
// one goroutine at a time will call Write.”
// Since we're starting a goroutine that writes to cmd.Stdout, we must
// also update cmd.Stderr so that that still holds.
func() {
defer func() { recover() }()
if cmd.Stderr == prevStdout {
cmd.Stderr = cmd.Stdout
err = cmd.Start()
if stdoutW != nil {
// The child process has inherited the pipe file,
// so close the copy held in this process.
stdoutW = nil
if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
resChan := make(chan error, 1) resChan := make(chan error, 1)
go func() { go func() {
resChan <- cmd.Wait() resChan <- cmd.Wait()
@ -253,11 +343,14 @@ func runCmdContext(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Cmd) error {
// If we're interested in debugging hanging Go commands, stop waiting after a // If we're interested in debugging hanging Go commands, stop waiting after a
// minute and panic with interesting information. // minute and panic with interesting information.
if DebugHangingGoCommands { debug := DebugHangingGoCommands
if debug {
timer := time.NewTimer(1 * time.Minute)
defer timer.Stop()
select { select {
case err := <-resChan: case err := <-resChan:
return err return err
case <-time.After(1 * time.Minute): case <-timer.C:
HandleHangingGoCommand(cmd.Process) HandleHangingGoCommand(cmd.Process)
case <-ctx.Done(): case <-ctx.Done():
} }
@ -270,30 +363,25 @@ func runCmdContext(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Cmd) error {
} }
// Cancelled. Interrupt and see if it ends voluntarily. // Cancelled. Interrupt and see if it ends voluntarily.
cmd.Process.Signal(os.Interrupt) if err := cmd.Process.Signal(os.Interrupt); err == nil {
select { // (We used to wait only 1s but this proved
case err := <-resChan: // fragile on loaded builder machines.)
return err timer := time.NewTimer(5 * time.Second)
case <-time.After(time.Second): defer timer.Stop()
select {
case err := <-resChan:
return err
case <-timer.C:
} }
// Didn't shut down in response to interrupt. Kill it hard. // Didn't shut down in response to interrupt. Kill it hard.
// TODO(rfindley): per advice from bcmills@, it may be better to send SIGQUIT // TODO(rfindley): per advice from bcmills@, it may be better to send SIGQUIT
// on certain platforms, such as unix. // on certain platforms, such as unix.
if err := cmd.Process.Kill(); err != nil && DebugHangingGoCommands { if err := cmd.Process.Kill(); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrProcessDone) && debug {
// Don't panic here as this reliably fails on windows with EINVAL.
log.Printf("error killing the Go command: %v", err) log.Printf("error killing the Go command: %v", err)
} }
// See above: don't wait indefinitely if we're debugging hanging Go commands.
if DebugHangingGoCommands {
select {
case err := <-resChan:
return err
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second): // a shorter wait as resChan should return quickly following Kill
return <-resChan return <-resChan
} }

@ -23,21 +23,11 @@ import (
func GoVersion(ctx context.Context, inv Invocation, r *Runner) (int, error) { func GoVersion(ctx context.Context, inv Invocation, r *Runner) (int, error) {
inv.Verb = "list" inv.Verb = "list"
inv.Args = []string{"-e", "-f", `{{context.ReleaseTags}}`, `--`, `unsafe`} inv.Args = []string{"-e", "-f", `{{context.ReleaseTags}}`, `--`, `unsafe`}
inv.Env = append(append([]string{}, inv.Env...), "GO111MODULE=off") inv.BuildFlags = nil // This is not a build command.
// Unset any unneeded flags, and remove them from BuildFlags, if they're
// present.
inv.ModFile = ""
inv.ModFlag = "" inv.ModFlag = ""
var buildFlags []string inv.ModFile = ""
for _, flag := range inv.BuildFlags { inv.Env = append(inv.Env[:len(inv.Env):len(inv.Env)], "GO111MODULE=off")
// Flags can be prefixed by one or two dashes.
f := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(flag, "-"), "-")
if strings.HasPrefix(f, "mod=") || strings.HasPrefix(f, "modfile=") {
buildFlags = append(buildFlags, flag)
inv.BuildFlags = buildFlags
stdoutBytes, err := r.Run(ctx, inv) stdoutBytes, err := r.Run(ctx, inv)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return 0, err return 0, err

@ -414,9 +414,16 @@ func (p *pass) fix() ([]*ImportFix, bool) {
}) })
} }
} }
// Collecting fixes involved map iteration, so sort for stability. See
// golang/go#59976.
// collect selected fixes in a separate slice, so that it can be sorted
// separately. Note that these fixes must occur after fixes to existing
// imports. TODO(rfindley): figure out why.
var selectedFixes []*ImportFix
for _, imp := range selected { for _, imp := range selected {
fixes = append(fixes, &ImportFix{ selectedFixes = append(selectedFixes, &ImportFix{
StmtInfo: ImportInfo{ StmtInfo: ImportInfo{
Name: p.importSpecName(imp), Name: p.importSpecName(imp),
ImportPath: imp.ImportPath, ImportPath: imp.ImportPath,
@ -425,8 +432,25 @@ func (p *pass) fix() ([]*ImportFix, bool) {
FixType: AddImport, FixType: AddImport,
}) })
} }
return append(fixes, selectedFixes...), true
return fixes, true func sortFixes(fixes []*ImportFix) {
sort.Slice(fixes, func(i, j int) bool {
fi, fj := fixes[i], fixes[j]
if fi.StmtInfo.ImportPath != fj.StmtInfo.ImportPath {
return fi.StmtInfo.ImportPath < fj.StmtInfo.ImportPath
if fi.StmtInfo.Name != fj.StmtInfo.Name {
return fi.StmtInfo.Name < fj.StmtInfo.Name
if fi.IdentName != fj.IdentName {
return fi.IdentName < fj.IdentName
return fi.FixType < fj.FixType
} }
// importSpecName gets the import name of imp in the import spec. // importSpecName gets the import name of imp in the import spec.

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ github.com/gin-gonic/gin/binding
github.com/gin-gonic/gin/internal/bytesconv github.com/gin-gonic/gin/internal/bytesconv
github.com/gin-gonic/gin/internal/json github.com/gin-gonic/gin/internal/json
github.com/gin-gonic/gin/render github.com/gin-gonic/gin/render
# github.com/go-co-op/gocron v1.25.0 # github.com/go-co-op/gocron v1.26.0
## explicit; go 1.20 ## explicit; go 1.20
github.com/go-co-op/gocron github.com/go-co-op/gocron
# github.com/go-logr/logr v1.2.4 # github.com/go-logr/logr v1.2.4
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ go.uber.org/zap/zapcore
# golang.org/x/arch v0.3.0 # golang.org/x/arch v0.3.0
## explicit; go 1.17 ## explicit; go 1.17
golang.org/x/arch/x86/x86asm golang.org/x/arch/x86/x86asm
# golang.org/x/crypto v0.8.0 # golang.org/x/crypto v0.9.0
## explicit; go 1.17 ## explicit; go 1.17
golang.org/x/crypto/blowfish golang.org/x/crypto/blowfish
golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20 golang.org/x/crypto/chacha20
@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/internal/bcrypt_pbkdf
golang.org/x/mod/internal/lazyregexp golang.org/x/mod/internal/lazyregexp
golang.org/x/mod/module golang.org/x/mod/module
golang.org/x/mod/semver golang.org/x/mod/semver
# golang.org/x/net v0.9.0 # golang.org/x/net v0.10.0
## explicit; go 1.17 ## explicit; go 1.17
golang.org/x/net/html golang.org/x/net/html
golang.org/x/net/html/atom golang.org/x/net/html/atom
@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ golang.org/x/text/width
# golang.org/x/time v0.3.0 # golang.org/x/time v0.3.0
## explicit ## explicit
golang.org/x/time/rate golang.org/x/time/rate
# golang.org/x/tools v0.8.0 # golang.org/x/tools v0.9.1
## explicit; go 1.18 ## explicit; go 1.18
golang.org/x/tools/go/ast/astutil golang.org/x/tools/go/ast/astutil
golang.org/x/tools/go/gcexportdata golang.org/x/tools/go/gcexportdata
