- update vendor

李光春 9 months ago
parent d3ebd06eda
commit c4c56d63d5

@ -12,17 +12,14 @@ require (
github.com/gin-gonic/gin v1.9.1 github.com/gin-gonic/gin v1.9.1
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gorm.io/gorm v1.25.4 gorm.io/gorm v1.25.4
xorm.io/builder v0.3.13
xorm.io/xorm v1.3.2
) )
require ( require (
github.com/BurntSushi/toml v1.2.0 // indirect
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@ -68,7 +62,6 @@ require (
github.com/klauspost/compress v1.16.7 // indirect github.com/klauspost/compress v1.16.7 // indirect
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github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v2.0.3+incompatible // indirect github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v2.0.3+incompatible // indirect
github.com/modern-go/concurrent v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd // indirect github.com/modern-go/concurrent v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd // indirect
@ -76,11 +69,10 @@ require (
github.com/montanaflynn/stats v0.7.1 // indirect github.com/montanaflynn/stats v0.7.1 // indirect
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github.com/twitchyliquid64/golang-asm v0.15.1 // indirect github.com/twitchyliquid64/golang-asm v0.15.1 // indirect
@ -91,16 +83,12 @@ require (
github.com/xdg-go/stringprep v1.0.4 // indirect github.com/xdg-go/stringprep v1.0.4 // indirect
github.com/youmark/pkcs8 v0.0.0-20201027041543-1326539a0a0a // indirect github.com/youmark/pkcs8 v0.0.0-20201027041543-1326539a0a0a // indirect
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go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric v1.16.0 // indirect
go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk v1.16.0 // indirect
go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace v1.16.0 // indirect
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modernc.org/libc v1.11.27/go.mod h1:zmWm6kcFXt/jpzeCgfvUNswM0qke8qVwxqZrnddlDiE=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.28/go.mod h1:Ii4V0fTFcbq3qrv3CNn+OGHAvzqMBvC7dBNyC4vHZlg=
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modernc.org/libc v1.11.49/go.mod h1:9JrJuK5WTtoTWIFQ7QjX2Mb/bagYdZdscI3xrvHbXjE=
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modernc.org/libc v1.11.55/go.mod h1:j2A5YBRm6HjNkoSs/fzZrSxCuwWqcMYTDPLNx0URn3M=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.56/go.mod h1:pakHkg5JdMLt2OgRadpPOTnyRXm/uzu+Yyg/LSLdi18=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.58/go.mod h1:ns94Rxv0OWyoQrDqMFfWwka2BcaF6/61CqJRK9LP7S8=
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modernc.org/libc v1.11.75/go.mod h1:dGRVugT6edz361wmD9gk6ax1AbDSe0x5vji0dGJiPT0=
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modernc.org/libc v1.11.86/go.mod h1:ePuYgoQLmvxdNT06RpGnaDKJmDNEkV7ZPKI2jnsvZoE=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.87 h1:PzIzOqtlzMDDcCzJ5cUP6h/Ku6Fa9iyflP2ccTY64aE=
modernc.org/libc v1.11.87/go.mod h1:Qvd5iXTeLhI5PS0XSyqMY99282y+3euapQFxM7jYnpY=
modernc.org/mathutil v1.1.1/go.mod h1:mZW8CKdRPY1v87qxC/wUdX5O1qDzXMP5TH3wjfpga6E=
modernc.org/mathutil v1.2.2/go.mod h1:mZW8CKdRPY1v87qxC/wUdX5O1qDzXMP5TH3wjfpga6E=
modernc.org/mathutil v1.4.0/go.mod h1:mZW8CKdRPY1v87qxC/wUdX5O1qDzXMP5TH3wjfpga6E=
modernc.org/mathutil v1.4.1 h1:ij3fYGe8zBF4Vu+g0oT7mB06r8sqGWKuJu1yXeR4by8=
modernc.org/mathutil v1.4.1/go.mod h1:mZW8CKdRPY1v87qxC/wUdX5O1qDzXMP5TH3wjfpga6E=
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modernc.org/memory v1.0.5 h1:XRch8trV7GgvTec2i7jc33YlUI0RKVDBvZ5eZ5m8y14=
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modernc.org/opt v0.1.1 h1:/0RX92k9vwVeDXj+Xn23DKp2VJubL7k8qNffND6qn3A=
modernc.org/opt v0.1.1/go.mod h1:WdSiB5evDcignE70guQKxYUl14mgWtbClRi5wmkkTX0=
modernc.org/sqlite v1.14.2 h1:ohsW2+e+Qe2To1W6GNezzKGwjXwSax6R+CrhRxVaFbE=
modernc.org/sqlite v1.14.2/go.mod h1:yqfn85u8wVOE6ub5UT8VI9JjhrwBUUCNyTACN0h6Sx8=
modernc.org/strutil v1.1.1 h1:xv+J1BXY3Opl2ALrBwyfEikFAj8pmqcpnfmuwUwcozs=
modernc.org/strutil v1.1.1/go.mod h1:DE+MQQ/hjKBZS2zNInV5hhcipt5rLPWkmpbGeW5mmdw=
modernc.org/tcl v1.8.13/go.mod h1:V+q/Ef0IJaNUSECieLU4o+8IScapxnMyFV6i/7uQlAY=
modernc.org/token v1.0.0 h1:a0jaWiNMDhDUtqOj09wvjWWAqd3q7WpBulmL9H2egsk=
modernc.org/token v1.0.0/go.mod h1:UGzOrNV1mAFSEB63lOFHIpNRUVMvYTc6yu1SMY/XTDM=
modernc.org/z v1.2.19/go.mod h1:+ZpP0pc4zz97eukOzW3xagV/lS82IpPN9NGG5pNF9vY=
nullprogram.com/x/optparse v1.0.0/go.mod h1:KdyPE+Igbe0jQUrVfMqDMeJQIJZEuyV7pjYmp6pbG50= nullprogram.com/x/optparse v1.0.0/go.mod h1:KdyPE+Igbe0jQUrVfMqDMeJQIJZEuyV7pjYmp6pbG50=
rsc.io/pdf v0.1.1/go.mod h1:n8OzWcQ6Sp37PL01nO98y4iUCRdTGarVfzxY20ICaU4= rsc.io/pdf v0.1.1/go.mod h1:n8OzWcQ6Sp37PL01nO98y4iUCRdTGarVfzxY20ICaU4=
sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.1.0/go.mod h1:UJmg0vDUVViEyp3mgSv9WPwZCDxu4rQW1olrI1uml+o=
sourcegraph.com/sourcegraph/appdash v0.0.0-20190731080439-ebfcffb1b5c0/go.mod h1:hI742Nqp5OhwiqlzhgfbWU4mW4yO10fP+LoT9WOswdU=
xorm.io/builder v0.3.11-0.20220531020008-1bd24a7dc978/go.mod h1:aUW0S9eb9VCaPohFCH3j7czOx1PMW3i1HrSzbLYGBSE=
xorm.io/builder v0.3.13 h1:a3jmiVVL19psGeXx8GIurTp7p0IIgqeDmwhcR6BAOAo=
xorm.io/builder v0.3.13/go.mod h1:aUW0S9eb9VCaPohFCH3j7czOx1PMW3i1HrSzbLYGBSE=
xorm.io/xorm v1.3.2 h1:uTRRKF2jYzbZ5nsofXVUx6ncMaek+SHjWYtCXyZo1oM=
xorm.io/xorm v1.3.2/go.mod h1:9NbjqdnjX6eyjRRhh01GHm64r6N9shTb/8Ak3YRt8Nw=

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2013 Fatih Arslan
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
# color [![](https://github.com/fatih/color/workflows/build/badge.svg)](https://github.com/fatih/color/actions) [![PkgGoDev](https://pkg.go.dev/badge/github.com/fatih/color)](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/fatih/color)
Color lets you use colorized outputs in terms of [ANSI Escape
Codes](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors) in Go (Golang). It
has support for Windows too! The API can be used in several ways, pick one that
suits you.
## Install
go get github.com/fatih/color
## Examples
### Standard colors
// Print with default helper functions
color.Cyan("Prints text in cyan.")
// A newline will be appended automatically
color.Blue("Prints %s in blue.", "text")
// These are using the default foreground colors
color.Red("We have red")
color.Magenta("And many others ..")
### Mix and reuse colors
// Create a new color object
c := color.New(color.FgCyan).Add(color.Underline)
c.Println("Prints cyan text with an underline.")
// Or just add them to New()
d := color.New(color.FgCyan, color.Bold)
d.Printf("This prints bold cyan %s\n", "too!.")
// Mix up foreground and background colors, create new mixes!
red := color.New(color.FgRed)
boldRed := red.Add(color.Bold)
boldRed.Println("This will print text in bold red.")
whiteBackground := red.Add(color.BgWhite)
whiteBackground.Println("Red text with white background.")
### Use your own output (io.Writer)
// Use your own io.Writer output
color.New(color.FgBlue).Fprintln(myWriter, "blue color!")
blue := color.New(color.FgBlue)
blue.Fprint(writer, "This will print text in blue.")
### Custom print functions (PrintFunc)
// Create a custom print function for convenience
red := color.New(color.FgRed).PrintfFunc()
red("Error: %s", err)
// Mix up multiple attributes
notice := color.New(color.Bold, color.FgGreen).PrintlnFunc()
notice("Don't forget this...")
### Custom fprint functions (FprintFunc)
blue := color.New(color.FgBlue).FprintfFunc()
blue(myWriter, "important notice: %s", stars)
// Mix up with multiple attributes
success := color.New(color.Bold, color.FgGreen).FprintlnFunc()
success(myWriter, "Don't forget this...")
### Insert into noncolor strings (SprintFunc)
// Create SprintXxx functions to mix strings with other non-colorized strings:
yellow := color.New(color.FgYellow).SprintFunc()
red := color.New(color.FgRed).SprintFunc()
fmt.Printf("This is a %s and this is %s.\n", yellow("warning"), red("error"))
info := color.New(color.FgWhite, color.BgGreen).SprintFunc()
fmt.Printf("This %s rocks!\n", info("package"))
// Use helper functions
fmt.Println("This", color.RedString("warning"), "should be not neglected.")
fmt.Printf("%v %v\n", color.GreenString("Info:"), "an important message.")
// Windows supported too! Just don't forget to change the output to color.Output
fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "Windows support: %s", color.GreenString("PASS"))
### Plug into existing code
// Use handy standard colors
fmt.Println("Existing text will now be in yellow")
fmt.Printf("This one %s\n", "too")
color.Unset() // Don't forget to unset
// You can mix up parameters
color.Set(color.FgMagenta, color.Bold)
defer color.Unset() // Use it in your function
fmt.Println("All text will now be bold magenta.")
### Disable/Enable color
There might be a case where you want to explicitly disable/enable color output. the
`go-isatty` package will automatically disable color output for non-tty output streams
(for example if the output were piped directly to `less`).
The `color` package also disables color output if the [`NO_COLOR`](https://no-color.org) environment
variable is set to a non-empty string.
`Color` has support to disable/enable colors programmatically both globally and
for single color definitions. For example suppose you have a CLI app and a
`-no-color` bool flag. You can easily disable the color output with:
var flagNoColor = flag.Bool("no-color", false, "Disable color output")
if *flagNoColor {
color.NoColor = true // disables colorized output
It also has support for single color definitions (local). You can
disable/enable color output on the fly:
c := color.New(color.FgCyan)
c.Println("Prints cyan text")
c.Println("This is printed without any color")
c.Println("This prints again cyan...")
## GitHub Actions
To output color in GitHub Actions (or other CI systems that support ANSI colors), make sure to set `color.NoColor = false` so that it bypasses the check for non-tty output streams.
## Todo
* Save/Return previous values
* Evaluate fmt.Formatter interface
## Credits
* [Fatih Arslan](https://github.com/fatih)
* Windows support via @mattn: [colorable](https://github.com/mattn/go-colorable)
## License
The MIT License (MIT) - see [`LICENSE.md`](https://github.com/fatih/color/blob/master/LICENSE.md) for more details

@ -1,616 +0,0 @@
package color
import (
var (
// NoColor defines if the output is colorized or not. It's dynamically set to
// false or true based on the stdout's file descriptor referring to a terminal
// or not. It's also set to true if the NO_COLOR environment variable is
// set (regardless of its value). This is a global option and affects all
// colors. For more control over each color block use the methods
// DisableColor() individually.
NoColor = noColorIsSet() || os.Getenv("TERM") == "dumb" ||
(!isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdout.Fd()) && !isatty.IsCygwinTerminal(os.Stdout.Fd()))
// Output defines the standard output of the print functions. By default,
// os.Stdout is used.
Output = colorable.NewColorableStdout()
// Error defines a color supporting writer for os.Stderr.
Error = colorable.NewColorableStderr()
// colorsCache is used to reduce the count of created Color objects and
// allows to reuse already created objects with required Attribute.
colorsCache = make(map[Attribute]*Color)
colorsCacheMu sync.Mutex // protects colorsCache
// noColorIsSet returns true if the environment variable NO_COLOR is set to a non-empty string.
func noColorIsSet() bool {
return os.Getenv("NO_COLOR") != ""
// Color defines a custom color object which is defined by SGR parameters.
type Color struct {
params []Attribute
noColor *bool
// Attribute defines a single SGR Code
type Attribute int
const escape = "\x1b"
// Base attributes
const (
Reset Attribute = iota
// Foreground text colors
const (
FgBlack Attribute = iota + 30
// Foreground Hi-Intensity text colors
const (
FgHiBlack Attribute = iota + 90
// Background text colors
const (
BgBlack Attribute = iota + 40
// Background Hi-Intensity text colors
const (
BgHiBlack Attribute = iota + 100
// New returns a newly created color object.
func New(value ...Attribute) *Color {
c := &Color{
params: make([]Attribute, 0),
if noColorIsSet() {
c.noColor = boolPtr(true)
return c
// Set sets the given parameters immediately. It will change the color of
// output with the given SGR parameters until color.Unset() is called.
func Set(p ...Attribute) *Color {
c := New(p...)
return c
// Unset resets all escape attributes and clears the output. Usually should
// be called after Set().
func Unset() {
if NoColor {
fmt.Fprintf(Output, "%s[%dm", escape, Reset)
// Set sets the SGR sequence.
func (c *Color) Set() *Color {
if c.isNoColorSet() {
return c
fmt.Fprint(Output, c.format())
return c
func (c *Color) unset() {
if c.isNoColorSet() {
// SetWriter is used to set the SGR sequence with the given io.Writer. This is
// a low-level function, and users should use the higher-level functions, such
// as color.Fprint, color.Print, etc.
func (c *Color) SetWriter(w io.Writer) *Color {
if c.isNoColorSet() {
return c
fmt.Fprint(w, c.format())
return c
// UnsetWriter resets all escape attributes and clears the output with the give
// io.Writer. Usually should be called after SetWriter().
func (c *Color) UnsetWriter(w io.Writer) {
if c.isNoColorSet() {
if NoColor {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s[%dm", escape, Reset)
// Add is used to chain SGR parameters. Use as many as parameters to combine
// and create custom color objects. Example: Add(color.FgRed, color.Underline).
func (c *Color) Add(value ...Attribute) *Color {
c.params = append(c.params, value...)
return c
// Fprint formats using the default formats for its operands and writes to w.
// Spaces are added between operands when neither is a string.
// It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
// On Windows, users should wrap w with colorable.NewColorable() if w is of
// type *os.File.
func (c *Color) Fprint(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
defer c.UnsetWriter(w)
return fmt.Fprint(w, a...)
// Print formats using the default formats for its operands and writes to
// standard output. Spaces are added between operands when neither is a
// string. It returns the number of bytes written and any write error
// encountered. This is the standard fmt.Print() method wrapped with the given
// color.
func (c *Color) Print(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
defer c.unset()
return fmt.Fprint(Output, a...)
// Fprintf formats according to a format specifier and writes to w.
// It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
// On Windows, users should wrap w with colorable.NewColorable() if w is of
// type *os.File.
func (c *Color) Fprintf(w io.Writer, format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
defer c.UnsetWriter(w)
return fmt.Fprintf(w, format, a...)
// Printf formats according to a format specifier and writes to standard output.
// It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
// This is the standard fmt.Printf() method wrapped with the given color.
func (c *Color) Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
defer c.unset()
return fmt.Fprintf(Output, format, a...)
// Fprintln formats using the default formats for its operands and writes to w.
// Spaces are always added between operands and a newline is appended.
// On Windows, users should wrap w with colorable.NewColorable() if w is of
// type *os.File.
func (c *Color) Fprintln(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
defer c.UnsetWriter(w)
return fmt.Fprintln(w, a...)
// Println formats using the default formats for its operands and writes to
// standard output. Spaces are always added between operands and a newline is
// appended. It returns the number of bytes written and any write error
// encountered. This is the standard fmt.Print() method wrapped with the given
// color.
func (c *Color) Println(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
defer c.unset()
return fmt.Fprintln(Output, a...)
// Sprint is just like Print, but returns a string instead of printing it.
func (c *Color) Sprint(a ...interface{}) string {
return c.wrap(fmt.Sprint(a...))
// Sprintln is just like Println, but returns a string instead of printing it.
func (c *Color) Sprintln(a ...interface{}) string {
return c.wrap(fmt.Sprintln(a...))
// Sprintf is just like Printf, but returns a string instead of printing it.
func (c *Color) Sprintf(format string, a ...interface{}) string {
return c.wrap(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// FprintFunc returns a new function that prints the passed arguments as
// colorized with color.Fprint().
func (c *Color) FprintFunc() func(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) {
return func(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) {
c.Fprint(w, a...)
// PrintFunc returns a new function that prints the passed arguments as
// colorized with color.Print().
func (c *Color) PrintFunc() func(a ...interface{}) {
return func(a ...interface{}) {
// FprintfFunc returns a new function that prints the passed arguments as
// colorized with color.Fprintf().
func (c *Color) FprintfFunc() func(w io.Writer, format string, a ...interface{}) {
return func(w io.Writer, format string, a ...interface{}) {
c.Fprintf(w, format, a...)
// PrintfFunc returns a new function that prints the passed arguments as
// colorized with color.Printf().
func (c *Color) PrintfFunc() func(format string, a ...interface{}) {
return func(format string, a ...interface{}) {
c.Printf(format, a...)
// FprintlnFunc returns a new function that prints the passed arguments as
// colorized with color.Fprintln().
func (c *Color) FprintlnFunc() func(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) {
return func(w io.Writer, a ...interface{}) {
c.Fprintln(w, a...)
// PrintlnFunc returns a new function that prints the passed arguments as
// colorized with color.Println().
func (c *Color) PrintlnFunc() func(a ...interface{}) {
return func(a ...interface{}) {
// SprintFunc returns a new function that returns colorized strings for the
// given arguments with fmt.Sprint(). Useful to put into or mix into other
// string. Windows users should use this in conjunction with color.Output, example:
// put := New(FgYellow).SprintFunc()
// fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "This is a %s", put("warning"))
func (c *Color) SprintFunc() func(a ...interface{}) string {
return func(a ...interface{}) string {
return c.wrap(fmt.Sprint(a...))
// SprintfFunc returns a new function that returns colorized strings for the
// given arguments with fmt.Sprintf(). Useful to put into or mix into other
// string. Windows users should use this in conjunction with color.Output.
func (c *Color) SprintfFunc() func(format string, a ...interface{}) string {
return func(format string, a ...interface{}) string {
return c.wrap(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// SprintlnFunc returns a new function that returns colorized strings for the
// given arguments with fmt.Sprintln(). Useful to put into or mix into other
// string. Windows users should use this in conjunction with color.Output.
func (c *Color) SprintlnFunc() func(a ...interface{}) string {
return func(a ...interface{}) string {
return c.wrap(fmt.Sprintln(a...))
// sequence returns a formatted SGR sequence to be plugged into a "\x1b[...m"
// an example output might be: "1;36" -> bold cyan
func (c *Color) sequence() string {
format := make([]string, len(c.params))
for i, v := range c.params {
format[i] = strconv.Itoa(int(v))
return strings.Join(format, ";")
// wrap wraps the s string with the colors attributes. The string is ready to
// be printed.
func (c *Color) wrap(s string) string {
if c.isNoColorSet() {
return s
return c.format() + s + c.unformat()
func (c *Color) format() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s[%sm", escape, c.sequence())
func (c *Color) unformat() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s[%dm", escape, Reset)
// DisableColor disables the color output. Useful to not change any existing
// code and still being able to output. Can be used for flags like
// "--no-color". To enable back use EnableColor() method.
func (c *Color) DisableColor() {
c.noColor = boolPtr(true)
// EnableColor enables the color output. Use it in conjunction with
// DisableColor(). Otherwise, this method has no side effects.
func (c *Color) EnableColor() {
c.noColor = boolPtr(false)
func (c *Color) isNoColorSet() bool {
// check first if we have user set action
if c.noColor != nil {
return *c.noColor
// if not return the global option, which is disabled by default
return NoColor
// Equals returns a boolean value indicating whether two colors are equal.
func (c *Color) Equals(c2 *Color) bool {
if len(c.params) != len(c2.params) {
return false
for _, attr := range c.params {
if !c2.attrExists(attr) {
return false
return true
func (c *Color) attrExists(a Attribute) bool {
for _, attr := range c.params {
if attr == a {
return true
return false
func boolPtr(v bool) *bool {
return &v
func getCachedColor(p Attribute) *Color {
defer colorsCacheMu.Unlock()
c, ok := colorsCache[p]
if !ok {
c = New(p)
colorsCache[p] = c
return c
func colorPrint(format string, p Attribute, a ...interface{}) {
c := getCachedColor(p)
if !strings.HasSuffix(format, "\n") {
format += "\n"
if len(a) == 0 {
} else {
c.Printf(format, a...)
func colorString(format string, p Attribute, a ...interface{}) string {
c := getCachedColor(p)
if len(a) == 0 {
return c.SprintFunc()(format)
return c.SprintfFunc()(format, a...)
// Black is a convenient helper function to print with black foreground. A
// newline is appended to format by default.
func Black(format string, a ...interface{}) { colorPrint(format, FgBlack, a...) }
// Red is a convenient helper function to print with red foreground. A
// newline is appended to format by default.
func Red(format string, a ...interface{}) { colorPrint(format, FgRed, a...) }
// Green is a convenient helper function to print with green foreground. A
// newline is appended to format by default.
func Green(format string, a ...interface{}) { colorPrint(format, FgGreen, a...) }
// Yellow is a convenient helper function to print with yellow foreground.
// A newline is appended to format by default.
func Yellow(format string, a ...interface{}) { colorPrint(format, FgYellow, a...) }
// Blue is a convenient helper function to print with blue foreground. A
// newline is appended to format by default.
func Blue(format string, a ...interface{}) { colorPrint(format, FgBlue, a...) }
// Magenta is a convenient helper function to print with magenta foreground.
// A newline is appended to format by default.
func Magenta(format string, a ...interface{}) { colorPrint(format, FgMagenta, a...) }
// Cyan is a convenient helper function to print with cyan foreground. A
// newline is appended to format by default.
func Cyan(format string, a ...interface{}) { colorPrint(format, FgCyan, a...) }
// White is a convenient helper function to print with white foreground. A
// newline is appended to format by default.
func White(format string, a ...interface{}) { colorPrint(format, FgWhite, a...) }
// BlackString is a convenient helper function to return a string with black
// foreground.
func BlackString(format string, a ...interface{}) string { return colorString(format, FgBlack, a...) }
// RedString is a convenient helper function to return a string with red
// foreground.
func RedString(format string, a ...interface{}) string { return colorString(format, FgRed, a...) }
// GreenString is a convenient helper function to return a string with green
// foreground.
func GreenString(format string, a ...interface{}) string { return colorString(format, FgGreen, a...) }
// YellowString is a convenient helper function to return a string with yellow
// foreground.
func YellowString(format string, a ...interface{}) string { return colorString(format, FgYellow, a...) }
// BlueString is a convenient helper function to return a string with blue
// foreground.
func BlueString(format string, a ...interface{}) string { return colorString(format, FgBlue, a...) }
// MagentaString is a convenient helper function to return a string with magenta
// foreground.
func MagentaString(format string, a ...interface{}) string {
return colorString(format, FgMagenta, a...)
// CyanString is a convenient helper function to return a string with cyan
// foreground.
func CyanString(format string, a ...interface{}) string { return colorString(format, FgCyan, a...) }
// WhiteString is a convenient helper function to return a string with white
// foreground.
func WhiteString(format string, a ...interface{}) string { return colorString(format, FgWhite, a...) }
// HiBlack is a convenient helper function to print with hi-intensity black foreground. A
// newline is appended to format by default.
func HiBlack(format string, a ...interface{}) { colorPrint(format, FgHiBlack, a...) }
// HiRed is a convenient helper function to print with hi-intensity red foreground. A
// newline is appended to format by default.
func HiRed(format string, a ...interface{}) { colorPrint(format, FgHiRed, a...) }
// HiGreen is a convenient helper function to print with hi-intensity green foreground. A
// newline is appended to format by default.
func HiGreen(format string, a ...interface{}) { colorPrint(format, FgHiGreen, a...) }
// HiYellow is a convenient helper function to print with hi-intensity yellow foreground.
// A newline is appended to format by default.
func HiYellow(format string, a ...interface{}) { colorPrint(format, FgHiYellow, a...) }
// HiBlue is a convenient helper function to print with hi-intensity blue foreground. A
// newline is appended to format by default.
func HiBlue(format string, a ...interface{}) { colorPrint(format, FgHiBlue, a...) }
// HiMagenta is a convenient helper function to print with hi-intensity magenta foreground.
// A newline is appended to format by default.
func HiMagenta(format string, a ...interface{}) { colorPrint(format, FgHiMagenta, a...) }
// HiCyan is a convenient helper function to print with hi-intensity cyan foreground. A
// newline is appended to format by default.
func HiCyan(format string, a ...interface{}) { colorPrint(format, FgHiCyan, a...) }
// HiWhite is a convenient helper function to print with hi-intensity white foreground. A
// newline is appended to format by default.
func HiWhite(format string, a ...interface{}) { colorPrint(format, FgHiWhite, a...) }
// HiBlackString is a convenient helper function to return a string with hi-intensity black
// foreground.
func HiBlackString(format string, a ...interface{}) string {
return colorString(format, FgHiBlack, a...)
// HiRedString is a convenient helper function to return a string with hi-intensity red
// foreground.
func HiRedString(format string, a ...interface{}) string { return colorString(format, FgHiRed, a...) }
// HiGreenString is a convenient helper function to return a string with hi-intensity green
// foreground.
func HiGreenString(format string, a ...interface{}) string {
return colorString(format, FgHiGreen, a...)
// HiYellowString is a convenient helper function to return a string with hi-intensity yellow
// foreground.
func HiYellowString(format string, a ...interface{}) string {
return colorString(format, FgHiYellow, a...)
// HiBlueString is a convenient helper function to return a string with hi-intensity blue
// foreground.
func HiBlueString(format string, a ...interface{}) string { return colorString(format, FgHiBlue, a...) }
// HiMagentaString is a convenient helper function to return a string with hi-intensity magenta
// foreground.
func HiMagentaString(format string, a ...interface{}) string {
return colorString(format, FgHiMagenta, a...)
// HiCyanString is a convenient helper function to return a string with hi-intensity cyan
// foreground.
func HiCyanString(format string, a ...interface{}) string { return colorString(format, FgHiCyan, a...) }
// HiWhiteString is a convenient helper function to return a string with hi-intensity white
// foreground.
func HiWhiteString(format string, a ...interface{}) string {
return colorString(format, FgHiWhite, a...)

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
package color
import (
func init() {
// Opt-in for ansi color support for current process.
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/console/console-virtual-terminal-sequences#output-sequences
var outMode uint32
out := windows.Handle(os.Stdout.Fd())
if err := windows.GetConsoleMode(out, &outMode); err != nil {
_ = windows.SetConsoleMode(out, outMode)

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
Package color is an ANSI color package to output colorized or SGR defined
output to the standard output. The API can be used in several way, pick one
that suits you.
Use simple and default helper functions with predefined foreground colors:
color.Cyan("Prints text in cyan.")
// a newline will be appended automatically
color.Blue("Prints %s in blue.", "text")
// More default foreground colors..
color.Red("We have red")
color.Yellow("Yellow color too!")
color.Magenta("And many others ..")
// Hi-intensity colors
color.HiGreen("Bright green color.")
color.HiBlack("Bright black means gray..")
color.HiWhite("Shiny white color!")
However, there are times when custom color mixes are required. Below are some
examples to create custom color objects and use the print functions of each
separate color object.
// Create a new color object
c := color.New(color.FgCyan).Add(color.Underline)
c.Println("Prints cyan text with an underline.")
// Or just add them to New()
d := color.New(color.FgCyan, color.Bold)
d.Printf("This prints bold cyan %s\n", "too!.")
// Mix up foreground and background colors, create new mixes!
red := color.New(color.FgRed)
boldRed := red.Add(color.Bold)
boldRed.Println("This will print text in bold red.")
whiteBackground := red.Add(color.BgWhite)
whiteBackground.Println("Red text with White background.")
// Use your own io.Writer output
color.New(color.FgBlue).Fprintln(myWriter, "blue color!")
blue := color.New(color.FgBlue)
blue.Fprint(myWriter, "This will print text in blue.")
You can create PrintXxx functions to simplify even more:
// Create a custom print function for convenient
red := color.New(color.FgRed).PrintfFunc()
red("error: %s", err)
// Mix up multiple attributes
notice := color.New(color.Bold, color.FgGreen).PrintlnFunc()
notice("don't forget this...")
You can also FprintXxx functions to pass your own io.Writer:
blue := color.New(FgBlue).FprintfFunc()
blue(myWriter, "important notice: %s", stars)
// Mix up with multiple attributes
success := color.New(color.Bold, color.FgGreen).FprintlnFunc()
success(myWriter, don't forget this...")
Or create SprintXxx functions to mix strings with other non-colorized strings:
yellow := New(FgYellow).SprintFunc()
red := New(FgRed).SprintFunc()
fmt.Printf("this is a %s and this is %s.\n", yellow("warning"), red("error"))
info := New(FgWhite, BgGreen).SprintFunc()
fmt.Printf("this %s rocks!\n", info("package"))
Windows support is enabled by default. All Print functions work as intended.
However, only for color.SprintXXX functions, user should use fmt.FprintXXX and
set the output to color.Output:
fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "Windows support: %s", color.GreenString("PASS"))
info := New(FgWhite, BgGreen).SprintFunc()
fmt.Fprintf(color.Output, "this %s rocks!\n", info("package"))
Using with existing code is possible. Just use the Set() method to set the
standard output to the given parameters. That way a rewrite of an existing
code is not required.
// Use handy standard colors.
fmt.Println("Existing text will be now in Yellow")
fmt.Printf("This one %s\n", "too")
color.Unset() // don't forget to unset
// You can mix up parameters
color.Set(color.FgMagenta, color.Bold)
defer color.Unset() // use it in your function
fmt.Println("All text will be now bold magenta.")
There might be a case where you want to disable color output (for example to
pipe the standard output of your app to somewhere else). `Color` has support to
disable colors both globally and for single color definition. For example
suppose you have a CLI app and a `--no-color` bool flag. You can easily disable
the color output with:
var flagNoColor = flag.Bool("no-color", false, "Disable color output")
if *flagNoColor {
color.NoColor = true // disables colorized output
You can also disable the color by setting the NO_COLOR environment variable to any value.
It also has support for single color definitions (local). You can
disable/enable color output on the fly:
c := color.New(color.FgCyan)
c.Println("Prints cyan text")
c.Println("This is printed without any color")
c.Println("This prints again cyan...")
package color

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
root = true
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
insert_final_newline = true
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = true

@ -1 +0,0 @@
go.sum linguist-generated

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
# go test -c output
# Output of go build ./cmd/fsnotify

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Chris Howey <howeyc@gmail.com> <chris@howey.me>
Nathan Youngman <git@nathany.com> <4566+nathany@users.noreply.github.com>

@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
## [Unreleased]
Nothing yet.
## [1.6.0] - 2022-10-13
This version of fsnotify needs Go 1.16 (this was already the case since 1.5.1,
but not documented). It also increases the minimum Linux version to 2.6.32.
### Additions
- all: add `Event.Has()` and `Op.Has()` ([#477])
This makes checking events a lot easier; for example:
if event.Op&Write == Write && !(event.Op&Remove == Remove) {
if event.Has(Write) && !event.Has(Remove) {
- all: add cmd/fsnotify ([#463])
A command-line utility for testing and some examples.
### Changes and fixes
- inotify: don't ignore events for files that don't exist ([#260], [#470])
Previously the inotify watcher would call `os.Lstat()` to check if a file
still exists before emitting events.
This was inconsistent with other platforms and resulted in inconsistent event
reporting (e.g. when a file is quickly removed and re-created), and generally
a source of confusion. It was added in 2013 to fix a memory leak that no
longer exists.
- all: return `ErrNonExistentWatch` when `Remove()` is called on a path that's
not watched ([#460])
- inotify: replace epoll() with non-blocking inotify ([#434])
Non-blocking inotify was not generally available at the time this library was
written in 2014, but now it is. As a result, the minimum Linux version is
bumped from 2.6.27 to 2.6.32. This hugely simplifies the code and is faster.
- kqueue: don't check for events every 100ms ([#480])
The watcher would wake up every 100ms, even when there was nothing to do. Now
it waits until there is something to do.
- macos: retry opening files on EINTR ([#475])
- kqueue: skip unreadable files ([#479])
kqueue requires a file descriptor for every file in a directory; this would
fail if a file was unreadable by the current user. Now these files are simply
- windows: fix renaming a watched directory if the parent is also watched ([#370])
- windows: increase buffer size from 4K to 64K ([#485])
- windows: close file handle on Remove() ([#288])
- kqueue: put pathname in the error if watching a file fails ([#471])
- inotify, windows: calling Close() more than once could race ([#465])
- kqueue: improve Close() performance ([#233])
- all: various documentation additions and clarifications.
[#233]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/233
[#260]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/260
[#288]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/288
[#370]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/370
[#434]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/434
[#460]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/460
[#463]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/463
[#465]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/465
[#470]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/470
[#471]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/471
[#475]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/475
[#477]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/477
[#479]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/479
[#480]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/480
[#485]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/485
## [1.5.4] - 2022-04-25
* Windows: add missing defer to `Watcher.WatchList` [#447](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/447)
* go.mod: use latest x/sys [#444](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/444)
* Fix compilation for OpenBSD [#443](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/443)
## [1.5.3] - 2022-04-22
* This version is retracted. An incorrect branch is published accidentally [#445](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/445)
## [1.5.2] - 2022-04-21
* Add a feature to return the directories and files that are being monitored [#374](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/374)
* Fix potential crash on windows if `raw.FileNameLength` exceeds `syscall.MAX_PATH` [#361](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/361)
* Allow build on unsupported GOOS [#424](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/424)
* Don't set `poller.fd` twice in `newFdPoller` [#406](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/406)
* fix go vet warnings: call to `(*T).Fatalf` from a non-test goroutine [#416](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/416)
## [1.5.1] - 2021-08-24
* Revert Add AddRaw to not follow symlinks [#394](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/394)
## [1.5.0] - 2021-08-20
* Go: Increase minimum required version to Go 1.12 [#381](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/381)
* Feature: Add AddRaw method which does not follow symlinks when adding a watch [#289](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/298)
* Windows: Follow symlinks by default like on all other systems [#289](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/289)
* CI: Use GitHub Actions for CI and cover go 1.12-1.17
* Go 1.14+: Fix unsafe pointer conversion [#325](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/325)
## [1.4.9] - 2020-03-11
* Move example usage to the readme #329. This may resolve #328.
## [1.4.8] - 2020-03-10
* CI: test more go versions (@nathany 1d13583d846ea9d66dcabbfefbfb9d8e6fb05216)
* Tests: Queued inotify events could have been read by the test before max_queued_events was hit (@matthias-stone #265)
* Tests: t.Fatalf -> t.Errorf in go routines (@gdey #266)
* CI: Less verbosity (@nathany #267)
* Tests: Darwin: Exchangedata is deprecated on 10.13 (@nathany #267)
* Tests: Check if channels are closed in the example (@alexeykazakov #244)
* CI: Only run golint on latest version of go and fix issues (@cpuguy83 #284)
* CI: Add windows to travis matrix (@cpuguy83 #284)
* Docs: Remover appveyor badge (@nathany 11844c0959f6fff69ba325d097fce35bd85a8e93)
* Linux: create epoll and pipe fds with close-on-exec (@JohannesEbke #219)
* Linux: open files with close-on-exec (@linxiulei #273)
* Docs: Plan to support fanotify (@nathany ab058b44498e8b7566a799372a39d150d9ea0119 )
* Project: Add go.mod (@nathany #309)
* Project: Revise editor config (@nathany #309)
* Project: Update copyright for 2019 (@nathany #309)
* CI: Drop go1.8 from CI matrix (@nathany #309)
* Docs: Updating the FAQ section for supportability with NFS & FUSE filesystems (@Pratik32 4bf2d1fec78374803a39307bfb8d340688f4f28e )
## [1.4.7] - 2018-01-09
* BSD/macOS: Fix possible deadlock on closing the watcher on kqueue (thanks @nhooyr and @glycerine)
* Tests: Fix missing verb on format string (thanks @rchiossi)
* Linux: Fix deadlock in Remove (thanks @aarondl)
* Linux: Watch.Add improvements (avoid race, fix consistency, reduce garbage) (thanks @twpayne)
* Docs: Moved FAQ into the README (thanks @vahe)
* Linux: Properly handle inotify's IN_Q_OVERFLOW event (thanks @zeldovich)
* Docs: replace references to OS X with macOS
## [1.4.2] - 2016-10-10
* Linux: use InotifyInit1 with IN_CLOEXEC to stop leaking a file descriptor to a child process when using fork/exec [#178](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/178) (thanks @pattyshack)
## [1.4.1] - 2016-10-04
* Fix flaky inotify stress test on Linux [#177](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/177) (thanks @pattyshack)
## [1.4.0] - 2016-10-01
* add a String() method to Event.Op [#165](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/165) (thanks @oozie)
## [1.3.1] - 2016-06-28
* Windows: fix for double backslash when watching the root of a drive [#151](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/151) (thanks @brunoqc)
## [1.3.0] - 2016-04-19
* Support linux/arm64 by [patching](https://go-review.googlesource.com/#/c/21971/) x/sys/unix and switching to to it from syscall (thanks @suihkulokki) [#135](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/135)
## [1.2.10] - 2016-03-02
* Fix golint errors in windows.go [#121](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/121) (thanks @tiffanyfj)
## [1.2.9] - 2016-01-13
kqueue: Fix logic for CREATE after REMOVE [#111](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/111) (thanks @bep)
## [1.2.8] - 2015-12-17
* kqueue: fix race condition in Close [#105](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/105) (thanks @djui for reporting the issue and @ppknap for writing a failing test)
* inotify: fix race in test
* enable race detection for continuous integration (Linux, Mac, Windows)
## [1.2.5] - 2015-10-17
* inotify: use epoll_create1 for arm64 support (requires Linux 2.6.27 or later) [#100](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/100) (thanks @suihkulokki)
* inotify: fix path leaks [#73](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/73) (thanks @chamaken)
* kqueue: watch for rename events on subdirectories [#83](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/83) (thanks @guotie)
* kqueue: avoid infinite loops from symlinks cycles [#101](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/101) (thanks @illicitonion)
## [1.2.1] - 2015-10-14
* kqueue: don't watch named pipes [#98](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/98) (thanks @evanphx)
## [1.2.0] - 2015-02-08
* inotify: use epoll to wake up readEvents [#66](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/66) (thanks @PieterD)
* inotify: closing watcher should now always shut down goroutine [#63](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/63) (thanks @PieterD)
* kqueue: close kqueue after removing watches, fixes [#59](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/59)
## [1.1.1] - 2015-02-05
* inotify: Retry read on EINTR [#61](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/61) (thanks @PieterD)
## [1.1.0] - 2014-12-12
* kqueue: rework internals [#43](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/43)
* add low-level functions
* only need to store flags on directories
* less mutexes [#13](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/13)
* done can be an unbuffered channel
* remove calls to os.NewSyscallError
* More efficient string concatenation for Event.String() [#52](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/52) (thanks @mdlayher)
* kqueue: fix regression in rework causing subdirectories to be watched [#48](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/48)
* kqueue: cleanup internal watch before sending remove event [#51](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/51)
## [1.0.4] - 2014-09-07
* kqueue: add dragonfly to the build tags.
* Rename source code files, rearrange code so exported APIs are at the top.
* Add done channel to example code. [#37](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/37) (thanks @chenyukang)
## [1.0.3] - 2014-08-19
* [Fix] Windows MOVED_TO now translates to Create like on BSD and Linux. [#36](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/36)
## [1.0.2] - 2014-08-17
* [Fix] Missing create events on macOS. [#14](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/14) (thanks @zhsso)
* [Fix] Make ./path and path equivalent. (thanks @zhsso)
## [1.0.0] - 2014-08-15
* [API] Remove AddWatch on Windows, use Add.
* Improve documentation for exported identifiers. [#30](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/30)
* Minor updates based on feedback from golint.
## dev / 2014-07-09
* Moved to [github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify).
* Use os.NewSyscallError instead of returning errno (thanks @hariharan-uno)
## dev / 2014-07-04
* kqueue: fix incorrect mutex used in Close()
* Update example to demonstrate usage of Op.
## dev / 2014-06-28
* [API] Don't set the Write Op for attribute notifications [#4](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/4)
* Fix for String() method on Event (thanks Alex Brainman)
* Don't build on Plan 9 or Solaris (thanks @4ad)
## dev / 2014-06-21
* Events channel of type Event rather than *Event.
* [internal] use syscall constants directly for inotify and kqueue.
* [internal] kqueue: rename events to kevents and fileEvent to event.
## dev / 2014-06-19
* Go 1.3+ required on Windows (uses syscall.ERROR_MORE_DATA internally).
* [internal] remove cookie from Event struct (unused).
* [internal] Event struct has the same definition across every OS.
* [internal] remove internal watch and removeWatch methods.
## dev / 2014-06-12
* [API] Renamed Watch() to Add() and RemoveWatch() to Remove().
* [API] Pluralized channel names: Events and Errors.
* [API] Renamed FileEvent struct to Event.
* [API] Op constants replace methods like IsCreate().
## dev / 2014-06-12
* Fix data race on kevent buffer (thanks @tilaks) [#98](https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/pull/98)
## dev / 2014-05-23
* [API] Remove current implementation of WatchFlags.
* current implementation doesn't take advantage of OS for efficiency
* provides little benefit over filtering events as they are received, but has extra bookkeeping and mutexes
* no tests for the current implementation
* not fully implemented on Windows [#93](https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/issues/93#issuecomment-39285195)
## [0.9.3] - 2014-12-31
* kqueue: cleanup internal watch before sending remove event [#51](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/51)
## [0.9.2] - 2014-08-17
* [Backport] Fix missing create events on macOS. [#14](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/14) (thanks @zhsso)
## [0.9.1] - 2014-06-12
* Fix data race on kevent buffer (thanks @tilaks) [#98](https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/pull/98)
## [0.9.0] - 2014-01-17
* IsAttrib() for events that only concern a file's metadata [#79][] (thanks @abustany)
* [Fix] kqueue: fix deadlock [#77][] (thanks @cespare)
* [NOTICE] Development has moved to `code.google.com/p/go.exp/fsnotify` in preparation for inclusion in the Go standard library.
## [0.8.12] - 2013-11-13
* [API] Remove FD_SET and friends from Linux adapter
## [0.8.11] - 2013-11-02
* [Doc] Add Changelog [#72][] (thanks @nathany)
* [Doc] Spotlight and double modify events on macOS [#62][] (reported by @paulhammond)
## [0.8.10] - 2013-10-19
* [Fix] kqueue: remove file watches when parent directory is removed [#71][] (reported by @mdwhatcott)
* [Fix] kqueue: race between Close and readEvents [#70][] (reported by @bernerdschaefer)
* [Doc] specify OS-specific limits in README (thanks @debrando)
## [0.8.9] - 2013-09-08
* [Doc] Contributing (thanks @nathany)
* [Doc] update package path in example code [#63][] (thanks @paulhammond)
* [Doc] GoCI badge in README (Linux only) [#60][]
* [Doc] Cross-platform testing with Vagrant [#59][] (thanks @nathany)
## [0.8.8] - 2013-06-17
* [Fix] Windows: handle `ERROR_MORE_DATA` on Windows [#49][] (thanks @jbowtie)
## [0.8.7] - 2013-06-03
* [API] Make syscall flags internal
* [Fix] inotify: ignore event changes
* [Fix] race in symlink test [#45][] (reported by @srid)
* [Fix] tests on Windows
* lower case error messages
## [0.8.6] - 2013-05-23
* kqueue: Use EVT_ONLY flag on Darwin
* [Doc] Update README with full example
## [0.8.5] - 2013-05-09
* [Fix] inotify: allow monitoring of "broken" symlinks (thanks @tsg)
## [0.8.4] - 2013-04-07
* [Fix] kqueue: watch all file events [#40][] (thanks @ChrisBuchholz)
## [0.8.3] - 2013-03-13
* [Fix] inoitfy/kqueue memory leak [#36][] (reported by @nbkolchin)
* [Fix] kqueue: use fsnFlags for watching a directory [#33][] (reported by @nbkolchin)
## [0.8.2] - 2013-02-07
* [Doc] add Authors
* [Fix] fix data races for map access [#29][] (thanks @fsouza)
## [0.8.1] - 2013-01-09
* [Fix] Windows path separators
* [Doc] BSD License
## [0.8.0] - 2012-11-09
* kqueue: directory watching improvements (thanks @vmirage)
* inotify: add `IN_MOVED_TO` [#25][] (requested by @cpisto)
* [Fix] kqueue: deleting watched directory [#24][] (reported by @jakerr)
## [0.7.4] - 2012-10-09
* [Fix] inotify: fixes from https://codereview.appspot.com/5418045/ (ugorji)
* [Fix] kqueue: preserve watch flags when watching for delete [#21][] (reported by @robfig)
* [Fix] kqueue: watch the directory even if it isn't a new watch (thanks @robfig)
* [Fix] kqueue: modify after recreation of file
## [0.7.3] - 2012-09-27
* [Fix] kqueue: watch with an existing folder inside the watched folder (thanks @vmirage)
* [Fix] kqueue: no longer get duplicate CREATE events
## [0.7.2] - 2012-09-01
* kqueue: events for created directories
## [0.7.1] - 2012-07-14
* [Fix] for renaming files
## [0.7.0] - 2012-07-02
* [Feature] FSNotify flags
* [Fix] inotify: Added file name back to event path
## [0.6.0] - 2012-06-06
* kqueue: watch files after directory created (thanks @tmc)
## [0.5.1] - 2012-05-22
* [Fix] inotify: remove all watches before Close()
## [0.5.0] - 2012-05-03
* [API] kqueue: return errors during watch instead of sending over channel
* kqueue: match symlink behavior on Linux
* inotify: add `DELETE_SELF` (requested by @taralx)
* [Fix] kqueue: handle EINTR (reported by @robfig)
* [Doc] Godoc example [#1][] (thanks @davecheney)
## [0.4.0] - 2012-03-30
* Go 1 released: build with go tool
* [Feature] Windows support using winfsnotify
* Windows does not have attribute change notifications
* Roll attribute notifications into IsModify
## [0.3.0] - 2012-02-19
* kqueue: add files when watch directory
## [0.2.0] - 2011-12-30
* update to latest Go weekly code
## [0.1.0] - 2011-10-19
* kqueue: add watch on file creation to match inotify
* kqueue: create file event
* inotify: ignore `IN_IGNORED` events
* event String()
* linux: common FileEvent functions
* initial commit
[#79]: https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/pull/79
[#77]: https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/pull/77
[#72]: https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/issues/72
[#71]: https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/issues/71
[#70]: https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/issues/70
[#63]: https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/issues/63
[#62]: https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/issues/62
[#60]: https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/issues/60
[#59]: https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/issues/59
[#49]: https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/issues/49
[#45]: https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/issues/45
[#40]: https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/issues/40
[#36]: https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/issues/36
[#33]: https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/issues/33
[#29]: https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/issues/29
[#25]: https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/issues/25
[#24]: https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/issues/24
[#21]: https://github.com/howeyc/fsnotify/issues/21

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
Thank you for your interest in contributing to fsnotify! We try to review and
merge PRs in a reasonable timeframe, but please be aware that:
- To avoid "wasted" work, please discus changes on the issue tracker first. You
can just send PRs, but they may end up being rejected for one reason or the
- fsnotify is a cross-platform library, and changes must work reasonably well on
all supported platforms.
- Changes will need to be compatible; old code should still compile, and the
runtime behaviour can't change in ways that are likely to lead to problems for
Just `go test ./...` runs all the tests; the CI runs this on all supported
platforms. Testing different platforms locally can be done with something like
[goon] or [Vagrant], but this isn't super-easy to set up at the moment.
Use the `-short` flag to make the "stress test" run faster.
[goon]: https://github.com/arp242/goon
[Vagrant]: https://www.vagrantup.com/
[integration_test.go]: /integration_test.go

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
Copyright © 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
Copyright © fsnotify Authors. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be used
to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
prior written permission.

@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
fsnotify is a Go library to provide cross-platform filesystem notifications on
Windows, Linux, macOS, and BSD systems.
Go 1.16 or newer is required; the full documentation is at
**It's best to read the documentation at pkg.go.dev, as it's pinned to the last
released version, whereas this README is for the last development version which
may include additions/changes.**
Platform support:
| Adapter | OS | Status |
| --------------------- | ---------------| -------------------------------------------------------------|
| inotify | Linux 2.6.32+ | Supported |
| kqueue | BSD, macOS | Supported |
| ReadDirectoryChangesW | Windows | Supported |
| FSEvents | macOS | [Planned](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/11) |
| FEN | Solaris 11 | [In Progress](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/pull/371) |
| fanotify | Linux 5.9+ | [Maybe](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/114) |
| USN Journals | Windows | [Maybe](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/53) |
| Polling | *All* | [Maybe](https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/9) |
Linux and macOS should include Android and iOS, but these are currently untested.
A basic example:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create new watcher.
watcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher()
if err != nil {
defer watcher.Close()
// Start listening for events.
go func() {
for {
select {
case event, ok := <-watcher.Events:
if !ok {
log.Println("event:", event)
if event.Has(fsnotify.Write) {
log.Println("modified file:", event.Name)
case err, ok := <-watcher.Errors:
if !ok {
log.Println("error:", err)
// Add a path.
err = watcher.Add("/tmp")
if err != nil {
// Block main goroutine forever.
<-make(chan struct{})
Some more examples can be found in [cmd/fsnotify](cmd/fsnotify), which can be
run with:
% go run ./cmd/fsnotify
### Will a file still be watched when it's moved to another directory?
No, not unless you are watching the location it was moved to.
### Are subdirectories watched too?
No, you must add watches for any directory you want to watch (a recursive
watcher is on the roadmap: [#18]).
[#18]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/18
### Do I have to watch the Error and Event channels in a goroutine?
As of now, yes (you can read both channels in the same goroutine using `select`,
you don't need a separate goroutine for both channels; see the example).
### Why don't notifications work with NFS, SMB, FUSE, /proc, or /sys?
fsnotify requires support from underlying OS to work. The current NFS and SMB
protocols does not provide network level support for file notifications, and
neither do the /proc and /sys virtual filesystems.
This could be fixed with a polling watcher ([#9]), but it's not yet implemented.
[#9]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/9
Platform-specific notes
### Linux
When a file is removed a REMOVE event won't be emitted until all file
descriptors are closed; it will emit a CHMOD instead:
fp := os.Open("file")
os.Remove("file") // CHMOD
fp.Close() // REMOVE
This is the event that inotify sends, so not much can be changed about this.
The `fs.inotify.max_user_watches` sysctl variable specifies the upper limit for
the number of watches per user, and `fs.inotify.max_user_instances` specifies
the maximum number of inotify instances per user. Every Watcher you create is an
"instance", and every path you add is a "watch".
These are also exposed in `/proc` as `/proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches` and
To increase them you can use `sysctl` or write the value to proc file:
# The default values on Linux 5.18
sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=124983
sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_instances=128
To make the changes persist on reboot edit `/etc/sysctl.conf` or
`/usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-default.conf` (details differ per Linux distro; check your
distro's documentation):
Reaching the limit will result in a "no space left on device" or "too many open
files" error.
### kqueue (macOS, all BSD systems)
kqueue requires opening a file descriptor for every file that's being watched;
so if you're watching a directory with five files then that's six file
descriptors. You will run in to your system's "max open files" limit faster on
these platforms.
The sysctl variables `kern.maxfiles` and `kern.maxfilesperproc` can be used to
control the maximum number of open files.
### macOS
Spotlight indexing on macOS can result in multiple events (see [#15]). A temporary
workaround is to add your folder(s) to the *Spotlight Privacy settings* until we
have a native FSEvents implementation (see [#11]).
[#11]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/11
[#15]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/15

@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
//go:build solaris
// +build solaris
package fsnotify
import (
// Watcher watches a set of paths, delivering events on a channel.
// A watcher should not be copied (e.g. pass it by pointer, rather than by
// value).
// # Linux notes
// When a file is removed a Remove event won't be emitted until all file
// descriptors are closed, and deletes will always emit a Chmod. For example:
// fp := os.Open("file")
// os.Remove("file") // Triggers Chmod
// fp.Close() // Triggers Remove
// This is the event that inotify sends, so not much can be changed about this.
// The fs.inotify.max_user_watches sysctl variable specifies the upper limit
// for the number of watches per user, and fs.inotify.max_user_instances
// specifies the maximum number of inotify instances per user. Every Watcher you
// create is an "instance", and every path you add is a "watch".
// These are also exposed in /proc as /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches and
// /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_instances
// To increase them you can use sysctl or write the value to the /proc file:
// # Default values on Linux 5.18
// sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=124983
// sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_instances=128
// To make the changes persist on reboot edit /etc/sysctl.conf or
// /usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-default.conf (details differ per Linux distro; check
// your distro's documentation):
// fs.inotify.max_user_watches=124983
// fs.inotify.max_user_instances=128
// Reaching the limit will result in a "no space left on device" or "too many open
// files" error.
// # kqueue notes (macOS, BSD)
// kqueue requires opening a file descriptor for every file that's being watched;
// so if you're watching a directory with five files then that's six file
// descriptors. You will run in to your system's "max open files" limit faster on
// these platforms.
// The sysctl variables kern.maxfiles and kern.maxfilesperproc can be used to
// control the maximum number of open files, as well as /etc/login.conf on BSD
// systems.
// # macOS notes
// Spotlight indexing on macOS can result in multiple events (see [#15]). A
// temporary workaround is to add your folder(s) to the "Spotlight Privacy
// Settings" until we have a native FSEvents implementation (see [#11]).
// [#11]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/11
// [#15]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/15
type Watcher struct {
// Events sends the filesystem change events.
// fsnotify can send the following events; a "path" here can refer to a
// file, directory, symbolic link, or special file like a FIFO.
// fsnotify.Create A new path was created; this may be followed by one
// or more Write events if data also gets written to a
// file.
// fsnotify.Remove A path was removed.
// fsnotify.Rename A path was renamed. A rename is always sent with the
// old path as Event.Name, and a Create event will be
// sent with the new name. Renames are only sent for
// paths that are currently watched; e.g. moving an
// unmonitored file into a monitored directory will
// show up as just a Create. Similarly, renaming a file
// to outside a monitored directory will show up as
// only a Rename.
// fsnotify.Write A file or named pipe was written to. A Truncate will
// also trigger a Write. A single "write action"
// initiated by the user may show up as one or multiple
// writes, depending on when the system syncs things to
// disk. For example when compiling a large Go program
// you may get hundreds of Write events, so you
// probably want to wait until you've stopped receiving
// them (see the dedup example in cmd/fsnotify).
// fsnotify.Chmod Attributes were changed. On Linux this is also sent
// when a file is removed (or more accurately, when a
// link to an inode is removed). On kqueue it's sent
// and on kqueue when a file is truncated. On Windows
// it's never sent.
Events chan Event
// Errors sends any errors.
Errors chan error
// NewWatcher creates a new Watcher.
func NewWatcher() (*Watcher, error) {
return nil, errors.New("FEN based watcher not yet supported for fsnotify\n")
// Close removes all watches and closes the events channel.
func (w *Watcher) Close() error {
return nil
// Add starts monitoring the path for changes.
// A path can only be watched once; attempting to watch it more than once will
// return an error. Paths that do not yet exist on the filesystem cannot be
// added. A watch will be automatically removed if the path is deleted.
// A path will remain watched if it gets renamed to somewhere else on the same
// filesystem, but the monitor will get removed if the path gets deleted and
// re-created, or if it's moved to a different filesystem.
// Notifications on network filesystems (NFS, SMB, FUSE, etc.) or special
// filesystems (/proc, /sys, etc.) generally don't work.
// # Watching directories
// All files in a directory are monitored, including new files that are created
// after the watcher is started. Subdirectories are not watched (i.e. it's
// non-recursive).
// # Watching files
// Watching individual files (rather than directories) is generally not
// recommended as many tools update files atomically. Instead of "just" writing
// to the file a temporary file will be written to first, and if successful the
// temporary file is moved to to destination removing the original, or some
// variant thereof. The watcher on the original file is now lost, as it no
// longer exists.
// Instead, watch the parent directory and use Event.Name to filter out files
// you're not interested in. There is an example of this in [cmd/fsnotify/file.go].
func (w *Watcher) Add(name string) error {
return nil
// Remove stops monitoring the path for changes.
// Directories are always removed non-recursively. For example, if you added
// /tmp/dir and /tmp/dir/subdir then you will need to remove both.
// Removing a path that has not yet been added returns [ErrNonExistentWatch].
func (w *Watcher) Remove(name string) error {
return nil

@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
//go:build linux
// +build linux
package fsnotify
import (
// Watcher watches a set of paths, delivering events on a channel.
// A watcher should not be copied (e.g. pass it by pointer, rather than by
// value).
// # Linux notes
// When a file is removed a Remove event won't be emitted until all file
// descriptors are closed, and deletes will always emit a Chmod. For example:
// fp := os.Open("file")
// os.Remove("file") // Triggers Chmod
// fp.Close() // Triggers Remove
// This is the event that inotify sends, so not much can be changed about this.
// The fs.inotify.max_user_watches sysctl variable specifies the upper limit
// for the number of watches per user, and fs.inotify.max_user_instances
// specifies the maximum number of inotify instances per user. Every Watcher you
// create is an "instance", and every path you add is a "watch".
// These are also exposed in /proc as /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches and
// /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_instances
// To increase them you can use sysctl or write the value to the /proc file:
// # Default values on Linux 5.18
// sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=124983
// sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_instances=128
// To make the changes persist on reboot edit /etc/sysctl.conf or
// /usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-default.conf (details differ per Linux distro; check
// your distro's documentation):
// fs.inotify.max_user_watches=124983
// fs.inotify.max_user_instances=128
// Reaching the limit will result in a "no space left on device" or "too many open
// files" error.
// # kqueue notes (macOS, BSD)
// kqueue requires opening a file descriptor for every file that's being watched;
// so if you're watching a directory with five files then that's six file
// descriptors. You will run in to your system's "max open files" limit faster on
// these platforms.
// The sysctl variables kern.maxfiles and kern.maxfilesperproc can be used to
// control the maximum number of open files, as well as /etc/login.conf on BSD
// systems.
// # macOS notes
// Spotlight indexing on macOS can result in multiple events (see [#15]). A
// temporary workaround is to add your folder(s) to the "Spotlight Privacy
// Settings" until we have a native FSEvents implementation (see [#11]).
// [#11]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/11
// [#15]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/15
type Watcher struct {
// Events sends the filesystem change events.
// fsnotify can send the following events; a "path" here can refer to a
// file, directory, symbolic link, or special file like a FIFO.
// fsnotify.Create A new path was created; this may be followed by one
// or more Write events if data also gets written to a
// file.
// fsnotify.Remove A path was removed.
// fsnotify.Rename A path was renamed. A rename is always sent with the
// old path as Event.Name, and a Create event will be
// sent with the new name. Renames are only sent for
// paths that are currently watched; e.g. moving an
// unmonitored file into a monitored directory will
// show up as just a Create. Similarly, renaming a file
// to outside a monitored directory will show up as
// only a Rename.
// fsnotify.Write A file or named pipe was written to. A Truncate will
// also trigger a Write. A single "write action"
// initiated by the user may show up as one or multiple
// writes, depending on when the system syncs things to
// disk. For example when compiling a large Go program
// you may get hundreds of Write events, so you
// probably want to wait until you've stopped receiving
// them (see the dedup example in cmd/fsnotify).
// fsnotify.Chmod Attributes were changed. On Linux this is also sent
// when a file is removed (or more accurately, when a
// link to an inode is removed). On kqueue it's sent
// and on kqueue when a file is truncated. On Windows
// it's never sent.
Events chan Event
// Errors sends any errors.
Errors chan error
// Store fd here as os.File.Read() will no longer return on close after
// calling Fd(). See: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/26439
fd int
mu sync.Mutex // Map access
inotifyFile *os.File
watches map[string]*watch // Map of inotify watches (key: path)
paths map[int]string // Map of watched paths (key: watch descriptor)
done chan struct{} // Channel for sending a "quit message" to the reader goroutine
doneResp chan struct{} // Channel to respond to Close
// NewWatcher creates a new Watcher.
func NewWatcher() (*Watcher, error) {
// Create inotify fd
// Need to set the FD to nonblocking mode in order for SetDeadline methods to work
// Otherwise, blocking i/o operations won't terminate on close
fd, errno := unix.InotifyInit1(unix.IN_CLOEXEC | unix.IN_NONBLOCK)
if fd == -1 {
return nil, errno
w := &Watcher{
fd: fd,
inotifyFile: os.NewFile(uintptr(fd), ""),
watches: make(map[string]*watch),
paths: make(map[int]string),
Events: make(chan Event),
Errors: make(chan error),
done: make(chan struct{}),
doneResp: make(chan struct{}),
go w.readEvents()
return w, nil
// Returns true if the event was sent, or false if watcher is closed.
func (w *Watcher) sendEvent(e Event) bool {
select {
case w.Events <- e:
return true
case <-w.done:
return false
// Returns true if the error was sent, or false if watcher is closed.
func (w *Watcher) sendError(err error) bool {
select {
case w.Errors <- err:
return true
case <-w.done:
return false
func (w *Watcher) isClosed() bool {
select {
case <-w.done:
return true
return false
// Close removes all watches and closes the events channel.
func (w *Watcher) Close() error {
if w.isClosed() {
return nil
// Send 'close' signal to goroutine, and set the Watcher to closed.
// Causes any blocking reads to return with an error, provided the file
// still supports deadline operations.
err := w.inotifyFile.Close()
if err != nil {
return err
// Wait for goroutine to close
return nil
// Add starts monitoring the path for changes.
// A path can only be watched once; attempting to watch it more than once will
// return an error. Paths that do not yet exist on the filesystem cannot be
// added. A watch will be automatically removed if the path is deleted.
// A path will remain watched if it gets renamed to somewhere else on the same
// filesystem, but the monitor will get removed if the path gets deleted and
// re-created, or if it's moved to a different filesystem.
// Notifications on network filesystems (NFS, SMB, FUSE, etc.) or special
// filesystems (/proc, /sys, etc.) generally don't work.
// # Watching directories
// All files in a directory are monitored, including new files that are created
// after the watcher is started. Subdirectories are not watched (i.e. it's
// non-recursive).
// # Watching files
// Watching individual files (rather than directories) is generally not
// recommended as many tools update files atomically. Instead of "just" writing
// to the file a temporary file will be written to first, and if successful the
// temporary file is moved to to destination removing the original, or some
// variant thereof. The watcher on the original file is now lost, as it no
// longer exists.
// Instead, watch the parent directory and use Event.Name to filter out files
// you're not interested in. There is an example of this in [cmd/fsnotify/file.go].
func (w *Watcher) Add(name string) error {
name = filepath.Clean(name)
if w.isClosed() {
return errors.New("inotify instance already closed")
var flags uint32 = unix.IN_MOVED_TO | unix.IN_MOVED_FROM |
unix.IN_CREATE | unix.IN_ATTRIB | unix.IN_MODIFY |
defer w.mu.Unlock()
watchEntry := w.watches[name]
if watchEntry != nil {
flags |= watchEntry.flags | unix.IN_MASK_ADD
wd, errno := unix.InotifyAddWatch(w.fd, name, flags)
if wd == -1 {
return errno
if watchEntry == nil {
w.watches[name] = &watch{wd: uint32(wd), flags: flags}
w.paths[wd] = name
} else {
watchEntry.wd = uint32(wd)
watchEntry.flags = flags
return nil
// Remove stops monitoring the path for changes.
// Directories are always removed non-recursively. For example, if you added
// /tmp/dir and /tmp/dir/subdir then you will need to remove both.
// Removing a path that has not yet been added returns [ErrNonExistentWatch].
func (w *Watcher) Remove(name string) error {
name = filepath.Clean(name)
// Fetch the watch.
defer w.mu.Unlock()
watch, ok := w.watches[name]
// Remove it from inotify.
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", ErrNonExistentWatch, name)
// We successfully removed the watch if InotifyRmWatch doesn't return an
// error, we need to clean up our internal state to ensure it matches
// inotify's kernel state.
delete(w.paths, int(watch.wd))
delete(w.watches, name)
// inotify_rm_watch will return EINVAL if the file has been deleted;
// the inotify will already have been removed.
// watches and pathes are deleted in ignoreLinux() implicitly and asynchronously
// by calling inotify_rm_watch() below. e.g. readEvents() goroutine receives IN_IGNORE
// so that EINVAL means that the wd is being rm_watch()ed or its file removed
// by another thread and we have not received IN_IGNORE event.
success, errno := unix.InotifyRmWatch(w.fd, watch.wd)
if success == -1 {
// TODO: Perhaps it's not helpful to return an error here in every case;
// The only two possible errors are:
// - EBADF, which happens when w.fd is not a valid file descriptor
// of any kind.
// - EINVAL, which is when fd is not an inotify descriptor or wd
// is not a valid watch descriptor. Watch descriptors are
// invalidated when they are removed explicitly or implicitly;
// explicitly by inotify_rm_watch, implicitly when the file they
// are watching is deleted.
return errno
return nil
// WatchList returns all paths added with [Add] (and are not yet removed).
func (w *Watcher) WatchList() []string {
defer w.mu.Unlock()
entries := make([]string, 0, len(w.watches))
for pathname := range w.watches {
entries = append(entries, pathname)
return entries
type watch struct {
wd uint32 // Watch descriptor (as returned by the inotify_add_watch() syscall)
flags uint32 // inotify flags of this watch (see inotify(7) for the list of valid flags)
// readEvents reads from the inotify file descriptor, converts the
// received events into Event objects and sends them via the Events channel
func (w *Watcher) readEvents() {
defer func() {
var (
buf [unix.SizeofInotifyEvent * 4096]byte // Buffer for a maximum of 4096 raw events
errno error // Syscall errno
for {
// See if we have been closed.
if w.isClosed() {
n, err := w.inotifyFile.Read(buf[:])
switch {
case errors.Unwrap(err) == os.ErrClosed:
case err != nil:
if !w.sendError(err) {
if n < unix.SizeofInotifyEvent {
var err error
if n == 0 {
// If EOF is received. This should really never happen.
err = io.EOF
} else if n < 0 {
// If an error occurred while reading.
err = errno
} else {
// Read was too short.
err = errors.New("notify: short read in readEvents()")
if !w.sendError(err) {
var offset uint32
// We don't know how many events we just read into the buffer
// While the offset points to at least one whole event...
for offset <= uint32(n-unix.SizeofInotifyEvent) {
var (
// Point "raw" to the event in the buffer
raw = (*unix.InotifyEvent)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[offset]))
mask = uint32(raw.Mask)
nameLen = uint32(raw.Len)
if mask&unix.IN_Q_OVERFLOW != 0 {
if !w.sendError(ErrEventOverflow) {
// If the event happened to the watched directory or the watched file, the kernel
// doesn't append the filename to the event, but we would like to always fill the
// the "Name" field with a valid filename. We retrieve the path of the watch from
// the "paths" map.
name, ok := w.paths[int(raw.Wd)]
// IN_DELETE_SELF occurs when the file/directory being watched is removed.
// This is a sign to clean up the maps, otherwise we are no longer in sync
// with the inotify kernel state which has already deleted the watch
// automatically.
if ok && mask&unix.IN_DELETE_SELF == unix.IN_DELETE_SELF {
delete(w.paths, int(raw.Wd))
delete(w.watches, name)
if nameLen > 0 {
// Point "bytes" at the first byte of the filename
bytes := (*[unix.PathMax]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[offset+unix.SizeofInotifyEvent]))[:nameLen:nameLen]
// The filename is padded with NULL bytes. TrimRight() gets rid of those.
name += "/" + strings.TrimRight(string(bytes[0:nameLen]), "\000")
event := w.newEvent(name, mask)
// Send the events that are not ignored on the events channel
if mask&unix.IN_IGNORED == 0 {
if !w.sendEvent(event) {
// Move to the next event in the buffer
offset += unix.SizeofInotifyEvent + nameLen
// newEvent returns an platform-independent Event based on an inotify mask.
func (w *Watcher) newEvent(name string, mask uint32) Event {
e := Event{Name: name}
if mask&unix.IN_CREATE == unix.IN_CREATE || mask&unix.IN_MOVED_TO == unix.IN_MOVED_TO {
e.Op |= Create
if mask&unix.IN_DELETE_SELF == unix.IN_DELETE_SELF || mask&unix.IN_DELETE == unix.IN_DELETE {
e.Op |= Remove
if mask&unix.IN_MODIFY == unix.IN_MODIFY {
e.Op |= Write
if mask&unix.IN_MOVE_SELF == unix.IN_MOVE_SELF || mask&unix.IN_MOVED_FROM == unix.IN_MOVED_FROM {
e.Op |= Rename
if mask&unix.IN_ATTRIB == unix.IN_ATTRIB {
e.Op |= Chmod
return e

@ -1,707 +0,0 @@
//go:build freebsd || openbsd || netbsd || dragonfly || darwin
// +build freebsd openbsd netbsd dragonfly darwin
package fsnotify
import (
// Watcher watches a set of paths, delivering events on a channel.
// A watcher should not be copied (e.g. pass it by pointer, rather than by
// value).
// # Linux notes
// When a file is removed a Remove event won't be emitted until all file
// descriptors are closed, and deletes will always emit a Chmod. For example:
// fp := os.Open("file")
// os.Remove("file") // Triggers Chmod
// fp.Close() // Triggers Remove
// This is the event that inotify sends, so not much can be changed about this.
// The fs.inotify.max_user_watches sysctl variable specifies the upper limit
// for the number of watches per user, and fs.inotify.max_user_instances
// specifies the maximum number of inotify instances per user. Every Watcher you
// create is an "instance", and every path you add is a "watch".
// These are also exposed in /proc as /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches and
// /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_instances
// To increase them you can use sysctl or write the value to the /proc file:
// # Default values on Linux 5.18
// sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=124983
// sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_instances=128
// To make the changes persist on reboot edit /etc/sysctl.conf or
// /usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-default.conf (details differ per Linux distro; check
// your distro's documentation):
// fs.inotify.max_user_watches=124983
// fs.inotify.max_user_instances=128
// Reaching the limit will result in a "no space left on device" or "too many open
// files" error.
// # kqueue notes (macOS, BSD)
// kqueue requires opening a file descriptor for every file that's being watched;
// so if you're watching a directory with five files then that's six file
// descriptors. You will run in to your system's "max open files" limit faster on
// these platforms.
// The sysctl variables kern.maxfiles and kern.maxfilesperproc can be used to
// control the maximum number of open files, as well as /etc/login.conf on BSD
// systems.
// # macOS notes
// Spotlight indexing on macOS can result in multiple events (see [#15]). A
// temporary workaround is to add your folder(s) to the "Spotlight Privacy
// Settings" until we have a native FSEvents implementation (see [#11]).
// [#11]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/11
// [#15]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/15
type Watcher struct {
// Events sends the filesystem change events.
// fsnotify can send the following events; a "path" here can refer to a
// file, directory, symbolic link, or special file like a FIFO.
// fsnotify.Create A new path was created; this may be followed by one
// or more Write events if data also gets written to a
// file.
// fsnotify.Remove A path was removed.
// fsnotify.Rename A path was renamed. A rename is always sent with the
// old path as Event.Name, and a Create event will be
// sent with the new name. Renames are only sent for
// paths that are currently watched; e.g. moving an
// unmonitored file into a monitored directory will
// show up as just a Create. Similarly, renaming a file
// to outside a monitored directory will show up as
// only a Rename.
// fsnotify.Write A file or named pipe was written to. A Truncate will
// also trigger a Write. A single "write action"
// initiated by the user may show up as one or multiple
// writes, depending on when the system syncs things to
// disk. For example when compiling a large Go program
// you may get hundreds of Write events, so you
// probably want to wait until you've stopped receiving
// them (see the dedup example in cmd/fsnotify).
// fsnotify.Chmod Attributes were changed. On Linux this is also sent
// when a file is removed (or more accurately, when a
// link to an inode is removed). On kqueue it's sent
// and on kqueue when a file is truncated. On Windows
// it's never sent.
Events chan Event
// Errors sends any errors.
Errors chan error
done chan struct{}
kq int // File descriptor (as returned by the kqueue() syscall).
closepipe [2]int // Pipe used for closing.
mu sync.Mutex // Protects access to watcher data
watches map[string]int // Watched file descriptors (key: path).
watchesByDir map[string]map[int]struct{} // Watched file descriptors indexed by the parent directory (key: dirname(path)).
userWatches map[string]struct{} // Watches added with Watcher.Add()
dirFlags map[string]uint32 // Watched directories to fflags used in kqueue.
paths map[int]pathInfo // File descriptors to path names for processing kqueue events.
fileExists map[string]struct{} // Keep track of if we know this file exists (to stop duplicate create events).
isClosed bool // Set to true when Close() is first called
type pathInfo struct {
name string
isDir bool
// NewWatcher creates a new Watcher.
func NewWatcher() (*Watcher, error) {
kq, closepipe, err := newKqueue()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
w := &Watcher{
kq: kq,
closepipe: closepipe,
watches: make(map[string]int),
watchesByDir: make(map[string]map[int]struct{}),
dirFlags: make(map[string]uint32),
paths: make(map[int]pathInfo),
fileExists: make(map[string]struct{}),
userWatches: make(map[string]struct{}),
Events: make(chan Event),
Errors: make(chan error),
done: make(chan struct{}),
go w.readEvents()
return w, nil
// newKqueue creates a new kernel event queue and returns a descriptor.
// This registers a new event on closepipe, which will trigger an event when
// it's closed. This way we can use kevent() without timeout/polling; without
// the closepipe, it would block forever and we wouldn't be able to stop it at
// all.
func newKqueue() (kq int, closepipe [2]int, err error) {
kq, err = unix.Kqueue()
if kq == -1 {
return kq, closepipe, err
// Register the close pipe.
err = unix.Pipe(closepipe[:])
if err != nil {
return kq, closepipe, err
// Register changes to listen on the closepipe.
changes := make([]unix.Kevent_t, 1)
// SetKevent converts int to the platform-specific types.
unix.SetKevent(&changes[0], closepipe[0], unix.EVFILT_READ,
ok, err := unix.Kevent(kq, changes, nil, nil)
if ok == -1 {
return kq, closepipe, err
return kq, closepipe, nil
// Returns true if the event was sent, or false if watcher is closed.
func (w *Watcher) sendEvent(e Event) bool {
select {
case w.Events <- e:
return true
case <-w.done:
return false
// Returns true if the error was sent, or false if watcher is closed.
func (w *Watcher) sendError(err error) bool {
select {
case w.Errors <- err:
return true
case <-w.done:
return false
// Close removes all watches and closes the events channel.
func (w *Watcher) Close() error {
if w.isClosed {
return nil
w.isClosed = true
// copy paths to remove while locked
pathsToRemove := make([]string, 0, len(w.watches))
for name := range w.watches {
pathsToRemove = append(pathsToRemove, name)
w.mu.Unlock() // Unlock before calling Remove, which also locks
for _, name := range pathsToRemove {
// Send "quit" message to the reader goroutine.
return nil
// Add starts monitoring the path for changes.
// A path can only be watched once; attempting to watch it more than once will
// return an error. Paths that do not yet exist on the filesystem cannot be
// added. A watch will be automatically removed if the path is deleted.
// A path will remain watched if it gets renamed to somewhere else on the same
// filesystem, but the monitor will get removed if the path gets deleted and
// re-created, or if it's moved to a different filesystem.
// Notifications on network filesystems (NFS, SMB, FUSE, etc.) or special
// filesystems (/proc, /sys, etc.) generally don't work.
// # Watching directories
// All files in a directory are monitored, including new files that are created
// after the watcher is started. Subdirectories are not watched (i.e. it's
// non-recursive).
// # Watching files
// Watching individual files (rather than directories) is generally not
// recommended as many tools update files atomically. Instead of "just" writing
// to the file a temporary file will be written to first, and if successful the
// temporary file is moved to to destination removing the original, or some
// variant thereof. The watcher on the original file is now lost, as it no
// longer exists.
// Instead, watch the parent directory and use Event.Name to filter out files
// you're not interested in. There is an example of this in [cmd/fsnotify/file.go].
func (w *Watcher) Add(name string) error {
w.userWatches[name] = struct{}{}
_, err := w.addWatch(name, noteAllEvents)
return err
// Remove stops monitoring the path for changes.
// Directories are always removed non-recursively. For example, if you added
// /tmp/dir and /tmp/dir/subdir then you will need to remove both.
// Removing a path that has not yet been added returns [ErrNonExistentWatch].
func (w *Watcher) Remove(name string) error {
name = filepath.Clean(name)
watchfd, ok := w.watches[name]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", ErrNonExistentWatch, name)
err := w.register([]int{watchfd}, unix.EV_DELETE, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
isDir := w.paths[watchfd].isDir
delete(w.watches, name)
delete(w.userWatches, name)
parentName := filepath.Dir(name)
delete(w.watchesByDir[parentName], watchfd)
if len(w.watchesByDir[parentName]) == 0 {
delete(w.watchesByDir, parentName)
delete(w.paths, watchfd)
delete(w.dirFlags, name)
delete(w.fileExists, name)
// Find all watched paths that are in this directory that are not external.
if isDir {
var pathsToRemove []string
for fd := range w.watchesByDir[name] {
path := w.paths[fd]
if _, ok := w.userWatches[path.name]; !ok {
pathsToRemove = append(pathsToRemove, path.name)
for _, name := range pathsToRemove {
// Since these are internal, not much sense in propagating error
// to the user, as that will just confuse them with an error about
// a path they did not explicitly watch themselves.
return nil
// WatchList returns all paths added with [Add] (and are not yet removed).
func (w *Watcher) WatchList() []string {
defer w.mu.Unlock()
entries := make([]string, 0, len(w.userWatches))
for pathname := range w.userWatches {
entries = append(entries, pathname)
return entries
// Watch all events (except NOTE_EXTEND, NOTE_LINK, NOTE_REVOKE)
const noteAllEvents = unix.NOTE_DELETE | unix.NOTE_WRITE | unix.NOTE_ATTRIB | unix.NOTE_RENAME
// addWatch adds name to the watched file set.
// The flags are interpreted as described in kevent(2).
// Returns the real path to the file which was added, if any, which may be different from the one passed in the case of symlinks.
func (w *Watcher) addWatch(name string, flags uint32) (string, error) {
var isDir bool
// Make ./name and name equivalent
name = filepath.Clean(name)
if w.isClosed {
return "", errors.New("kevent instance already closed")
watchfd, alreadyWatching := w.watches[name]
// We already have a watch, but we can still override flags.
if alreadyWatching {
isDir = w.paths[watchfd].isDir
if !alreadyWatching {
fi, err := os.Lstat(name)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Don't watch sockets or named pipes
if (fi.Mode()&os.ModeSocket == os.ModeSocket) || (fi.Mode()&os.ModeNamedPipe == os.ModeNamedPipe) {
return "", nil
// Follow Symlinks
// Linux can add unresolvable symlinks to the watch list without issue,
// and Windows can't do symlinks period. To maintain consistency, we
// will act like everything is fine if the link can't be resolved.
// There will simply be no file events for broken symlinks. Hence the
// returns of nil on errors.
if fi.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink {
name, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(name)
if err != nil {
return "", nil
_, alreadyWatching = w.watches[name]
if alreadyWatching {
return name, nil
fi, err = os.Lstat(name)
if err != nil {
return "", nil
// Retry on EINTR; open() can return EINTR in practice on macOS.
// See #354, and go issues 11180 and 39237.
for {
watchfd, err = unix.Open(name, openMode, 0)
if err == nil {
if errors.Is(err, unix.EINTR) {
return "", err
isDir = fi.IsDir()
err := w.register([]int{watchfd}, unix.EV_ADD|unix.EV_CLEAR|unix.EV_ENABLE, flags)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if !alreadyWatching {
parentName := filepath.Dir(name)
w.watches[name] = watchfd
watchesByDir, ok := w.watchesByDir[parentName]
if !ok {
watchesByDir = make(map[int]struct{}, 1)
w.watchesByDir[parentName] = watchesByDir
watchesByDir[watchfd] = struct{}{}
w.paths[watchfd] = pathInfo{name: name, isDir: isDir}
if isDir {
// Watch the directory if it has not been watched before,
// or if it was watched before, but perhaps only a NOTE_DELETE (watchDirectoryFiles)
watchDir := (flags&unix.NOTE_WRITE) == unix.NOTE_WRITE &&
(!alreadyWatching || (w.dirFlags[name]&unix.NOTE_WRITE) != unix.NOTE_WRITE)
// Store flags so this watch can be updated later
w.dirFlags[name] = flags
if watchDir {
if err := w.watchDirectoryFiles(name); err != nil {
return "", err
return name, nil
// readEvents reads from kqueue and converts the received kevents into
// Event values that it sends down the Events channel.
func (w *Watcher) readEvents() {
defer func() {
err := unix.Close(w.kq)
if err != nil {
w.Errors <- err
eventBuffer := make([]unix.Kevent_t, 10)
for closed := false; !closed; {
kevents, err := w.read(eventBuffer)
// EINTR is okay, the syscall was interrupted before timeout expired.
if err != nil && err != unix.EINTR {
if !w.sendError(fmt.Errorf("fsnotify.readEvents: %w", err)) {
closed = true
// Flush the events we received to the Events channel
for _, kevent := range kevents {
var (
watchfd = int(kevent.Ident)
mask = uint32(kevent.Fflags)
// Shut down the loop when the pipe is closed, but only after all
// other events have been processed.
if watchfd == w.closepipe[0] {
closed = true
path := w.paths[watchfd]
event := w.newEvent(path.name, mask)
if path.isDir && !event.Has(Remove) {
// Double check to make sure the directory exists. This can
// happen when we do a rm -fr on a recursively watched folders
// and we receive a modification event first but the folder has
// been deleted and later receive the delete event.
if _, err := os.Lstat(event.Name); os.IsNotExist(err) {
event.Op |= Remove
if event.Has(Rename) || event.Has(Remove) {
delete(w.fileExists, event.Name)
if path.isDir && event.Has(Write) && !event.Has(Remove) {
} else {
if !w.sendEvent(event) {
closed = true
if event.Has(Remove) {
// Look for a file that may have overwritten this.
// For example, mv f1 f2 will delete f2, then create f2.
if path.isDir {
fileDir := filepath.Clean(event.Name)
_, found := w.watches[fileDir]
if found {
// make sure the directory exists before we watch for changes. When we
// do a recursive watch and perform rm -fr, the parent directory might
// have gone missing, ignore the missing directory and let the
// upcoming delete event remove the watch from the parent directory.
if _, err := os.Lstat(fileDir); err == nil {
} else {
filePath := filepath.Clean(event.Name)
if fileInfo, err := os.Lstat(filePath); err == nil {
w.sendFileCreatedEventIfNew(filePath, fileInfo)
// newEvent returns an platform-independent Event based on kqueue Fflags.
func (w *Watcher) newEvent(name string, mask uint32) Event {
e := Event{Name: name}
if mask&unix.NOTE_DELETE == unix.NOTE_DELETE {
e.Op |= Remove
if mask&unix.NOTE_WRITE == unix.NOTE_WRITE {
e.Op |= Write
if mask&unix.NOTE_RENAME == unix.NOTE_RENAME {
e.Op |= Rename
if mask&unix.NOTE_ATTRIB == unix.NOTE_ATTRIB {
e.Op |= Chmod
return e
// watchDirectoryFiles to mimic inotify when adding a watch on a directory
func (w *Watcher) watchDirectoryFiles(dirPath string) error {
// Get all files
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dirPath)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, fileInfo := range files {
path := filepath.Join(dirPath, fileInfo.Name())
cleanPath, err := w.internalWatch(path, fileInfo)
if err != nil {
// No permission to read the file; that's not a problem: just skip.
// But do add it to w.fileExists to prevent it from being picked up
// as a "new" file later (it still shows up in the directory
// listing).
switch {
case errors.Is(err, unix.EACCES) || errors.Is(err, unix.EPERM):
cleanPath = filepath.Clean(path)
return fmt.Errorf("%q: %w", filepath.Join(dirPath, fileInfo.Name()), err)
w.fileExists[cleanPath] = struct{}{}
return nil
// Search the directory for new files and send an event for them.
// This functionality is to have the BSD watcher match the inotify, which sends
// a create event for files created in a watched directory.
func (w *Watcher) sendDirectoryChangeEvents(dir string) {
// Get all files
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
if err != nil {
if !w.sendError(fmt.Errorf("fsnotify.sendDirectoryChangeEvents: %w", err)) {
// Search for new files
for _, fi := range files {
err := w.sendFileCreatedEventIfNew(filepath.Join(dir, fi.Name()), fi)
if err != nil {
// sendFileCreatedEvent sends a create event if the file isn't already being tracked.
func (w *Watcher) sendFileCreatedEventIfNew(filePath string, fileInfo os.FileInfo) (err error) {
_, doesExist := w.fileExists[filePath]
if !doesExist {
if !w.sendEvent(Event{Name: filePath, Op: Create}) {
// like watchDirectoryFiles (but without doing another ReadDir)
filePath, err = w.internalWatch(filePath, fileInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
w.fileExists[filePath] = struct{}{}
return nil
func (w *Watcher) internalWatch(name string, fileInfo os.FileInfo) (string, error) {
if fileInfo.IsDir() {
// mimic Linux providing delete events for subdirectories
// but preserve the flags used if currently watching subdirectory
flags := w.dirFlags[name]
flags |= unix.NOTE_DELETE | unix.NOTE_RENAME
return w.addWatch(name, flags)
// watch file to mimic Linux inotify
return w.addWatch(name, noteAllEvents)
// Register events with the queue.
func (w *Watcher) register(fds []int, flags int, fflags uint32) error {
changes := make([]unix.Kevent_t, len(fds))
for i, fd := range fds {
// SetKevent converts int to the platform-specific types.
unix.SetKevent(&changes[i], fd, unix.EVFILT_VNODE, flags)
changes[i].Fflags = fflags
// Register the events.
success, err := unix.Kevent(w.kq, changes, nil, nil)
if success == -1 {
return err
return nil
// read retrieves pending events, or waits until an event occurs.
func (w *Watcher) read(events []unix.Kevent_t) ([]unix.Kevent_t, error) {
n, err := unix.Kevent(w.kq, nil, events, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return events[0:n], nil

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
//go:build !darwin && !dragonfly && !freebsd && !openbsd && !linux && !netbsd && !solaris && !windows
// +build !darwin,!dragonfly,!freebsd,!openbsd,!linux,!netbsd,!solaris,!windows
package fsnotify
import (
// Watcher watches a set of files, delivering events to a channel.
type Watcher struct{}
// NewWatcher creates a new Watcher.
func NewWatcher() (*Watcher, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("fsnotify not supported on %s", runtime.GOOS)
// Close removes all watches and closes the events channel.
func (w *Watcher) Close() error {
return nil
// Add starts monitoring the path for changes.
// A path can only be watched once; attempting to watch it more than once will
// return an error. Paths that do not yet exist on the filesystem cannot be
// added. A watch will be automatically removed if the path is deleted.
// A path will remain watched if it gets renamed to somewhere else on the same
// filesystem, but the monitor will get removed if the path gets deleted and
// re-created, or if it's moved to a different filesystem.
// Notifications on network filesystems (NFS, SMB, FUSE, etc.) or special
// filesystems (/proc, /sys, etc.) generally don't work.
// # Watching directories
// All files in a directory are monitored, including new files that are created
// after the watcher is started. Subdirectories are not watched (i.e. it's
// non-recursive).
// # Watching files
// Watching individual files (rather than directories) is generally not
// recommended as many tools update files atomically. Instead of "just" writing
// to the file a temporary file will be written to first, and if successful the
// temporary file is moved to to destination removing the original, or some
// variant thereof. The watcher on the original file is now lost, as it no
// longer exists.
// Instead, watch the parent directory and use Event.Name to filter out files
// you're not interested in. There is an example of this in [cmd/fsnotify/file.go].
func (w *Watcher) Add(name string) error {
return nil
// Remove stops monitoring the path for changes.
// Directories are always removed non-recursively. For example, if you added
// /tmp/dir and /tmp/dir/subdir then you will need to remove both.
// Removing a path that has not yet been added returns [ErrNonExistentWatch].
func (w *Watcher) Remove(name string) error {
return nil

@ -1,746 +0,0 @@
//go:build windows
// +build windows
package fsnotify
import (
// Watcher watches a set of paths, delivering events on a channel.
// A watcher should not be copied (e.g. pass it by pointer, rather than by
// value).
// # Linux notes
// When a file is removed a Remove event won't be emitted until all file
// descriptors are closed, and deletes will always emit a Chmod. For example:
// fp := os.Open("file")
// os.Remove("file") // Triggers Chmod
// fp.Close() // Triggers Remove
// This is the event that inotify sends, so not much can be changed about this.
// The fs.inotify.max_user_watches sysctl variable specifies the upper limit
// for the number of watches per user, and fs.inotify.max_user_instances
// specifies the maximum number of inotify instances per user. Every Watcher you
// create is an "instance", and every path you add is a "watch".
// These are also exposed in /proc as /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches and
// /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_instances
// To increase them you can use sysctl or write the value to the /proc file:
// # Default values on Linux 5.18
// sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=124983
// sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_instances=128
// To make the changes persist on reboot edit /etc/sysctl.conf or
// /usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-default.conf (details differ per Linux distro; check
// your distro's documentation):
// fs.inotify.max_user_watches=124983
// fs.inotify.max_user_instances=128
// Reaching the limit will result in a "no space left on device" or "too many open
// files" error.
// # kqueue notes (macOS, BSD)
// kqueue requires opening a file descriptor for every file that's being watched;
// so if you're watching a directory with five files then that's six file
// descriptors. You will run in to your system's "max open files" limit faster on
// these platforms.
// The sysctl variables kern.maxfiles and kern.maxfilesperproc can be used to
// control the maximum number of open files, as well as /etc/login.conf on BSD
// systems.
// # macOS notes
// Spotlight indexing on macOS can result in multiple events (see [#15]). A
// temporary workaround is to add your folder(s) to the "Spotlight Privacy
// Settings" until we have a native FSEvents implementation (see [#11]).
// [#11]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/11
// [#15]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/15
type Watcher struct {
// Events sends the filesystem change events.
// fsnotify can send the following events; a "path" here can refer to a
// file, directory, symbolic link, or special file like a FIFO.
// fsnotify.Create A new path was created; this may be followed by one
// or more Write events if data also gets written to a
// file.
// fsnotify.Remove A path was removed.
// fsnotify.Rename A path was renamed. A rename is always sent with the
// old path as Event.Name, and a Create event will be
// sent with the new name. Renames are only sent for
// paths that are currently watched; e.g. moving an
// unmonitored file into a monitored directory will
// show up as just a Create. Similarly, renaming a file
// to outside a monitored directory will show up as
// only a Rename.
// fsnotify.Write A file or named pipe was written to. A Truncate will
// also trigger a Write. A single "write action"
// initiated by the user may show up as one or multiple
// writes, depending on when the system syncs things to
// disk. For example when compiling a large Go program
// you may get hundreds of Write events, so you
// probably want to wait until you've stopped receiving
// them (see the dedup example in cmd/fsnotify).
// fsnotify.Chmod Attributes were changed. On Linux this is also sent
// when a file is removed (or more accurately, when a
// link to an inode is removed). On kqueue it's sent
// and on kqueue when a file is truncated. On Windows
// it's never sent.
Events chan Event
// Errors sends any errors.
Errors chan error
port windows.Handle // Handle to completion port
input chan *input // Inputs to the reader are sent on this channel
quit chan chan<- error
mu sync.Mutex // Protects access to watches, isClosed
watches watchMap // Map of watches (key: i-number)
isClosed bool // Set to true when Close() is first called
// NewWatcher creates a new Watcher.
func NewWatcher() (*Watcher, error) {
port, err := windows.CreateIoCompletionPort(windows.InvalidHandle, 0, 0, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, os.NewSyscallError("CreateIoCompletionPort", err)
w := &Watcher{
port: port,
watches: make(watchMap),
input: make(chan *input, 1),
Events: make(chan Event, 50),
Errors: make(chan error),
quit: make(chan chan<- error, 1),
go w.readEvents()
return w, nil
func (w *Watcher) sendEvent(name string, mask uint64) bool {
if mask == 0 {
return false
event := w.newEvent(name, uint32(mask))
select {
case ch := <-w.quit:
w.quit <- ch
case w.Events <- event:
return true
// Returns true if the error was sent, or false if watcher is closed.
func (w *Watcher) sendError(err error) bool {
select {
case w.Errors <- err:
return true
case <-w.quit:
return false
// Close removes all watches and closes the events channel.
func (w *Watcher) Close() error {
if w.isClosed {
return nil
w.isClosed = true
// Send "quit" message to the reader goroutine
ch := make(chan error)
w.quit <- ch
if err := w.wakeupReader(); err != nil {
return err
return <-ch
// Add starts monitoring the path for changes.
// A path can only be watched once; attempting to watch it more than once will
// return an error. Paths that do not yet exist on the filesystem cannot be
// added. A watch will be automatically removed if the path is deleted.
// A path will remain watched if it gets renamed to somewhere else on the same
// filesystem, but the monitor will get removed if the path gets deleted and
// re-created, or if it's moved to a different filesystem.
// Notifications on network filesystems (NFS, SMB, FUSE, etc.) or special
// filesystems (/proc, /sys, etc.) generally don't work.
// # Watching directories
// All files in a directory are monitored, including new files that are created
// after the watcher is started. Subdirectories are not watched (i.e. it's
// non-recursive).
// # Watching files
// Watching individual files (rather than directories) is generally not
// recommended as many tools update files atomically. Instead of "just" writing
// to the file a temporary file will be written to first, and if successful the
// temporary file is moved to to destination removing the original, or some
// variant thereof. The watcher on the original file is now lost, as it no
// longer exists.
// Instead, watch the parent directory and use Event.Name to filter out files
// you're not interested in. There is an example of this in [cmd/fsnotify/file.go].
func (w *Watcher) Add(name string) error {
if w.isClosed {
return errors.New("watcher already closed")
in := &input{
op: opAddWatch,
path: filepath.Clean(name),
flags: sysFSALLEVENTS,
reply: make(chan error),
w.input <- in
if err := w.wakeupReader(); err != nil {
return err
return <-in.reply
// Remove stops monitoring the path for changes.
// Directories are always removed non-recursively. For example, if you added
// /tmp/dir and /tmp/dir/subdir then you will need to remove both.
// Removing a path that has not yet been added returns [ErrNonExistentWatch].
func (w *Watcher) Remove(name string) error {
in := &input{
op: opRemoveWatch,
path: filepath.Clean(name),
reply: make(chan error),
w.input <- in
if err := w.wakeupReader(); err != nil {
return err
return <-in.reply
// WatchList returns all paths added with [Add] (and are not yet removed).
func (w *Watcher) WatchList() []string {
defer w.mu.Unlock()
entries := make([]string, 0, len(w.watches))
for _, entry := range w.watches {
for _, watchEntry := range entry {
entries = append(entries, watchEntry.path)
return entries
// These options are from the old golang.org/x/exp/winfsnotify, where you could
// add various options to the watch. This has long since been removed.
// The "sys" in the name is misleading as they're not part of any "system".
// This should all be removed at some point, and just use windows.FILE_NOTIFY_*
const (
sysFSALLEVENTS = 0xfff
sysFSATTRIB = 0x4
sysFSCREATE = 0x100
sysFSDELETE = 0x200
sysFSMODIFY = 0x2
sysFSMOVE = 0xc0
sysFSMOVEDTO = 0x80
sysFSMOVESELF = 0x800
sysFSIGNORED = 0x8000
func (w *Watcher) newEvent(name string, mask uint32) Event {
e := Event{Name: name}
if mask&sysFSCREATE == sysFSCREATE || mask&sysFSMOVEDTO == sysFSMOVEDTO {
e.Op |= Create
e.Op |= Remove
if mask&sysFSMODIFY == sysFSMODIFY {
e.Op |= Write
if mask&sysFSMOVE == sysFSMOVE || mask&sysFSMOVESELF == sysFSMOVESELF || mask&sysFSMOVEDFROM == sysFSMOVEDFROM {
e.Op |= Rename
if mask&sysFSATTRIB == sysFSATTRIB {
e.Op |= Chmod
return e
const (
opAddWatch = iota
const (
provisional uint64 = 1 << (32 + iota)
type input struct {
op int
path string
flags uint32
reply chan error
type inode struct {
handle windows.Handle
volume uint32
index uint64
type watch struct {
ov windows.Overlapped
ino *inode // i-number
path string // Directory path
mask uint64 // Directory itself is being watched with these notify flags
names map[string]uint64 // Map of names being watched and their notify flags
rename string // Remembers the old name while renaming a file
buf [65536]byte // 64K buffer
type (
indexMap map[uint64]*watch
watchMap map[uint32]indexMap
func (w *Watcher) wakeupReader() error {
err := windows.PostQueuedCompletionStatus(w.port, 0, 0, nil)
if err != nil {
return os.NewSyscallError("PostQueuedCompletionStatus", err)
return nil
func (w *Watcher) getDir(pathname string) (dir string, err error) {
attr, err := windows.GetFileAttributes(windows.StringToUTF16Ptr(pathname))
if err != nil {
return "", os.NewSyscallError("GetFileAttributes", err)
if attr&windows.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY != 0 {
dir = pathname
} else {
dir, _ = filepath.Split(pathname)
dir = filepath.Clean(dir)
func (w *Watcher) getIno(path string) (ino *inode, err error) {
h, err := windows.CreateFile(windows.StringToUTF16Ptr(path),
nil, windows.OPEN_EXISTING,
if err != nil {
return nil, os.NewSyscallError("CreateFile", err)
var fi windows.ByHandleFileInformation
err = windows.GetFileInformationByHandle(h, &fi)
if err != nil {
return nil, os.NewSyscallError("GetFileInformationByHandle", err)
ino = &inode{
handle: h,
volume: fi.VolumeSerialNumber,
index: uint64(fi.FileIndexHigh)<<32 | uint64(fi.FileIndexLow),
return ino, nil
// Must run within the I/O thread.
func (m watchMap) get(ino *inode) *watch {
if i := m[ino.volume]; i != nil {
return i[ino.index]
return nil
// Must run within the I/O thread.
func (m watchMap) set(ino *inode, watch *watch) {
i := m[ino.volume]
if i == nil {
i = make(indexMap)
m[ino.volume] = i
i[ino.index] = watch
// Must run within the I/O thread.
func (w *Watcher) addWatch(pathname string, flags uint64) error {
dir, err := w.getDir(pathname)
if err != nil {
return err
ino, err := w.getIno(dir)
if err != nil {
return err
watchEntry := w.watches.get(ino)
if watchEntry == nil {
_, err := windows.CreateIoCompletionPort(ino.handle, w.port, 0, 0)
if err != nil {
return os.NewSyscallError("CreateIoCompletionPort", err)
watchEntry = &watch{
ino: ino,
path: dir,
names: make(map[string]uint64),
w.watches.set(ino, watchEntry)
flags |= provisional
} else {
if pathname == dir {
watchEntry.mask |= flags
} else {
watchEntry.names[filepath.Base(pathname)] |= flags
err = w.startRead(watchEntry)
if err != nil {
return err
if pathname == dir {
watchEntry.mask &= ^provisional
} else {
watchEntry.names[filepath.Base(pathname)] &= ^provisional
return nil
// Must run within the I/O thread.
func (w *Watcher) remWatch(pathname string) error {
dir, err := w.getDir(pathname)
if err != nil {
return err
ino, err := w.getIno(dir)
if err != nil {
return err
watch := w.watches.get(ino)
err = windows.CloseHandle(ino.handle)
if err != nil {
w.sendError(os.NewSyscallError("CloseHandle", err))
if watch == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", ErrNonExistentWatch, pathname)
if pathname == dir {
w.sendEvent(watch.path, watch.mask&sysFSIGNORED)
watch.mask = 0
} else {
name := filepath.Base(pathname)
w.sendEvent(filepath.Join(watch.path, name), watch.names[name]&sysFSIGNORED)
delete(watch.names, name)
return w.startRead(watch)
// Must run within the I/O thread.
func (w *Watcher) deleteWatch(watch *watch) {
for name, mask := range watch.names {
if mask&provisional == 0 {
w.sendEvent(filepath.Join(watch.path, name), mask&sysFSIGNORED)
delete(watch.names, name)
if watch.mask != 0 {
if watch.mask&provisional == 0 {
w.sendEvent(watch.path, watch.mask&sysFSIGNORED)
watch.mask = 0
// Must run within the I/O thread.
func (w *Watcher) startRead(watch *watch) error {
err := windows.CancelIo(watch.ino.handle)
if err != nil {
w.sendError(os.NewSyscallError("CancelIo", err))
mask := w.toWindowsFlags(watch.mask)
for _, m := range watch.names {
mask |= w.toWindowsFlags(m)
if mask == 0 {
err := windows.CloseHandle(watch.ino.handle)
if err != nil {
w.sendError(os.NewSyscallError("CloseHandle", err))
delete(w.watches[watch.ino.volume], watch.ino.index)
return nil
rdErr := windows.ReadDirectoryChanges(watch.ino.handle, &watch.buf[0],
uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(watch.buf)), false, mask, nil, &watch.ov, 0)
if rdErr != nil {
err := os.NewSyscallError("ReadDirectoryChanges", rdErr)
if rdErr == windows.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED && watch.mask&provisional == 0 {
// Watched directory was probably removed
w.sendEvent(watch.path, watch.mask&sysFSDELETESELF)
err = nil
return err
return nil
// readEvents reads from the I/O completion port, converts the
// received events into Event objects and sends them via the Events channel.
// Entry point to the I/O thread.
func (w *Watcher) readEvents() {
var (
n uint32
key uintptr
ov *windows.Overlapped
for {
qErr := windows.GetQueuedCompletionStatus(w.port, &n, &key, &ov, windows.INFINITE)
// This error is handled after the watch == nil check below. NOTE: this
// seems odd, note sure if it's correct.
watch := (*watch)(unsafe.Pointer(ov))
if watch == nil {
select {
case ch := <-w.quit:
var indexes []indexMap
for _, index := range w.watches {
indexes = append(indexes, index)
for _, index := range indexes {
for _, watch := range index {
err := windows.CloseHandle(w.port)
if err != nil {
err = os.NewSyscallError("CloseHandle", err)
ch <- err
case in := <-w.input:
switch in.op {
case opAddWatch:
in.reply <- w.addWatch(in.path, uint64(in.flags))
case opRemoveWatch:
in.reply <- w.remWatch(in.path)
switch qErr {
case windows.ERROR_MORE_DATA:
if watch == nil {
w.sendError(errors.New("ERROR_MORE_DATA has unexpectedly null lpOverlapped buffer"))
} else {
// The i/o succeeded but the buffer is full.
// In theory we should be building up a full packet.
// In practice we can get away with just carrying on.
n = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(watch.buf))
// Watched directory was probably removed
w.sendEvent(watch.path, watch.mask&sysFSDELETESELF)
// CancelIo was called on this handle
w.sendError(os.NewSyscallError("GetQueuedCompletionPort", qErr))
case nil:
var offset uint32
for {
if n == 0 {
w.sendError(errors.New("short read in readEvents()"))
// Point "raw" to the event in the buffer
raw := (*windows.FileNotifyInformation)(unsafe.Pointer(&watch.buf[offset]))
// Create a buf that is the size of the path name
size := int(raw.FileNameLength / 2)
var buf []uint16
// TODO: Use unsafe.Slice in Go 1.17; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51187973
sh := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf))
sh.Data = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&raw.FileName))
sh.Len = size
sh.Cap = size
name := windows.UTF16ToString(buf)
fullname := filepath.Join(watch.path, name)
var mask uint64
switch raw.Action {
mask = sysFSMODIFY
watch.rename = name
// Update saved path of all sub-watches.
old := filepath.Join(watch.path, watch.rename)
for _, watchMap := range w.watches {
for _, ww := range watchMap {
if strings.HasPrefix(ww.path, old) {
ww.path = filepath.Join(fullname, strings.TrimPrefix(ww.path, old))
if watch.names[watch.rename] != 0 {
watch.names[name] |= watch.names[watch.rename]
delete(watch.names, watch.rename)
mask = sysFSMOVESELF
sendNameEvent := func() {
w.sendEvent(fullname, watch.names[name]&mask)
if raw.Action != windows.FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME {
if raw.Action == windows.FILE_ACTION_REMOVED {
w.sendEvent(fullname, watch.names[name]&sysFSIGNORED)
delete(watch.names, name)
w.sendEvent(fullname, watch.mask&w.toFSnotifyFlags(raw.Action))
if raw.Action == windows.FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME {
fullname = filepath.Join(watch.path, watch.rename)
// Move to the next event in the buffer
if raw.NextEntryOffset == 0 {
offset += raw.NextEntryOffset
// Error!
if offset >= n {
"Windows system assumed buffer larger than it is, events have likely been missed."))
if err := w.startRead(watch); err != nil {
func (w *Watcher) toWindowsFlags(mask uint64) uint32 {
var m uint32
if mask&sysFSMODIFY != 0 {
if mask&sysFSATTRIB != 0 {
if mask&(sysFSMOVE|sysFSCREATE|sysFSDELETE) != 0 {
return m
func (w *Watcher) toFSnotifyFlags(action uint32) uint64 {
switch action {
case windows.FILE_ACTION_ADDED:
return sysFSCREATE
return sysFSDELETE
return sysFSMODIFY
return sysFSMOVEDTO
return 0

@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
//go:build !plan9
// +build !plan9
// Package fsnotify provides a cross-platform interface for file system
// notifications.
package fsnotify
import (
// Event represents a file system notification.
type Event struct {
// Path to the file or directory.
// Paths are relative to the input; for example with Add("dir") the Name
// will be set to "dir/file" if you create that file, but if you use
// Add("/path/to/dir") it will be "/path/to/dir/file".
Name string
// File operation that triggered the event.
// This is a bitmask and some systems may send multiple operations at once.
// Use the Event.Has() method instead of comparing with ==.
Op Op
// Op describes a set of file operations.
type Op uint32
// The operations fsnotify can trigger; see the documentation on [Watcher] for a
// full description, and check them with [Event.Has].
const (
Create Op = 1 << iota
// Common errors that can be reported by a watcher
var (
ErrNonExistentWatch = errors.New("can't remove non-existent watcher")
ErrEventOverflow = errors.New("fsnotify queue overflow")
func (op Op) String() string {
var b strings.Builder
if op.Has(Create) {
if op.Has(Remove) {
if op.Has(Write) {
if op.Has(Rename) {
if op.Has(Chmod) {
if b.Len() == 0 {
return "[no events]"
return b.String()[1:]
// Has reports if this operation has the given operation.
func (o Op) Has(h Op) bool { return o&h == h }
// Has reports if this event has the given operation.
func (e Event) Has(op Op) bool { return e.Op.Has(op) }
// String returns a string representation of the event with their path.
func (e Event) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%-13s %q", e.Op.String(), e.Name)

@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
[ "${ZSH_VERSION:-}" = "" ] && echo >&2 "Only works with zsh" && exit 1
setopt err_exit no_unset pipefail extended_glob
# Simple script to update the godoc comments on all watchers. Probably took me
# more time to write this than doing it manually, but ah well 🙃
// Watcher watches a set of paths, delivering events on a channel.
// A watcher should not be copied (e.g. pass it by pointer, rather than by
// value).
// # Linux notes
// When a file is removed a Remove event won't be emitted until all file
// descriptors are closed, and deletes will always emit a Chmod. For example:
// fp := os.Open("file")
// os.Remove("file") // Triggers Chmod
// fp.Close() // Triggers Remove
// This is the event that inotify sends, so not much can be changed about this.
// The fs.inotify.max_user_watches sysctl variable specifies the upper limit
// for the number of watches per user, and fs.inotify.max_user_instances
// specifies the maximum number of inotify instances per user. Every Watcher you
// create is an "instance", and every path you add is a "watch".
// These are also exposed in /proc as /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches and
// /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_instances
// To increase them you can use sysctl or write the value to the /proc file:
// # Default values on Linux 5.18
// sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=124983
// sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_instances=128
// To make the changes persist on reboot edit /etc/sysctl.conf or
// /usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-default.conf (details differ per Linux distro; check
// your distro's documentation):
// fs.inotify.max_user_watches=124983
// fs.inotify.max_user_instances=128
// Reaching the limit will result in a "no space left on device" or "too many open
// files" error.
// # kqueue notes (macOS, BSD)
// kqueue requires opening a file descriptor for every file that's being watched;
// so if you're watching a directory with five files then that's six file
// descriptors. You will run in to your system's "max open files" limit faster on
// these platforms.
// The sysctl variables kern.maxfiles and kern.maxfilesperproc can be used to
// control the maximum number of open files, as well as /etc/login.conf on BSD
// systems.
// # macOS notes
// Spotlight indexing on macOS can result in multiple events (see [#15]). A
// temporary workaround is to add your folder(s) to the "Spotlight Privacy
// Settings" until we have a native FSEvents implementation (see [#11]).
// [#11]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/11
// [#15]: https://github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/15
// NewWatcher creates a new Watcher.
// Add starts monitoring the path for changes.
// A path can only be watched once; attempting to watch it more than once will
// return an error. Paths that do not yet exist on the filesystem cannot be
// added. A watch will be automatically removed if the path is deleted.
// A path will remain watched if it gets renamed to somewhere else on the same
// filesystem, but the monitor will get removed if the path gets deleted and
// re-created, or if it's moved to a different filesystem.
// Notifications on network filesystems (NFS, SMB, FUSE, etc.) or special
// filesystems (/proc, /sys, etc.) generally don't work.
// # Watching directories
// All files in a directory are monitored, including new files that are created
// after the watcher is started. Subdirectories are not watched (i.e. it's
// non-recursive).
// # Watching files
// Watching individual files (rather than directories) is generally not
// recommended as many tools update files atomically. Instead of "just" writing
// to the file a temporary file will be written to first, and if successful the
// temporary file is moved to to destination removing the original, or some
// variant thereof. The watcher on the original file is now lost, as it no
// longer exists.
// Instead, watch the parent directory and use Event.Name to filter out files
// you're not interested in. There is an example of this in [cmd/fsnotify/file.go].
// Remove stops monitoring the path for changes.
// Directories are always removed non-recursively. For example, if you added
// /tmp/dir and /tmp/dir/subdir then you will need to remove both.
// Removing a path that has not yet been added returns [ErrNonExistentWatch].
// Close removes all watches and closes the events channel.
// WatchList returns all paths added with [Add] (and are not yet removed).
// Events sends the filesystem change events.
// fsnotify can send the following events; a "path" here can refer to a
// file, directory, symbolic link, or special file like a FIFO.
// fsnotify.Create A new path was created; this may be followed by one
// or more Write events if data also gets written to a
// file.
// fsnotify.Remove A path was removed.
// fsnotify.Rename A path was renamed. A rename is always sent with the
// old path as Event.Name, and a Create event will be
// sent with the new name. Renames are only sent for
// paths that are currently watched; e.g. moving an
// unmonitored file into a monitored directory will
// show up as just a Create. Similarly, renaming a file
// to outside a monitored directory will show up as
// only a Rename.
// fsnotify.Write A file or named pipe was written to. A Truncate will
// also trigger a Write. A single "write action"
// initiated by the user may show up as one or multiple
// writes, depending on when the system syncs things to
// disk. For example when compiling a large Go program
// you may get hundreds of Write events, so you
// probably want to wait until you've stopped receiving
// them (see the dedup example in cmd/fsnotify).
// fsnotify.Chmod Attributes were changed. On Linux this is also sent
// when a file is removed (or more accurately, when a
// link to an inode is removed). On kqueue it's sent
// and on kqueue when a file is truncated. On Windows
// it's never sent.
// Errors sends any errors.
set-cmt() {
local pat=$1
local cmt=$2
IFS=$'\n' local files=($(grep -n $pat backend_*~*_test.go))
for f in $files; do
IFS=':' local fields=($=f)
local file=$fields[1]
local end=$(( $fields[2] - 1 ))
# Find start of comment.
local start=0
IFS=$'\n' local lines=($(head -n$end $file))
for (( i = 1; i <= $#lines; i++ )); do
local line=$lines[-$i]
if ! grep -q '^[[:space:]]*//' <<<$line; then
start=$(( end - (i - 2) ))
head -n $(( start - 1 )) $file >/tmp/x
print -r -- $cmt >>/tmp/x
tail -n+$(( end + 1 )) $file >>/tmp/x
mv /tmp/x $file
set-cmt '^type Watcher struct ' $watcher
set-cmt '^func NewWatcher(' $new
set-cmt '^func (w \*Watcher) Add(' $add
set-cmt '^func (w \*Watcher) Remove(' $remove
set-cmt '^func (w \*Watcher) Close(' $close
set-cmt '^func (w \*Watcher) WatchList(' $watchlist
set-cmt '^[[:space:]]*Events *chan Event$' $events
set-cmt '^[[:space:]]*Errors *chan error$' $errors

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
//go:build freebsd || openbsd || netbsd || dragonfly
// +build freebsd openbsd netbsd dragonfly
package fsnotify
import "golang.org/x/sys/unix"
const openMode = unix.O_NONBLOCK | unix.O_RDONLY | unix.O_CLOEXEC

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
//go:build darwin
// +build darwin
package fsnotify
import "golang.org/x/sys/unix"
// note: this constant is not defined on BSD
const openMode = unix.O_EVTONLY | unix.O_CLOEXEC

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
timeout: 1m
tests: true
disable-all: true
- asciicheck
- errcheck
- forcetypeassert
- gocritic
- gofmt
- goimports
- gosimple
- govet
- ineffassign
- misspell
- revive
- staticcheck
- typecheck
- unused
exclude-use-default: false
max-issues-per-linter: 0
max-same-issues: 10

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
## v1.0.0-rc1
This is the first logged release. Major changes (including breaking changes)
have occurred since earlier tags.

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
# Contributing
Logr is open to pull-requests, provided they fit within the intended scope of
the project. Specifically, this library aims to be VERY small and minimalist,
with no external dependencies.
## Compatibility
This project intends to follow [semantic versioning](http://semver.org) and
is very strict about compatibility. Any proposed changes MUST follow those
## Performance
As a logging library, logr must be as light-weight as possible. Any proposed
code change must include results of running the [benchmark](./benchmark)
before and after the change.

@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
# A minimal logging API for Go
[![Go Reference](https://pkg.go.dev/badge/github.com/go-logr/logr.svg)](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/go-logr/logr)
logr offers an(other) opinion on how Go programs and libraries can do logging
without becoming coupled to a particular logging implementation. This is not
an implementation of logging - it is an API. In fact it is two APIs with two
different sets of users.
The `Logger` type is intended for application and library authors. It provides
a relatively small API which can be used everywhere you want to emit logs. It
defers the actual act of writing logs (to files, to stdout, or whatever) to the
`LogSink` interface.
The `LogSink` interface is intended for logging library implementers. It is a
pure interface which can be implemented by logging frameworks to provide the actual logging
This decoupling allows application and library developers to write code in
terms of `logr.Logger` (which has very low dependency fan-out) while the
implementation of logging is managed "up stack" (e.g. in or near `main()`.)
Application developers can then switch out implementations as necessary.
Many people assert that libraries should not be logging, and as such efforts
like this are pointless. Those people are welcome to convince the authors of
the tens-of-thousands of libraries that *DO* write logs that they are all
wrong. In the meantime, logr takes a more practical approach.
## Typical usage
Somewhere, early in an application's life, it will make a decision about which
logging library (implementation) it actually wants to use. Something like:
func main() {
// ... other setup code ...
// Create the "root" logger. We have chosen the "logimpl" implementation,
// which takes some initial parameters and returns a logr.Logger.
logger := logimpl.New(param1, param2)
// ... other setup code ...
Most apps will call into other libraries, create structures to govern the flow,
etc. The `logr.Logger` object can be passed to these other libraries, stored
in structs, or even used as a package-global variable, if needed. For example:
app := createTheAppObject(logger)
Outside of this early setup, no other packages need to know about the choice of
implementation. They write logs in terms of the `logr.Logger` that they
type appObject struct {
// ... other fields ...
logger logr.Logger
// ... other fields ...
func (app *appObject) Run() {
app.logger.Info("starting up", "timestamp", time.Now())
// ... app code ...
## Background
If the Go standard library had defined an interface for logging, this project
probably would not be needed. Alas, here we are.
### Inspiration
Before you consider this package, please read [this blog post by the
inimitable Dave Cheney][warning-makes-no-sense]. We really appreciate what
he has to say, and it largely aligns with our own experiences.
### Differences from Dave's ideas
The main differences are:
1. Dave basically proposes doing away with the notion of a logging API in favor
of `fmt.Printf()`. We disagree, especially when you consider things like output
locations, timestamps, file and line decorations, and structured logging. This
package restricts the logging API to just 2 types of logs: info and error.
Info logs are things you want to tell the user which are not errors. Error
logs are, well, errors. If your code receives an `error` from a subordinate
function call and is logging that `error` *and not returning it*, use error
2. Verbosity-levels on info logs. This gives developers a chance to indicate
arbitrary grades of importance for info logs, without assigning names with
semantic meaning such as "warning", "trace", and "debug." Superficially this
may feel very similar, but the primary difference is the lack of semantics.
Because verbosity is a numerical value, it's safe to assume that an app running
with higher verbosity means more (and less important) logs will be generated.
## Implementations (non-exhaustive)
There are implementations for the following logging libraries:
- **a function** (can bridge to non-structured libraries): [funcr](https://github.com/go-logr/logr/tree/master/funcr)
- **a testing.T** (for use in Go tests, with JSON-like output): [testr](https://github.com/go-logr/logr/tree/master/testr)
- **github.com/google/glog**: [glogr](https://github.com/go-logr/glogr)
- **k8s.io/klog** (for Kubernetes): [klogr](https://git.k8s.io/klog/klogr)
- **a testing.T** (with klog-like text output): [ktesting](https://git.k8s.io/klog/ktesting)
- **go.uber.org/zap**: [zapr](https://github.com/go-logr/zapr)
- **log** (the Go standard library logger): [stdr](https://github.com/go-logr/stdr)
- **github.com/sirupsen/logrus**: [logrusr](https://github.com/bombsimon/logrusr)
- **github.com/wojas/genericr**: [genericr](https://github.com/wojas/genericr) (makes it easy to implement your own backend)
- **logfmt** (Heroku style [logging](https://www.brandur.org/logfmt)): [logfmtr](https://github.com/iand/logfmtr)
- **github.com/rs/zerolog**: [zerologr](https://github.com/go-logr/zerologr)
- **github.com/go-kit/log**: [gokitlogr](https://github.com/tonglil/gokitlogr) (also compatible with github.com/go-kit/kit/log since v0.12.0)
- **bytes.Buffer** (writing to a buffer): [bufrlogr](https://github.com/tonglil/buflogr) (useful for ensuring values were logged, like during testing)
## FAQ
### Conceptual
#### Why structured logging?
- **Structured logs are more easily queryable**: Since you've got
key-value pairs, it's much easier to query your structured logs for
particular values by filtering on the contents of a particular key --
think searching request logs for error codes, Kubernetes reconcilers for
the name and namespace of the reconciled object, etc.
- **Structured logging makes it easier to have cross-referenceable logs**:
Similarly to searchability, if you maintain conventions around your
keys, it becomes easy to gather all log lines related to a particular
- **Structured logs allow better dimensions of filtering**: if you have
structure to your logs, you've got more precise control over how much
information is logged -- you might choose in a particular configuration
to log certain keys but not others, only log lines where a certain key
matches a certain value, etc., instead of just having v-levels and names
to key off of.
- **Structured logs better represent structured data**: sometimes, the
data that you want to log is inherently structured (think tuple-link
objects.) Structured logs allow you to preserve that structure when
#### Why V-levels?
**V-levels give operators an easy way to control the chattiness of log
operations**. V-levels provide a way for a given package to distinguish
the relative importance or verbosity of a given log message. Then, if
a particular logger or package is logging too many messages, the user
of the package can simply change the v-levels for that library.
#### Why not named levels, like Info/Warning/Error?
Read [Dave Cheney's post][warning-makes-no-sense]. Then read [Differences
from Dave's ideas](#differences-from-daves-ideas).
#### Why not allow format strings, too?
**Format strings negate many of the benefits of structured logs**:
- They're not easily searchable without resorting to fuzzy searching,
regular expressions, etc.
- They don't store structured data well, since contents are flattened into
a string.
- They're not cross-referenceable.
- They don't compress easily, since the message is not constant.
(Unless you turn positional parameters into key-value pairs with numerical
keys, at which point you've gotten key-value logging with meaningless
### Practical
#### Why key-value pairs, and not a map?
Key-value pairs are *much* easier to optimize, especially around
allocations. Zap (a structured logger that inspired logr's interface) has
[performance measurements](https://github.com/uber-go/zap#performance)
that show this quite nicely.
While the interface ends up being a little less obvious, you get
potentially better performance, plus avoid making users type
`map[string]string{}` every time they want to log.
#### What if my V-levels differ between libraries?
That's fine. Control your V-levels on a per-logger basis, and use the
`WithName` method to pass different loggers to different libraries.
Generally, you should take care to ensure that you have relatively
consistent V-levels within a given logger, however, as this makes deciding
on what verbosity of logs to request easier.
#### But I really want to use a format string!
That's not actually a question. Assuming your question is "how do
I convert my mental model of logging with format strings to logging with
constant messages":
1. Figure out what the error actually is, as you'd write in a TL;DR style,
and use that as a message.
2. For every place you'd write a format specifier, look to the word before
it, and add that as a key value pair.
For instance, consider the following examples (all taken from spots in the
Kubernetes codebase):
- `klog.V(4).Infof("Client is returning errors: code %v, error %v",
responseCode, err)` becomes `logger.Error(err, "client returned an
error", "code", responseCode)`
- `klog.V(4).Infof("Got a Retry-After %ds response for attempt %d to %v",
seconds, retries, url)` becomes `logger.V(4).Info("got a retry-after
response when requesting url", "attempt", retries, "after
seconds", seconds, "url", url)`
If you *really* must use a format string, use it in a key's value, and
call `fmt.Sprintf` yourself. For instance: `log.Printf("unable to
reflect over type %T")` becomes `logger.Info("unable to reflect over
type", "type", fmt.Sprintf("%T"))`. In general though, the cases where
this is necessary should be few and far between.
#### How do I choose my V-levels?
This is basically the only hard constraint: increase V-levels to denote
more verbose or more debug-y logs.
Otherwise, you can start out with `0` as "you always want to see this",
`1` as "common logging that you might *possibly* want to turn off", and
`10` as "I would like to performance-test your log collection stack."
Then gradually choose levels in between as you need them, working your way
down from 10 (for debug and trace style logs) and up from 1 (for chattier
info-type logs.)
#### How do I choose my keys?
Keys are fairly flexible, and can hold more or less any string
value. For best compatibility with implementations and consistency
with existing code in other projects, there are a few conventions you
should consider.
- Make your keys human-readable.
- Constant keys are generally a good idea.
- Be consistent across your codebase.
- Keys should naturally match parts of the message string.
- Use lower case for simple keys and
[lowerCamelCase](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/lowerCamelCase) for
more complex ones. Kubernetes is one example of a project that has
[adopted that
While key names are mostly unrestricted (and spaces are acceptable),
it's generally a good idea to stick to printable ascii characters, or at
least match the general character set of your log lines.
#### Why should keys be constant values?
The point of structured logging is to make later log processing easier. Your
keys are, effectively, the schema of each log message. If you use different
keys across instances of the same log line, you will make your structured logs
much harder to use. `Sprintf()` is for values, not for keys!
#### Why is this not a pure interface?
The Logger type is implemented as a struct in order to allow the Go compiler to
optimize things like high-V `Info` logs that are not triggered. Not all of
these implementations are implemented yet, but this structure was suggested as
a way to ensure they *can* be implemented. All of the real work is behind the
`LogSink` interface.
[warning-makes-no-sense]: http://dave.cheney.net/2015/11/05/lets-talk-about-logging

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
Copyright 2020 The logr Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package logr
// Discard returns a Logger that discards all messages logged to it. It can be
// used whenever the caller is not interested in the logs. Logger instances
// produced by this function always compare as equal.
func Discard() Logger {
return New(nil)

@ -1,804 +0,0 @@
Copyright 2021 The logr Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// Package funcr implements formatting of structured log messages and
// optionally captures the call site and timestamp.
// The simplest way to use it is via its implementation of a
// github.com/go-logr/logr.LogSink with output through an arbitrary
// "write" function. See New and NewJSON for details.
// # Custom LogSinks
// For users who need more control, a funcr.Formatter can be embedded inside
// your own custom LogSink implementation. This is useful when the LogSink
// needs to implement additional methods, for example.
// # Formatting
// This will respect logr.Marshaler, fmt.Stringer, and error interfaces for
// values which are being logged. When rendering a struct, funcr will use Go's
// standard JSON tags (all except "string").
package funcr
import (
// New returns a logr.Logger which is implemented by an arbitrary function.
func New(fn func(prefix, args string), opts Options) logr.Logger {
return logr.New(newSink(fn, NewFormatter(opts)))
// NewJSON returns a logr.Logger which is implemented by an arbitrary function
// and produces JSON output.
func NewJSON(fn func(obj string), opts Options) logr.Logger {
fnWrapper := func(_, obj string) {
return logr.New(newSink(fnWrapper, NewFormatterJSON(opts)))
// Underlier exposes access to the underlying logging function. Since
// callers only have a logr.Logger, they have to know which
// implementation is in use, so this interface is less of an
// abstraction and more of a way to test type conversion.
type Underlier interface {
GetUnderlying() func(prefix, args string)
func newSink(fn func(prefix, args string), formatter Formatter) logr.LogSink {
l := &fnlogger{
Formatter: formatter,
write: fn,
// For skipping fnlogger.Info and fnlogger.Error.
return l
// Options carries parameters which influence the way logs are generated.
type Options struct {
// LogCaller tells funcr to add a "caller" key to some or all log lines.
// This has some overhead, so some users might not want it.
LogCaller MessageClass
// LogCallerFunc tells funcr to also log the calling function name. This
// has no effect if caller logging is not enabled (see Options.LogCaller).
LogCallerFunc bool
// LogTimestamp tells funcr to add a "ts" key to log lines. This has some
// overhead, so some users might not want it.
LogTimestamp bool
// TimestampFormat tells funcr how to render timestamps when LogTimestamp
// is enabled. If not specified, a default format will be used. For more
// details, see docs for Go's time.Layout.
TimestampFormat string
// Verbosity tells funcr which V logs to produce. Higher values enable
// more logs. Info logs at or below this level will be written, while logs
// above this level will be discarded.
Verbosity int
// RenderBuiltinsHook allows users to mutate the list of key-value pairs
// while a log line is being rendered. The kvList argument follows logr
// conventions - each pair of slice elements is comprised of a string key
// and an arbitrary value (verified and sanitized before calling this
// hook). The value returned must follow the same conventions. This hook
// can be used to audit or modify logged data. For example, you might want
// to prefix all of funcr's built-in keys with some string. This hook is
// only called for built-in (provided by funcr itself) key-value pairs.
// Equivalent hooks are offered for key-value pairs saved via
// logr.Logger.WithValues or Formatter.AddValues (see RenderValuesHook) and
// for user-provided pairs (see RenderArgsHook).
RenderBuiltinsHook func(kvList []interface{}) []interface{}
// RenderValuesHook is the same as RenderBuiltinsHook, except that it is
// only called for key-value pairs saved via logr.Logger.WithValues. See
// RenderBuiltinsHook for more details.
RenderValuesHook func(kvList []interface{}) []interface{}
// RenderArgsHook is the same as RenderBuiltinsHook, except that it is only
// called for key-value pairs passed directly to Info and Error. See
// RenderBuiltinsHook for more details.
RenderArgsHook func(kvList []interface{}) []interface{}
// MaxLogDepth tells funcr how many levels of nested fields (e.g. a struct
// that contains a struct, etc.) it may log. Every time it finds a struct,
// slice, array, or map the depth is increased by one. When the maximum is
// reached, the value will be converted to a string indicating that the max
// depth has been exceeded. If this field is not specified, a default
// value will be used.
MaxLogDepth int
// MessageClass indicates which category or categories of messages to consider.
type MessageClass int
const (
// None ignores all message classes.
None MessageClass = iota
// All considers all message classes.
// Info only considers info messages.
// Error only considers error messages.
// fnlogger inherits some of its LogSink implementation from Formatter
// and just needs to add some glue code.
type fnlogger struct {
write func(prefix, args string)
func (l fnlogger) WithName(name string) logr.LogSink {
return &l
func (l fnlogger) WithValues(kvList ...interface{}) logr.LogSink {
return &l
func (l fnlogger) WithCallDepth(depth int) logr.LogSink {
return &l
func (l fnlogger) Info(level int, msg string, kvList ...interface{}) {
prefix, args := l.FormatInfo(level, msg, kvList)
l.write(prefix, args)
func (l fnlogger) Error(err error, msg string, kvList ...interface{}) {
prefix, args := l.FormatError(err, msg, kvList)
l.write(prefix, args)
func (l fnlogger) GetUnderlying() func(prefix, args string) {
return l.write
// Assert conformance to the interfaces.
var _ logr.LogSink = &fnlogger{}
var _ logr.CallDepthLogSink = &fnlogger{}
var _ Underlier = &fnlogger{}
// NewFormatter constructs a Formatter which emits a JSON-like key=value format.
func NewFormatter(opts Options) Formatter {
return newFormatter(opts, outputKeyValue)
// NewFormatterJSON constructs a Formatter which emits strict JSON.
func NewFormatterJSON(opts Options) Formatter {
return newFormatter(opts, outputJSON)
// Defaults for Options.
const defaultTimestampFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000"
const defaultMaxLogDepth = 16
func newFormatter(opts Options, outfmt outputFormat) Formatter {
if opts.TimestampFormat == "" {
opts.TimestampFormat = defaultTimestampFormat
if opts.MaxLogDepth == 0 {
opts.MaxLogDepth = defaultMaxLogDepth
f := Formatter{
outputFormat: outfmt,
prefix: "",
values: nil,
depth: 0,
opts: &opts,
return f
// Formatter is an opaque struct which can be embedded in a LogSink
// implementation. It should be constructed with NewFormatter. Some of
// its methods directly implement logr.LogSink.
type Formatter struct {
outputFormat outputFormat
prefix string
values []interface{}
valuesStr string
depth int
opts *Options
// outputFormat indicates which outputFormat to use.
type outputFormat int
const (
// outputKeyValue emits a JSON-like key=value format, but not strict JSON.
outputKeyValue outputFormat = iota
// outputJSON emits strict JSON.
// PseudoStruct is a list of key-value pairs that gets logged as a struct.
type PseudoStruct []interface{}
// render produces a log line, ready to use.
func (f Formatter) render(builtins, args []interface{}) string {
// Empirically bytes.Buffer is faster than strings.Builder for this.
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 1024))
if f.outputFormat == outputJSON {
vals := builtins
if hook := f.opts.RenderBuiltinsHook; hook != nil {
vals = hook(f.sanitize(vals))
f.flatten(buf, vals, false, false) // keys are ours, no need to escape
continuing := len(builtins) > 0
if len(f.valuesStr) > 0 {
if continuing {
if f.outputFormat == outputJSON {
} else {
buf.WriteByte(' ')
continuing = true
vals = args
if hook := f.opts.RenderArgsHook; hook != nil {
vals = hook(f.sanitize(vals))
f.flatten(buf, vals, continuing, true) // escape user-provided keys
if f.outputFormat == outputJSON {
return buf.String()
// flatten renders a list of key-value pairs into a buffer. If continuing is
// true, it assumes that the buffer has previous values and will emit a
// separator (which depends on the output format) before the first pair it
// writes. If escapeKeys is true, the keys are assumed to have
// non-JSON-compatible characters in them and must be evaluated for escapes.
// This function returns a potentially modified version of kvList, which
// ensures that there is a value for every key (adding a value if needed) and
// that each key is a string (substituting a key if needed).
func (f Formatter) flatten(buf *bytes.Buffer, kvList []interface{}, continuing bool, escapeKeys bool) []interface{} {
// This logic overlaps with sanitize() but saves one type-cast per key,
// which can be measurable.
if len(kvList)%2 != 0 {
kvList = append(kvList, noValue)
for i := 0; i < len(kvList); i += 2 {
k, ok := kvList[i].(string)
if !ok {
k = f.nonStringKey(kvList[i])
kvList[i] = k
v := kvList[i+1]
if i > 0 || continuing {
if f.outputFormat == outputJSON {
} else {
// In theory the format could be something we don't understand. In
// practice, we control it, so it won't be.
buf.WriteByte(' ')
if escapeKeys {
} else {
// this is faster
if f.outputFormat == outputJSON {
} else {
return kvList
func (f Formatter) pretty(value interface{}) string {
return f.prettyWithFlags(value, 0, 0)
const (
flagRawStruct = 0x1 // do not print braces on structs
// TODO: This is not fast. Most of the overhead goes here.
func (f Formatter) prettyWithFlags(value interface{}, flags uint32, depth int) string {
if depth > f.opts.MaxLogDepth {
return `"<max-log-depth-exceeded>"`
// Handle types that take full control of logging.
if v, ok := value.(logr.Marshaler); ok {
// Replace the value with what the type wants to get logged.
// That then gets handled below via reflection.
value = invokeMarshaler(v)
// Handle types that want to format themselves.
switch v := value.(type) {
case fmt.Stringer:
value = invokeStringer(v)
case error:
value = invokeError(v)
// Handling the most common types without reflect is a small perf win.
switch v := value.(type) {
case bool:
return strconv.FormatBool(v)
case string:
return prettyString(v)
case int:
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), 10)
case int8:
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), 10)
case int16:
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), 10)
case int32:
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), 10)
case int64:
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), 10)
case uint:
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), 10)
case uint8:
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), 10)
case uint16:
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), 10)
case uint32:
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), 10)
case uint64:
return strconv.FormatUint(v, 10)
case uintptr:
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), 10)
case float32:
return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(v), 'f', -1, 32)
case float64:
return strconv.FormatFloat(v, 'f', -1, 64)
case complex64:
return `"` + strconv.FormatComplex(complex128(v), 'f', -1, 64) + `"`
case complex128:
return `"` + strconv.FormatComplex(v, 'f', -1, 128) + `"`
case PseudoStruct:
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 1024))
v = f.sanitize(v)
if flags&flagRawStruct == 0 {
for i := 0; i < len(v); i += 2 {
if i > 0 {
k, _ := v[i].(string) // sanitize() above means no need to check success
// arbitrary keys might need escaping
buf.WriteString(f.prettyWithFlags(v[i+1], 0, depth+1))
if flags&flagRawStruct == 0 {
return buf.String()
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 256))
t := reflect.TypeOf(value)
if t == nil {
return "null"
v := reflect.ValueOf(value)
switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool:
return strconv.FormatBool(v.Bool())
case reflect.String:
return prettyString(v.String())
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(v.Int()), 10)
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v.Uint()), 10)
case reflect.Float32:
return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(v.Float()), 'f', -1, 32)
case reflect.Float64:
return strconv.FormatFloat(v.Float(), 'f', -1, 64)
case reflect.Complex64:
return `"` + strconv.FormatComplex(complex128(v.Complex()), 'f', -1, 64) + `"`
case reflect.Complex128:
return `"` + strconv.FormatComplex(v.Complex(), 'f', -1, 128) + `"`
case reflect.Struct:
if flags&flagRawStruct == 0 {
printComma := false // testing i>0 is not enough because of JSON omitted fields
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
fld := t.Field(i)
if fld.PkgPath != "" {
// reflect says this field is only defined for non-exported fields.
if !v.Field(i).CanInterface() {
// reflect isn't clear exactly what this means, but we can't use it.
name := ""
omitempty := false
if tag, found := fld.Tag.Lookup("json"); found {
if tag == "-" {
if comma := strings.Index(tag, ","); comma != -1 {
if n := tag[:comma]; n != "" {
name = n
rest := tag[comma:]
if strings.Contains(rest, ",omitempty,") || strings.HasSuffix(rest, ",omitempty") {
omitempty = true
} else {
name = tag
if omitempty && isEmpty(v.Field(i)) {
if printComma {
printComma = true // if we got here, we are rendering a field
if fld.Anonymous && fld.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct && name == "" {
buf.WriteString(f.prettyWithFlags(v.Field(i).Interface(), flags|flagRawStruct, depth+1))
if name == "" {
name = fld.Name
// field names can't contain characters which need escaping
buf.WriteString(f.prettyWithFlags(v.Field(i).Interface(), 0, depth+1))
if flags&flagRawStruct == 0 {
return buf.String()
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
// If this is outputing as JSON make sure this isn't really a json.RawMessage.
// If so just emit "as-is" and don't pretty it as that will just print
// it as [X,Y,Z,...] which isn't terribly useful vs the string form you really want.
if f.outputFormat == outputJSON {
if rm, ok := value.(json.RawMessage); ok {
// If it's empty make sure we emit an empty value as the array style would below.
if len(rm) > 0 {
} else {
return buf.String()
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
if i > 0 {
e := v.Index(i)
buf.WriteString(f.prettyWithFlags(e.Interface(), 0, depth+1))
return buf.String()
case reflect.Map:
// This does not sort the map keys, for best perf.
it := v.MapRange()
i := 0
for it.Next() {
if i > 0 {
// If a map key supports TextMarshaler, use it.
keystr := ""
if m, ok := it.Key().Interface().(encoding.TextMarshaler); ok {
txt, err := m.MarshalText()
if err != nil {
keystr = fmt.Sprintf("<error-MarshalText: %s>", err.Error())
} else {
keystr = string(txt)
keystr = prettyString(keystr)
} else {
// prettyWithFlags will produce already-escaped values
keystr = f.prettyWithFlags(it.Key().Interface(), 0, depth+1)
if t.Key().Kind() != reflect.String {
// JSON only does string keys. Unlike Go's standard JSON, we'll
// convert just about anything to a string.
keystr = prettyString(keystr)
buf.WriteString(f.prettyWithFlags(it.Value().Interface(), 0, depth+1))
return buf.String()
case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface:
if v.IsNil() {
return "null"
return f.prettyWithFlags(v.Elem().Interface(), 0, depth)
return fmt.Sprintf(`"<unhandled-%s>"`, t.Kind().String())
func prettyString(s string) string {
// Avoid escaping (which does allocations) if we can.
if needsEscape(s) {
return strconv.Quote(s)
b := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 1024))
return b.String()
// needsEscape determines whether the input string needs to be escaped or not,
// without doing any allocations.
func needsEscape(s string) bool {
for _, r := range s {
if !strconv.IsPrint(r) || r == '\\' || r == '"' {
return true
return false
func isEmpty(v reflect.Value) bool {
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice, reflect.String:
return v.Len() == 0
case reflect.Bool:
return !v.Bool()
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
return v.Int() == 0
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
return v.Uint() == 0
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
return v.Float() == 0
case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
return v.Complex() == 0
case reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr:
return v.IsNil()
return false
func invokeMarshaler(m logr.Marshaler) (ret interface{}) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ret = fmt.Sprintf("<panic: %s>", r)
return m.MarshalLog()
func invokeStringer(s fmt.Stringer) (ret string) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ret = fmt.Sprintf("<panic: %s>", r)
return s.String()
func invokeError(e error) (ret string) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ret = fmt.Sprintf("<panic: %s>", r)
return e.Error()
// Caller represents the original call site for a log line, after considering
// logr.Logger.WithCallDepth and logr.Logger.WithCallStackHelper. The File and
// Line fields will always be provided, while the Func field is optional.
// Users can set the render hook fields in Options to examine logged key-value
// pairs, one of which will be {"caller", Caller} if the Options.LogCaller
// field is enabled for the given MessageClass.
type Caller struct {
// File is the basename of the file for this call site.
File string `json:"file"`
// Line is the line number in the file for this call site.
Line int `json:"line"`
// Func is the function name for this call site, or empty if
// Options.LogCallerFunc is not enabled.
Func string `json:"function,omitempty"`
func (f Formatter) caller() Caller {
// +1 for this frame, +1 for Info/Error.
pc, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(f.depth + 2)
if !ok {
return Caller{"<unknown>", 0, ""}
fn := ""
if f.opts.LogCallerFunc {
if fp := runtime.FuncForPC(pc); fp != nil {
fn = fp.Name()
return Caller{filepath.Base(file), line, fn}
const noValue = "<no-value>"
func (f Formatter) nonStringKey(v interface{}) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("<non-string-key: %s>", f.snippet(v))
// snippet produces a short snippet string of an arbitrary value.
func (f Formatter) snippet(v interface{}) string {
const snipLen = 16
snip := f.pretty(v)
if len(snip) > snipLen {
snip = snip[:snipLen]
return snip
// sanitize ensures that a list of key-value pairs has a value for every key
// (adding a value if needed) and that each key is a string (substituting a key
// if needed).
func (f Formatter) sanitize(kvList []interface{}) []interface{} {
if len(kvList)%2 != 0 {
kvList = append(kvList, noValue)
for i := 0; i < len(kvList); i += 2 {
_, ok := kvList[i].(string)
if !ok {
kvList[i] = f.nonStringKey(kvList[i])
return kvList
// Init configures this Formatter from runtime info, such as the call depth
// imposed by logr itself.
// Note that this receiver is a pointer, so depth can be saved.
func (f *Formatter) Init(info logr.RuntimeInfo) {
f.depth += info.CallDepth
// Enabled checks whether an info message at the given level should be logged.
func (f Formatter) Enabled(level int) bool {
return level <= f.opts.Verbosity
// GetDepth returns the current depth of this Formatter. This is useful for
// implementations which do their own caller attribution.
func (f Formatter) GetDepth() int {
return f.depth
// FormatInfo renders an Info log message into strings. The prefix will be
// empty when no names were set (via AddNames), or when the output is
// configured for JSON.
func (f Formatter) FormatInfo(level int, msg string, kvList []interface{}) (prefix, argsStr string) {
args := make([]interface{}, 0, 64) // using a constant here impacts perf
prefix = f.prefix
if f.outputFormat == outputJSON {
args = append(args, "logger", prefix)
prefix = ""
if f.opts.LogTimestamp {
args = append(args, "ts", time.Now().Format(f.opts.TimestampFormat))
if policy := f.opts.LogCaller; policy == All || policy == Info {
args = append(args, "caller", f.caller())
args = append(args, "level", level, "msg", msg)
return prefix, f.render(args, kvList)
// FormatError renders an Error log message into strings. The prefix will be
// empty when no names were set (via AddNames), or when the output is
// configured for JSON.
func (f Formatter) FormatError(err error, msg string, kvList []interface{}) (prefix, argsStr string) {
args := make([]interface{}, 0, 64) // using a constant here impacts perf
prefix = f.prefix
if f.outputFormat == outputJSON {
args = append(args, "logger", prefix)
prefix = ""
if f.opts.LogTimestamp {
args = append(args, "ts", time.Now().Format(f.opts.TimestampFormat))
if policy := f.opts.LogCaller; policy == All || policy == Error {
args = append(args, "caller", f.caller())
args = append(args, "msg", msg)
var loggableErr interface{}
if err != nil {
loggableErr = err.Error()
args = append(args, "error", loggableErr)
return f.prefix, f.render(args, kvList)
// AddName appends the specified name. funcr uses '/' characters to separate
// name elements. Callers should not pass '/' in the provided name string, but
// this library does not actually enforce that.
func (f *Formatter) AddName(name string) {
if len(f.prefix) > 0 {
f.prefix += "/"
f.prefix += name
// AddValues adds key-value pairs to the set of saved values to be logged with
// each log line.
func (f *Formatter) AddValues(kvList []interface{}) {
// Three slice args forces a copy.
n := len(f.values)
f.values = append(f.values[:n:n], kvList...)
vals := f.values
if hook := f.opts.RenderValuesHook; hook != nil {
vals = hook(f.sanitize(vals))
// Pre-render values, so we don't have to do it on each Info/Error call.
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 1024))
f.flatten(buf, vals, false, true) // escape user-provided keys
f.valuesStr = buf.String()
// AddCallDepth increases the number of stack-frames to skip when attributing
// the log line to a file and line.
func (f *Formatter) AddCallDepth(depth int) {
f.depth += depth

@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
Copyright 2019 The logr Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// This design derives from Dave Cheney's blog:
// http://dave.cheney.net/2015/11/05/lets-talk-about-logging
// Package logr defines a general-purpose logging API and abstract interfaces
// to back that API. Packages in the Go ecosystem can depend on this package,
// while callers can implement logging with whatever backend is appropriate.
// # Usage
// Logging is done using a Logger instance. Logger is a concrete type with
// methods, which defers the actual logging to a LogSink interface. The main
// methods of Logger are Info() and Error(). Arguments to Info() and Error()
// are key/value pairs rather than printf-style formatted strings, emphasizing
// "structured logging".
// With Go's standard log package, we might write:
// log.Printf("setting target value %s", targetValue)
// With logr's structured logging, we'd write:
// logger.Info("setting target", "value", targetValue)
// Errors are much the same. Instead of:
// log.Printf("failed to open the pod bay door for user %s: %v", user, err)
// We'd write:
// logger.Error(err, "failed to open the pod bay door", "user", user)
// Info() and Error() are very similar, but they are separate methods so that
// LogSink implementations can choose to do things like attach additional
// information (such as stack traces) on calls to Error(). Error() messages are
// always logged, regardless of the current verbosity. If there is no error
// instance available, passing nil is valid.
// # Verbosity
// Often we want to log information only when the application in "verbose
// mode". To write log lines that are more verbose, Logger has a V() method.
// The higher the V-level of a log line, the less critical it is considered.
// Log-lines with V-levels that are not enabled (as per the LogSink) will not
// be written. Level V(0) is the default, and logger.V(0).Info() has the same
// meaning as logger.Info(). Negative V-levels have the same meaning as V(0).
// Error messages do not have a verbosity level and are always logged.
// Where we might have written:
// if flVerbose >= 2 {
// log.Printf("an unusual thing happened")
// }
// We can write:
// logger.V(2).Info("an unusual thing happened")
// # Logger Names
// Logger instances can have name strings so that all messages logged through
// that instance have additional context. For example, you might want to add
// a subsystem name:
// logger.WithName("compactor").Info("started", "time", time.Now())
// The WithName() method returns a new Logger, which can be passed to
// constructors or other functions for further use. Repeated use of WithName()
// will accumulate name "segments". These name segments will be joined in some
// way by the LogSink implementation. It is strongly recommended that name
// segments contain simple identifiers (letters, digits, and hyphen), and do
// not contain characters that could muddle the log output or confuse the
// joining operation (e.g. whitespace, commas, periods, slashes, brackets,
// quotes, etc).
// # Saved Values
// Logger instances can store any number of key/value pairs, which will be
// logged alongside all messages logged through that instance. For example,
// you might want to create a Logger instance per managed object:
// With the standard log package, we might write:
// log.Printf("decided to set field foo to value %q for object %s/%s",
// targetValue, object.Namespace, object.Name)
// With logr we'd write:
// // Elsewhere: set up the logger to log the object name.
// obj.logger = mainLogger.WithValues(
// "name", obj.name, "namespace", obj.namespace)
// // later on...
// obj.logger.Info("setting foo", "value", targetValue)
// # Best Practices
// Logger has very few hard rules, with the goal that LogSink implementations
// might have a lot of freedom to differentiate. There are, however, some
// things to consider.
// The log message consists of a constant message attached to the log line.
// This should generally be a simple description of what's occurring, and should
// never be a format string. Variable information can then be attached using
// named values.
// Keys are arbitrary strings, but should generally be constant values. Values
// may be any Go value, but how the value is formatted is determined by the
// LogSink implementation.
// Logger instances are meant to be passed around by value. Code that receives
// such a value can call its methods without having to check whether the
// instance is ready for use.
// Calling methods with the null logger (Logger{}) as instance will crash
// because it has no LogSink. Therefore this null logger should never be passed
// around. For cases where passing a logger is optional, a pointer to Logger
// should be used.
// # Key Naming Conventions
// Keys are not strictly required to conform to any specification or regex, but
// it is recommended that they:
// - be human-readable and meaningful (not auto-generated or simple ordinals)
// - be constant (not dependent on input data)
// - contain only printable characters
// - not contain whitespace or punctuation
// - use lower case for simple keys and lowerCamelCase for more complex ones
// These guidelines help ensure that log data is processed properly regardless
// of the log implementation. For example, log implementations will try to
// output JSON data or will store data for later database (e.g. SQL) queries.
// While users are generally free to use key names of their choice, it's
// generally best to avoid using the following keys, as they're frequently used
// by implementations:
// - "caller": the calling information (file/line) of a particular log line
// - "error": the underlying error value in the `Error` method
// - "level": the log level
// - "logger": the name of the associated logger
// - "msg": the log message
// - "stacktrace": the stack trace associated with a particular log line or
// error (often from the `Error` message)
// - "ts": the timestamp for a log line
// Implementations are encouraged to make use of these keys to represent the
// above concepts, when necessary (for example, in a pure-JSON output form, it
// would be necessary to represent at least message and timestamp as ordinary
// named values).
// # Break Glass
// Implementations may choose to give callers access to the underlying
// logging implementation. The recommended pattern for this is:
// // Underlier exposes access to the underlying logging implementation.
// // Since callers only have a logr.Logger, they have to know which
// // implementation is in use, so this interface is less of an abstraction
// // and more of way to test type conversion.
// type Underlier interface {
// GetUnderlying() <underlying-type>
// }
// Logger grants access to the sink to enable type assertions like this:
// func DoSomethingWithImpl(log logr.Logger) {
// if underlier, ok := log.GetSink().(impl.Underlier); ok {
// implLogger := underlier.GetUnderlying()
// ...
// }
// }
// Custom `With*` functions can be implemented by copying the complete
// Logger struct and replacing the sink in the copy:
// // WithFooBar changes the foobar parameter in the log sink and returns a
// // new logger with that modified sink. It does nothing for loggers where
// // the sink doesn't support that parameter.
// func WithFoobar(log logr.Logger, foobar int) logr.Logger {
// if foobarLogSink, ok := log.GetSink().(FoobarSink); ok {
// log = log.WithSink(foobarLogSink.WithFooBar(foobar))
// }
// return log
// }
// Don't use New to construct a new Logger with a LogSink retrieved from an
// existing Logger. Source code attribution might not work correctly and
// unexported fields in Logger get lost.
// Beware that the same LogSink instance may be shared by different logger
// instances. Calling functions that modify the LogSink will affect all of
// those.
package logr
import (
// New returns a new Logger instance. This is primarily used by libraries
// implementing LogSink, rather than end users. Passing a nil sink will create
// a Logger which discards all log lines.
func New(sink LogSink) Logger {
logger := Logger{}
if sink != nil {
return logger
// setSink stores the sink and updates any related fields. It mutates the
// logger and thus is only safe to use for loggers that are not currently being
// used concurrently.
func (l *Logger) setSink(sink LogSink) {
l.sink = sink
// GetSink returns the stored sink.
func (l Logger) GetSink() LogSink {
return l.sink
// WithSink returns a copy of the logger with the new sink.
func (l Logger) WithSink(sink LogSink) Logger {
return l
// Logger is an interface to an abstract logging implementation. This is a
// concrete type for performance reasons, but all the real work is passed on to
// a LogSink. Implementations of LogSink should provide their own constructors
// that return Logger, not LogSink.
// The underlying sink can be accessed through GetSink and be modified through
// WithSink. This enables the implementation of custom extensions (see "Break
// Glass" in the package documentation). Normally the sink should be used only
// indirectly.
type Logger struct {
sink LogSink
level int
// Enabled tests whether this Logger is enabled. For example, commandline
// flags might be used to set the logging verbosity and disable some info logs.
func (l Logger) Enabled() bool {
return l.sink != nil && l.sink.Enabled(l.level)
// Info logs a non-error message with the given key/value pairs as context.
// The msg argument should be used to add some constant description to the log
// line. The key/value pairs can then be used to add additional variable
// information. The key/value pairs must alternate string keys and arbitrary
// values.
func (l Logger) Info(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) {
if l.sink == nil {
if l.Enabled() {
if withHelper, ok := l.sink.(CallStackHelperLogSink); ok {
l.sink.Info(l.level, msg, keysAndValues...)
// Error logs an error, with the given message and key/value pairs as context.
// It functions similarly to Info, but may have unique behavior, and should be
// preferred for logging errors (see the package documentations for more
// information). The log message will always be emitted, regardless of
// verbosity level.
// The msg argument should be used to add context to any underlying error,
// while the err argument should be used to attach the actual error that
// triggered this log line, if present. The err parameter is optional
// and nil may be passed instead of an error instance.
func (l Logger) Error(err error, msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) {
if l.sink == nil {
if withHelper, ok := l.sink.(CallStackHelperLogSink); ok {
l.sink.Error(err, msg, keysAndValues...)
// V returns a new Logger instance for a specific verbosity level, relative to
// this Logger. In other words, V-levels are additive. A higher verbosity
// level means a log message is less important. Negative V-levels are treated
// as 0.
func (l Logger) V(level int) Logger {
if l.sink == nil {
return l
if level < 0 {
level = 0
l.level += level
return l
// WithValues returns a new Logger instance with additional key/value pairs.
// See Info for documentation on how key/value pairs work.
func (l Logger) WithValues(keysAndValues ...interface{}) Logger {
if l.sink == nil {
return l
return l
// WithName returns a new Logger instance with the specified name element added
// to the Logger's name. Successive calls with WithName append additional
// suffixes to the Logger's name. It's strongly recommended that name segments
// contain only letters, digits, and hyphens (see the package documentation for
// more information).
func (l Logger) WithName(name string) Logger {
if l.sink == nil {
return l
return l
// WithCallDepth returns a Logger instance that offsets the call stack by the
// specified number of frames when logging call site information, if possible.
// This is useful for users who have helper functions between the "real" call
// site and the actual calls to Logger methods. If depth is 0 the attribution
// should be to the direct caller of this function. If depth is 1 the
// attribution should skip 1 call frame, and so on. Successive calls to this
// are additive.
// If the underlying log implementation supports a WithCallDepth(int) method,
// it will be called and the result returned. If the implementation does not
// support CallDepthLogSink, the original Logger will be returned.
// To skip one level, WithCallStackHelper() should be used instead of
// WithCallDepth(1) because it works with implementions that support the
// CallDepthLogSink and/or CallStackHelperLogSink interfaces.
func (l Logger) WithCallDepth(depth int) Logger {
if l.sink == nil {
return l
if withCallDepth, ok := l.sink.(CallDepthLogSink); ok {
return l
// WithCallStackHelper returns a new Logger instance that skips the direct
// caller when logging call site information, if possible. This is useful for
// users who have helper functions between the "real" call site and the actual
// calls to Logger methods and want to support loggers which depend on marking
// each individual helper function, like loggers based on testing.T.
// In addition to using that new logger instance, callers also must call the
// returned function.
// If the underlying log implementation supports a WithCallDepth(int) method,
// WithCallDepth(1) will be called to produce a new logger. If it supports a
// WithCallStackHelper() method, that will be also called. If the
// implementation does not support either of these, the original Logger will be
// returned.
func (l Logger) WithCallStackHelper() (func(), Logger) {
if l.sink == nil {
return func() {}, l
var helper func()
if withCallDepth, ok := l.sink.(CallDepthLogSink); ok {
if withHelper, ok := l.sink.(CallStackHelperLogSink); ok {
helper = withHelper.GetCallStackHelper()
} else {
helper = func() {}
return helper, l
// IsZero returns true if this logger is an uninitialized zero value
func (l Logger) IsZero() bool {
return l.sink == nil
// contextKey is how we find Loggers in a context.Context.
type contextKey struct{}
// FromContext returns a Logger from ctx or an error if no Logger is found.
func FromContext(ctx context.Context) (Logger, error) {
if v, ok := ctx.Value(contextKey{}).(Logger); ok {
return v, nil
return Logger{}, notFoundError{}
// notFoundError exists to carry an IsNotFound method.
type notFoundError struct{}
func (notFoundError) Error() string {
return "no logr.Logger was present"
func (notFoundError) IsNotFound() bool {
return true
// FromContextOrDiscard returns a Logger from ctx. If no Logger is found, this
// returns a Logger that discards all log messages.
func FromContextOrDiscard(ctx context.Context) Logger {
if v, ok := ctx.Value(contextKey{}).(Logger); ok {
return v
return Discard()
// NewContext returns a new Context, derived from ctx, which carries the
// provided Logger.
func NewContext(ctx context.Context, logger Logger) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, contextKey{}, logger)
// RuntimeInfo holds information that the logr "core" library knows which
// LogSinks might want to know.
type RuntimeInfo struct {
// CallDepth is the number of call frames the logr library adds between the
// end-user and the LogSink. LogSink implementations which choose to print
// the original logging site (e.g. file & line) should climb this many
// additional frames to find it.
CallDepth int
// runtimeInfo is a static global. It must not be changed at run time.
var runtimeInfo = RuntimeInfo{
CallDepth: 1,
// LogSink represents a logging implementation. End-users will generally not
// interact with this type.
type LogSink interface {
// Init receives optional information about the logr library for LogSink
// implementations that need it.
Init(info RuntimeInfo)
// Enabled tests whether this LogSink is enabled at the specified V-level.
// For example, commandline flags might be used to set the logging
// verbosity and disable some info logs.
Enabled(level int) bool
// Info logs a non-error message with the given key/value pairs as context.
// The level argument is provided for optional logging. This method will
// only be called when Enabled(level) is true. See Logger.Info for more
// details.
Info(level int, msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{})
// Error logs an error, with the given message and key/value pairs as
// context. See Logger.Error for more details.
Error(err error, msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{})
// WithValues returns a new LogSink with additional key/value pairs. See
// Logger.WithValues for more details.
WithValues(keysAndValues ...interface{}) LogSink
// WithName returns a new LogSink with the specified name appended. See
// Logger.WithName for more details.
WithName(name string) LogSink
// CallDepthLogSink represents a LogSink that knows how to climb the call stack
// to identify the original call site and can offset the depth by a specified
// number of frames. This is useful for users who have helper functions
// between the "real" call site and the actual calls to Logger methods.
// Implementations that log information about the call site (such as file,
// function, or line) would otherwise log information about the intermediate
// helper functions.
// This is an optional interface and implementations are not required to
// support it.
type CallDepthLogSink interface {
// WithCallDepth returns a LogSink that will offset the call
// stack by the specified number of frames when logging call
// site information.
// If depth is 0, the LogSink should skip exactly the number
// of call frames defined in RuntimeInfo.CallDepth when Info
// or Error are called, i.e. the attribution should be to the
// direct caller of Logger.Info or Logger.Error.
// If depth is 1 the attribution should skip 1 call frame, and so on.
// Successive calls to this are additive.
WithCallDepth(depth int) LogSink
// CallStackHelperLogSink represents a LogSink that knows how to climb
// the call stack to identify the original call site and can skip
// intermediate helper functions if they mark themselves as
// helper. Go's testing package uses that approach.
// This is useful for users who have helper functions between the
// "real" call site and the actual calls to Logger methods.
// Implementations that log information about the call site (such as
// file, function, or line) would otherwise log information about the
// intermediate helper functions.
// This is an optional interface and implementations are not required
// to support it. Implementations that choose to support this must not
// simply implement it as WithCallDepth(1), because
// Logger.WithCallStackHelper will call both methods if they are
// present. This should only be implemented for LogSinks that actually
// need it, as with testing.T.
type CallStackHelperLogSink interface {
// GetCallStackHelper returns a function that must be called
// to mark the direct caller as helper function when logging
// call site information.
GetCallStackHelper() func()
// Marshaler is an optional interface that logged values may choose to
// implement. Loggers with structured output, such as JSON, should
// log the object return by the MarshalLog method instead of the
// original value.
type Marshaler interface {
// MarshalLog can be used to:
// - ensure that structs are not logged as strings when the original
// value has a String method: return a different type without a
// String method
// - select which fields of a complex type should get logged:
// return a simpler struct with fewer fields
// - log unexported fields: return a different struct
// with exported fields
// It may return any value of any type.
MarshalLog() interface{}

@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
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APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
# Minimal Go logging using logr and Go's standard library
[![Go Reference](https://pkg.go.dev/badge/github.com/go-logr/stdr.svg)](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/go-logr/stdr)
This package implements the [logr interface](https://github.com/go-logr/logr)
in terms of Go's standard log package(https://pkg.go.dev/log).

@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
Copyright 2019 The logr Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// Package stdr implements github.com/go-logr/logr.Logger in terms of
// Go's standard log package.
package stdr
import (
// The global verbosity level. See SetVerbosity().
var globalVerbosity int
// SetVerbosity sets the global level against which all info logs will be
// compared. If this is greater than or equal to the "V" of the logger, the
// message will be logged. A higher value here means more logs will be written.
// The previous verbosity value is returned. This is not concurrent-safe -
// callers must be sure to call it from only one goroutine.
func SetVerbosity(v int) int {
old := globalVerbosity
globalVerbosity = v
return old
// New returns a logr.Logger which is implemented by Go's standard log package,
// or something like it. If std is nil, this will use a default logger
// instead.
// Example: stdr.New(log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags|log.Lshortfile)))
func New(std StdLogger) logr.Logger {
return NewWithOptions(std, Options{})
// NewWithOptions returns a logr.Logger which is implemented by Go's standard
// log package, or something like it. See New for details.
func NewWithOptions(std StdLogger, opts Options) logr.Logger {
if std == nil {
// Go's log.Default() is only available in 1.16 and higher.
std = log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags)
if opts.Depth < 0 {
opts.Depth = 0
fopts := funcr.Options{
LogCaller: funcr.MessageClass(opts.LogCaller),
sl := &logger{
Formatter: funcr.NewFormatter(fopts),
std: std,
// For skipping our own logger.Info/Error.
sl.Formatter.AddCallDepth(1 + opts.Depth)
return logr.New(sl)
// Options carries parameters which influence the way logs are generated.
type Options struct {
// Depth biases the assumed number of call frames to the "true" caller.
// This is useful when the calling code calls a function which then calls
// stdr (e.g. a logging shim to another API). Values less than zero will
// be treated as zero.
Depth int
// LogCaller tells stdr to add a "caller" key to some or all log lines.
// Go's log package has options to log this natively, too.
LogCaller MessageClass
// TODO: add an option to log the date/time
// MessageClass indicates which category or categories of messages to consider.
type MessageClass int
const (
// None ignores all message classes.
None MessageClass = iota
// All considers all message classes.
// Info only considers info messages.
// Error only considers error messages.
// StdLogger is the subset of the Go stdlib log.Logger API that is needed for
// this adapter.
type StdLogger interface {
// Output is the same as log.Output and log.Logger.Output.
Output(calldepth int, logline string) error
type logger struct {
std StdLogger
var _ logr.LogSink = &logger{}
var _ logr.CallDepthLogSink = &logger{}
func (l logger) Enabled(level int) bool {
return globalVerbosity >= level
func (l logger) Info(level int, msg string, kvList ...interface{}) {
prefix, args := l.FormatInfo(level, msg, kvList)
if prefix != "" {
args = prefix + ": " + args
_ = l.std.Output(l.Formatter.GetDepth()+1, args)
func (l logger) Error(err error, msg string, kvList ...interface{}) {
prefix, args := l.FormatError(err, msg, kvList)
if prefix != "" {
args = prefix + ": " + args
_ = l.std.Output(l.Formatter.GetDepth()+1, args)
func (l logger) WithName(name string) logr.LogSink {
return &l
func (l logger) WithValues(kvList ...interface{}) logr.LogSink {
return &l
func (l logger) WithCallDepth(depth int) logr.LogSink {
return &l
// Underlier exposes access to the underlying logging implementation. Since
// callers only have a logr.Logger, they have to know which implementation is
// in use, so this interface is less of an abstraction and more of way to test
// type conversion.
type Underlier interface {
GetUnderlying() StdLogger
// GetUnderlying returns the StdLogger underneath this logger. Since StdLogger
// is itself an interface, the result may or may not be a Go log.Logger.
func (l logger) GetUnderlying() StdLogger {
return l.std

@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ test:
$(GOCMD) test -cover -race ./... $(GOCMD) test -cover -race ./...
bench: bench:
$(GOCMD) test -bench=. -benchmem ./... $(GOCMD) test -run=NONE -bench=. -benchmem ./...
.PHONY: test lint linters-install .PHONY: test lint linters-install

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package validator Package validator
================= =================
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@ -67,6 +67,12 @@ Please see https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/go-playground/validator/v10 for detaile
Baked-in Validations Baked-in Validations
------ ------
### Special Notes:
- If new to using validator it is highly recommended to initialize it using the `WithRequiredStructEnabled` option which is opt-in to new behaviour that will become the default behaviour in v11+. See documentation for more details.
validate := validator.New(validator.WithRequiredStructEnabled())
### Fields: ### Fields:
| Tag | Description | | Tag | Description |
@ -260,71 +266,72 @@ Benchmarks
------ ------
###### Run on MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017) go version go1.10.2 darwin/amd64 ###### Run on MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017) go version go1.10.2 darwin/amd64
```go ```go
go version go1.21.0 darwin/arm64
goos: darwin goos: darwin
goarch: amd64 goarch: arm64
pkg: github.com/go-playground/validator pkg: github.com/go-playground/validator/v10
BenchmarkFieldSuccess-8 20000000 83.6 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldSuccess-8 33142266 35.94 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldSuccessParallel-8 50000000 26.8 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldSuccessParallel-8 200816191 6.568 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldFailure-8 5000000 291 ns/op 208 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldFailure-8 6779707 175.1 ns/op 200 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldFailureParallel-8 20000000 107 ns/op 208 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldFailureParallel-8 11044147 108.4 ns/op 200 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldArrayDiveSuccess-8 2000000 623 ns/op 201 B/op 11 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldArrayDiveSuccess-8 6054232 194.4 ns/op 97 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldArrayDiveSuccessParallel-8 10000000 237 ns/op 201 B/op 11 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldArrayDiveSuccessParallel-8 12523388 94.07 ns/op 97 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldArrayDiveFailure-8 2000000 859 ns/op 412 B/op 16 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldArrayDiveFailure-8 3587043 334.3 ns/op 300 B/op 10 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldArrayDiveFailureParallel-8 5000000 335 ns/op 413 B/op 16 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldArrayDiveFailureParallel-8 5816665 200.8 ns/op 300 B/op 10 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldMapDiveSuccess-8 1000000 1292 ns/op 432 B/op 18 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldMapDiveSuccess-8 2217910 540.1 ns/op 288 B/op 14 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldMapDiveSuccessParallel-8 3000000 467 ns/op 432 B/op 18 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldMapDiveSuccessParallel-8 4446698 258.7 ns/op 288 B/op 14 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldMapDiveFailure-8 1000000 1082 ns/op 512 B/op 16 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldMapDiveFailure-8 2392759 504.6 ns/op 376 B/op 13 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldMapDiveFailureParallel-8 5000000 425 ns/op 512 B/op 16 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldMapDiveFailureParallel-8 4244199 286.9 ns/op 376 B/op 13 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldMapDiveWithKeysSuccess-8 1000000 1539 ns/op 480 B/op 21 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldMapDiveWithKeysSuccess-8 2005857 592.1 ns/op 288 B/op 14 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldMapDiveWithKeysSuccessParallel-8 3000000 613 ns/op 480 B/op 21 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldMapDiveWithKeysSuccessParallel-8 4400850 296.9 ns/op 288 B/op 14 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldMapDiveWithKeysFailure-8 1000000 1413 ns/op 721 B/op 21 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldMapDiveWithKeysFailure-8 1850227 643.8 ns/op 553 B/op 16 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldMapDiveWithKeysFailureParallel-8 3000000 575 ns/op 721 B/op 21 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldMapDiveWithKeysFailureParallel-8 3293233 375.1 ns/op 553 B/op 16 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldCustomTypeSuccess-8 10000000 216 ns/op 32 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldCustomTypeSuccess-8 12174412 98.25 ns/op 32 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldCustomTypeSuccessParallel-8 20000000 82.2 ns/op 32 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldCustomTypeSuccessParallel-8 34389907 35.49 ns/op 32 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldCustomTypeFailure-8 5000000 274 ns/op 208 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldCustomTypeFailure-8 7582524 156.6 ns/op 184 B/op 3 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldCustomTypeFailureParallel-8 20000000 116 ns/op 208 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldCustomTypeFailureParallel-8 13019902 92.79 ns/op 184 B/op 3 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldOrTagSuccess-8 2000000 740 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldOrTagSuccess-8 3427260 349.4 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldOrTagSuccessParallel-8 3000000 474 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldOrTagSuccessParallel-8 15144128 81.25 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldOrTagFailure-8 3000000 471 ns/op 224 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldOrTagFailure-8 5913546 201.9 ns/op 216 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkFieldOrTagFailureParallel-8 3000000 414 ns/op 224 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkFieldOrTagFailureParallel-8 9810212 113.7 ns/op 216 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructLevelValidationSuccess-8 10000000 213 ns/op 32 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkStructLevelValidationSuccess-8 13456327 87.66 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructLevelValidationSuccessParallel-8 20000000 91.8 ns/op 32 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkStructLevelValidationSuccessParallel-8 41818888 27.77 ns/op 16 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructLevelValidationFailure-8 3000000 473 ns/op 304 B/op 8 allocs/op BenchmarkStructLevelValidationFailure-8 4166284 272.6 ns/op 264 B/op 7 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructLevelValidationFailureParallel-8 10000000 234 ns/op 304 B/op 8 allocs/op BenchmarkStructLevelValidationFailureParallel-8 7594581 152.1 ns/op 264 B/op 7 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructSimpleCustomTypeSuccess-8 5000000 385 ns/op 32 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkStructSimpleCustomTypeSuccess-8 6508082 182.6 ns/op 32 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructSimpleCustomTypeSuccessParallel-8 10000000 161 ns/op 32 B/op 2 allocs/op BenchmarkStructSimpleCustomTypeSuccessParallel-8 23078605 54.78 ns/op 32 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructSimpleCustomTypeFailure-8 2000000 640 ns/op 424 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkStructSimpleCustomTypeFailure-8 3118352 381.0 ns/op 416 B/op 9 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructSimpleCustomTypeFailureParallel-8 5000000 318 ns/op 440 B/op 10 allocs/op BenchmarkStructSimpleCustomTypeFailureParallel-8 5300738 224.1 ns/op 432 B/op 10 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructFilteredSuccess-8 2000000 597 ns/op 288 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkStructFilteredSuccess-8 4761807 251.1 ns/op 216 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructFilteredSuccessParallel-8 10000000 266 ns/op 288 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkStructFilteredSuccessParallel-8 8792598 128.6 ns/op 216 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructFilteredFailure-8 3000000 454 ns/op 256 B/op 7 allocs/op BenchmarkStructFilteredFailure-8 5202573 232.1 ns/op 216 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructFilteredFailureParallel-8 10000000 214 ns/op 256 B/op 7 allocs/op BenchmarkStructFilteredFailureParallel-8 9591267 121.4 ns/op 216 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructPartialSuccess-8 3000000 502 ns/op 256 B/op 6 allocs/op BenchmarkStructPartialSuccess-8 5188512 231.6 ns/op 224 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructPartialSuccessParallel-8 10000000 225 ns/op 256 B/op 6 allocs/op BenchmarkStructPartialSuccessParallel-8 9179776 123.1 ns/op 224 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructPartialFailure-8 2000000 702 ns/op 480 B/op 11 allocs/op BenchmarkStructPartialFailure-8 3071212 392.5 ns/op 440 B/op 9 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructPartialFailureParallel-8 5000000 329 ns/op 480 B/op 11 allocs/op BenchmarkStructPartialFailureParallel-8 5344261 223.7 ns/op 440 B/op 9 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructExceptSuccess-8 2000000 793 ns/op 496 B/op 12 allocs/op BenchmarkStructExceptSuccess-8 3184230 375.0 ns/op 424 B/op 8 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructExceptSuccessParallel-8 10000000 193 ns/op 240 B/op 5 allocs/op BenchmarkStructExceptSuccessParallel-8 10090130 108.9 ns/op 208 B/op 3 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructExceptFailure-8 2000000 639 ns/op 464 B/op 10 allocs/op BenchmarkStructExceptFailure-8 3347226 357.7 ns/op 424 B/op 8 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructExceptFailureParallel-8 5000000 300 ns/op 464 B/op 10 allocs/op BenchmarkStructExceptFailureParallel-8 5654923 209.5 ns/op 424 B/op 8 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossFieldSuccess-8 3000000 417 ns/op 72 B/op 3 allocs/op BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossFieldSuccess-8 5232265 229.1 ns/op 56 B/op 3 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossFieldSuccessParallel-8 10000000 163 ns/op 72 B/op 3 allocs/op BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossFieldSuccessParallel-8 17436674 64.75 ns/op 56 B/op 3 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossFieldFailure-8 2000000 645 ns/op 304 B/op 8 allocs/op BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossFieldFailure-8 3128613 383.6 ns/op 272 B/op 8 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossFieldFailureParallel-8 5000000 285 ns/op 304 B/op 8 allocs/op BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossFieldFailureParallel-8 6994113 168.8 ns/op 272 B/op 8 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossStructCrossFieldSuccess-8 3000000 588 ns/op 80 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossStructCrossFieldSuccess-8 3506487 340.9 ns/op 64 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossStructCrossFieldSuccessParallel-8 10000000 221 ns/op 80 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossStructCrossFieldSuccessParallel-8 13431300 91.77 ns/op 64 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossStructCrossFieldFailure-8 2000000 868 ns/op 320 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossStructCrossFieldFailure-8 2410566 500.9 ns/op 288 B/op 9 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossStructCrossFieldFailureParallel-8 5000000 337 ns/op 320 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkStructSimpleCrossStructCrossFieldFailureParallel-8 6344510 188.2 ns/op 288 B/op 9 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructSimpleSuccess-8 5000000 260 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkStructSimpleSuccess-8 8922726 133.8 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructSimpleSuccessParallel-8 20000000 90.6 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkStructSimpleSuccessParallel-8 55291153 23.63 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructSimpleFailure-8 2000000 619 ns/op 424 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkStructSimpleFailure-8 3171553 378.4 ns/op 416 B/op 9 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructSimpleFailureParallel-8 5000000 296 ns/op 424 B/op 9 allocs/op BenchmarkStructSimpleFailureParallel-8 5571692 212.0 ns/op 416 B/op 9 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructComplexSuccess-8 1000000 1454 ns/op 128 B/op 8 allocs/op BenchmarkStructComplexSuccess-8 1683750 714.5 ns/op 224 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructComplexSuccessParallel-8 3000000 579 ns/op 128 B/op 8 allocs/op BenchmarkStructComplexSuccessParallel-8 4578046 257.0 ns/op 224 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructComplexFailure-8 300000 4140 ns/op 3041 B/op 53 allocs/op BenchmarkStructComplexFailure-8 481585 2547 ns/op 3041 B/op 48 allocs/op
BenchmarkStructComplexFailureParallel-8 1000000 2127 ns/op 3041 B/op 53 allocs/op BenchmarkStructComplexFailureParallel-8 965764 1577 ns/op 3040 B/op 48 allocs/op
BenchmarkOneof-8 10000000 140 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkOneof-8 17380881 68.50 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkOneofParallel-8 20000000 70.1 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkOneofParallel-8 8084733 153.5 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
``` ```
Complementary Software Complementary Software

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import (
"golang.org/x/text/language" "golang.org/x/text/language"
"github.com/gabriel-vasile/mimetype" "github.com/gabriel-vasile/mimetype"
"github.com/leodido/go-urn" urn "github.com/leodido/go-urn"
) )
// Func accepts a FieldLevel interface for all validation needs. The return // Func accepts a FieldLevel interface for all validation needs. The return

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ const (
typeOr typeOr
typeKeys typeKeys
typeEndKeys typeEndKeys
) )
const ( const (
@ -153,7 +152,7 @@ func (v *Validate) extractStructCache(current reflect.Value, sName string) *cStr
// and so only struct level caching can be used instead of combined with Field tag caching // and so only struct level caching can be used instead of combined with Field tag caching
if len(tag) > 0 { if len(tag) > 0 {
ctag, _ = v.parseFieldTagsRecursive(tag, fld, "", false) ctag, _ = v.parseFieldTagsRecursive(tag, fld.Name, "", false)
} else { } else {
// even if field doesn't have validations need cTag for traversing to potential inner/nested // even if field doesn't have validations need cTag for traversing to potential inner/nested
// elements of the field. // elements of the field.
@ -172,7 +171,7 @@ func (v *Validate) extractStructCache(current reflect.Value, sName string) *cStr
return cs return cs
} }
func (v *Validate) parseFieldTagsRecursive(tag string, field reflect.StructField, alias string, hasAlias bool) (firstCtag *cTag, current *cTag) { func (v *Validate) parseFieldTagsRecursive(tag string, fieldName string, alias string, hasAlias bool) (firstCtag *cTag, current *cTag) {
var t string var t string
noAlias := len(alias) == 0 noAlias := len(alias) == 0
tags := strings.Split(tag, tagSeparator) tags := strings.Split(tag, tagSeparator)
@ -186,9 +185,9 @@ func (v *Validate) parseFieldTagsRecursive(tag string, field reflect.StructField
// check map for alias and process new tags, otherwise process as usual // check map for alias and process new tags, otherwise process as usual
if tagsVal, found := v.aliases[t]; found { if tagsVal, found := v.aliases[t]; found {
if i == 0 { if i == 0 {
firstCtag, current = v.parseFieldTagsRecursive(tagsVal, field, t, true) firstCtag, current = v.parseFieldTagsRecursive(tagsVal, fieldName, t, true)
} else { } else {
next, curr := v.parseFieldTagsRecursive(tagsVal, field, t, true) next, curr := v.parseFieldTagsRecursive(tagsVal, fieldName, t, true)
current.next, current = next, curr current.next, current = next, curr
} }
@ -236,7 +235,7 @@ func (v *Validate) parseFieldTagsRecursive(tag string, field reflect.StructField
} }
} }
current.keys, _ = v.parseFieldTagsRecursive(string(b[:len(b)-1]), field, "", false) current.keys, _ = v.parseFieldTagsRecursive(string(b[:len(b)-1]), fieldName, "", false)
continue continue
case endKeysTag: case endKeysTag:
@ -285,18 +284,14 @@ func (v *Validate) parseFieldTagsRecursive(tag string, field reflect.StructField
current.tag = vals[0] current.tag = vals[0]
if len(current.tag) == 0 { if len(current.tag) == 0 {
panic(strings.TrimSpace(fmt.Sprintf(invalidValidation, field.Name))) panic(strings.TrimSpace(fmt.Sprintf(invalidValidation, fieldName)))
} }
if wrapper, ok := v.validations[current.tag]; ok { if wrapper, ok := v.validations[current.tag]; ok {
current.fn = wrapper.fn current.fn = wrapper.fn
current.runValidationWhenNil = wrapper.runValidatinOnNil current.runValidationWhenNil = wrapper.runValidatinOnNil
} else { } else {
panic(strings.TrimSpace(fmt.Sprintf(undefinedValidation, current.tag, field.Name))) panic(strings.TrimSpace(fmt.Sprintf(undefinedValidation, current.tag, fieldName)))
if current.typeof == typeDefault && isNestedStructOrStructPtr(field) {
current.typeof = typeNestedStructLevel
} }
if len(orVals) > 1 { if len(orVals) > 1 {
@ -324,7 +319,7 @@ func (v *Validate) fetchCacheTag(tag string) *cTag {
// isn't parsed again. // isn't parsed again.
ctag, found = v.tagCache.Get(tag) ctag, found = v.tagCache.Get(tag)
if !found { if !found {
ctag, _ = v.parseFieldTagsRecursive(tag, reflect.StructField{}, "", false) ctag, _ = v.parseFieldTagsRecursive(tag, "", "", false)
v.tagCache.Set(tag, ctag) v.tagCache.Set(tag, ctag)
} }
} }

@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ Example #2
This validates that the value is not the data types default zero value. This validates that the value is not the data types default zero value.
For numbers ensures value is not zero. For strings ensures value is For numbers ensures value is not zero. For strings ensures value is
not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions not "". For slices, maps, pointers, interfaces, channels and functions
ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value. ensures the value is not nil. For structs ensures value is not the zero value when using WithRequiredStructEnabled.
Usage: required Usage: required

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package validator
// Option represents a configurations option to be applied to validator during initialization.
type Option func(*Validate)
// WithRequiredStructEnabled enables required tag on non-pointer structs to be applied instead of ignored.
// This was made opt-in behaviour in order to maintain backward compatibility with the behaviour previous
// to being able to apply struct level validations on struct fields directly.
// It is recommended you enabled this as it will be the default behaviour in v11+
func WithRequiredStructEnabled() Option {
return func(v *Validate) {
v.requiredStructEnabled = true

@ -292,11 +292,3 @@ func panicIf(err error) {
panic(err.Error()) panic(err.Error())
} }
} }
func isNestedStructOrStructPtr(v reflect.StructField) bool {
if v.Type == nil {
return false
kind := v.Type.Kind()
return kind == reflect.Struct || kind == reflect.Ptr && v.Type.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct

@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ func (v *validate) traverseField(ctx context.Context, parent reflect.Value, curr
current, kind, v.fldIsPointer = v.extractTypeInternal(current, false) current, kind, v.fldIsPointer = v.extractTypeInternal(current, false)
var isNestedStruct bool
switch kind { switch kind {
case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface, reflect.Invalid: case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface, reflect.Invalid:
@ -160,59 +162,29 @@ func (v *validate) traverseField(ctx context.Context, parent reflect.Value, curr
} }
} }
case reflect.Struct: if kind == reflect.Invalid {
typ = current.Type()
if !typ.ConvertibleTo(timeType) {
if ct != nil {
if ct.typeof == typeStructOnly {
} else if ct.typeof == typeIsDefault || ct.typeof == typeNestedStructLevel {
// set Field Level fields
v.slflParent = parent
v.flField = current
v.cf = cf
v.ct = ct
if !ct.fn(ctx, v) {
v.str1 = string(append(ns, cf.altName...))
if v.v.hasTagNameFunc {
v.str2 = string(append(structNs, cf.name...))
} else {
v.str2 = v.str1
v.errs = append(v.errs,
v: v.v,
tag: ct.aliasTag,
actualTag: ct.tag,
ns: v.str1,
structNs: v.str2,
fieldLen: uint8(len(cf.altName)),
structfieldLen: uint8(len(cf.name)),
value: current.Interface(),
param: ct.param,
kind: kind,
typ: typ,
return return
} }
case reflect.Struct:
isNestedStruct = !current.Type().ConvertibleTo(timeType)
// For backward compatibility before struct level validation tags were supported
// as there were a number of projects relying on `required` not failing on non-pointer
// structs. Since it's basically nonsensical to use `required` with a non-pointer struct
// are explicitly skipping the required validation for it. This WILL be removed in the
// next major version.
if !v.v.requiredStructEnabled && ct != nil && ct.tag == requiredTag {
ct = ct.next ct = ct.next
} }
if ct != nil && ct.typeof == typeNoStructLevel {
} }
CONTINUE: typ = current.Type()
for {
if ct == nil || !ct.hasTag || (isNestedStruct && len(cf.name) == 0) {
// isNestedStruct check here
if isNestedStruct {
// if len == 0 then validating using 'Var' or 'VarWithValue' // if len == 0 then validating using 'Var' or 'VarWithValue'
// Var - doesn't make much sense to do it that way, should call 'Struct', but no harm... // Var - doesn't make much sense to do it that way, should call 'Struct', but no harm...
// VarWithField - this allows for validating against each field within the struct against a specific value // VarWithField - this allows for validating against each field within the struct against a specific value
@ -223,23 +195,28 @@ func (v *validate) traverseField(ctx context.Context, parent reflect.Value, curr
} }
v.validateStruct(ctx, parent, current, typ, ns, structNs, ct) v.validateStruct(ctx, parent, current, typ, ns, structNs, ct)
} }
if ct == nil || !ct.hasTag {
return return
} }
typ = current.Type() switch ct.typeof {
case typeNoStructLevel:
for {
if ct == nil {
return return
case typeStructOnly:
if isNestedStruct {
// if len == 0 then validating using 'Var' or 'VarWithValue'
// Var - doesn't make much sense to do it that way, should call 'Struct', but no harm...
// VarWithField - this allows for validating against each field within the struct against a specific value
// pretty handy in certain situations
if len(cf.name) > 0 {
ns = append(append(ns, cf.altName...), '.')
structNs = append(append(structNs, cf.name...), '.')
} }
switch ct.typeof { v.validateStruct(ctx, parent, current, typ, ns, structNs, ct)
case typeOmitEmpty: case typeOmitEmpty:
@ -366,7 +343,7 @@ OUTER:
ct = ct.next ct = ct.next
if ct == nil { if ct == nil {
return continue OUTER
} }
if ct.typeof != typeOr { if ct.typeof != typeOr {

@ -81,8 +81,6 @@ type internalValidationFuncWrapper struct {
type Validate struct { type Validate struct {
tagName string tagName string
pool *sync.Pool pool *sync.Pool
hasCustomFuncs bool
hasTagNameFunc bool
tagNameFunc TagNameFunc tagNameFunc TagNameFunc
structLevelFuncs map[reflect.Type]StructLevelFuncCtx structLevelFuncs map[reflect.Type]StructLevelFuncCtx
customFuncs map[reflect.Type]CustomTypeFunc customFuncs map[reflect.Type]CustomTypeFunc
@ -92,6 +90,9 @@ type Validate struct {
rules map[reflect.Type]map[string]string rules map[reflect.Type]map[string]string
tagCache *tagCache tagCache *tagCache
structCache *structCache structCache *structCache
hasCustomFuncs bool
hasTagNameFunc bool
requiredStructEnabled bool
} }
// New returns a new instance of 'validate' with sane defaults. // New returns a new instance of 'validate' with sane defaults.
@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ type Validate struct {
// It caches information about your struct and validations, // It caches information about your struct and validations,
// in essence only parsing your validation tags once per struct type. // in essence only parsing your validation tags once per struct type.
// Using multiple instances neglects the benefit of caching. // Using multiple instances neglects the benefit of caching.
func New() *Validate { func New(options ...Option) *Validate {
tc := new(tagCache) tc := new(tagCache)
tc.m.Store(make(map[string]*cTag)) tc.m.Store(make(map[string]*cTag))
@ -146,6 +147,9 @@ func New() *Validate {
}, },
} }
for _, o := range options {
return v return v
} }

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2017 john@goframe.org https://goframe.org
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
// Package garray provides most commonly used array containers which also support concurrent-safe/unsafe switch feature.
package garray

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package garray
import "strings"
// defaultComparatorInt for int comparison.
func defaultComparatorInt(a, b int) int {
if a < b {
return -1
if a > b {
return 1
return 0
// defaultComparatorStr for string comparison.
func defaultComparatorStr(a, b string) int {
return strings.Compare(a, b)
// quickSortInt is the quick-sorting algorithm implements for int.
func quickSortInt(values []int, comparator func(a, b int) int) {
if len(values) <= 1 {
mid, i := values[0], 1
head, tail := 0, len(values)-1
for head < tail {
if comparator(values[i], mid) > 0 {
values[i], values[tail] = values[tail], values[i]
} else {
values[i], values[head] = values[head], values[i]
values[head] = mid
quickSortInt(values[:head], comparator)
quickSortInt(values[head+1:], comparator)
// quickSortStr is the quick-sorting algorithm implements for string.
func quickSortStr(values []string, comparator func(a, b string) int) {
if len(values) <= 1 {
mid, i := values[0], 1
head, tail := 0, len(values)-1
for head < tail {
if comparator(values[i], mid) > 0 {
values[i], values[tail] = values[tail], values[i]
} else {
values[i], values[head] = values[head], values[i]
values[head] = mid
quickSortStr(values[:head], comparator)
quickSortStr(values[head+1:], comparator)

@ -1,870 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package garray
import (
// Array is a golang array with rich features.
// It contains a concurrent-safe/unsafe switch, which should be set
// when its initialization and cannot be changed then.
type Array struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
array []interface{}
// New creates and returns an empty array.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func New(safe ...bool) *Array {
return NewArraySize(0, 0, safe...)
// NewArray is alias of New, please see New.
func NewArray(safe ...bool) *Array {
return NewArraySize(0, 0, safe...)
// NewArraySize create and returns an array with given size and cap.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewArraySize(size int, cap int, safe ...bool) *Array {
return &Array{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
array: make([]interface{}, size, cap),
// NewArrayRange creates and returns an array by a range from `start` to `end`
// with step value `step`.
func NewArrayRange(start, end, step int, safe ...bool) *Array {
if step == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf(`invalid step value: %d`, step))
slice := make([]interface{}, 0)
index := 0
for i := start; i <= end; i += step {
slice = append(slice, i)
return NewArrayFrom(slice, safe...)
// NewFrom is alias of NewArrayFrom.
// See NewArrayFrom.
func NewFrom(array []interface{}, safe ...bool) *Array {
return NewArrayFrom(array, safe...)
// NewFromCopy is alias of NewArrayFromCopy.
// See NewArrayFromCopy.
func NewFromCopy(array []interface{}, safe ...bool) *Array {
return NewArrayFromCopy(array, safe...)
// NewArrayFrom creates and returns an array with given slice `array`.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewArrayFrom(array []interface{}, safe ...bool) *Array {
return &Array{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
array: array,
// NewArrayFromCopy creates and returns an array from a copy of given slice `array`.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewArrayFromCopy(array []interface{}, safe ...bool) *Array {
newArray := make([]interface{}, len(array))
copy(newArray, array)
return &Array{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
array: newArray,
// At returns the value by the specified index.
// If the given `index` is out of range of the array, it returns `nil`.
func (a *Array) At(index int) (value interface{}) {
value, _ = a.Get(index)
// Get returns the value by the specified index.
// If the given `index` is out of range of the array, the `found` is false.
func (a *Array) Get(index int) (value interface{}, found bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return nil, false
return a.array[index], true
// Set sets value to specified index.
func (a *Array) Set(index int, value interface{}) error {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return gerror.NewCodef(gcode.CodeInvalidParameter, "index %d out of array range %d", index, len(a.array))
a.array[index] = value
return nil
// SetArray sets the underlying slice array with the given `array`.
func (a *Array) SetArray(array []interface{}) *Array {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
a.array = array
return a
// Replace replaces the array items by given `array` from the beginning of array.
func (a *Array) Replace(array []interface{}) *Array {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
max := len(array)
if max > len(a.array) {
max = len(a.array)
for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
a.array[i] = array[i]
return a
// Sum returns the sum of values in an array.
func (a *Array) Sum() (sum int) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for _, v := range a.array {
sum += gconv.Int(v)
// SortFunc sorts the array by custom function `less`.
func (a *Array) SortFunc(less func(v1, v2 interface{}) bool) *Array {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
sort.Slice(a.array, func(i, j int) bool {
return less(a.array[i], a.array[j])
return a
// InsertBefore inserts the `values` to the front of `index`.
func (a *Array) InsertBefore(index int, values ...interface{}) error {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return gerror.NewCodef(gcode.CodeInvalidParameter, "index %d out of array range %d", index, len(a.array))
rear := append([]interface{}{}, a.array[index:]...)
a.array = append(a.array[0:index], values...)
a.array = append(a.array, rear...)
return nil
// InsertAfter inserts the `values` to the back of `index`.
func (a *Array) InsertAfter(index int, values ...interface{}) error {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return gerror.NewCodef(gcode.CodeInvalidParameter, "index %d out of array range %d", index, len(a.array))
rear := append([]interface{}{}, a.array[index+1:]...)
a.array = append(a.array[0:index+1], values...)
a.array = append(a.array, rear...)
return nil
// Remove removes an item by index.
// If the given `index` is out of range of the array, the `found` is false.
func (a *Array) Remove(index int) (value interface{}, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
return a.doRemoveWithoutLock(index)
// doRemoveWithoutLock removes an item by index without lock.
func (a *Array) doRemoveWithoutLock(index int) (value interface{}, found bool) {
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return nil, false
// Determine array boundaries when deleting to improve deletion efficiency.
if index == 0 {
value := a.array[0]
a.array = a.array[1:]
return value, true
} else if index == len(a.array)-1 {
value := a.array[index]
a.array = a.array[:index]
return value, true
// If it is a non-boundary delete,
// it will involve the creation of an array,
// then the deletion is less efficient.
value = a.array[index]
a.array = append(a.array[:index], a.array[index+1:]...)
return value, true
// RemoveValue removes an item by value.
// It returns true if value is found in the array, or else false if not found.
func (a *Array) RemoveValue(value interface{}) bool {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if i := a.doSearchWithoutLock(value); i != -1 {
return true
return false
// RemoveValues removes multiple items by `values`.
func (a *Array) RemoveValues(values ...interface{}) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for _, value := range values {
if i := a.doSearchWithoutLock(value); i != -1 {
// PushLeft pushes one or multiple items to the beginning of array.
func (a *Array) PushLeft(value ...interface{}) *Array {
a.array = append(value, a.array...)
return a
// PushRight pushes one or multiple items to the end of array.
// It equals to Append.
func (a *Array) PushRight(value ...interface{}) *Array {
a.array = append(a.array, value...)
return a
// PopRand randomly pops and return an item out of array.
// Note that if the array is empty, the `found` is false.
func (a *Array) PopRand() (value interface{}, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
return a.doRemoveWithoutLock(grand.Intn(len(a.array)))
// PopRands randomly pops and returns `size` items out of array.
func (a *Array) PopRands(size int) []interface{} {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
if size >= len(a.array) {
size = len(a.array)
array := make([]interface{}, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
array[i], _ = a.doRemoveWithoutLock(grand.Intn(len(a.array)))
return array
// PopLeft pops and returns an item from the beginning of array.
// Note that if the array is empty, the `found` is false.
func (a *Array) PopLeft() (value interface{}, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil, false
value = a.array[0]
a.array = a.array[1:]
return value, true
// PopRight pops and returns an item from the end of array.
// Note that if the array is empty, the `found` is false.
func (a *Array) PopRight() (value interface{}, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
index := len(a.array) - 1
if index < 0 {
return nil, false
value = a.array[index]
a.array = a.array[:index]
return value, true
// PopLefts pops and returns `size` items from the beginning of array.
func (a *Array) PopLefts(size int) []interface{} {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
if size >= len(a.array) {
array := a.array
a.array = a.array[:0]
return array
value := a.array[0:size]
a.array = a.array[size:]
return value
// PopRights pops and returns `size` items from the end of array.
func (a *Array) PopRights(size int) []interface{} {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
index := len(a.array) - size
if index <= 0 {
array := a.array
a.array = a.array[:0]
return array
value := a.array[index:]
a.array = a.array[:index]
return value
// Range picks and returns items by range, like array[start:end].
// Notice, if in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of slice;
// else a pointer to the underlying data.
// If `end` is negative, then the offset will start from the end of array.
// If `end` is omitted, then the sequence will have everything from start up
// until the end of the array.
func (a *Array) Range(start int, end ...int) []interface{} {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
offsetEnd := len(a.array)
if len(end) > 0 && end[0] < offsetEnd {
offsetEnd = end[0]
if start > offsetEnd {
return nil
if start < 0 {
start = 0
array := ([]interface{})(nil)
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
array = make([]interface{}, offsetEnd-start)
copy(array, a.array[start:offsetEnd])
} else {
array = a.array[start:offsetEnd]
return array
// SubSlice returns a slice of elements from the array as specified
// by the `offset` and `size` parameters.
// If in concurrent safe usage, it returns a copy of the slice; else a pointer.
// If offset is non-negative, the sequence will start at that offset in the array.
// If offset is negative, the sequence will start that far from the end of the array.
// If length is given and is positive, then the sequence will have up to that many elements in it.
// If the array is shorter than the length, then only the available array elements will be present.
// If length is given and is negative then the sequence will stop that many elements from the end of the array.
// If it is omitted, then the sequence will have everything from offset up until the end of the array.
// Any possibility crossing the left border of array, it will fail.
func (a *Array) SubSlice(offset int, length ...int) []interface{} {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
size := len(a.array)
if len(length) > 0 {
size = length[0]
if offset > len(a.array) {
return nil
if offset < 0 {
offset = len(a.array) + offset
if offset < 0 {
return nil
if size < 0 {
offset += size
size = -size
if offset < 0 {
return nil
end := offset + size
if end > len(a.array) {
end = len(a.array)
size = len(a.array) - offset
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
s := make([]interface{}, size)
copy(s, a.array[offset:])
return s
} else {
return a.array[offset:end]
// Append is alias of PushRight, please See PushRight.
func (a *Array) Append(value ...interface{}) *Array {
return a
// Len returns the length of array.
func (a *Array) Len() int {
length := len(a.array)
return length
// Slice returns the underlying data of array.
// Note that, if it's in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of underlying data,
// or else a pointer to the underlying data.
func (a *Array) Slice() []interface{} {
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
array := make([]interface{}, len(a.array))
copy(array, a.array)
return array
} else {
return a.array
// Interfaces returns current array as []interface{}.
func (a *Array) Interfaces() []interface{} {
return a.Slice()
// Clone returns a new array, which is a copy of current array.
func (a *Array) Clone() (newArray *Array) {
array := make([]interface{}, len(a.array))
copy(array, a.array)
return NewArrayFrom(array, a.mu.IsSafe())
// Clear deletes all items of current array.
func (a *Array) Clear() *Array {
if len(a.array) > 0 {
a.array = make([]interface{}, 0)
return a
// Contains checks whether a value exists in the array.
func (a *Array) Contains(value interface{}) bool {
return a.Search(value) != -1
// Search searches array by `value`, returns the index of `value`,
// or returns -1 if not exists.
func (a *Array) Search(value interface{}) int {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
return a.doSearchWithoutLock(value)
func (a *Array) doSearchWithoutLock(value interface{}) int {
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return -1
result := -1
for index, v := range a.array {
if v == value {
result = index
return result
// Unique uniques the array, clear repeated items.
// Example: [1,1,2,3,2] -> [1,2,3]
func (a *Array) Unique() *Array {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return a
var (
ok bool
temp interface{}
uniqueSet = make(map[interface{}]struct{})
uniqueArray = make([]interface{}, 0, len(a.array))
for i := 0; i < len(a.array); i++ {
temp = a.array[i]
if _, ok = uniqueSet[temp]; ok {
uniqueSet[temp] = struct{}{}
uniqueArray = append(uniqueArray, temp)
a.array = uniqueArray
return a
// LockFunc locks writing by callback function `f`.
func (a *Array) LockFunc(f func(array []interface{})) *Array {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
return a
// RLockFunc locks reading by callback function `f`.
func (a *Array) RLockFunc(f func(array []interface{})) *Array {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
return a
// Merge merges `array` into current array.
// The parameter `array` can be any garray or slice type.
// The difference between Merge and Append is Append supports only specified slice type,
// but Merge supports more parameter types.
func (a *Array) Merge(array interface{}) *Array {
return a.Append(gconv.Interfaces(array)...)
// Fill fills an array with num entries of the value `value`,
// keys starting at the `startIndex` parameter.
func (a *Array) Fill(startIndex int, num int, value interface{}) error {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if startIndex < 0 || startIndex > len(a.array) {
return gerror.NewCodef(gcode.CodeInvalidParameter, "index %d out of array range %d", startIndex, len(a.array))
for i := startIndex; i < startIndex+num; i++ {
if i > len(a.array)-1 {
a.array = append(a.array, value)
} else {
a.array[i] = value
return nil
// Chunk splits an array into multiple arrays,
// the size of each array is determined by `size`.
// The last chunk may contain less than size elements.
func (a *Array) Chunk(size int) [][]interface{} {
if size < 1 {
return nil
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
length := len(a.array)
chunks := int(math.Ceil(float64(length) / float64(size)))
var n [][]interface{}
for i, end := 0, 0; chunks > 0; chunks-- {
end = (i + 1) * size
if end > length {
end = length
n = append(n, a.array[i*size:end])
return n
// Pad pads array to the specified length with `value`.
// If size is positive then the array is padded on the right, or negative on the left.
// If the absolute value of `size` is less than or equal to the length of the array
// then no padding takes place.
func (a *Array) Pad(size int, val interface{}) *Array {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size == 0 || (size > 0 && size < len(a.array)) || (size < 0 && size > -len(a.array)) {
return a
n := size
if size < 0 {
n = -size
n -= len(a.array)
tmp := make([]interface{}, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
tmp[i] = val
if size > 0 {
a.array = append(a.array, tmp...)
} else {
a.array = append(tmp, a.array...)
return a
// Rand randomly returns one item from array(no deleting).
func (a *Array) Rand() (value interface{}, found bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil, false
return a.array[grand.Intn(len(a.array))], true
// Rands randomly returns `size` items from array(no deleting).
func (a *Array) Rands(size int) []interface{} {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
array := make([]interface{}, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
array[i] = a.array[grand.Intn(len(a.array))]
return array
// Shuffle randomly shuffles the array.
func (a *Array) Shuffle() *Array {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i, v := range grand.Perm(len(a.array)) {
a.array[i], a.array[v] = a.array[v], a.array[i]
return a
// Reverse makes array with elements in reverse order.
func (a *Array) Reverse() *Array {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i, j := 0, len(a.array)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
a.array[i], a.array[j] = a.array[j], a.array[i]
return a
// Join joins array elements with a string `glue`.
func (a *Array) Join(glue string) string {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return ""
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for k, v := range a.array {
if k != len(a.array)-1 {
return buffer.String()
// CountValues counts the number of occurrences of all values in the array.
func (a *Array) CountValues() map[interface{}]int {
m := make(map[interface{}]int)
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for _, v := range a.array {
return m
// Iterator is alias of IteratorAsc.
func (a *Array) Iterator(f func(k int, v interface{}) bool) {
// IteratorAsc iterates the array readonly in ascending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (a *Array) IteratorAsc(f func(k int, v interface{}) bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range a.array {
if !f(k, v) {
// IteratorDesc iterates the array readonly in descending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (a *Array) IteratorDesc(f func(k int, v interface{}) bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for i := len(a.array) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if !f(i, a.array[i]) {
// String returns current array as a string, which implements like json.Marshal does.
func (a *Array) String() string {
if a == nil {
return ""
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
s := ""
for k, v := range a.array {
s = gconv.String(v)
if gstr.IsNumeric(s) {
} else {
buffer.WriteString(`"` + gstr.QuoteMeta(s, `"\`) + `"`)
if k != len(a.array)-1 {
return buffer.String()
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
// Note that do not use pointer as its receiver here.
func (a Array) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
return json.Marshal(a.array)
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (a *Array) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
if a.array == nil {
a.array = make([]interface{}, 0)
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &a.array); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for array.
func (a *Array) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) error {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
switch value.(type) {
case string, []byte:
return json.UnmarshalUseNumber(gconv.Bytes(value), &a.array)
a.array = gconv.SliceAny(value)
return nil
// Filter iterates array and filters elements using custom callback function.
// It removes the element from array if callback function `filter` returns true,
// it or else does nothing and continues iterating.
func (a *Array) Filter(filter func(index int, value interface{}) bool) *Array {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i := 0; i < len(a.array); {
if filter(i, a.array[i]) {
a.array = append(a.array[:i], a.array[i+1:]...)
} else {
return a
// FilterNil removes all nil value of the array.
func (a *Array) FilterNil() *Array {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i := 0; i < len(a.array); {
if empty.IsNil(a.array[i]) {
a.array = append(a.array[:i], a.array[i+1:]...)
} else {
return a
// FilterEmpty removes all empty value of the array.
// Values like: 0, nil, false, "", len(slice/map/chan) == 0 are considered empty.
func (a *Array) FilterEmpty() *Array {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i := 0; i < len(a.array); {
if empty.IsEmpty(a.array[i]) {
a.array = append(a.array[:i], a.array[i+1:]...)
} else {
return a
// Walk applies a user supplied function `f` to every item of array.
func (a *Array) Walk(f func(value interface{}) interface{}) *Array {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i, v := range a.array {
a.array[i] = f(v)
return a
// IsEmpty checks whether the array is empty.
func (a *Array) IsEmpty() bool {
return a.Len() == 0
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (a *Array) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if a == nil {
return nil
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
newSlice := make([]interface{}, len(a.array))
for i, v := range a.array {
newSlice[i] = deepcopy.Copy(v)
return NewArrayFrom(newSlice, a.mu.IsSafe())

@ -1,846 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package garray
import (
// IntArray is a golang int array with rich features.
// It contains a concurrent-safe/unsafe switch, which should be set
// when its initialization and cannot be changed then.
type IntArray struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
array []int
// NewIntArray creates and returns an empty array.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewIntArray(safe ...bool) *IntArray {
return NewIntArraySize(0, 0, safe...)
// NewIntArraySize create and returns an array with given size and cap.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewIntArraySize(size int, cap int, safe ...bool) *IntArray {
return &IntArray{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
array: make([]int, size, cap),
// NewIntArrayRange creates and returns an array by a range from `start` to `end`
// with step value `step`.
func NewIntArrayRange(start, end, step int, safe ...bool) *IntArray {
if step == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf(`invalid step value: %d`, step))
slice := make([]int, 0)
index := 0
for i := start; i <= end; i += step {
slice = append(slice, i)
return NewIntArrayFrom(slice, safe...)
// NewIntArrayFrom creates and returns an array with given slice `array`.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewIntArrayFrom(array []int, safe ...bool) *IntArray {
return &IntArray{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
array: array,
// NewIntArrayFromCopy creates and returns an array from a copy of given slice `array`.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewIntArrayFromCopy(array []int, safe ...bool) *IntArray {
newArray := make([]int, len(array))
copy(newArray, array)
return &IntArray{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
array: newArray,
// At returns the value by the specified index.
// If the given `index` is out of range of the array, it returns `0`.
func (a *IntArray) At(index int) (value int) {
value, _ = a.Get(index)
// Get returns the value by the specified index.
// If the given `index` is out of range of the array, the `found` is false.
func (a *IntArray) Get(index int) (value int, found bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return 0, false
return a.array[index], true
// Set sets value to specified index.
func (a *IntArray) Set(index int, value int) error {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return gerror.NewCodef(gcode.CodeInvalidParameter, "index %d out of array range %d", index, len(a.array))
a.array[index] = value
return nil
// SetArray sets the underlying slice array with the given `array`.
func (a *IntArray) SetArray(array []int) *IntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
a.array = array
return a
// Replace replaces the array items by given `array` from the beginning of array.
func (a *IntArray) Replace(array []int) *IntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
max := len(array)
if max > len(a.array) {
max = len(a.array)
for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
a.array[i] = array[i]
return a
// Sum returns the sum of values in an array.
func (a *IntArray) Sum() (sum int) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for _, v := range a.array {
sum += v
// Sort sorts the array in increasing order.
// The parameter `reverse` controls whether sort in increasing order(default) or decreasing order.
func (a *IntArray) Sort(reverse ...bool) *IntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if len(reverse) > 0 && reverse[0] {
sort.Slice(a.array, func(i, j int) bool {
return a.array[i] >= a.array[j]
} else {
return a
// SortFunc sorts the array by custom function `less`.
func (a *IntArray) SortFunc(less func(v1, v2 int) bool) *IntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
sort.Slice(a.array, func(i, j int) bool {
return less(a.array[i], a.array[j])
return a
// InsertBefore inserts the `values` to the front of `index`.
func (a *IntArray) InsertBefore(index int, values ...int) error {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return gerror.NewCodef(gcode.CodeInvalidParameter, "index %d out of array range %d", index, len(a.array))
rear := append([]int{}, a.array[index:]...)
a.array = append(a.array[0:index], values...)
a.array = append(a.array, rear...)
return nil
// InsertAfter inserts the `value` to the back of `index`.
func (a *IntArray) InsertAfter(index int, values ...int) error {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return gerror.NewCodef(gcode.CodeInvalidParameter, "index %d out of array range %d", index, len(a.array))
rear := append([]int{}, a.array[index+1:]...)
a.array = append(a.array[0:index+1], values...)
a.array = append(a.array, rear...)
return nil
// Remove removes an item by index.
// If the given `index` is out of range of the array, the `found` is false.
func (a *IntArray) Remove(index int) (value int, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
return a.doRemoveWithoutLock(index)
// doRemoveWithoutLock removes an item by index without lock.
func (a *IntArray) doRemoveWithoutLock(index int) (value int, found bool) {
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return 0, false
// Determine array boundaries when deleting to improve deletion efficiency.
if index == 0 {
value := a.array[0]
a.array = a.array[1:]
return value, true
} else if index == len(a.array)-1 {
value := a.array[index]
a.array = a.array[:index]
return value, true
// If it is a non-boundary delete,
// it will involve the creation of an array,
// then the deletion is less efficient.
value = a.array[index]
a.array = append(a.array[:index], a.array[index+1:]...)
return value, true
// RemoveValue removes an item by value.
// It returns true if value is found in the array, or else false if not found.
func (a *IntArray) RemoveValue(value int) bool {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if i := a.doSearchWithoutLock(value); i != -1 {
return true
return false
// RemoveValues removes multiple items by `values`.
func (a *IntArray) RemoveValues(values ...int) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for _, value := range values {
if i := a.doSearchWithoutLock(value); i != -1 {
// PushLeft pushes one or multiple items to the beginning of array.
func (a *IntArray) PushLeft(value ...int) *IntArray {
a.array = append(value, a.array...)
return a
// PushRight pushes one or multiple items to the end of array.
// It equals to Append.
func (a *IntArray) PushRight(value ...int) *IntArray {
a.array = append(a.array, value...)
return a
// PopLeft pops and returns an item from the beginning of array.
// Note that if the array is empty, the `found` is false.
func (a *IntArray) PopLeft() (value int, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return 0, false
value = a.array[0]
a.array = a.array[1:]
return value, true
// PopRight pops and returns an item from the end of array.
// Note that if the array is empty, the `found` is false.
func (a *IntArray) PopRight() (value int, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
index := len(a.array) - 1
if index < 0 {
return 0, false
value = a.array[index]
a.array = a.array[:index]
return value, true
// PopRand randomly pops and return an item out of array.
// Note that if the array is empty, the `found` is false.
func (a *IntArray) PopRand() (value int, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
return a.doRemoveWithoutLock(grand.Intn(len(a.array)))
// PopRands randomly pops and returns `size` items out of array.
// If the given `size` is greater than size of the array, it returns all elements of the array.
// Note that if given `size` <= 0 or the array is empty, it returns nil.
func (a *IntArray) PopRands(size int) []int {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
if size >= len(a.array) {
size = len(a.array)
array := make([]int, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
array[i], _ = a.doRemoveWithoutLock(grand.Intn(len(a.array)))
return array
// PopLefts pops and returns `size` items from the beginning of array.
// If the given `size` is greater than size of the array, it returns all elements of the array.
// Note that if given `size` <= 0 or the array is empty, it returns nil.
func (a *IntArray) PopLefts(size int) []int {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
if size >= len(a.array) {
array := a.array
a.array = a.array[:0]
return array
value := a.array[0:size]
a.array = a.array[size:]
return value
// PopRights pops and returns `size` items from the end of array.
// If the given `size` is greater than size of the array, it returns all elements of the array.
// Note that if given `size` <= 0 or the array is empty, it returns nil.
func (a *IntArray) PopRights(size int) []int {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
index := len(a.array) - size
if index <= 0 {
array := a.array
a.array = a.array[:0]
return array
value := a.array[index:]
a.array = a.array[:index]
return value
// Range picks and returns items by range, like array[start:end].
// Notice, if in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of slice;
// else a pointer to the underlying data.
// If `end` is negative, then the offset will start from the end of array.
// If `end` is omitted, then the sequence will have everything from start up
// until the end of the array.
func (a *IntArray) Range(start int, end ...int) []int {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
offsetEnd := len(a.array)
if len(end) > 0 && end[0] < offsetEnd {
offsetEnd = end[0]
if start > offsetEnd {
return nil
if start < 0 {
start = 0
array := ([]int)(nil)
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
array = make([]int, offsetEnd-start)
copy(array, a.array[start:offsetEnd])
} else {
array = a.array[start:offsetEnd]
return array
// SubSlice returns a slice of elements from the array as specified
// by the `offset` and `size` parameters.
// If in concurrent safe usage, it returns a copy of the slice; else a pointer.
// If offset is non-negative, the sequence will start at that offset in the array.
// If offset is negative, the sequence will start that far from the end of the array.
// If length is given and is positive, then the sequence will have up to that many elements in it.
// If the array is shorter than the length, then only the available array elements will be present.
// If length is given and is negative then the sequence will stop that many elements from the end of the array.
// If it is omitted, then the sequence will have everything from offset up until the end of the array.
// Any possibility crossing the left border of array, it will fail.
func (a *IntArray) SubSlice(offset int, length ...int) []int {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
size := len(a.array)
if len(length) > 0 {
size = length[0]
if offset > len(a.array) {
return nil
if offset < 0 {
offset = len(a.array) + offset
if offset < 0 {
return nil
if size < 0 {
offset += size
size = -size
if offset < 0 {
return nil
end := offset + size
if end > len(a.array) {
end = len(a.array)
size = len(a.array) - offset
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
s := make([]int, size)
copy(s, a.array[offset:])
return s
} else {
return a.array[offset:end]
// Append is alias of PushRight,please See PushRight.
func (a *IntArray) Append(value ...int) *IntArray {
a.array = append(a.array, value...)
return a
// Len returns the length of array.
func (a *IntArray) Len() int {
length := len(a.array)
return length
// Slice returns the underlying data of array.
// Note that, if it's in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of underlying data,
// or else a pointer to the underlying data.
func (a *IntArray) Slice() []int {
array := ([]int)(nil)
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
array = make([]int, len(a.array))
copy(array, a.array)
} else {
array = a.array
return array
// Interfaces returns current array as []interface{}.
func (a *IntArray) Interfaces() []interface{} {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
array := make([]interface{}, len(a.array))
for k, v := range a.array {
array[k] = v
return array
// Clone returns a new array, which is a copy of current array.
func (a *IntArray) Clone() (newArray *IntArray) {
array := make([]int, len(a.array))
copy(array, a.array)
return NewIntArrayFrom(array, a.mu.IsSafe())
// Clear deletes all items of current array.
func (a *IntArray) Clear() *IntArray {
if len(a.array) > 0 {
a.array = make([]int, 0)
return a
// Contains checks whether a value exists in the array.
func (a *IntArray) Contains(value int) bool {
return a.Search(value) != -1
// Search searches array by `value`, returns the index of `value`,
// or returns -1 if not exists.
func (a *IntArray) Search(value int) int {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
return a.doSearchWithoutLock(value)
func (a *IntArray) doSearchWithoutLock(value int) int {
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return -1
result := -1
for index, v := range a.array {
if v == value {
result = index
return result
// Unique uniques the array, clear repeated items.
// Example: [1,1,2,3,2] -> [1,2,3]
func (a *IntArray) Unique() *IntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return a
var (
ok bool
temp int
uniqueSet = make(map[int]struct{})
uniqueArray = make([]int, 0, len(a.array))
for i := 0; i < len(a.array); i++ {
temp = a.array[i]
if _, ok = uniqueSet[temp]; ok {
uniqueSet[temp] = struct{}{}
uniqueArray = append(uniqueArray, temp)
a.array = uniqueArray
return a
// LockFunc locks writing by callback function `f`.
func (a *IntArray) LockFunc(f func(array []int)) *IntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
return a
// RLockFunc locks reading by callback function `f`.
func (a *IntArray) RLockFunc(f func(array []int)) *IntArray {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
return a
// Merge merges `array` into current array.
// The parameter `array` can be any garray or slice type.
// The difference between Merge and Append is Append supports only specified slice type,
// but Merge supports more parameter types.
func (a *IntArray) Merge(array interface{}) *IntArray {
return a.Append(gconv.Ints(array)...)
// Fill fills an array with num entries of the value `value`,
// keys starting at the `startIndex` parameter.
func (a *IntArray) Fill(startIndex int, num int, value int) error {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if startIndex < 0 || startIndex > len(a.array) {
return gerror.NewCodef(gcode.CodeInvalidParameter, "index %d out of array range %d", startIndex, len(a.array))
for i := startIndex; i < startIndex+num; i++ {
if i > len(a.array)-1 {
a.array = append(a.array, value)
} else {
a.array[i] = value
return nil
// Chunk splits an array into multiple arrays,
// the size of each array is determined by `size`.
// The last chunk may contain less than size elements.
func (a *IntArray) Chunk(size int) [][]int {
if size < 1 {
return nil
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
length := len(a.array)
chunks := int(math.Ceil(float64(length) / float64(size)))
var n [][]int
for i, end := 0, 0; chunks > 0; chunks-- {
end = (i + 1) * size
if end > length {
end = length
n = append(n, a.array[i*size:end])
return n
// Pad pads array to the specified length with `value`.
// If size is positive then the array is padded on the right, or negative on the left.
// If the absolute value of `size` is less than or equal to the length of the array
// then no padding takes place.
func (a *IntArray) Pad(size int, value int) *IntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size == 0 || (size > 0 && size < len(a.array)) || (size < 0 && size > -len(a.array)) {
return a
n := size
if size < 0 {
n = -size
n -= len(a.array)
tmp := make([]int, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
tmp[i] = value
if size > 0 {
a.array = append(a.array, tmp...)
} else {
a.array = append(tmp, a.array...)
return a
// Rand randomly returns one item from array(no deleting).
func (a *IntArray) Rand() (value int, found bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return 0, false
return a.array[grand.Intn(len(a.array))], true
// Rands randomly returns `size` items from array(no deleting).
func (a *IntArray) Rands(size int) []int {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
array := make([]int, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
array[i] = a.array[grand.Intn(len(a.array))]
return array
// Shuffle randomly shuffles the array.
func (a *IntArray) Shuffle() *IntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i, v := range grand.Perm(len(a.array)) {
a.array[i], a.array[v] = a.array[v], a.array[i]
return a
// Reverse makes array with elements in reverse order.
func (a *IntArray) Reverse() *IntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i, j := 0, len(a.array)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
a.array[i], a.array[j] = a.array[j], a.array[i]
return a
// Join joins array elements with a string `glue`.
func (a *IntArray) Join(glue string) string {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return ""
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for k, v := range a.array {
if k != len(a.array)-1 {
return buffer.String()
// CountValues counts the number of occurrences of all values in the array.
func (a *IntArray) CountValues() map[int]int {
m := make(map[int]int)
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for _, v := range a.array {
return m
// Iterator is alias of IteratorAsc.
func (a *IntArray) Iterator(f func(k int, v int) bool) {
// IteratorAsc iterates the array readonly in ascending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (a *IntArray) IteratorAsc(f func(k int, v int) bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range a.array {
if !f(k, v) {
// IteratorDesc iterates the array readonly in descending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (a *IntArray) IteratorDesc(f func(k int, v int) bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for i := len(a.array) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if !f(i, a.array[i]) {
// String returns current array as a string, which implements like json.Marshal does.
func (a *IntArray) String() string {
if a == nil {
return ""
return "[" + a.Join(",") + "]"
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
// Note that do not use pointer as its receiver here.
func (a IntArray) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
return json.Marshal(a.array)
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (a *IntArray) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
if a.array == nil {
a.array = make([]int, 0)
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &a.array); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for array.
func (a *IntArray) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) error {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
switch value.(type) {
case string, []byte:
return json.UnmarshalUseNumber(gconv.Bytes(value), &a.array)
a.array = gconv.SliceInt(value)
return nil
// Filter iterates array and filters elements using custom callback function.
// It removes the element from array if callback function `filter` returns true,
// it or else does nothing and continues iterating.
func (a *IntArray) Filter(filter func(index int, value int) bool) *IntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i := 0; i < len(a.array); {
if filter(i, a.array[i]) {
a.array = append(a.array[:i], a.array[i+1:]...)
} else {
return a
// FilterEmpty removes all zero value of the array.
func (a *IntArray) FilterEmpty() *IntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i := 0; i < len(a.array); {
if a.array[i] == 0 {
a.array = append(a.array[:i], a.array[i+1:]...)
} else {
return a
// Walk applies a user supplied function `f` to every item of array.
func (a *IntArray) Walk(f func(value int) int) *IntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i, v := range a.array {
a.array[i] = f(v)
return a
// IsEmpty checks whether the array is empty.
func (a *IntArray) IsEmpty() bool {
return a.Len() == 0
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (a *IntArray) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if a == nil {
return nil
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
newSlice := make([]int, len(a.array))
copy(newSlice, a.array)
return NewIntArrayFrom(newSlice, a.mu.IsSafe())

@ -1,857 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package garray
import (
// StrArray is a golang string array with rich features.
// It contains a concurrent-safe/unsafe switch, which should be set
// when its initialization and cannot be changed then.
type StrArray struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
array []string
// NewStrArray creates and returns an empty array.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewStrArray(safe ...bool) *StrArray {
return NewStrArraySize(0, 0, safe...)
// NewStrArraySize create and returns an array with given size and cap.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewStrArraySize(size int, cap int, safe ...bool) *StrArray {
return &StrArray{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
array: make([]string, size, cap),
// NewStrArrayFrom creates and returns an array with given slice `array`.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewStrArrayFrom(array []string, safe ...bool) *StrArray {
return &StrArray{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
array: array,
// NewStrArrayFromCopy creates and returns an array from a copy of given slice `array`.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewStrArrayFromCopy(array []string, safe ...bool) *StrArray {
newArray := make([]string, len(array))
copy(newArray, array)
return &StrArray{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
array: newArray,
// At returns the value by the specified index.
// If the given `index` is out of range of the array, it returns an empty string.
func (a *StrArray) At(index int) (value string) {
value, _ = a.Get(index)
// Get returns the value by the specified index.
// If the given `index` is out of range of the array, the `found` is false.
func (a *StrArray) Get(index int) (value string, found bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return "", false
return a.array[index], true
// Set sets value to specified index.
func (a *StrArray) Set(index int, value string) error {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return gerror.NewCodef(gcode.CodeInvalidParameter, "index %d out of array range %d", index, len(a.array))
a.array[index] = value
return nil
// SetArray sets the underlying slice array with the given `array`.
func (a *StrArray) SetArray(array []string) *StrArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
a.array = array
return a
// Replace replaces the array items by given `array` from the beginning of array.
func (a *StrArray) Replace(array []string) *StrArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
max := len(array)
if max > len(a.array) {
max = len(a.array)
for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
a.array[i] = array[i]
return a
// Sum returns the sum of values in an array.
func (a *StrArray) Sum() (sum int) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for _, v := range a.array {
sum += gconv.Int(v)
// Sort sorts the array in increasing order.
// The parameter `reverse` controls whether sort
// in increasing order(default) or decreasing order
func (a *StrArray) Sort(reverse ...bool) *StrArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if len(reverse) > 0 && reverse[0] {
sort.Slice(a.array, func(i, j int) bool {
return strings.Compare(a.array[i], a.array[j]) >= 0
} else {
return a
// SortFunc sorts the array by custom function `less`.
func (a *StrArray) SortFunc(less func(v1, v2 string) bool) *StrArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
sort.Slice(a.array, func(i, j int) bool {
return less(a.array[i], a.array[j])
return a
// InsertBefore inserts the `values` to the front of `index`.
func (a *StrArray) InsertBefore(index int, values ...string) error {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return gerror.NewCodef(gcode.CodeInvalidParameter, "index %d out of array range %d", index, len(a.array))
rear := append([]string{}, a.array[index:]...)
a.array = append(a.array[0:index], values...)
a.array = append(a.array, rear...)
return nil
// InsertAfter inserts the `values` to the back of `index`.
func (a *StrArray) InsertAfter(index int, values ...string) error {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return gerror.NewCodef(gcode.CodeInvalidParameter, "index %d out of array range %d", index, len(a.array))
rear := append([]string{}, a.array[index+1:]...)
a.array = append(a.array[0:index+1], values...)
a.array = append(a.array, rear...)
return nil
// Remove removes an item by index.
// If the given `index` is out of range of the array, the `found` is false.
func (a *StrArray) Remove(index int) (value string, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
return a.doRemoveWithoutLock(index)
// doRemoveWithoutLock removes an item by index without lock.
func (a *StrArray) doRemoveWithoutLock(index int) (value string, found bool) {
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return "", false
// Determine array boundaries when deleting to improve deletion efficiency.
if index == 0 {
value := a.array[0]
a.array = a.array[1:]
return value, true
} else if index == len(a.array)-1 {
value := a.array[index]
a.array = a.array[:index]
return value, true
// If it is a non-boundary delete,
// it will involve the creation of an array,
// then the deletion is less efficient.
value = a.array[index]
a.array = append(a.array[:index], a.array[index+1:]...)
return value, true
// RemoveValue removes an item by value.
// It returns true if value is found in the array, or else false if not found.
func (a *StrArray) RemoveValue(value string) bool {
if i := a.Search(value); i != -1 {
_, found := a.Remove(i)
return found
return false
// RemoveValues removes multiple items by `values`.
func (a *StrArray) RemoveValues(values ...string) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for _, value := range values {
if i := a.doSearchWithoutLock(value); i != -1 {
// PushLeft pushes one or multiple items to the beginning of array.
func (a *StrArray) PushLeft(value ...string) *StrArray {
a.array = append(value, a.array...)
return a
// PushRight pushes one or multiple items to the end of array.
// It equals to Append.
func (a *StrArray) PushRight(value ...string) *StrArray {
a.array = append(a.array, value...)
return a
// PopLeft pops and returns an item from the beginning of array.
// Note that if the array is empty, the `found` is false.
func (a *StrArray) PopLeft() (value string, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return "", false
value = a.array[0]
a.array = a.array[1:]
return value, true
// PopRight pops and returns an item from the end of array.
// Note that if the array is empty, the `found` is false.
func (a *StrArray) PopRight() (value string, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
index := len(a.array) - 1
if index < 0 {
return "", false
value = a.array[index]
a.array = a.array[:index]
return value, true
// PopRand randomly pops and return an item out of array.
// Note that if the array is empty, the `found` is false.
func (a *StrArray) PopRand() (value string, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
return a.doRemoveWithoutLock(grand.Intn(len(a.array)))
// PopRands randomly pops and returns `size` items out of array.
// If the given `size` is greater than size of the array, it returns all elements of the array.
// Note that if given `size` <= 0 or the array is empty, it returns nil.
func (a *StrArray) PopRands(size int) []string {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
if size >= len(a.array) {
size = len(a.array)
array := make([]string, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
array[i], _ = a.doRemoveWithoutLock(grand.Intn(len(a.array)))
return array
// PopLefts pops and returns `size` items from the beginning of array.
// If the given `size` is greater than size of the array, it returns all elements of the array.
// Note that if given `size` <= 0 or the array is empty, it returns nil.
func (a *StrArray) PopLefts(size int) []string {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
if size >= len(a.array) {
array := a.array
a.array = a.array[:0]
return array
value := a.array[0:size]
a.array = a.array[size:]
return value
// PopRights pops and returns `size` items from the end of array.
// If the given `size` is greater than size of the array, it returns all elements of the array.
// Note that if given `size` <= 0 or the array is empty, it returns nil.
func (a *StrArray) PopRights(size int) []string {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
index := len(a.array) - size
if index <= 0 {
array := a.array
a.array = a.array[:0]
return array
value := a.array[index:]
a.array = a.array[:index]
return value
// Range picks and returns items by range, like array[start:end].
// Notice, if in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of slice;
// else a pointer to the underlying data.
// If `end` is negative, then the offset will start from the end of array.
// If `end` is omitted, then the sequence will have everything from start up
// until the end of the array.
func (a *StrArray) Range(start int, end ...int) []string {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
offsetEnd := len(a.array)
if len(end) > 0 && end[0] < offsetEnd {
offsetEnd = end[0]
if start > offsetEnd {
return nil
if start < 0 {
start = 0
array := ([]string)(nil)
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
array = make([]string, offsetEnd-start)
copy(array, a.array[start:offsetEnd])
} else {
array = a.array[start:offsetEnd]
return array
// SubSlice returns a slice of elements from the array as specified
// by the `offset` and `size` parameters.
// If in concurrent safe usage, it returns a copy of the slice; else a pointer.
// If offset is non-negative, the sequence will start at that offset in the array.
// If offset is negative, the sequence will start that far from the end of the array.
// If length is given and is positive, then the sequence will have up to that many elements in it.
// If the array is shorter than the length, then only the available array elements will be present.
// If length is given and is negative then the sequence will stop that many elements from the end of the array.
// If it is omitted, then the sequence will have everything from offset up until the end of the array.
// Any possibility crossing the left border of array, it will fail.
func (a *StrArray) SubSlice(offset int, length ...int) []string {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
size := len(a.array)
if len(length) > 0 {
size = length[0]
if offset > len(a.array) {
return nil
if offset < 0 {
offset = len(a.array) + offset
if offset < 0 {
return nil
if size < 0 {
offset += size
size = -size
if offset < 0 {
return nil
end := offset + size
if end > len(a.array) {
end = len(a.array)
size = len(a.array) - offset
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
s := make([]string, size)
copy(s, a.array[offset:])
return s
return a.array[offset:end]
// Append is alias of PushRight,please See PushRight.
func (a *StrArray) Append(value ...string) *StrArray {
a.array = append(a.array, value...)
return a
// Len returns the length of array.
func (a *StrArray) Len() int {
length := len(a.array)
return length
// Slice returns the underlying data of array.
// Note that, if it's in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of underlying data,
// or else a pointer to the underlying data.
func (a *StrArray) Slice() []string {
array := ([]string)(nil)
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
array = make([]string, len(a.array))
copy(array, a.array)
} else {
array = a.array
return array
// Interfaces returns current array as []interface{}.
func (a *StrArray) Interfaces() []interface{} {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
array := make([]interface{}, len(a.array))
for k, v := range a.array {
array[k] = v
return array
// Clone returns a new array, which is a copy of current array.
func (a *StrArray) Clone() (newArray *StrArray) {
array := make([]string, len(a.array))
copy(array, a.array)
return NewStrArrayFrom(array, a.mu.IsSafe())
// Clear deletes all items of current array.
func (a *StrArray) Clear() *StrArray {
if len(a.array) > 0 {
a.array = make([]string, 0)
return a
// Contains checks whether a value exists in the array.
func (a *StrArray) Contains(value string) bool {
return a.Search(value) != -1
// ContainsI checks whether a value exists in the array with case-insensitively.
// Note that it internally iterates the whole array to do the comparison with case-insensitively.
func (a *StrArray) ContainsI(value string) bool {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return false
for _, v := range a.array {
if strings.EqualFold(v, value) {
return true
return false
// Search searches array by `value`, returns the index of `value`,
// or returns -1 if not exists.
func (a *StrArray) Search(value string) int {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
return a.doSearchWithoutLock(value)
func (a *StrArray) doSearchWithoutLock(value string) int {
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return -1
result := -1
for index, v := range a.array {
if strings.Compare(v, value) == 0 {
result = index
return result
// Unique uniques the array, clear repeated items.
// Example: [1,1,2,3,2] -> [1,2,3]
func (a *StrArray) Unique() *StrArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return a
var (
ok bool
temp string
uniqueSet = make(map[string]struct{})
uniqueArray = make([]string, 0, len(a.array))
for i := 0; i < len(a.array); i++ {
temp = a.array[i]
if _, ok = uniqueSet[temp]; ok {
uniqueSet[temp] = struct{}{}
uniqueArray = append(uniqueArray, temp)
a.array = uniqueArray
return a
// LockFunc locks writing by callback function `f`.
func (a *StrArray) LockFunc(f func(array []string)) *StrArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
return a
// RLockFunc locks reading by callback function `f`.
func (a *StrArray) RLockFunc(f func(array []string)) *StrArray {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
return a
// Merge merges `array` into current array.
// The parameter `array` can be any garray or slice type.
// The difference between Merge and Append is Append supports only specified slice type,
// but Merge supports more parameter types.
func (a *StrArray) Merge(array interface{}) *StrArray {
return a.Append(gconv.Strings(array)...)
// Fill fills an array with num entries of the value `value`,
// keys starting at the `startIndex` parameter.
func (a *StrArray) Fill(startIndex int, num int, value string) error {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if startIndex < 0 || startIndex > len(a.array) {
return gerror.NewCodef(gcode.CodeInvalidParameter, "index %d out of array range %d", startIndex, len(a.array))
for i := startIndex; i < startIndex+num; i++ {
if i > len(a.array)-1 {
a.array = append(a.array, value)
} else {
a.array[i] = value
return nil
// Chunk splits an array into multiple arrays,
// the size of each array is determined by `size`.
// The last chunk may contain less than size elements.
func (a *StrArray) Chunk(size int) [][]string {
if size < 1 {
return nil
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
length := len(a.array)
chunks := int(math.Ceil(float64(length) / float64(size)))
var n [][]string
for i, end := 0, 0; chunks > 0; chunks-- {
end = (i + 1) * size
if end > length {
end = length
n = append(n, a.array[i*size:end])
return n
// Pad pads array to the specified length with `value`.
// If size is positive then the array is padded on the right, or negative on the left.
// If the absolute value of `size` is less than or equal to the length of the array
// then no padding takes place.
func (a *StrArray) Pad(size int, value string) *StrArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size == 0 || (size > 0 && size < len(a.array)) || (size < 0 && size > -len(a.array)) {
return a
n := size
if size < 0 {
n = -size
n -= len(a.array)
tmp := make([]string, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
tmp[i] = value
if size > 0 {
a.array = append(a.array, tmp...)
} else {
a.array = append(tmp, a.array...)
return a
// Rand randomly returns one item from array(no deleting).
func (a *StrArray) Rand() (value string, found bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return "", false
return a.array[grand.Intn(len(a.array))], true
// Rands randomly returns `size` items from array(no deleting).
func (a *StrArray) Rands(size int) []string {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
array := make([]string, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
array[i] = a.array[grand.Intn(len(a.array))]
return array
// Shuffle randomly shuffles the array.
func (a *StrArray) Shuffle() *StrArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i, v := range grand.Perm(len(a.array)) {
a.array[i], a.array[v] = a.array[v], a.array[i]
return a
// Reverse makes array with elements in reverse order.
func (a *StrArray) Reverse() *StrArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i, j := 0, len(a.array)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
a.array[i], a.array[j] = a.array[j], a.array[i]
return a
// Join joins array elements with a string `glue`.
func (a *StrArray) Join(glue string) string {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return ""
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for k, v := range a.array {
if k != len(a.array)-1 {
return buffer.String()
// CountValues counts the number of occurrences of all values in the array.
func (a *StrArray) CountValues() map[string]int {
m := make(map[string]int)
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for _, v := range a.array {
return m
// Iterator is alias of IteratorAsc.
func (a *StrArray) Iterator(f func(k int, v string) bool) {
// IteratorAsc iterates the array readonly in ascending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (a *StrArray) IteratorAsc(f func(k int, v string) bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range a.array {
if !f(k, v) {
// IteratorDesc iterates the array readonly in descending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (a *StrArray) IteratorDesc(f func(k int, v string) bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for i := len(a.array) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if !f(i, a.array[i]) {
// String returns current array as a string, which implements like json.Marshal does.
func (a *StrArray) String() string {
if a == nil {
return ""
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for k, v := range a.array {
buffer.WriteString(`"` + gstr.QuoteMeta(v, `"\`) + `"`)
if k != len(a.array)-1 {
return buffer.String()
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
// Note that do not use pointer as its receiver here.
func (a StrArray) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
return json.Marshal(a.array)
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (a *StrArray) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
if a.array == nil {
a.array = make([]string, 0)
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &a.array); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for array.
func (a *StrArray) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) error {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
switch value.(type) {
case string, []byte:
return json.UnmarshalUseNumber(gconv.Bytes(value), &a.array)
a.array = gconv.SliceStr(value)
return nil
// Filter iterates array and filters elements using custom callback function.
// It removes the element from array if callback function `filter` returns true,
// it or else does nothing and continues iterating.
func (a *StrArray) Filter(filter func(index int, value string) bool) *StrArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i := 0; i < len(a.array); {
if filter(i, a.array[i]) {
a.array = append(a.array[:i], a.array[i+1:]...)
} else {
return a
// FilterEmpty removes all empty string value of the array.
func (a *StrArray) FilterEmpty() *StrArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i := 0; i < len(a.array); {
if a.array[i] == "" {
a.array = append(a.array[:i], a.array[i+1:]...)
} else {
return a
// Walk applies a user supplied function `f` to every item of array.
func (a *StrArray) Walk(f func(value string) string) *StrArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i, v := range a.array {
a.array[i] = f(v)
return a
// IsEmpty checks whether the array is empty.
func (a *StrArray) IsEmpty() bool {
return a.Len() == 0
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (a *StrArray) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if a == nil {
return nil
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
newSlice := make([]string, len(a.array))
copy(newSlice, a.array)
return NewStrArrayFrom(newSlice, a.mu.IsSafe())

@ -1,842 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package garray
import (
// SortedArray is a golang sorted array with rich features.
// It is using increasing order in default, which can be changed by
// setting it a custom comparator.
// It contains a concurrent-safe/unsafe switch, which should be set
// when its initialization and cannot be changed then.
type SortedArray struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
array []interface{}
unique bool // Whether enable unique feature(false)
comparator func(a, b interface{}) int // Comparison function(it returns -1: a < b; 0: a == b; 1: a > b)
// NewSortedArray creates and returns an empty sorted array.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety, which is false in default.
// The parameter `comparator` used to compare values to sort in array,
// if it returns value < 0, means `a` < `b`; the `a` will be inserted before `b`;
// if it returns value = 0, means `a` = `b`; the `a` will be replaced by `b`;
// if it returns value > 0, means `a` > `b`; the `a` will be inserted after `b`;
func NewSortedArray(comparator func(a, b interface{}) int, safe ...bool) *SortedArray {
return NewSortedArraySize(0, comparator, safe...)
// NewSortedArraySize create and returns an sorted array with given size and cap.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewSortedArraySize(cap int, comparator func(a, b interface{}) int, safe ...bool) *SortedArray {
return &SortedArray{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
array: make([]interface{}, 0, cap),
comparator: comparator,
// NewSortedArrayRange creates and returns an array by a range from `start` to `end`
// with step value `step`.
func NewSortedArrayRange(start, end, step int, comparator func(a, b interface{}) int, safe ...bool) *SortedArray {
if step == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf(`invalid step value: %d`, step))
slice := make([]interface{}, 0)
index := 0
for i := start; i <= end; i += step {
slice = append(slice, i)
return NewSortedArrayFrom(slice, comparator, safe...)
// NewSortedArrayFrom creates and returns an sorted array with given slice `array`.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewSortedArrayFrom(array []interface{}, comparator func(a, b interface{}) int, safe ...bool) *SortedArray {
a := NewSortedArraySize(0, comparator, safe...)
a.array = array
sort.Slice(a.array, func(i, j int) bool {
return a.getComparator()(a.array[i], a.array[j]) < 0
return a
// NewSortedArrayFromCopy creates and returns an sorted array from a copy of given slice `array`.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewSortedArrayFromCopy(array []interface{}, comparator func(a, b interface{}) int, safe ...bool) *SortedArray {
newArray := make([]interface{}, len(array))
copy(newArray, array)
return NewSortedArrayFrom(newArray, comparator, safe...)
// At returns the value by the specified index.
// If the given `index` is out of range of the array, it returns `nil`.
func (a *SortedArray) At(index int) (value interface{}) {
value, _ = a.Get(index)
// SetArray sets the underlying slice array with the given `array`.
func (a *SortedArray) SetArray(array []interface{}) *SortedArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
a.array = array
sort.Slice(a.array, func(i, j int) bool {
return a.getComparator()(a.array[i], a.array[j]) < 0
return a
// SetComparator sets/changes the comparator for sorting.
// It resorts the array as the comparator is changed.
func (a *SortedArray) SetComparator(comparator func(a, b interface{}) int) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
a.comparator = comparator
sort.Slice(a.array, func(i, j int) bool {
return a.getComparator()(a.array[i], a.array[j]) < 0
// Sort sorts the array in increasing order.
// The parameter `reverse` controls whether sort
// in increasing order(default) or decreasing order
func (a *SortedArray) Sort() *SortedArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
sort.Slice(a.array, func(i, j int) bool {
return a.getComparator()(a.array[i], a.array[j]) < 0
return a
// Add adds one or multiple values to sorted array, the array always keeps sorted.
// It's alias of function Append, see Append.
func (a *SortedArray) Add(values ...interface{}) *SortedArray {
return a.Append(values...)
// Append adds one or multiple values to sorted array, the array always keeps sorted.
func (a *SortedArray) Append(values ...interface{}) *SortedArray {
if len(values) == 0 {
return a
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for _, value := range values {
index, cmp := a.binSearch(value, false)
if a.unique && cmp == 0 {
if index < 0 {
a.array = append(a.array, value)
if cmp > 0 {
a.array = append(a.array[:index], append([]interface{}{value}, a.array[index:]...)...)
return a
// Get returns the value by the specified index.
// If the given `index` is out of range of the array, the `found` is false.
func (a *SortedArray) Get(index int) (value interface{}, found bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return nil, false
return a.array[index], true
// Remove removes an item by index.
// If the given `index` is out of range of the array, the `found` is false.
func (a *SortedArray) Remove(index int) (value interface{}, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
return a.doRemoveWithoutLock(index)
// doRemoveWithoutLock removes an item by index without lock.
func (a *SortedArray) doRemoveWithoutLock(index int) (value interface{}, found bool) {
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return nil, false
// Determine array boundaries when deleting to improve deletion efficiency.
if index == 0 {
value := a.array[0]
a.array = a.array[1:]
return value, true
} else if index == len(a.array)-1 {
value := a.array[index]
a.array = a.array[:index]
return value, true
// If it is a non-boundary delete,
// it will involve the creation of an array,
// then the deletion is less efficient.
value = a.array[index]
a.array = append(a.array[:index], a.array[index+1:]...)
return value, true
// RemoveValue removes an item by value.
// It returns true if value is found in the array, or else false if not found.
func (a *SortedArray) RemoveValue(value interface{}) bool {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if i, r := a.binSearch(value, false); r == 0 {
_, res := a.doRemoveWithoutLock(i)
return res
return false
// RemoveValues removes an item by `values`.
func (a *SortedArray) RemoveValues(values ...interface{}) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for _, value := range values {
if i, r := a.binSearch(value, false); r == 0 {
// PopLeft pops and returns an item from the beginning of array.
// Note that if the array is empty, the `found` is false.
func (a *SortedArray) PopLeft() (value interface{}, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil, false
value = a.array[0]
a.array = a.array[1:]
return value, true
// PopRight pops and returns an item from the end of array.
// Note that if the array is empty, the `found` is false.
func (a *SortedArray) PopRight() (value interface{}, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
index := len(a.array) - 1
if index < 0 {
return nil, false
value = a.array[index]
a.array = a.array[:index]
return value, true
// PopRand randomly pops and return an item out of array.
// Note that if the array is empty, the `found` is false.
func (a *SortedArray) PopRand() (value interface{}, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
return a.doRemoveWithoutLock(grand.Intn(len(a.array)))
// PopRands randomly pops and returns `size` items out of array.
func (a *SortedArray) PopRands(size int) []interface{} {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
if size >= len(a.array) {
size = len(a.array)
array := make([]interface{}, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
array[i], _ = a.doRemoveWithoutLock(grand.Intn(len(a.array)))
return array
// PopLefts pops and returns `size` items from the beginning of array.
func (a *SortedArray) PopLefts(size int) []interface{} {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
if size >= len(a.array) {
array := a.array
a.array = a.array[:0]
return array
value := a.array[0:size]
a.array = a.array[size:]
return value
// PopRights pops and returns `size` items from the end of array.
func (a *SortedArray) PopRights(size int) []interface{} {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
index := len(a.array) - size
if index <= 0 {
array := a.array
a.array = a.array[:0]
return array
value := a.array[index:]
a.array = a.array[:index]
return value
// Range picks and returns items by range, like array[start:end].
// Notice, if in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of slice;
// else a pointer to the underlying data.
// If `end` is negative, then the offset will start from the end of array.
// If `end` is omitted, then the sequence will have everything from start up
// until the end of the array.
func (a *SortedArray) Range(start int, end ...int) []interface{} {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
offsetEnd := len(a.array)
if len(end) > 0 && end[0] < offsetEnd {
offsetEnd = end[0]
if start > offsetEnd {
return nil
if start < 0 {
start = 0
array := ([]interface{})(nil)
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
array = make([]interface{}, offsetEnd-start)
copy(array, a.array[start:offsetEnd])
} else {
array = a.array[start:offsetEnd]
return array
// SubSlice returns a slice of elements from the array as specified
// by the `offset` and `size` parameters.
// If in concurrent safe usage, it returns a copy of the slice; else a pointer.
// If offset is non-negative, the sequence will start at that offset in the array.
// If offset is negative, the sequence will start that far from the end of the array.
// If length is given and is positive, then the sequence will have up to that many elements in it.
// If the array is shorter than the length, then only the available array elements will be present.
// If length is given and is negative then the sequence will stop that many elements from the end of the array.
// If it is omitted, then the sequence will have everything from offset up until the end of the array.
// Any possibility crossing the left border of array, it will fail.
func (a *SortedArray) SubSlice(offset int, length ...int) []interface{} {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
size := len(a.array)
if len(length) > 0 {
size = length[0]
if offset > len(a.array) {
return nil
if offset < 0 {
offset = len(a.array) + offset
if offset < 0 {
return nil
if size < 0 {
offset += size
size = -size
if offset < 0 {
return nil
end := offset + size
if end > len(a.array) {
end = len(a.array)
size = len(a.array) - offset
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
s := make([]interface{}, size)
copy(s, a.array[offset:])
return s
} else {
return a.array[offset:end]
// Sum returns the sum of values in an array.
func (a *SortedArray) Sum() (sum int) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for _, v := range a.array {
sum += gconv.Int(v)
// Len returns the length of array.
func (a *SortedArray) Len() int {
length := len(a.array)
return length
// Slice returns the underlying data of array.
// Note that, if it's in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of underlying data,
// or else a pointer to the underlying data.
func (a *SortedArray) Slice() []interface{} {
var array []interface{}
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
array = make([]interface{}, len(a.array))
copy(array, a.array)
} else {
array = a.array
return array
// Interfaces returns current array as []interface{}.
func (a *SortedArray) Interfaces() []interface{} {
return a.Slice()
// Contains checks whether a value exists in the array.
func (a *SortedArray) Contains(value interface{}) bool {
return a.Search(value) != -1
// Search searches array by `value`, returns the index of `value`,
// or returns -1 if not exists.
func (a *SortedArray) Search(value interface{}) (index int) {
if i, r := a.binSearch(value, true); r == 0 {
return i
return -1
// Binary search.
// It returns the last compared index and the result.
// If `result` equals to 0, it means the value at `index` is equals to `value`.
// If `result` lesser than 0, it means the value at `index` is lesser than `value`.
// If `result` greater than 0, it means the value at `index` is greater than `value`.
func (a *SortedArray) binSearch(value interface{}, lock bool) (index int, result int) {
if lock {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return -1, -2
min := 0
max := len(a.array) - 1
mid := 0
cmp := -2
for min <= max {
mid = min + (max-min)/2
cmp = a.getComparator()(value, a.array[mid])
switch {
case cmp < 0:
max = mid - 1
case cmp > 0:
min = mid + 1
return mid, cmp
return mid, cmp
// SetUnique sets unique mark to the array,
// which means it does not contain any repeated items.
// It also does unique check, remove all repeated items.
func (a *SortedArray) SetUnique(unique bool) *SortedArray {
oldUnique := a.unique
a.unique = unique
if unique && oldUnique != unique {
return a
// Unique uniques the array, clear repeated items.
func (a *SortedArray) Unique() *SortedArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return a
i := 0
for {
if i == len(a.array)-1 {
if a.getComparator()(a.array[i], a.array[i+1]) == 0 {
a.array = append(a.array[:i+1], a.array[i+1+1:]...)
} else {
return a
// Clone returns a new array, which is a copy of current array.
func (a *SortedArray) Clone() (newArray *SortedArray) {
array := make([]interface{}, len(a.array))
copy(array, a.array)
return NewSortedArrayFrom(array, a.comparator, a.mu.IsSafe())
// Clear deletes all items of current array.
func (a *SortedArray) Clear() *SortedArray {
if len(a.array) > 0 {
a.array = make([]interface{}, 0)
return a
// LockFunc locks writing by callback function `f`.
func (a *SortedArray) LockFunc(f func(array []interface{})) *SortedArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
// Keep the array always sorted.
defer sort.Slice(a.array, func(i, j int) bool {
return a.getComparator()(a.array[i], a.array[j]) < 0
return a
// RLockFunc locks reading by callback function `f`.
func (a *SortedArray) RLockFunc(f func(array []interface{})) *SortedArray {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
return a
// Merge merges `array` into current array.
// The parameter `array` can be any garray or slice type.
// The difference between Merge and Append is Append supports only specified slice type,
// but Merge supports more parameter types.
func (a *SortedArray) Merge(array interface{}) *SortedArray {
return a.Add(gconv.Interfaces(array)...)
// Chunk splits an array into multiple arrays,
// the size of each array is determined by `size`.
// The last chunk may contain less than size elements.
func (a *SortedArray) Chunk(size int) [][]interface{} {
if size < 1 {
return nil
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
length := len(a.array)
chunks := int(math.Ceil(float64(length) / float64(size)))
var n [][]interface{}
for i, end := 0, 0; chunks > 0; chunks-- {
end = (i + 1) * size
if end > length {
end = length
n = append(n, a.array[i*size:end])
return n
// Rand randomly returns one item from array(no deleting).
func (a *SortedArray) Rand() (value interface{}, found bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil, false
return a.array[grand.Intn(len(a.array))], true
// Rands randomly returns `size` items from array(no deleting).
func (a *SortedArray) Rands(size int) []interface{} {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
array := make([]interface{}, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
array[i] = a.array[grand.Intn(len(a.array))]
return array
// Join joins array elements with a string `glue`.
func (a *SortedArray) Join(glue string) string {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return ""
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for k, v := range a.array {
if k != len(a.array)-1 {
return buffer.String()
// CountValues counts the number of occurrences of all values in the array.
func (a *SortedArray) CountValues() map[interface{}]int {
m := make(map[interface{}]int)
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for _, v := range a.array {
return m
// Iterator is alias of IteratorAsc.
func (a *SortedArray) Iterator(f func(k int, v interface{}) bool) {
// IteratorAsc iterates the array readonly in ascending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (a *SortedArray) IteratorAsc(f func(k int, v interface{}) bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range a.array {
if !f(k, v) {
// IteratorDesc iterates the array readonly in descending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (a *SortedArray) IteratorDesc(f func(k int, v interface{}) bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for i := len(a.array) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if !f(i, a.array[i]) {
// String returns current array as a string, which implements like json.Marshal does.
func (a *SortedArray) String() string {
if a == nil {
return ""
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
s := ""
for k, v := range a.array {
s = gconv.String(v)
if gstr.IsNumeric(s) {
} else {
buffer.WriteString(`"` + gstr.QuoteMeta(s, `"\`) + `"`)
if k != len(a.array)-1 {
return buffer.String()
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
// Note that do not use pointer as its receiver here.
func (a SortedArray) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
return json.Marshal(a.array)
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
// Note that the comparator is set as string comparator in default.
func (a *SortedArray) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
if a.comparator == nil {
a.array = make([]interface{}, 0)
a.comparator = gutil.ComparatorString
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &a.array); err != nil {
return err
if a.comparator != nil && a.array != nil {
sort.Slice(a.array, func(i, j int) bool {
return a.comparator(a.array[i], a.array[j]) < 0
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for array.
// Note that the comparator is set as string comparator in default.
func (a *SortedArray) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) (err error) {
if a.comparator == nil {
a.comparator = gutil.ComparatorString
defer a.mu.Unlock()
switch value.(type) {
case string, []byte:
err = json.UnmarshalUseNumber(gconv.Bytes(value), &a.array)
a.array = gconv.SliceAny(value)
if a.comparator != nil && a.array != nil {
sort.Slice(a.array, func(i, j int) bool {
return a.comparator(a.array[i], a.array[j]) < 0
return err
// FilterNil removes all nil value of the array.
func (a *SortedArray) FilterNil() *SortedArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i := 0; i < len(a.array); {
if empty.IsNil(a.array[i]) {
a.array = append(a.array[:i], a.array[i+1:]...)
} else {
for i := len(a.array) - 1; i >= 0; {
if empty.IsNil(a.array[i]) {
a.array = append(a.array[:i], a.array[i+1:]...)
} else {
return a
// Filter iterates array and filters elements using custom callback function.
// It removes the element from array if callback function `filter` returns true,
// it or else does nothing and continues iterating.
func (a *SortedArray) Filter(filter func(index int, value interface{}) bool) *SortedArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i := 0; i < len(a.array); {
if filter(i, a.array[i]) {
a.array = append(a.array[:i], a.array[i+1:]...)
} else {
return a
// FilterEmpty removes all empty value of the array.
// Values like: 0, nil, false, "", len(slice/map/chan) == 0 are considered empty.
func (a *SortedArray) FilterEmpty() *SortedArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i := 0; i < len(a.array); {
if empty.IsEmpty(a.array[i]) {
a.array = append(a.array[:i], a.array[i+1:]...)
} else {
for i := len(a.array) - 1; i >= 0; {
if empty.IsEmpty(a.array[i]) {
a.array = append(a.array[:i], a.array[i+1:]...)
} else {
return a
// Walk applies a user supplied function `f` to every item of array.
func (a *SortedArray) Walk(f func(value interface{}) interface{}) *SortedArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
// Keep the array always sorted.
defer sort.Slice(a.array, func(i, j int) bool {
return a.getComparator()(a.array[i], a.array[j]) < 0
for i, v := range a.array {
a.array[i] = f(v)
return a
// IsEmpty checks whether the array is empty.
func (a *SortedArray) IsEmpty() bool {
return a.Len() == 0
// getComparator returns the comparator if it's previously set,
// or else it panics.
func (a *SortedArray) getComparator() func(a, b interface{}) int {
if a.comparator == nil {
panic("comparator is missing for sorted array")
return a.comparator
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (a *SortedArray) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if a == nil {
return nil
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
newSlice := make([]interface{}, len(a.array))
for i, v := range a.array {
newSlice[i] = deepcopy.Copy(v)
return NewSortedArrayFrom(newSlice, a.comparator, a.mu.IsSafe())

@ -1,787 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package garray
import (
// SortedIntArray is a golang sorted int array with rich features.
// It is using increasing order in default, which can be changed by
// setting it a custom comparator.
// It contains a concurrent-safe/unsafe switch, which should be set
// when its initialization and cannot be changed then.
type SortedIntArray struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
array []int
unique bool // Whether enable unique feature(false)
comparator func(a, b int) int // Comparison function(it returns -1: a < b; 0: a == b; 1: a > b)
// NewSortedIntArray creates and returns an empty sorted array.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewSortedIntArray(safe ...bool) *SortedIntArray {
return NewSortedIntArraySize(0, safe...)
// NewSortedIntArrayComparator creates and returns an empty sorted array with specified comparator.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety which is false in default.
func NewSortedIntArrayComparator(comparator func(a, b int) int, safe ...bool) *SortedIntArray {
array := NewSortedIntArray(safe...)
array.comparator = comparator
return array
// NewSortedIntArraySize create and returns an sorted array with given size and cap.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewSortedIntArraySize(cap int, safe ...bool) *SortedIntArray {
return &SortedIntArray{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
array: make([]int, 0, cap),
comparator: defaultComparatorInt,
// NewSortedIntArrayRange creates and returns an array by a range from `start` to `end`
// with step value `step`.
func NewSortedIntArrayRange(start, end, step int, safe ...bool) *SortedIntArray {
if step == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf(`invalid step value: %d`, step))
slice := make([]int, 0)
index := 0
for i := start; i <= end; i += step {
slice = append(slice, i)
return NewSortedIntArrayFrom(slice, safe...)
// NewSortedIntArrayFrom creates and returns an sorted array with given slice `array`.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewSortedIntArrayFrom(array []int, safe ...bool) *SortedIntArray {
a := NewSortedIntArraySize(0, safe...)
a.array = array
return a
// NewSortedIntArrayFromCopy creates and returns an sorted array from a copy of given slice `array`.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewSortedIntArrayFromCopy(array []int, safe ...bool) *SortedIntArray {
newArray := make([]int, len(array))
copy(newArray, array)
return NewSortedIntArrayFrom(newArray, safe...)
// At returns the value by the specified index.
// If the given `index` is out of range of the array, it returns `0`.
func (a *SortedIntArray) At(index int) (value int) {
value, _ = a.Get(index)
// SetArray sets the underlying slice array with the given `array`.
func (a *SortedIntArray) SetArray(array []int) *SortedIntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
a.array = array
quickSortInt(a.array, a.getComparator())
return a
// Sort sorts the array in increasing order.
// The parameter `reverse` controls whether sort
// in increasing order(default) or decreasing order.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Sort() *SortedIntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
quickSortInt(a.array, a.getComparator())
return a
// Add adds one or multiple values to sorted array, the array always keeps sorted.
// It's alias of function Append, see Append.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Add(values ...int) *SortedIntArray {
return a.Append(values...)
// Append adds one or multiple values to sorted array, the array always keeps sorted.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Append(values ...int) *SortedIntArray {
if len(values) == 0 {
return a
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for _, value := range values {
index, cmp := a.binSearch(value, false)
if a.unique && cmp == 0 {
if index < 0 {
a.array = append(a.array, value)
if cmp > 0 {
rear := append([]int{}, a.array[index:]...)
a.array = append(a.array[0:index], value)
a.array = append(a.array, rear...)
return a
// Get returns the value by the specified index.
// If the given `index` is out of range of the array, the `found` is false.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Get(index int) (value int, found bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return 0, false
return a.array[index], true
// Remove removes an item by index.
// If the given `index` is out of range of the array, the `found` is false.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Remove(index int) (value int, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
return a.doRemoveWithoutLock(index)
// doRemoveWithoutLock removes an item by index without lock.
func (a *SortedIntArray) doRemoveWithoutLock(index int) (value int, found bool) {
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return 0, false
// Determine array boundaries when deleting to improve deletion efficiency.
if index == 0 {
value := a.array[0]
a.array = a.array[1:]
return value, true
} else if index == len(a.array)-1 {
value := a.array[index]
a.array = a.array[:index]
return value, true
// If it is a non-boundary delete,
// it will involve the creation of an array,
// then the deletion is less efficient.
value = a.array[index]
a.array = append(a.array[:index], a.array[index+1:]...)
return value, true
// RemoveValue removes an item by value.
// It returns true if value is found in the array, or else false if not found.
func (a *SortedIntArray) RemoveValue(value int) bool {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if i, r := a.binSearch(value, false); r == 0 {
_, res := a.doRemoveWithoutLock(i)
return res
return false
// RemoveValues removes an item by `values`.
func (a *SortedIntArray) RemoveValues(values ...int) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for _, value := range values {
if i, r := a.binSearch(value, false); r == 0 {
// PopLeft pops and returns an item from the beginning of array.
// Note that if the array is empty, the `found` is false.
func (a *SortedIntArray) PopLeft() (value int, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return 0, false
value = a.array[0]
a.array = a.array[1:]
return value, true
// PopRight pops and returns an item from the end of array.
// Note that if the array is empty, the `found` is false.
func (a *SortedIntArray) PopRight() (value int, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
index := len(a.array) - 1
if index < 0 {
return 0, false
value = a.array[index]
a.array = a.array[:index]
return value, true
// PopRand randomly pops and return an item out of array.
// Note that if the array is empty, the `found` is false.
func (a *SortedIntArray) PopRand() (value int, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
return a.doRemoveWithoutLock(grand.Intn(len(a.array)))
// PopRands randomly pops and returns `size` items out of array.
// If the given `size` is greater than size of the array, it returns all elements of the array.
// Note that if given `size` <= 0 or the array is empty, it returns nil.
func (a *SortedIntArray) PopRands(size int) []int {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
if size >= len(a.array) {
size = len(a.array)
array := make([]int, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
array[i], _ = a.doRemoveWithoutLock(grand.Intn(len(a.array)))
return array
// PopLefts pops and returns `size` items from the beginning of array.
// If the given `size` is greater than size of the array, it returns all elements of the array.
// Note that if given `size` <= 0 or the array is empty, it returns nil.
func (a *SortedIntArray) PopLefts(size int) []int {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
if size >= len(a.array) {
array := a.array
a.array = a.array[:0]
return array
value := a.array[0:size]
a.array = a.array[size:]
return value
// PopRights pops and returns `size` items from the end of array.
// If the given `size` is greater than size of the array, it returns all elements of the array.
// Note that if given `size` <= 0 or the array is empty, it returns nil.
func (a *SortedIntArray) PopRights(size int) []int {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
index := len(a.array) - size
if index <= 0 {
array := a.array
a.array = a.array[:0]
return array
value := a.array[index:]
a.array = a.array[:index]
return value
// Range picks and returns items by range, like array[start:end].
// Notice, if in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of slice;
// else a pointer to the underlying data.
// If `end` is negative, then the offset will start from the end of array.
// If `end` is omitted, then the sequence will have everything from start up
// until the end of the array.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Range(start int, end ...int) []int {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
offsetEnd := len(a.array)
if len(end) > 0 && end[0] < offsetEnd {
offsetEnd = end[0]
if start > offsetEnd {
return nil
if start < 0 {
start = 0
array := ([]int)(nil)
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
array = make([]int, offsetEnd-start)
copy(array, a.array[start:offsetEnd])
} else {
array = a.array[start:offsetEnd]
return array
// SubSlice returns a slice of elements from the array as specified
// by the `offset` and `size` parameters.
// If in concurrent safe usage, it returns a copy of the slice; else a pointer.
// If offset is non-negative, the sequence will start at that offset in the array.
// If offset is negative, the sequence will start that far from the end of the array.
// If length is given and is positive, then the sequence will have up to that many elements in it.
// If the array is shorter than the length, then only the available array elements will be present.
// If length is given and is negative then the sequence will stop that many elements from the end of the array.
// If it is omitted, then the sequence will have everything from offset up until the end of the array.
// Any possibility crossing the left border of array, it will fail.
func (a *SortedIntArray) SubSlice(offset int, length ...int) []int {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
size := len(a.array)
if len(length) > 0 {
size = length[0]
if offset > len(a.array) {
return nil
if offset < 0 {
offset = len(a.array) + offset
if offset < 0 {
return nil
if size < 0 {
offset += size
size = -size
if offset < 0 {
return nil
end := offset + size
if end > len(a.array) {
end = len(a.array)
size = len(a.array) - offset
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
s := make([]int, size)
copy(s, a.array[offset:])
return s
} else {
return a.array[offset:end]
// Len returns the length of array.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Len() int {
length := len(a.array)
return length
// Sum returns the sum of values in an array.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Sum() (sum int) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for _, v := range a.array {
sum += v
// Slice returns the underlying data of array.
// Note that, if it's in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of underlying data,
// or else a pointer to the underlying data.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Slice() []int {
array := ([]int)(nil)
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
array = make([]int, len(a.array))
copy(array, a.array)
} else {
array = a.array
return array
// Interfaces returns current array as []interface{}.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Interfaces() []interface{} {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
array := make([]interface{}, len(a.array))
for k, v := range a.array {
array[k] = v
return array
// Contains checks whether a value exists in the array.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Contains(value int) bool {
return a.Search(value) != -1
// Search searches array by `value`, returns the index of `value`,
// or returns -1 if not exists.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Search(value int) (index int) {
if i, r := a.binSearch(value, true); r == 0 {
return i
return -1
// Binary search.
// It returns the last compared index and the result.
// If `result` equals to 0, it means the value at `index` is equals to `value`.
// If `result` lesser than 0, it means the value at `index` is lesser than `value`.
// If `result` greater than 0, it means the value at `index` is greater than `value`.
func (a *SortedIntArray) binSearch(value int, lock bool) (index int, result int) {
if lock {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return -1, -2
min := 0
max := len(a.array) - 1
mid := 0
cmp := -2
for min <= max {
mid = min + int((max-min)/2)
cmp = a.getComparator()(value, a.array[mid])
switch {
case cmp < 0:
max = mid - 1
case cmp > 0:
min = mid + 1
return mid, cmp
return mid, cmp
// SetUnique sets unique mark to the array,
// which means it does not contain any repeated items.
// It also do unique check, remove all repeated items.
func (a *SortedIntArray) SetUnique(unique bool) *SortedIntArray {
oldUnique := a.unique
a.unique = unique
if unique && oldUnique != unique {
return a
// Unique uniques the array, clear repeated items.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Unique() *SortedIntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return a
i := 0
for {
if i == len(a.array)-1 {
if a.getComparator()(a.array[i], a.array[i+1]) == 0 {
a.array = append(a.array[:i+1], a.array[i+1+1:]...)
} else {
return a
// Clone returns a new array, which is a copy of current array.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Clone() (newArray *SortedIntArray) {
array := make([]int, len(a.array))
copy(array, a.array)
return NewSortedIntArrayFrom(array, a.mu.IsSafe())
// Clear deletes all items of current array.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Clear() *SortedIntArray {
if len(a.array) > 0 {
a.array = make([]int, 0)
return a
// LockFunc locks writing by callback function `f`.
func (a *SortedIntArray) LockFunc(f func(array []int)) *SortedIntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
return a
// RLockFunc locks reading by callback function `f`.
func (a *SortedIntArray) RLockFunc(f func(array []int)) *SortedIntArray {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
return a
// Merge merges `array` into current array.
// The parameter `array` can be any garray or slice type.
// The difference between Merge and Append is Append supports only specified slice type,
// but Merge supports more parameter types.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Merge(array interface{}) *SortedIntArray {
return a.Add(gconv.Ints(array)...)
// Chunk splits an array into multiple arrays,
// the size of each array is determined by `size`.
// The last chunk may contain less than size elements.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Chunk(size int) [][]int {
if size < 1 {
return nil
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
length := len(a.array)
chunks := int(math.Ceil(float64(length) / float64(size)))
var n [][]int
for i, end := 0, 0; chunks > 0; chunks-- {
end = (i + 1) * size
if end > length {
end = length
n = append(n, a.array[i*size:end])
return n
// Rand randomly returns one item from array(no deleting).
func (a *SortedIntArray) Rand() (value int, found bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return 0, false
return a.array[grand.Intn(len(a.array))], true
// Rands randomly returns `size` items from array(no deleting).
func (a *SortedIntArray) Rands(size int) []int {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
array := make([]int, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
array[i] = a.array[grand.Intn(len(a.array))]
return array
// Join joins array elements with a string `glue`.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Join(glue string) string {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return ""
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for k, v := range a.array {
if k != len(a.array)-1 {
return buffer.String()
// CountValues counts the number of occurrences of all values in the array.
func (a *SortedIntArray) CountValues() map[int]int {
m := make(map[int]int)
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for _, v := range a.array {
return m
// Iterator is alias of IteratorAsc.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Iterator(f func(k int, v int) bool) {
// IteratorAsc iterates the array readonly in ascending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (a *SortedIntArray) IteratorAsc(f func(k int, v int) bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range a.array {
if !f(k, v) {
// IteratorDesc iterates the array readonly in descending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (a *SortedIntArray) IteratorDesc(f func(k int, v int) bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for i := len(a.array) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if !f(i, a.array[i]) {
// String returns current array as a string, which implements like json.Marshal does.
func (a *SortedIntArray) String() string {
if a == nil {
return ""
return "[" + a.Join(",") + "]"
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
// Note that do not use pointer as its receiver here.
func (a SortedIntArray) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
return json.Marshal(a.array)
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (a *SortedIntArray) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
if a.comparator == nil {
a.array = make([]int, 0)
a.comparator = defaultComparatorInt
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &a.array); err != nil {
return err
if a.array != nil {
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for array.
func (a *SortedIntArray) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) (err error) {
if a.comparator == nil {
a.comparator = defaultComparatorInt
defer a.mu.Unlock()
switch value.(type) {
case string, []byte:
err = json.UnmarshalUseNumber(gconv.Bytes(value), &a.array)
a.array = gconv.SliceInt(value)
if a.array != nil {
return err
// Filter iterates array and filters elements using custom callback function.
// It removes the element from array if callback function `filter` returns true,
// it or else does nothing and continues iterating.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Filter(filter func(index int, value int) bool) *SortedIntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i := 0; i < len(a.array); {
if filter(i, a.array[i]) {
a.array = append(a.array[:i], a.array[i+1:]...)
} else {
return a
// FilterEmpty removes all zero value of the array.
func (a *SortedIntArray) FilterEmpty() *SortedIntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i := 0; i < len(a.array); {
if a.array[i] == 0 {
a.array = append(a.array[:i], a.array[i+1:]...)
} else {
for i := len(a.array) - 1; i >= 0; {
if a.array[i] == 0 {
a.array = append(a.array[:i], a.array[i+1:]...)
} else {
return a
// Walk applies a user supplied function `f` to every item of array.
func (a *SortedIntArray) Walk(f func(value int) int) *SortedIntArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
// Keep the array always sorted.
defer quickSortInt(a.array, a.getComparator())
for i, v := range a.array {
a.array[i] = f(v)
return a
// IsEmpty checks whether the array is empty.
func (a *SortedIntArray) IsEmpty() bool {
return a.Len() == 0
// getComparator returns the comparator if it's previously set,
// or else it returns a default comparator.
func (a *SortedIntArray) getComparator() func(a, b int) int {
if a.comparator == nil {
return defaultComparatorInt
return a.comparator
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (a *SortedIntArray) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if a == nil {
return nil
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
newSlice := make([]int, len(a.array))
copy(newSlice, a.array)
return NewSortedIntArrayFrom(newSlice, a.mu.IsSafe())

@ -1,800 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package garray
import (
// SortedStrArray is a golang sorted string array with rich features.
// It is using increasing order in default, which can be changed by
// setting it a custom comparator.
// It contains a concurrent-safe/unsafe switch, which should be set
// when its initialization and cannot be changed then.
type SortedStrArray struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
array []string
unique bool // Whether enable unique feature(false)
comparator func(a, b string) int // Comparison function(it returns -1: a < b; 0: a == b; 1: a > b)
// NewSortedStrArray creates and returns an empty sorted array.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewSortedStrArray(safe ...bool) *SortedStrArray {
return NewSortedStrArraySize(0, safe...)
// NewSortedStrArrayComparator creates and returns an empty sorted array with specified comparator.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety which is false in default.
func NewSortedStrArrayComparator(comparator func(a, b string) int, safe ...bool) *SortedStrArray {
array := NewSortedStrArray(safe...)
array.comparator = comparator
return array
// NewSortedStrArraySize create and returns an sorted array with given size and cap.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewSortedStrArraySize(cap int, safe ...bool) *SortedStrArray {
return &SortedStrArray{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
array: make([]string, 0, cap),
comparator: defaultComparatorStr,
// NewSortedStrArrayFrom creates and returns an sorted array with given slice `array`.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewSortedStrArrayFrom(array []string, safe ...bool) *SortedStrArray {
a := NewSortedStrArraySize(0, safe...)
a.array = array
quickSortStr(a.array, a.getComparator())
return a
// NewSortedStrArrayFromCopy creates and returns an sorted array from a copy of given slice `array`.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using array in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewSortedStrArrayFromCopy(array []string, safe ...bool) *SortedStrArray {
newArray := make([]string, len(array))
copy(newArray, array)
return NewSortedStrArrayFrom(newArray, safe...)
// SetArray sets the underlying slice array with the given `array`.
func (a *SortedStrArray) SetArray(array []string) *SortedStrArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
a.array = array
quickSortStr(a.array, a.getComparator())
return a
// At returns the value by the specified index.
// If the given `index` is out of range of the array, it returns an empty string.
func (a *SortedStrArray) At(index int) (value string) {
value, _ = a.Get(index)
// Sort sorts the array in increasing order.
// The parameter `reverse` controls whether sort
// in increasing order(default) or decreasing order.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Sort() *SortedStrArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
quickSortStr(a.array, a.getComparator())
return a
// Add adds one or multiple values to sorted array, the array always keeps sorted.
// It's alias of function Append, see Append.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Add(values ...string) *SortedStrArray {
return a.Append(values...)
// Append adds one or multiple values to sorted array, the array always keeps sorted.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Append(values ...string) *SortedStrArray {
if len(values) == 0 {
return a
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for _, value := range values {
index, cmp := a.binSearch(value, false)
if a.unique && cmp == 0 {
if index < 0 {
a.array = append(a.array, value)
if cmp > 0 {
rear := append([]string{}, a.array[index:]...)
a.array = append(a.array[0:index], value)
a.array = append(a.array, rear...)
return a
// Get returns the value by the specified index.
// If the given `index` is out of range of the array, the `found` is false.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Get(index int) (value string, found bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return "", false
return a.array[index], true
// Remove removes an item by index.
// If the given `index` is out of range of the array, the `found` is false.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Remove(index int) (value string, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
return a.doRemoveWithoutLock(index)
// doRemoveWithoutLock removes an item by index without lock.
func (a *SortedStrArray) doRemoveWithoutLock(index int) (value string, found bool) {
if index < 0 || index >= len(a.array) {
return "", false
// Determine array boundaries when deleting to improve deletion efficiency.
if index == 0 {
value := a.array[0]
a.array = a.array[1:]
return value, true
} else if index == len(a.array)-1 {
value := a.array[index]
a.array = a.array[:index]
return value, true
// If it is a non-boundary delete,
// it will involve the creation of an array,
// then the deletion is less efficient.
value = a.array[index]
a.array = append(a.array[:index], a.array[index+1:]...)
return value, true
// RemoveValue removes an item by value.
// It returns true if value is found in the array, or else false if not found.
func (a *SortedStrArray) RemoveValue(value string) bool {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if i, r := a.binSearch(value, false); r == 0 {
_, res := a.doRemoveWithoutLock(i)
return res
return false
// RemoveValues removes an item by `values`.
func (a *SortedStrArray) RemoveValues(values ...string) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for _, value := range values {
if i, r := a.binSearch(value, false); r == 0 {
// PopLeft pops and returns an item from the beginning of array.
// Note that if the array is empty, the `found` is false.
func (a *SortedStrArray) PopLeft() (value string, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return "", false
value = a.array[0]
a.array = a.array[1:]
return value, true
// PopRight pops and returns an item from the end of array.
// Note that if the array is empty, the `found` is false.
func (a *SortedStrArray) PopRight() (value string, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
index := len(a.array) - 1
if index < 0 {
return "", false
value = a.array[index]
a.array = a.array[:index]
return value, true
// PopRand randomly pops and return an item out of array.
// Note that if the array is empty, the `found` is false.
func (a *SortedStrArray) PopRand() (value string, found bool) {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
return a.doRemoveWithoutLock(grand.Intn(len(a.array)))
// PopRands randomly pops and returns `size` items out of array.
// If the given `size` is greater than size of the array, it returns all elements of the array.
// Note that if given `size` <= 0 or the array is empty, it returns nil.
func (a *SortedStrArray) PopRands(size int) []string {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
if size >= len(a.array) {
size = len(a.array)
array := make([]string, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
array[i], _ = a.doRemoveWithoutLock(grand.Intn(len(a.array)))
return array
// PopLefts pops and returns `size` items from the beginning of array.
// If the given `size` is greater than size of the array, it returns all elements of the array.
// Note that if given `size` <= 0 or the array is empty, it returns nil.
func (a *SortedStrArray) PopLefts(size int) []string {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
if size >= len(a.array) {
array := a.array
a.array = a.array[:0]
return array
value := a.array[0:size]
a.array = a.array[size:]
return value
// PopRights pops and returns `size` items from the end of array.
// If the given `size` is greater than size of the array, it returns all elements of the array.
// Note that if given `size` <= 0 or the array is empty, it returns nil.
func (a *SortedStrArray) PopRights(size int) []string {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
index := len(a.array) - size
if index <= 0 {
array := a.array
a.array = a.array[:0]
return array
value := a.array[index:]
a.array = a.array[:index]
return value
// Range picks and returns items by range, like array[start:end].
// Notice, if in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of slice;
// else a pointer to the underlying data.
// If `end` is negative, then the offset will start from the end of array.
// If `end` is omitted, then the sequence will have everything from start up
// until the end of the array.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Range(start int, end ...int) []string {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
offsetEnd := len(a.array)
if len(end) > 0 && end[0] < offsetEnd {
offsetEnd = end[0]
if start > offsetEnd {
return nil
if start < 0 {
start = 0
array := ([]string)(nil)
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
array = make([]string, offsetEnd-start)
copy(array, a.array[start:offsetEnd])
} else {
array = a.array[start:offsetEnd]
return array
// SubSlice returns a slice of elements from the array as specified
// by the `offset` and `size` parameters.
// If in concurrent safe usage, it returns a copy of the slice; else a pointer.
// If offset is non-negative, the sequence will start at that offset in the array.
// If offset is negative, the sequence will start that far from the end of the array.
// If length is given and is positive, then the sequence will have up to that many elements in it.
// If the array is shorter than the length, then only the available array elements will be present.
// If length is given and is negative then the sequence will stop that many elements from the end of the array.
// If it is omitted, then the sequence will have everything from offset up until the end of the array.
// Any possibility crossing the left border of array, it will fail.
func (a *SortedStrArray) SubSlice(offset int, length ...int) []string {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
size := len(a.array)
if len(length) > 0 {
size = length[0]
if offset > len(a.array) {
return nil
if offset < 0 {
offset = len(a.array) + offset
if offset < 0 {
return nil
if size < 0 {
offset += size
size = -size
if offset < 0 {
return nil
end := offset + size
if end > len(a.array) {
end = len(a.array)
size = len(a.array) - offset
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
s := make([]string, size)
copy(s, a.array[offset:])
return s
} else {
return a.array[offset:end]
// Sum returns the sum of values in an array.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Sum() (sum int) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for _, v := range a.array {
sum += gconv.Int(v)
// Len returns the length of array.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Len() int {
length := len(a.array)
return length
// Slice returns the underlying data of array.
// Note that, if it's in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of underlying data,
// or else a pointer to the underlying data.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Slice() []string {
array := ([]string)(nil)
if a.mu.IsSafe() {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
array = make([]string, len(a.array))
copy(array, a.array)
} else {
array = a.array
return array
// Interfaces returns current array as []interface{}.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Interfaces() []interface{} {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
array := make([]interface{}, len(a.array))
for k, v := range a.array {
array[k] = v
return array
// Contains checks whether a value exists in the array.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Contains(value string) bool {
return a.Search(value) != -1
// ContainsI checks whether a value exists in the array with case-insensitively.
// Note that it internally iterates the whole array to do the comparison with case-insensitively.
func (a *SortedStrArray) ContainsI(value string) bool {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return false
for _, v := range a.array {
if strings.EqualFold(v, value) {
return true
return false
// Search searches array by `value`, returns the index of `value`,
// or returns -1 if not exists.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Search(value string) (index int) {
if i, r := a.binSearch(value, true); r == 0 {
return i
return -1
// Binary search.
// It returns the last compared index and the result.
// If `result` equals to 0, it means the value at `index` is equals to `value`.
// If `result` lesser than 0, it means the value at `index` is lesser than `value`.
// If `result` greater than 0, it means the value at `index` is greater than `value`.
func (a *SortedStrArray) binSearch(value string, lock bool) (index int, result int) {
if lock {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return -1, -2
min := 0
max := len(a.array) - 1
mid := 0
cmp := -2
for min <= max {
mid = min + int((max-min)/2)
cmp = a.getComparator()(value, a.array[mid])
switch {
case cmp < 0:
max = mid - 1
case cmp > 0:
min = mid + 1
return mid, cmp
return mid, cmp
// SetUnique sets unique mark to the array,
// which means it does not contain any repeated items.
// It also do unique check, remove all repeated items.
func (a *SortedStrArray) SetUnique(unique bool) *SortedStrArray {
oldUnique := a.unique
a.unique = unique
if unique && oldUnique != unique {
return a
// Unique uniques the array, clear repeated items.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Unique() *SortedStrArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return a
i := 0
for {
if i == len(a.array)-1 {
if a.getComparator()(a.array[i], a.array[i+1]) == 0 {
a.array = append(a.array[:i+1], a.array[i+1+1:]...)
} else {
return a
// Clone returns a new array, which is a copy of current array.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Clone() (newArray *SortedStrArray) {
array := make([]string, len(a.array))
copy(array, a.array)
return NewSortedStrArrayFrom(array, a.mu.IsSafe())
// Clear deletes all items of current array.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Clear() *SortedStrArray {
if len(a.array) > 0 {
a.array = make([]string, 0)
return a
// LockFunc locks writing by callback function `f`.
func (a *SortedStrArray) LockFunc(f func(array []string)) *SortedStrArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
return a
// RLockFunc locks reading by callback function `f`.
func (a *SortedStrArray) RLockFunc(f func(array []string)) *SortedStrArray {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
return a
// Merge merges `array` into current array.
// The parameter `array` can be any garray or slice type.
// The difference between Merge and Append is Append supports only specified slice type,
// but Merge supports more parameter types.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Merge(array interface{}) *SortedStrArray {
return a.Add(gconv.Strings(array)...)
// Chunk splits an array into multiple arrays,
// the size of each array is determined by `size`.
// The last chunk may contain less than size elements.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Chunk(size int) [][]string {
if size < 1 {
return nil
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
length := len(a.array)
chunks := int(math.Ceil(float64(length) / float64(size)))
var n [][]string
for i, end := 0, 0; chunks > 0; chunks-- {
end = (i + 1) * size
if end > length {
end = length
n = append(n, a.array[i*size:end])
return n
// Rand randomly returns one item from array(no deleting).
func (a *SortedStrArray) Rand() (value string, found bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return "", false
return a.array[grand.Intn(len(a.array))], true
// Rands randomly returns `size` items from array(no deleting).
func (a *SortedStrArray) Rands(size int) []string {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if size <= 0 || len(a.array) == 0 {
return nil
array := make([]string, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
array[i] = a.array[grand.Intn(len(a.array))]
return array
// Join joins array elements with a string `glue`.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Join(glue string) string {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
if len(a.array) == 0 {
return ""
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for k, v := range a.array {
if k != len(a.array)-1 {
return buffer.String()
// CountValues counts the number of occurrences of all values in the array.
func (a *SortedStrArray) CountValues() map[string]int {
m := make(map[string]int)
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for _, v := range a.array {
return m
// Iterator is alias of IteratorAsc.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Iterator(f func(k int, v string) bool) {
// IteratorAsc iterates the array readonly in ascending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (a *SortedStrArray) IteratorAsc(f func(k int, v string) bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range a.array {
if !f(k, v) {
// IteratorDesc iterates the array readonly in descending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (a *SortedStrArray) IteratorDesc(f func(k int, v string) bool) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
for i := len(a.array) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if !f(i, a.array[i]) {
// String returns current array as a string, which implements like json.Marshal does.
func (a *SortedStrArray) String() string {
if a == nil {
return ""
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for k, v := range a.array {
buffer.WriteString(`"` + gstr.QuoteMeta(v, `"\`) + `"`)
if k != len(a.array)-1 {
return buffer.String()
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
// Note that do not use pointer as its receiver here.
func (a SortedStrArray) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
return json.Marshal(a.array)
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (a *SortedStrArray) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
if a.comparator == nil {
a.array = make([]string, 0)
a.comparator = defaultComparatorStr
defer a.mu.Unlock()
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &a.array); err != nil {
return err
if a.array != nil {
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for array.
func (a *SortedStrArray) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) (err error) {
if a.comparator == nil {
a.comparator = defaultComparatorStr
defer a.mu.Unlock()
switch value.(type) {
case string, []byte:
err = json.UnmarshalUseNumber(gconv.Bytes(value), &a.array)
a.array = gconv.SliceStr(value)
if a.array != nil {
return err
// Filter iterates array and filters elements using custom callback function.
// It removes the element from array if callback function `filter` returns true,
// it or else does nothing and continues iterating.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Filter(filter func(index int, value string) bool) *SortedStrArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i := 0; i < len(a.array); {
if filter(i, a.array[i]) {
a.array = append(a.array[:i], a.array[i+1:]...)
} else {
return a
// FilterEmpty removes all empty string value of the array.
func (a *SortedStrArray) FilterEmpty() *SortedStrArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
for i := 0; i < len(a.array); {
if a.array[i] == "" {
a.array = append(a.array[:i], a.array[i+1:]...)
} else {
for i := len(a.array) - 1; i >= 0; {
if a.array[i] == "" {
a.array = append(a.array[:i], a.array[i+1:]...)
} else {
return a
// Walk applies a user supplied function `f` to every item of array.
func (a *SortedStrArray) Walk(f func(value string) string) *SortedStrArray {
defer a.mu.Unlock()
// Keep the array always sorted.
defer quickSortStr(a.array, a.getComparator())
for i, v := range a.array {
a.array[i] = f(v)
return a
// IsEmpty checks whether the array is empty.
func (a *SortedStrArray) IsEmpty() bool {
return a.Len() == 0
// getComparator returns the comparator if it's previously set,
// or else it returns a default comparator.
func (a *SortedStrArray) getComparator() func(a, b string) int {
if a.comparator == nil {
return defaultComparatorStr
return a.comparator
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (a *SortedStrArray) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if a == nil {
return nil
defer a.mu.RUnlock()
newSlice := make([]string, len(a.array))
copy(newSlice, a.array)
return NewSortedStrArrayFrom(newSlice, a.mu.IsSafe())

@ -1,572 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with l file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
// Package glist provides most commonly used doubly linked list container which also supports concurrent-safe/unsafe switch feature.
package glist
import (
type (
// List is a doubly linked list containing a concurrent-safe/unsafe switch.
// The switch should be set when its initialization and cannot be changed then.
List struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
list *list.List
// Element the item type of the list.
Element = list.Element
// New creates and returns a new empty doubly linked list.
func New(safe ...bool) *List {
return &List{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
list: list.New(),
// NewFrom creates and returns a list from a copy of given slice `array`.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using list in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewFrom(array []interface{}, safe ...bool) *List {
l := list.New()
for _, v := range array {
return &List{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
list: l,
// PushFront inserts a new element `e` with value `v` at the front of list `l` and returns `e`.
func (l *List) PushFront(v interface{}) (e *Element) {
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
e = l.list.PushFront(v)
// PushBack inserts a new element `e` with value `v` at the back of list `l` and returns `e`.
func (l *List) PushBack(v interface{}) (e *Element) {
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
e = l.list.PushBack(v)
// PushFronts inserts multiple new elements with values `values` at the front of list `l`.
func (l *List) PushFronts(values []interface{}) {
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
for _, v := range values {
// PushBacks inserts multiple new elements with values `values` at the back of list `l`.
func (l *List) PushBacks(values []interface{}) {
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
for _, v := range values {
// PopBack removes the element from back of `l` and returns the value of the element.
func (l *List) PopBack() (value interface{}) {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
if e := l.list.Back(); e != nil {
value = l.list.Remove(e)
// PopFront removes the element from front of `l` and returns the value of the element.
func (l *List) PopFront() (value interface{}) {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
if e := l.list.Front(); e != nil {
value = l.list.Remove(e)
// PopBacks removes `max` elements from back of `l`
// and returns values of the removed elements as slice.
func (l *List) PopBacks(max int) (values []interface{}) {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
length := l.list.Len()
if length > 0 {
if max > 0 && max < length {
length = max
values = make([]interface{}, length)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
values[i] = l.list.Remove(l.list.Back())
// PopFronts removes `max` elements from front of `l`
// and returns values of the removed elements as slice.
func (l *List) PopFronts(max int) (values []interface{}) {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
length := l.list.Len()
if length > 0 {
if max > 0 && max < length {
length = max
values = make([]interface{}, length)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
values[i] = l.list.Remove(l.list.Front())
// PopBackAll removes all elements from back of `l`
// and returns values of the removed elements as slice.
func (l *List) PopBackAll() []interface{} {
return l.PopBacks(-1)
// PopFrontAll removes all elements from front of `l`
// and returns values of the removed elements as slice.
func (l *List) PopFrontAll() []interface{} {
return l.PopFronts(-1)
// FrontAll copies and returns values of all elements from front of `l` as slice.
func (l *List) FrontAll() (values []interface{}) {
defer l.mu.RUnlock()
if l.list == nil {
length := l.list.Len()
if length > 0 {
values = make([]interface{}, length)
for i, e := 0, l.list.Front(); i < length; i, e = i+1, e.Next() {
values[i] = e.Value
// BackAll copies and returns values of all elements from back of `l` as slice.
func (l *List) BackAll() (values []interface{}) {
defer l.mu.RUnlock()
if l.list == nil {
length := l.list.Len()
if length > 0 {
values = make([]interface{}, length)
for i, e := 0, l.list.Back(); i < length; i, e = i+1, e.Prev() {
values[i] = e.Value
// FrontValue returns value of the first element of `l` or nil if the list is empty.
func (l *List) FrontValue() (value interface{}) {
defer l.mu.RUnlock()
if l.list == nil {
if e := l.list.Front(); e != nil {
value = e.Value
// BackValue returns value of the last element of `l` or nil if the list is empty.
func (l *List) BackValue() (value interface{}) {
defer l.mu.RUnlock()
if l.list == nil {
if e := l.list.Back(); e != nil {
value = e.Value
// Front returns the first element of list `l` or nil if the list is empty.
func (l *List) Front() (e *Element) {
defer l.mu.RUnlock()
if l.list == nil {
e = l.list.Front()
// Back returns the last element of list `l` or nil if the list is empty.
func (l *List) Back() (e *Element) {
defer l.mu.RUnlock()
if l.list == nil {
e = l.list.Back()
// Len returns the number of elements of list `l`.
// The complexity is O(1).
func (l *List) Len() (length int) {
defer l.mu.RUnlock()
if l.list == nil {
length = l.list.Len()
// Size is alias of Len.
func (l *List) Size() int {
return l.Len()
// MoveBefore moves element `e` to its new position before `p`.
// If `e` or `p` is not an element of `l`, or `e` == `p`, the list is not modified.
// The element and `p` must not be nil.
func (l *List) MoveBefore(e, p *Element) {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
l.list.MoveBefore(e, p)
// MoveAfter moves element `e` to its new position after `p`.
// If `e` or `p` is not an element of `l`, or `e` == `p`, the list is not modified.
// The element and `p` must not be nil.
func (l *List) MoveAfter(e, p *Element) {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
l.list.MoveAfter(e, p)
// MoveToFront moves element `e` to the front of list `l`.
// If `e` is not an element of `l`, the list is not modified.
// The element must not be nil.
func (l *List) MoveToFront(e *Element) {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
// MoveToBack moves element `e` to the back of list `l`.
// If `e` is not an element of `l`, the list is not modified.
// The element must not be nil.
func (l *List) MoveToBack(e *Element) {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
// PushBackList inserts a copy of an other list at the back of list `l`.
// The lists `l` and `other` may be the same, but they must not be nil.
func (l *List) PushBackList(other *List) {
if l != other {
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
// PushFrontList inserts a copy of an other list at the front of list `l`.
// The lists `l` and `other` may be the same, but they must not be nil.
func (l *List) PushFrontList(other *List) {
if l != other {
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
// InsertAfter inserts a new element `e` with value `v` immediately after `p` and returns `e`.
// If `p` is not an element of `l`, the list is not modified.
// The `p` must not be nil.
func (l *List) InsertAfter(p *Element, v interface{}) (e *Element) {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
e = l.list.InsertAfter(v, p)
// InsertBefore inserts a new element `e` with value `v` immediately before `p` and returns `e`.
// If `p` is not an element of `l`, the list is not modified.
// The `p` must not be nil.
func (l *List) InsertBefore(p *Element, v interface{}) (e *Element) {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
e = l.list.InsertBefore(v, p)
// Remove removes `e` from `l` if `e` is an element of list `l`.
// It returns the element value e.Value.
// The element must not be nil.
func (l *List) Remove(e *Element) (value interface{}) {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
value = l.list.Remove(e)
// Removes removes multiple elements `es` from `l` if `es` are elements of list `l`.
func (l *List) Removes(es []*Element) {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
for _, e := range es {
// RemoveAll removes all elements from list `l`.
func (l *List) RemoveAll() {
l.list = list.New()
// Clear is alias of RemoveAll.
func (l *List) Clear() {
// RLockFunc locks reading with given callback function `f` within RWMutex.RLock.
func (l *List) RLockFunc(f func(list *list.List)) {
defer l.mu.RUnlock()
if l.list != nil {
// LockFunc locks writing with given callback function `f` within RWMutex.Lock.
func (l *List) LockFunc(f func(list *list.List)) {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
// Iterator is alias of IteratorAsc.
func (l *List) Iterator(f func(e *Element) bool) {
// IteratorAsc iterates the list readonly in ascending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (l *List) IteratorAsc(f func(e *Element) bool) {
defer l.mu.RUnlock()
if l.list == nil {
length := l.list.Len()
if length > 0 {
for i, e := 0, l.list.Front(); i < length; i, e = i+1, e.Next() {
if !f(e) {
// IteratorDesc iterates the list readonly in descending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (l *List) IteratorDesc(f func(e *Element) bool) {
defer l.mu.RUnlock()
if l.list == nil {
length := l.list.Len()
if length > 0 {
for i, e := 0, l.list.Back(); i < length; i, e = i+1, e.Prev() {
if !f(e) {
// Join joins list elements with a string `glue`.
func (l *List) Join(glue string) string {
defer l.mu.RUnlock()
if l.list == nil {
return ""
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
length := l.list.Len()
if length > 0 {
for i, e := 0, l.list.Front(); i < length; i, e = i+1, e.Next() {
if i != length-1 {
return buffer.String()
// String returns current list as a string.
func (l *List) String() string {
if l == nil {
return ""
return "[" + l.Join(",") + "]"
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (l List) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(l.FrontAll())
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (l *List) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
var array []interface{}
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &array); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for list.
func (l *List) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) (err error) {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
if l.list == nil {
l.list = list.New()
var array []interface{}
switch value.(type) {
case string, []byte:
err = json.UnmarshalUseNumber(gconv.Bytes(value), &array)
array = gconv.SliceAny(value)
return err
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (l *List) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if l == nil {
return nil
defer l.mu.RUnlock()
if l.list == nil {
return nil
var (
length = l.list.Len()
values = make([]interface{}, length)
if length > 0 {
for i, e := 0, l.list.Front(); i < length; i, e = i+1, e.Next() {
values[i] = deepcopy.Copy(e.Value)
return NewFrom(values, l.mu.IsSafe())

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with gm file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
// Package gmap provides most commonly used map container which also support concurrent-safe/unsafe switch feature.
package gmap
type (
Map = AnyAnyMap // Map is alias of AnyAnyMap.
HashMap = AnyAnyMap // HashMap is alias of AnyAnyMap.
// New creates and returns an empty hash map.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using map in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func New(safe ...bool) *Map {
return NewAnyAnyMap(safe...)
// NewFrom creates and returns a hash map from given map `data`.
// Note that, the param `data` map will be set as the underlying data map(no deep copy),
// there might be some concurrent-safe issues when changing the map outside.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using tree in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewFrom(data map[interface{}]interface{}, safe ...bool) *Map {
return NewAnyAnyMapFrom(data, safe...)
// NewHashMap creates and returns an empty hash map.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using map in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewHashMap(safe ...bool) *Map {
return NewAnyAnyMap(safe...)
// NewHashMapFrom creates and returns a hash map from given map `data`.
// Note that, the param `data` map will be set as the underlying data map(no deep copy),
// there might be some concurrent-safe issues when changing the map outside.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using tree in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewHashMapFrom(data map[interface{}]interface{}, safe ...bool) *Map {
return NewAnyAnyMapFrom(data, safe...)

@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with gm file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gmap
import (
// AnyAnyMap wraps map type `map[interface{}]interface{}` and provides more map features.
type AnyAnyMap struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
data map[interface{}]interface{}
// NewAnyAnyMap creates and returns an empty hash map.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using map in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewAnyAnyMap(safe ...bool) *AnyAnyMap {
return &AnyAnyMap{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
data: make(map[interface{}]interface{}),
// NewAnyAnyMapFrom creates and returns a hash map from given map `data`.
// Note that, the param `data` map will be set as the underlying data map(no deep copy),
// there might be some concurrent-safe issues when changing the map outside.
func NewAnyAnyMapFrom(data map[interface{}]interface{}, safe ...bool) *AnyAnyMap {
return &AnyAnyMap{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
data: data,
// Iterator iterates the hash map readonly with custom callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Iterator(f func(k interface{}, v interface{}) bool) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range m.data {
if !f(k, v) {
// Clone returns a new hash map with copy of current map data.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Clone(safe ...bool) *AnyAnyMap {
return NewFrom(m.MapCopy(), safe...)
// Map returns the underlying data map.
// Note that, if it's in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of underlying data,
// or else a pointer to the underlying data.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Map() map[interface{}]interface{} {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
if !m.mu.IsSafe() {
return m.data
data := make(map[interface{}]interface{}, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return data
// MapCopy returns a shallow copy of the underlying data of the hash map.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) MapCopy() map[interface{}]interface{} {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
data := make(map[interface{}]interface{}, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return data
// MapStrAny returns a copy of the underlying data of the map as map[string]interface{}.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) MapStrAny() map[string]interface{} {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
data := make(map[string]interface{}, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[gconv.String(k)] = v
return data
// FilterEmpty deletes all key-value pair of which the value is empty.
// Values like: 0, nil, false, "", len(slice/map/chan) == 0 are considered empty.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) FilterEmpty() {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
for k, v := range m.data {
if empty.IsEmpty(v) {
delete(m.data, k)
// FilterNil deletes all key-value pair of which the value is nil.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) FilterNil() {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
for k, v := range m.data {
if empty.IsNil(v) {
delete(m.data, k)
// Set sets key-value to the hash map.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Set(key interface{}, value interface{}) {
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[interface{}]interface{})
m.data[key] = value
// Sets batch sets key-values to the hash map.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Sets(data map[interface{}]interface{}) {
if m.data == nil {
m.data = data
} else {
for k, v := range data {
m.data[k] = v
// Search searches the map with given `key`.
// Second return parameter `found` is true if key was found, otherwise false.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Search(key interface{}) (value interface{}, found bool) {
if m.data != nil {
value, found = m.data[key]
// Get returns the value by given `key`.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Get(key interface{}) (value interface{}) {
if m.data != nil {
value = m.data[key]
// Pop retrieves and deletes an item from the map.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Pop() (key, value interface{}) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
for key, value = range m.data {
delete(m.data, key)
// Pops retrieves and deletes `size` items from the map.
// It returns all items if size == -1.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Pops(size int) map[interface{}]interface{} {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if size > len(m.data) || size == -1 {
size = len(m.data)
if size == 0 {
return nil
var (
index = 0
newMap = make(map[interface{}]interface{}, size)
for k, v := range m.data {
delete(m.data, k)
newMap[k] = v
if index == size {
return newMap
// doSetWithLockCheck checks whether value of the key exists with mutex.Lock,
// if not exists, set value to the map with given `key`,
// or else just return the existing value.
// When setting value, if `value` is type of `func() interface {}`,
// it will be executed with mutex.Lock of the hash map,
// and its return value will be set to the map with `key`.
// It returns value with given `key`.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) doSetWithLockCheck(key interface{}, value interface{}) interface{} {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[interface{}]interface{})
if v, ok := m.data[key]; ok {
return v
if f, ok := value.(func() interface{}); ok {
value = f()
if value != nil {
m.data[key] = value
return value
// GetOrSet returns the value by key,
// or sets value with given `value` if it does not exist and then returns this value.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) GetOrSet(key interface{}, value interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFunc returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist
// and then returns this value.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) GetOrSetFunc(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFuncLock returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist
// and then returns this value.
// GetOrSetFuncLock differs with GetOrSetFunc function is that it executes function `f`
// with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) GetOrSetFuncLock(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f)
} else {
return v
// GetVar returns a Var with the value by given `key`.
// The returned Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) GetVar(key interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(m.Get(key))
// GetVarOrSet returns a Var with result from GetOrSet.
// The returned Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) GetVarOrSet(key interface{}, value interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(m.GetOrSet(key, value))
// GetVarOrSetFunc returns a Var with result from GetOrSetFunc.
// The returned Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) GetVarOrSetFunc(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(m.GetOrSetFunc(key, f))
// GetVarOrSetFuncLock returns a Var with result from GetOrSetFuncLock.
// The returned Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) GetVarOrSetFuncLock(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(m.GetOrSetFuncLock(key, f))
// SetIfNotExist sets `value` to the map if the `key` does not exist, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) SetIfNotExist(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFunc sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) SetIfNotExistFunc(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock differs with SetIfNotExistFunc function is that
// it executes function `f` with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) SetIfNotExistFuncLock(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f)
return true
return false
// Remove deletes value from map by given `key`, and return this deleted value.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Remove(key interface{}) (value interface{}) {
if m.data != nil {
var ok bool
if value, ok = m.data[key]; ok {
delete(m.data, key)
// Removes batch deletes values of the map by keys.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Removes(keys []interface{}) {
if m.data != nil {
for _, key := range keys {
delete(m.data, key)
// Keys returns all keys of the map as a slice.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Keys() []interface{} {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
var (
keys = make([]interface{}, len(m.data))
index = 0
for key := range m.data {
keys[index] = key
return keys
// Values returns all values of the map as a slice.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Values() []interface{} {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
var (
values = make([]interface{}, len(m.data))
index = 0
for _, value := range m.data {
values[index] = value
return values
// Contains checks whether a key exists.
// It returns true if the `key` exists, or else false.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Contains(key interface{}) bool {
var ok bool
if m.data != nil {
_, ok = m.data[key]
return ok
// Size returns the size of the map.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Size() int {
length := len(m.data)
return length
// IsEmpty checks whether the map is empty.
// It returns true if map is empty, or else false.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) IsEmpty() bool {
return m.Size() == 0
// Clear deletes all data of the map, it will remake a new underlying data map.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Clear() {
m.data = make(map[interface{}]interface{})
// Replace the data of the map with given `data`.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Replace(data map[interface{}]interface{}) {
m.data = data
// LockFunc locks writing with given callback function `f` within RWMutex.Lock.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) LockFunc(f func(m map[interface{}]interface{})) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
// RLockFunc locks reading with given callback function `f` within RWMutex.RLock.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) RLockFunc(f func(m map[interface{}]interface{})) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
// Flip exchanges key-value of the map to value-key.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Flip() {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
n := make(map[interface{}]interface{}, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
n[v] = k
m.data = n
// Merge merges two hash maps.
// The `other` map will be merged into the map `m`.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Merge(other *AnyAnyMap) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = other.MapCopy()
if other != m {
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range other.data {
m.data[k] = v
// String returns the map as a string.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) String() string {
if m == nil {
return ""
b, _ := m.MarshalJSON()
return string(b)
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (m AnyAnyMap) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(gconv.Map(m.Map()))
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[interface{}]interface{})
var data map[string]interface{}
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &data); err != nil {
return err
for k, v := range data {
m.data[k] = v
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for map.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) (err error) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[interface{}]interface{})
for k, v := range gconv.Map(value) {
m.data[k] = v
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if m == nil {
return nil
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
data := make(map[interface{}]interface{}, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = deepcopy.Copy(v)
return NewFrom(data, m.mu.IsSafe())
// IsSubOf checks whether the current map is a sub-map of `other`.
func (m *AnyAnyMap) IsSubOf(other *AnyAnyMap) bool {
if m == other {
return true
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for key, value := range m.data {
otherValue, ok := other.data[key]
if !ok {
return false
if otherValue != value {
return false
return true
// Diff compares current map `m` with map `other` and returns their different keys.
// The returned `addedKeys` are the keys that are in map `m` but not in map `other`.
// The returned `removedKeys` are the keys that are in map `other` but not in map `m`.
// The returned `updatedKeys` are the keys that are both in map `m` and `other` but their values and not equal (`!=`).
func (m *AnyAnyMap) Diff(other *AnyAnyMap) (addedKeys, removedKeys, updatedKeys []interface{}) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for key := range m.data {
if _, ok := other.data[key]; !ok {
removedKeys = append(removedKeys, key)
} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(m.data[key], other.data[key]) {
updatedKeys = append(updatedKeys, key)
for key := range other.data {
if _, ok := m.data[key]; !ok {
addedKeys = append(addedKeys, key)

@ -1,564 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with gm file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gmap
import (
// IntAnyMap implements map[int]interface{} with RWMutex that has switch.
type IntAnyMap struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
data map[int]interface{}
// NewIntAnyMap returns an empty IntAnyMap object.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using map in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewIntAnyMap(safe ...bool) *IntAnyMap {
return &IntAnyMap{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
data: make(map[int]interface{}),
// NewIntAnyMapFrom creates and returns a hash map from given map `data`.
// Note that, the param `data` map will be set as the underlying data map(no deep copy),
// there might be some concurrent-safe issues when changing the map outside.
func NewIntAnyMapFrom(data map[int]interface{}, safe ...bool) *IntAnyMap {
return &IntAnyMap{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
data: data,
// Iterator iterates the hash map readonly with custom callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (m *IntAnyMap) Iterator(f func(k int, v interface{}) bool) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range m.data {
if !f(k, v) {
// Clone returns a new hash map with copy of current map data.
func (m *IntAnyMap) Clone() *IntAnyMap {
return NewIntAnyMapFrom(m.MapCopy(), m.mu.IsSafe())
// Map returns the underlying data map.
// Note that, if it's in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of underlying data,
// or else a pointer to the underlying data.
func (m *IntAnyMap) Map() map[int]interface{} {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
if !m.mu.IsSafe() {
return m.data
data := make(map[int]interface{}, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return data
// MapStrAny returns a copy of the underlying data of the map as map[string]interface{}.
func (m *IntAnyMap) MapStrAny() map[string]interface{} {
data := make(map[string]interface{}, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[gconv.String(k)] = v
return data
// MapCopy returns a copy of the underlying data of the hash map.
func (m *IntAnyMap) MapCopy() map[int]interface{} {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
data := make(map[int]interface{}, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return data
// FilterEmpty deletes all key-value pair of which the value is empty.
// Values like: 0, nil, false, "", len(slice/map/chan) == 0 are considered empty.
func (m *IntAnyMap) FilterEmpty() {
for k, v := range m.data {
if empty.IsEmpty(v) {
delete(m.data, k)
// FilterNil deletes all key-value pair of which the value is nil.
func (m *IntAnyMap) FilterNil() {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
for k, v := range m.data {
if empty.IsNil(v) {
delete(m.data, k)
// Set sets key-value to the hash map.
func (m *IntAnyMap) Set(key int, val interface{}) {
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[int]interface{})
m.data[key] = val
// Sets batch sets key-values to the hash map.
func (m *IntAnyMap) Sets(data map[int]interface{}) {
if m.data == nil {
m.data = data
} else {
for k, v := range data {
m.data[k] = v
// Search searches the map with given `key`.
// Second return parameter `found` is true if key was found, otherwise false.
func (m *IntAnyMap) Search(key int) (value interface{}, found bool) {
if m.data != nil {
value, found = m.data[key]
// Get returns the value by given `key`.
func (m *IntAnyMap) Get(key int) (value interface{}) {
if m.data != nil {
value = m.data[key]
// Pop retrieves and deletes an item from the map.
func (m *IntAnyMap) Pop() (key int, value interface{}) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
for key, value = range m.data {
delete(m.data, key)
// Pops retrieves and deletes `size` items from the map.
// It returns all items if size == -1.
func (m *IntAnyMap) Pops(size int) map[int]interface{} {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if size > len(m.data) || size == -1 {
size = len(m.data)
if size == 0 {
return nil
var (
index = 0
newMap = make(map[int]interface{}, size)
for k, v := range m.data {
delete(m.data, k)
newMap[k] = v
if index == size {
return newMap
// doSetWithLockCheck checks whether value of the key exists with mutex.Lock,
// if not exists, set value to the map with given `key`,
// or else just return the existing value.
// When setting value, if `value` is type of `func() interface {}`,
// it will be executed with mutex.Lock of the hash map,
// and its return value will be set to the map with `key`.
// It returns value with given `key`.
func (m *IntAnyMap) doSetWithLockCheck(key int, value interface{}) interface{} {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[int]interface{})
if v, ok := m.data[key]; ok {
return v
if f, ok := value.(func() interface{}); ok {
value = f()
if value != nil {
m.data[key] = value
return value
// GetOrSet returns the value by key,
// or sets value with given `value` if it does not exist and then returns this value.
func (m *IntAnyMap) GetOrSet(key int, value interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFunc returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist and returns this value.
func (m *IntAnyMap) GetOrSetFunc(key int, f func() interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFuncLock returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist and returns this value.
// GetOrSetFuncLock differs with GetOrSetFunc function is that it executes function `f`
// with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (m *IntAnyMap) GetOrSetFuncLock(key int, f func() interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f)
} else {
return v
// GetVar returns a Var with the value by given `key`.
// The returned Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (m *IntAnyMap) GetVar(key int) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(m.Get(key))
// GetVarOrSet returns a Var with result from GetVarOrSet.
// The returned Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (m *IntAnyMap) GetVarOrSet(key int, value interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(m.GetOrSet(key, value))
// GetVarOrSetFunc returns a Var with result from GetOrSetFunc.
// The returned Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (m *IntAnyMap) GetVarOrSetFunc(key int, f func() interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(m.GetOrSetFunc(key, f))
// GetVarOrSetFuncLock returns a Var with result from GetOrSetFuncLock.
// The returned Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (m *IntAnyMap) GetVarOrSetFuncLock(key int, f func() interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(m.GetOrSetFuncLock(key, f))
// SetIfNotExist sets `value` to the map if the `key` does not exist, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (m *IntAnyMap) SetIfNotExist(key int, value interface{}) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFunc sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (m *IntAnyMap) SetIfNotExistFunc(key int, f func() interface{}) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock differs with SetIfNotExistFunc function is that
// it executes function `f` with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (m *IntAnyMap) SetIfNotExistFuncLock(key int, f func() interface{}) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f)
return true
return false
// Removes batch deletes values of the map by keys.
func (m *IntAnyMap) Removes(keys []int) {
if m.data != nil {
for _, key := range keys {
delete(m.data, key)
// Remove deletes value from map by given `key`, and return this deleted value.
func (m *IntAnyMap) Remove(key int) (value interface{}) {
if m.data != nil {
var ok bool
if value, ok = m.data[key]; ok {
delete(m.data, key)
// Keys returns all keys of the map as a slice.
func (m *IntAnyMap) Keys() []int {
var (
keys = make([]int, len(m.data))
index = 0
for key := range m.data {
keys[index] = key
return keys
// Values returns all values of the map as a slice.
func (m *IntAnyMap) Values() []interface{} {
var (
values = make([]interface{}, len(m.data))
index = 0
for _, value := range m.data {
values[index] = value
return values
// Contains checks whether a key exists.
// It returns true if the `key` exists, or else false.
func (m *IntAnyMap) Contains(key int) bool {
var ok bool
if m.data != nil {
_, ok = m.data[key]
return ok
// Size returns the size of the map.
func (m *IntAnyMap) Size() int {
length := len(m.data)
return length
// IsEmpty checks whether the map is empty.
// It returns true if map is empty, or else false.
func (m *IntAnyMap) IsEmpty() bool {
return m.Size() == 0
// Clear deletes all data of the map, it will remake a new underlying data map.
func (m *IntAnyMap) Clear() {
m.data = make(map[int]interface{})
// Replace the data of the map with given `data`.
func (m *IntAnyMap) Replace(data map[int]interface{}) {
m.data = data
// LockFunc locks writing with given callback function `f` within RWMutex.Lock.
func (m *IntAnyMap) LockFunc(f func(m map[int]interface{})) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
// RLockFunc locks reading with given callback function `f` within RWMutex.RLock.
func (m *IntAnyMap) RLockFunc(f func(m map[int]interface{})) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
// Flip exchanges key-value of the map to value-key.
func (m *IntAnyMap) Flip() {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
n := make(map[int]interface{}, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
n[gconv.Int(v)] = k
m.data = n
// Merge merges two hash maps.
// The `other` map will be merged into the map `m`.
func (m *IntAnyMap) Merge(other *IntAnyMap) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = other.MapCopy()
if other != m {
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range other.data {
m.data[k] = v
// String returns the map as a string.
func (m *IntAnyMap) String() string {
if m == nil {
return ""
b, _ := m.MarshalJSON()
return string(b)
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (m IntAnyMap) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
return json.Marshal(m.data)
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (m *IntAnyMap) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[int]interface{})
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &m.data); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for map.
func (m *IntAnyMap) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) (err error) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[int]interface{})
switch value.(type) {
case string, []byte:
return json.UnmarshalUseNumber(gconv.Bytes(value), &m.data)
for k, v := range gconv.Map(value) {
m.data[gconv.Int(k)] = v
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (m *IntAnyMap) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if m == nil {
return nil
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
data := make(map[int]interface{}, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = deepcopy.Copy(v)
return NewIntAnyMapFrom(data, m.mu.IsSafe())
// IsSubOf checks whether the current map is a sub-map of `other`.
func (m *IntAnyMap) IsSubOf(other *IntAnyMap) bool {
if m == other {
return true
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for key, value := range m.data {
otherValue, ok := other.data[key]
if !ok {
return false
if otherValue != value {
return false
return true
// Diff compares current map `m` with map `other` and returns their different keys.
// The returned `addedKeys` are the keys that are in map `m` but not in map `other`.
// The returned `removedKeys` are the keys that are in map `other` but not in map `m`.
// The returned `updatedKeys` are the keys that are both in map `m` and `other` but their values and not equal (`!=`).
func (m *IntAnyMap) Diff(other *IntAnyMap) (addedKeys, removedKeys, updatedKeys []int) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for key := range m.data {
if _, ok := other.data[key]; !ok {
removedKeys = append(removedKeys, key)
} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(m.data[key], other.data[key]) {
updatedKeys = append(updatedKeys, key)
for key := range other.data {
if _, ok := m.data[key]; !ok {
addedKeys = append(addedKeys, key)

@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with gm file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gmap
import (
// IntIntMap implements map[int]int with RWMutex that has switch.
type IntIntMap struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
data map[int]int
// NewIntIntMap returns an empty IntIntMap object.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using map in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewIntIntMap(safe ...bool) *IntIntMap {
return &IntIntMap{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
data: make(map[int]int),
// NewIntIntMapFrom creates and returns a hash map from given map `data`.
// Note that, the param `data` map will be set as the underlying data map(no deep copy),
// there might be some concurrent-safe issues when changing the map outside.
func NewIntIntMapFrom(data map[int]int, safe ...bool) *IntIntMap {
return &IntIntMap{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
data: data,
// Iterator iterates the hash map readonly with custom callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (m *IntIntMap) Iterator(f func(k int, v int) bool) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range m.data {
if !f(k, v) {
// Clone returns a new hash map with copy of current map data.
func (m *IntIntMap) Clone() *IntIntMap {
return NewIntIntMapFrom(m.MapCopy(), m.mu.IsSafe())
// Map returns the underlying data map.
// Note that, if it's in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of underlying data,
// or else a pointer to the underlying data.
func (m *IntIntMap) Map() map[int]int {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
if !m.mu.IsSafe() {
return m.data
data := make(map[int]int, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return data
// MapStrAny returns a copy of the underlying data of the map as map[string]interface{}.
func (m *IntIntMap) MapStrAny() map[string]interface{} {
data := make(map[string]interface{}, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[gconv.String(k)] = v
return data
// MapCopy returns a copy of the underlying data of the hash map.
func (m *IntIntMap) MapCopy() map[int]int {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
data := make(map[int]int, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return data
// FilterEmpty deletes all key-value pair of which the value is empty.
// Values like: 0, nil, false, "", len(slice/map/chan) == 0 are considered empty.
func (m *IntIntMap) FilterEmpty() {
for k, v := range m.data {
if empty.IsEmpty(v) {
delete(m.data, k)
// Set sets key-value to the hash map.
func (m *IntIntMap) Set(key int, val int) {
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[int]int)
m.data[key] = val
// Sets batch sets key-values to the hash map.
func (m *IntIntMap) Sets(data map[int]int) {
if m.data == nil {
m.data = data
} else {
for k, v := range data {
m.data[k] = v
// Search searches the map with given `key`.
// Second return parameter `found` is true if key was found, otherwise false.
func (m *IntIntMap) Search(key int) (value int, found bool) {
if m.data != nil {
value, found = m.data[key]
// Get returns the value by given `key`.
func (m *IntIntMap) Get(key int) (value int) {
if m.data != nil {
value = m.data[key]
// Pop retrieves and deletes an item from the map.
func (m *IntIntMap) Pop() (key, value int) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
for key, value = range m.data {
delete(m.data, key)
// Pops retrieves and deletes `size` items from the map.
// It returns all items if size == -1.
func (m *IntIntMap) Pops(size int) map[int]int {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if size > len(m.data) || size == -1 {
size = len(m.data)
if size == 0 {
return nil
var (
index = 0
newMap = make(map[int]int, size)
for k, v := range m.data {
delete(m.data, k)
newMap[k] = v
if index == size {
return newMap
// doSetWithLockCheck checks whether value of the key exists with mutex.Lock,
// if not exists, set value to the map with given `key`,
// or else just return the existing value.
// It returns value with given `key`.
func (m *IntIntMap) doSetWithLockCheck(key int, value int) int {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[int]int)
if v, ok := m.data[key]; ok {
return v
m.data[key] = value
return value
// GetOrSet returns the value by key,
// or sets value with given `value` if it does not exist and then returns this value.
func (m *IntIntMap) GetOrSet(key int, value int) int {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFunc returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist and returns this value.
func (m *IntIntMap) GetOrSetFunc(key int, f func() int) int {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFuncLock returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist and returns this value.
// GetOrSetFuncLock differs with GetOrSetFunc function is that it executes function `f`
// with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (m *IntIntMap) GetOrSetFuncLock(key int, f func() int) int {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[int]int)
if v, ok = m.data[key]; ok {
return v
v = f()
m.data[key] = v
return v
} else {
return v
// SetIfNotExist sets `value` to the map if the `key` does not exist, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (m *IntIntMap) SetIfNotExist(key int, value int) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFunc sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (m *IntIntMap) SetIfNotExistFunc(key int, f func() int) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock differs with SetIfNotExistFunc function is that
// it executes function `f` with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (m *IntIntMap) SetIfNotExistFuncLock(key int, f func() int) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[int]int)
if _, ok := m.data[key]; !ok {
m.data[key] = f()
return true
return false
// Removes batch deletes values of the map by keys.
func (m *IntIntMap) Removes(keys []int) {
if m.data != nil {
for _, key := range keys {
delete(m.data, key)
// Remove deletes value from map by given `key`, and return this deleted value.
func (m *IntIntMap) Remove(key int) (value int) {
if m.data != nil {
var ok bool
if value, ok = m.data[key]; ok {
delete(m.data, key)
// Keys returns all keys of the map as a slice.
func (m *IntIntMap) Keys() []int {
var (
keys = make([]int, len(m.data))
index = 0
for key := range m.data {
keys[index] = key
return keys
// Values returns all values of the map as a slice.
func (m *IntIntMap) Values() []int {
var (
values = make([]int, len(m.data))
index = 0
for _, value := range m.data {
values[index] = value
return values
// Contains checks whether a key exists.
// It returns true if the `key` exists, or else false.
func (m *IntIntMap) Contains(key int) bool {
var ok bool
if m.data != nil {
_, ok = m.data[key]
return ok
// Size returns the size of the map.
func (m *IntIntMap) Size() int {
length := len(m.data)
return length
// IsEmpty checks whether the map is empty.
// It returns true if map is empty, or else false.
func (m *IntIntMap) IsEmpty() bool {
return m.Size() == 0
// Clear deletes all data of the map, it will remake a new underlying data map.
func (m *IntIntMap) Clear() {
m.data = make(map[int]int)
// Replace the data of the map with given `data`.
func (m *IntIntMap) Replace(data map[int]int) {
m.data = data
// LockFunc locks writing with given callback function `f` within RWMutex.Lock.
func (m *IntIntMap) LockFunc(f func(m map[int]int)) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
// RLockFunc locks reading with given callback function `f` within RWMutex.RLock.
func (m *IntIntMap) RLockFunc(f func(m map[int]int)) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
// Flip exchanges key-value of the map to value-key.
func (m *IntIntMap) Flip() {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
n := make(map[int]int, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
n[v] = k
m.data = n
// Merge merges two hash maps.
// The `other` map will be merged into the map `m`.
func (m *IntIntMap) Merge(other *IntIntMap) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = other.MapCopy()
if other != m {
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range other.data {
m.data[k] = v
// String returns the map as a string.
func (m *IntIntMap) String() string {
if m == nil {
return ""
b, _ := m.MarshalJSON()
return string(b)
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (m IntIntMap) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
return json.Marshal(m.data)
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (m *IntIntMap) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[int]int)
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &m.data); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for map.
func (m *IntIntMap) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) (err error) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[int]int)
switch value.(type) {
case string, []byte:
return json.UnmarshalUseNumber(gconv.Bytes(value), &m.data)
for k, v := range gconv.Map(value) {
m.data[gconv.Int(k)] = gconv.Int(v)
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (m *IntIntMap) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if m == nil {
return nil
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
data := make(map[int]int, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return NewIntIntMapFrom(data, m.mu.IsSafe())
// IsSubOf checks whether the current map is a sub-map of `other`.
func (m *IntIntMap) IsSubOf(other *IntIntMap) bool {
if m == other {
return true
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for key, value := range m.data {
otherValue, ok := other.data[key]
if !ok {
return false
if otherValue != value {
return false
return true
// Diff compares current map `m` with map `other` and returns their different keys.
// The returned `addedKeys` are the keys that are in map `m` but not in map `other`.
// The returned `removedKeys` are the keys that are in map `other` but not in map `m`.
// The returned `updatedKeys` are the keys that are both in map `m` and `other` but their values and not equal (`!=`).
func (m *IntIntMap) Diff(other *IntIntMap) (addedKeys, removedKeys, updatedKeys []int) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for key := range m.data {
if _, ok := other.data[key]; !ok {
removedKeys = append(removedKeys, key)
} else if m.data[key] != other.data[key] {
updatedKeys = append(updatedKeys, key)
for key := range other.data {
if _, ok := m.data[key]; !ok {
addedKeys = append(addedKeys, key)

@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with gm file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gmap
import (
// IntStrMap implements map[int]string with RWMutex that has switch.
type IntStrMap struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
data map[int]string
// NewIntStrMap returns an empty IntStrMap object.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using map in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewIntStrMap(safe ...bool) *IntStrMap {
return &IntStrMap{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
data: make(map[int]string),
// NewIntStrMapFrom creates and returns a hash map from given map `data`.
// Note that, the param `data` map will be set as the underlying data map(no deep copy),
// there might be some concurrent-safe issues when changing the map outside.
func NewIntStrMapFrom(data map[int]string, safe ...bool) *IntStrMap {
return &IntStrMap{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
data: data,
// Iterator iterates the hash map readonly with custom callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (m *IntStrMap) Iterator(f func(k int, v string) bool) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range m.data {
if !f(k, v) {
// Clone returns a new hash map with copy of current map data.
func (m *IntStrMap) Clone() *IntStrMap {
return NewIntStrMapFrom(m.MapCopy(), m.mu.IsSafe())
// Map returns the underlying data map.
// Note that, if it's in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of underlying data,
// or else a pointer to the underlying data.
func (m *IntStrMap) Map() map[int]string {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
if !m.mu.IsSafe() {
return m.data
data := make(map[int]string, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return data
// MapStrAny returns a copy of the underlying data of the map as map[string]interface{}.
func (m *IntStrMap) MapStrAny() map[string]interface{} {
data := make(map[string]interface{}, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[gconv.String(k)] = v
return data
// MapCopy returns a copy of the underlying data of the hash map.
func (m *IntStrMap) MapCopy() map[int]string {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
data := make(map[int]string, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return data
// FilterEmpty deletes all key-value pair of which the value is empty.
// Values like: 0, nil, false, "", len(slice/map/chan) == 0 are considered empty.
func (m *IntStrMap) FilterEmpty() {
for k, v := range m.data {
if empty.IsEmpty(v) {
delete(m.data, k)
// Set sets key-value to the hash map.
func (m *IntStrMap) Set(key int, val string) {
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[int]string)
m.data[key] = val
// Sets batch sets key-values to the hash map.
func (m *IntStrMap) Sets(data map[int]string) {
if m.data == nil {
m.data = data
} else {
for k, v := range data {
m.data[k] = v
// Search searches the map with given `key`.
// Second return parameter `found` is true if key was found, otherwise false.
func (m *IntStrMap) Search(key int) (value string, found bool) {
if m.data != nil {
value, found = m.data[key]
// Get returns the value by given `key`.
func (m *IntStrMap) Get(key int) (value string) {
if m.data != nil {
value = m.data[key]
// Pop retrieves and deletes an item from the map.
func (m *IntStrMap) Pop() (key int, value string) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
for key, value = range m.data {
delete(m.data, key)
// Pops retrieves and deletes `size` items from the map.
// It returns all items if size == -1.
func (m *IntStrMap) Pops(size int) map[int]string {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if size > len(m.data) || size == -1 {
size = len(m.data)
if size == 0 {
return nil
var (
index = 0
newMap = make(map[int]string, size)
for k, v := range m.data {
delete(m.data, k)
newMap[k] = v
if index == size {
return newMap
// doSetWithLockCheck checks whether value of the key exists with mutex.Lock,
// if not exists, set value to the map with given `key`,
// or else just return the existing value.
// It returns value with given `key`.
func (m *IntStrMap) doSetWithLockCheck(key int, value string) string {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[int]string)
if v, ok := m.data[key]; ok {
return v
m.data[key] = value
return value
// GetOrSet returns the value by key,
// or sets value with given `value` if it does not exist and then returns this value.
func (m *IntStrMap) GetOrSet(key int, value string) string {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFunc returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist and returns this value.
func (m *IntStrMap) GetOrSetFunc(key int, f func() string) string {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFuncLock returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist and returns this value.
// GetOrSetFuncLock differs with GetOrSetFunc function is that it executes function `f`
// with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (m *IntStrMap) GetOrSetFuncLock(key int, f func() string) string {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[int]string)
if v, ok = m.data[key]; ok {
return v
v = f()
m.data[key] = v
return v
} else {
return v
// SetIfNotExist sets `value` to the map if the `key` does not exist, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (m *IntStrMap) SetIfNotExist(key int, value string) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFunc sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (m *IntStrMap) SetIfNotExistFunc(key int, f func() string) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock differs with SetIfNotExistFunc function is that
// it executes function `f` with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (m *IntStrMap) SetIfNotExistFuncLock(key int, f func() string) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[int]string)
if _, ok := m.data[key]; !ok {
m.data[key] = f()
return true
return false
// Removes batch deletes values of the map by keys.
func (m *IntStrMap) Removes(keys []int) {
if m.data != nil {
for _, key := range keys {
delete(m.data, key)
// Remove deletes value from map by given `key`, and return this deleted value.
func (m *IntStrMap) Remove(key int) (value string) {
if m.data != nil {
var ok bool
if value, ok = m.data[key]; ok {
delete(m.data, key)
// Keys returns all keys of the map as a slice.
func (m *IntStrMap) Keys() []int {
var (
keys = make([]int, len(m.data))
index = 0
for key := range m.data {
keys[index] = key
return keys
// Values returns all values of the map as a slice.
func (m *IntStrMap) Values() []string {
var (
values = make([]string, len(m.data))
index = 0
for _, value := range m.data {
values[index] = value
return values
// Contains checks whether a key exists.
// It returns true if the `key` exists, or else false.
func (m *IntStrMap) Contains(key int) bool {
var ok bool
if m.data != nil {
_, ok = m.data[key]
return ok
// Size returns the size of the map.
func (m *IntStrMap) Size() int {
length := len(m.data)
return length
// IsEmpty checks whether the map is empty.
// It returns true if map is empty, or else false.
func (m *IntStrMap) IsEmpty() bool {
return m.Size() == 0
// Clear deletes all data of the map, it will remake a new underlying data map.
func (m *IntStrMap) Clear() {
m.data = make(map[int]string)
// Replace the data of the map with given `data`.
func (m *IntStrMap) Replace(data map[int]string) {
m.data = data
// LockFunc locks writing with given callback function `f` within RWMutex.Lock.
func (m *IntStrMap) LockFunc(f func(m map[int]string)) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
// RLockFunc locks reading with given callback function `f` within RWMutex.RLock.
func (m *IntStrMap) RLockFunc(f func(m map[int]string)) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
// Flip exchanges key-value of the map to value-key.
func (m *IntStrMap) Flip() {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
n := make(map[int]string, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
n[gconv.Int(v)] = gconv.String(k)
m.data = n
// Merge merges two hash maps.
// The `other` map will be merged into the map `m`.
func (m *IntStrMap) Merge(other *IntStrMap) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = other.MapCopy()
if other != m {
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range other.data {
m.data[k] = v
// String returns the map as a string.
func (m *IntStrMap) String() string {
if m == nil {
return ""
b, _ := m.MarshalJSON()
return string(b)
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (m IntStrMap) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
return json.Marshal(m.data)
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (m *IntStrMap) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[int]string)
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &m.data); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for map.
func (m *IntStrMap) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) (err error) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[int]string)
switch value.(type) {
case string, []byte:
return json.UnmarshalUseNumber(gconv.Bytes(value), &m.data)
for k, v := range gconv.Map(value) {
m.data[gconv.Int(k)] = gconv.String(v)
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (m *IntStrMap) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if m == nil {
return nil
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
data := make(map[int]string, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return NewIntStrMapFrom(data, m.mu.IsSafe())
// IsSubOf checks whether the current map is a sub-map of `other`.
func (m *IntStrMap) IsSubOf(other *IntStrMap) bool {
if m == other {
return true
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for key, value := range m.data {
otherValue, ok := other.data[key]
if !ok {
return false
if otherValue != value {
return false
return true
// Diff compares current map `m` with map `other` and returns their different keys.
// The returned `addedKeys` are the keys that are in map `m` but not in map `other`.
// The returned `removedKeys` are the keys that are in map `other` but not in map `m`.
// The returned `updatedKeys` are the keys that are both in map `m` and `other` but their values and not equal (`!=`).
func (m *IntStrMap) Diff(other *IntStrMap) (addedKeys, removedKeys, updatedKeys []int) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for key := range m.data {
if _, ok := other.data[key]; !ok {
removedKeys = append(removedKeys, key)
} else if m.data[key] != other.data[key] {
updatedKeys = append(updatedKeys, key)
for key := range other.data {
if _, ok := m.data[key]; !ok {
addedKeys = append(addedKeys, key)

@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with gm file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gmap
import (
// StrAnyMap implements map[string]interface{} with RWMutex that has switch.
type StrAnyMap struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
data map[string]interface{}
// NewStrAnyMap returns an empty StrAnyMap object.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using map in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewStrAnyMap(safe ...bool) *StrAnyMap {
return &StrAnyMap{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
data: make(map[string]interface{}),
// NewStrAnyMapFrom creates and returns a hash map from given map `data`.
// Note that, the param `data` map will be set as the underlying data map(no deep copy),
// there might be some concurrent-safe issues when changing the map outside.
func NewStrAnyMapFrom(data map[string]interface{}, safe ...bool) *StrAnyMap {
return &StrAnyMap{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
data: data,
// Iterator iterates the hash map readonly with custom callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (m *StrAnyMap) Iterator(f func(k string, v interface{}) bool) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range m.data {
if !f(k, v) {
// Clone returns a new hash map with copy of current map data.
func (m *StrAnyMap) Clone() *StrAnyMap {
return NewStrAnyMapFrom(m.MapCopy(), m.mu.IsSafe())
// Map returns the underlying data map.
// Note that, if it's in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of underlying data,
// or else a pointer to the underlying data.
func (m *StrAnyMap) Map() map[string]interface{} {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
if !m.mu.IsSafe() {
return m.data
data := make(map[string]interface{}, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return data
// MapStrAny returns a copy of the underlying data of the map as map[string]interface{}.
func (m *StrAnyMap) MapStrAny() map[string]interface{} {
return m.Map()
// MapCopy returns a copy of the underlying data of the hash map.
func (m *StrAnyMap) MapCopy() map[string]interface{} {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
data := make(map[string]interface{}, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return data
// FilterEmpty deletes all key-value pair of which the value is empty.
// Values like: 0, nil, false, "", len(slice/map/chan) == 0 are considered empty.
func (m *StrAnyMap) FilterEmpty() {
for k, v := range m.data {
if empty.IsEmpty(v) {
delete(m.data, k)
// FilterNil deletes all key-value pair of which the value is nil.
func (m *StrAnyMap) FilterNil() {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
for k, v := range m.data {
if empty.IsNil(v) {
delete(m.data, k)
// Set sets key-value to the hash map.
func (m *StrAnyMap) Set(key string, val interface{}) {
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[string]interface{})
m.data[key] = val
// Sets batch sets key-values to the hash map.
func (m *StrAnyMap) Sets(data map[string]interface{}) {
if m.data == nil {
m.data = data
} else {
for k, v := range data {
m.data[k] = v
// Search searches the map with given `key`.
// Second return parameter `found` is true if key was found, otherwise false.
func (m *StrAnyMap) Search(key string) (value interface{}, found bool) {
if m.data != nil {
value, found = m.data[key]
// Get returns the value by given `key`.
func (m *StrAnyMap) Get(key string) (value interface{}) {
if m.data != nil {
value = m.data[key]
// Pop retrieves and deletes an item from the map.
func (m *StrAnyMap) Pop() (key string, value interface{}) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
for key, value = range m.data {
delete(m.data, key)
// Pops retrieves and deletes `size` items from the map.
// It returns all items if size == -1.
func (m *StrAnyMap) Pops(size int) map[string]interface{} {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if size > len(m.data) || size == -1 {
size = len(m.data)
if size == 0 {
return nil
var (
index = 0
newMap = make(map[string]interface{}, size)
for k, v := range m.data {
delete(m.data, k)
newMap[k] = v
if index == size {
return newMap
// doSetWithLockCheck checks whether value of the key exists with mutex.Lock,
// if not exists, set value to the map with given `key`,
// or else just return the existing value.
// When setting value, if `value` is type of `func() interface {}`,
// it will be executed with mutex.Lock of the hash map,
// and its return value will be set to the map with `key`.
// It returns value with given `key`.
func (m *StrAnyMap) doSetWithLockCheck(key string, value interface{}) interface{} {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[string]interface{})
if v, ok := m.data[key]; ok {
return v
if f, ok := value.(func() interface{}); ok {
value = f()
if value != nil {
m.data[key] = value
return value
// GetOrSet returns the value by key,
// or sets value with given `value` if it does not exist and then returns this value.
func (m *StrAnyMap) GetOrSet(key string, value interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFunc returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist
// and then returns this value.
func (m *StrAnyMap) GetOrSetFunc(key string, f func() interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFuncLock returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist
// and then returns this value.
// GetOrSetFuncLock differs with GetOrSetFunc function is that it executes function `f`
// with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (m *StrAnyMap) GetOrSetFuncLock(key string, f func() interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f)
} else {
return v
// GetVar returns a Var with the value by given `key`.
// The returned Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (m *StrAnyMap) GetVar(key string) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(m.Get(key))
// GetVarOrSet returns a Var with result from GetVarOrSet.
// The returned Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (m *StrAnyMap) GetVarOrSet(key string, value interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(m.GetOrSet(key, value))
// GetVarOrSetFunc returns a Var with result from GetOrSetFunc.
// The returned Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (m *StrAnyMap) GetVarOrSetFunc(key string, f func() interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(m.GetOrSetFunc(key, f))
// GetVarOrSetFuncLock returns a Var with result from GetOrSetFuncLock.
// The returned Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (m *StrAnyMap) GetVarOrSetFuncLock(key string, f func() interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(m.GetOrSetFuncLock(key, f))
// SetIfNotExist sets `value` to the map if the `key` does not exist, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (m *StrAnyMap) SetIfNotExist(key string, value interface{}) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFunc sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (m *StrAnyMap) SetIfNotExistFunc(key string, f func() interface{}) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock differs with SetIfNotExistFunc function is that
// it executes function `f` with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (m *StrAnyMap) SetIfNotExistFuncLock(key string, f func() interface{}) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f)
return true
return false
// Removes batch deletes values of the map by keys.
func (m *StrAnyMap) Removes(keys []string) {
if m.data != nil {
for _, key := range keys {
delete(m.data, key)
// Remove deletes value from map by given `key`, and return this deleted value.
func (m *StrAnyMap) Remove(key string) (value interface{}) {
if m.data != nil {
var ok bool
if value, ok = m.data[key]; ok {
delete(m.data, key)
// Keys returns all keys of the map as a slice.
func (m *StrAnyMap) Keys() []string {
var (
keys = make([]string, len(m.data))
index = 0
for key := range m.data {
keys[index] = key
return keys
// Values returns all values of the map as a slice.
func (m *StrAnyMap) Values() []interface{} {
var (
values = make([]interface{}, len(m.data))
index = 0
for _, value := range m.data {
values[index] = value
return values
// Contains checks whether a key exists.
// It returns true if the `key` exists, or else false.
func (m *StrAnyMap) Contains(key string) bool {
var ok bool
if m.data != nil {
_, ok = m.data[key]
return ok
// Size returns the size of the map.
func (m *StrAnyMap) Size() int {
length := len(m.data)
return length
// IsEmpty checks whether the map is empty.
// It returns true if map is empty, or else false.
func (m *StrAnyMap) IsEmpty() bool {
return m.Size() == 0
// Clear deletes all data of the map, it will remake a new underlying data map.
func (m *StrAnyMap) Clear() {
m.data = make(map[string]interface{})
// Replace the data of the map with given `data`.
func (m *StrAnyMap) Replace(data map[string]interface{}) {
m.data = data
// LockFunc locks writing with given callback function `f` within RWMutex.Lock.
func (m *StrAnyMap) LockFunc(f func(m map[string]interface{})) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
// RLockFunc locks reading with given callback function `f` within RWMutex.RLock.
func (m *StrAnyMap) RLockFunc(f func(m map[string]interface{})) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
// Flip exchanges key-value of the map to value-key.
func (m *StrAnyMap) Flip() {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
n := make(map[string]interface{}, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
n[gconv.String(v)] = k
m.data = n
// Merge merges two hash maps.
// The `other` map will be merged into the map `m`.
func (m *StrAnyMap) Merge(other *StrAnyMap) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = other.MapCopy()
if other != m {
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range other.data {
m.data[k] = v
// String returns the map as a string.
func (m *StrAnyMap) String() string {
if m == nil {
return ""
b, _ := m.MarshalJSON()
return string(b)
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (m StrAnyMap) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
return json.Marshal(m.data)
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (m *StrAnyMap) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[string]interface{})
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &m.data); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for map.
func (m *StrAnyMap) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) (err error) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
m.data = gconv.Map(value)
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (m *StrAnyMap) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if m == nil {
return nil
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
data := make(map[string]interface{}, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = deepcopy.Copy(v)
return NewStrAnyMapFrom(data, m.mu.IsSafe())
// IsSubOf checks whether the current map is a sub-map of `other`.
func (m *StrAnyMap) IsSubOf(other *StrAnyMap) bool {
if m == other {
return true
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for key, value := range m.data {
otherValue, ok := other.data[key]
if !ok {
return false
if otherValue != value {
return false
return true
// Diff compares current map `m` with map `other` and returns their different keys.
// The returned `addedKeys` are the keys that are in map `m` but not in map `other`.
// The returned `removedKeys` are the keys that are in map `other` but not in map `m`.
// The returned `updatedKeys` are the keys that are both in map `m` and `other` but their values and not equal (`!=`).
func (m *StrAnyMap) Diff(other *StrAnyMap) (addedKeys, removedKeys, updatedKeys []string) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for key := range m.data {
if _, ok := other.data[key]; !ok {
removedKeys = append(removedKeys, key)
} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(m.data[key], other.data[key]) {
updatedKeys = append(updatedKeys, key)
for key := range other.data {
if _, ok := m.data[key]; !ok {
addedKeys = append(addedKeys, key)

@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with gm file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gmap
import (
// StrIntMap implements map[string]int with RWMutex that has switch.
type StrIntMap struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
data map[string]int
// NewStrIntMap returns an empty StrIntMap object.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using map in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewStrIntMap(safe ...bool) *StrIntMap {
return &StrIntMap{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
data: make(map[string]int),
// NewStrIntMapFrom creates and returns a hash map from given map `data`.
// Note that, the param `data` map will be set as the underlying data map(no deep copy),
// there might be some concurrent-safe issues when changing the map outside.
func NewStrIntMapFrom(data map[string]int, safe ...bool) *StrIntMap {
return &StrIntMap{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
data: data,
// Iterator iterates the hash map readonly with custom callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (m *StrIntMap) Iterator(f func(k string, v int) bool) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range m.data {
if !f(k, v) {
// Clone returns a new hash map with copy of current map data.
func (m *StrIntMap) Clone() *StrIntMap {
return NewStrIntMapFrom(m.MapCopy(), m.mu.IsSafe())
// Map returns the underlying data map.
// Note that, if it's in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of underlying data,
// or else a pointer to the underlying data.
func (m *StrIntMap) Map() map[string]int {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
if !m.mu.IsSafe() {
return m.data
data := make(map[string]int, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return data
// MapStrAny returns a copy of the underlying data of the map as map[string]interface{}.
func (m *StrIntMap) MapStrAny() map[string]interface{} {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
data := make(map[string]interface{}, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return data
// MapCopy returns a copy of the underlying data of the hash map.
func (m *StrIntMap) MapCopy() map[string]int {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
data := make(map[string]int, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return data
// FilterEmpty deletes all key-value pair of which the value is empty.
// Values like: 0, nil, false, "", len(slice/map/chan) == 0 are considered empty.
func (m *StrIntMap) FilterEmpty() {
for k, v := range m.data {
if empty.IsEmpty(v) {
delete(m.data, k)
// Set sets key-value to the hash map.
func (m *StrIntMap) Set(key string, val int) {
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[string]int)
m.data[key] = val
// Sets batch sets key-values to the hash map.
func (m *StrIntMap) Sets(data map[string]int) {
if m.data == nil {
m.data = data
} else {
for k, v := range data {
m.data[k] = v
// Search searches the map with given `key`.
// Second return parameter `found` is true if key was found, otherwise false.
func (m *StrIntMap) Search(key string) (value int, found bool) {
if m.data != nil {
value, found = m.data[key]
// Get returns the value by given `key`.
func (m *StrIntMap) Get(key string) (value int) {
if m.data != nil {
value = m.data[key]
// Pop retrieves and deletes an item from the map.
func (m *StrIntMap) Pop() (key string, value int) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
for key, value = range m.data {
delete(m.data, key)
// Pops retrieves and deletes `size` items from the map.
// It returns all items if size == -1.
func (m *StrIntMap) Pops(size int) map[string]int {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if size > len(m.data) || size == -1 {
size = len(m.data)
if size == 0 {
return nil
var (
index = 0
newMap = make(map[string]int, size)
for k, v := range m.data {
delete(m.data, k)
newMap[k] = v
if index == size {
return newMap
// doSetWithLockCheck checks whether value of the key exists with mutex.Lock,
// if not exists, set value to the map with given `key`,
// or else just return the existing value.
// It returns value with given `key`.
func (m *StrIntMap) doSetWithLockCheck(key string, value int) int {
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[string]int)
if v, ok := m.data[key]; ok {
return v
m.data[key] = value
return value
// GetOrSet returns the value by key,
// or sets value with given `value` if it does not exist and then returns this value.
func (m *StrIntMap) GetOrSet(key string, value int) int {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFunc returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist
// and then returns this value.
func (m *StrIntMap) GetOrSetFunc(key string, f func() int) int {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFuncLock returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist
// and then returns this value.
// GetOrSetFuncLock differs with GetOrSetFunc function is that it executes function `f`
// with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (m *StrIntMap) GetOrSetFuncLock(key string, f func() int) int {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[string]int)
if v, ok = m.data[key]; ok {
return v
v = f()
m.data[key] = v
return v
} else {
return v
// SetIfNotExist sets `value` to the map if the `key` does not exist, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (m *StrIntMap) SetIfNotExist(key string, value int) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFunc sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (m *StrIntMap) SetIfNotExistFunc(key string, f func() int) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock differs with SetIfNotExistFunc function is that
// it executes function `f` with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (m *StrIntMap) SetIfNotExistFuncLock(key string, f func() int) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[string]int)
if _, ok := m.data[key]; !ok {
m.data[key] = f()
return true
return false
// Removes batch deletes values of the map by keys.
func (m *StrIntMap) Removes(keys []string) {
if m.data != nil {
for _, key := range keys {
delete(m.data, key)
// Remove deletes value from map by given `key`, and return this deleted value.
func (m *StrIntMap) Remove(key string) (value int) {
if m.data != nil {
var ok bool
if value, ok = m.data[key]; ok {
delete(m.data, key)
// Keys returns all keys of the map as a slice.
func (m *StrIntMap) Keys() []string {
var (
keys = make([]string, len(m.data))
index = 0
for key := range m.data {
keys[index] = key
return keys
// Values returns all values of the map as a slice.
func (m *StrIntMap) Values() []int {
var (
values = make([]int, len(m.data))
index = 0
for _, value := range m.data {
values[index] = value
return values
// Contains checks whether a key exists.
// It returns true if the `key` exists, or else false.
func (m *StrIntMap) Contains(key string) bool {
var ok bool
if m.data != nil {
_, ok = m.data[key]
return ok
// Size returns the size of the map.
func (m *StrIntMap) Size() int {
length := len(m.data)
return length
// IsEmpty checks whether the map is empty.
// It returns true if map is empty, or else false.
func (m *StrIntMap) IsEmpty() bool {
return m.Size() == 0
// Clear deletes all data of the map, it will remake a new underlying data map.
func (m *StrIntMap) Clear() {
m.data = make(map[string]int)
// Replace the data of the map with given `data`.
func (m *StrIntMap) Replace(data map[string]int) {
m.data = data
// LockFunc locks writing with given callback function `f` within RWMutex.Lock.
func (m *StrIntMap) LockFunc(f func(m map[string]int)) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
// RLockFunc locks reading with given callback function `f` within RWMutex.RLock.
func (m *StrIntMap) RLockFunc(f func(m map[string]int)) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
// Flip exchanges key-value of the map to value-key.
func (m *StrIntMap) Flip() {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
n := make(map[string]int, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
n[gconv.String(v)] = gconv.Int(k)
m.data = n
// Merge merges two hash maps.
// The `other` map will be merged into the map `m`.
func (m *StrIntMap) Merge(other *StrIntMap) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = other.MapCopy()
if other != m {
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range other.data {
m.data[k] = v
// String returns the map as a string.
func (m *StrIntMap) String() string {
if m == nil {
return ""
b, _ := m.MarshalJSON()
return string(b)
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (m StrIntMap) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
return json.Marshal(m.data)
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (m *StrIntMap) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[string]int)
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &m.data); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for map.
func (m *StrIntMap) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) (err error) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[string]int)
switch value.(type) {
case string, []byte:
return json.UnmarshalUseNumber(gconv.Bytes(value), &m.data)
for k, v := range gconv.Map(value) {
m.data[k] = gconv.Int(v)
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (m *StrIntMap) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if m == nil {
return nil
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
data := make(map[string]int, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return NewStrIntMapFrom(data, m.mu.IsSafe())
// IsSubOf checks whether the current map is a sub-map of `other`.
func (m *StrIntMap) IsSubOf(other *StrIntMap) bool {
if m == other {
return true
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for key, value := range m.data {
otherValue, ok := other.data[key]
if !ok {
return false
if otherValue != value {
return false
return true
// Diff compares current map `m` with map `other` and returns their different keys.
// The returned `addedKeys` are the keys that are in map `m` but not in map `other`.
// The returned `removedKeys` are the keys that are in map `other` but not in map `m`.
// The returned `updatedKeys` are the keys that are both in map `m` and `other` but their values and not equal (`!=`).
func (m *StrIntMap) Diff(other *StrIntMap) (addedKeys, removedKeys, updatedKeys []string) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for key := range m.data {
if _, ok := other.data[key]; !ok {
removedKeys = append(removedKeys, key)
} else if m.data[key] != other.data[key] {
updatedKeys = append(updatedKeys, key)
for key := range other.data {
if _, ok := m.data[key]; !ok {
addedKeys = append(addedKeys, key)

@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with gm file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gmap
import (
// StrStrMap implements map[string]string with RWMutex that has switch.
type StrStrMap struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
data map[string]string
// NewStrStrMap returns an empty StrStrMap object.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using map in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewStrStrMap(safe ...bool) *StrStrMap {
return &StrStrMap{
data: make(map[string]string),
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
// NewStrStrMapFrom creates and returns a hash map from given map `data`.
// Note that, the param `data` map will be set as the underlying data map(no deep copy),
// there might be some concurrent-safe issues when changing the map outside.
func NewStrStrMapFrom(data map[string]string, safe ...bool) *StrStrMap {
return &StrStrMap{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
data: data,
// Iterator iterates the hash map readonly with custom callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (m *StrStrMap) Iterator(f func(k string, v string) bool) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range m.data {
if !f(k, v) {
// Clone returns a new hash map with copy of current map data.
func (m *StrStrMap) Clone() *StrStrMap {
return NewStrStrMapFrom(m.MapCopy(), m.mu.IsSafe())
// Map returns the underlying data map.
// Note that, if it's in concurrent-safe usage, it returns a copy of underlying data,
// or else a pointer to the underlying data.
func (m *StrStrMap) Map() map[string]string {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
if !m.mu.IsSafe() {
return m.data
data := make(map[string]string, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return data
// MapStrAny returns a copy of the underlying data of the map as map[string]interface{}.
func (m *StrStrMap) MapStrAny() map[string]interface{} {
data := make(map[string]interface{}, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return data
// MapCopy returns a copy of the underlying data of the hash map.
func (m *StrStrMap) MapCopy() map[string]string {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
data := make(map[string]string, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return data
// FilterEmpty deletes all key-value pair of which the value is empty.
// Values like: 0, nil, false, "", len(slice/map/chan) == 0 are considered empty.
func (m *StrStrMap) FilterEmpty() {
for k, v := range m.data {
if empty.IsEmpty(v) {
delete(m.data, k)
// Set sets key-value to the hash map.
func (m *StrStrMap) Set(key string, val string) {
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[string]string)
m.data[key] = val
// Sets batch sets key-values to the hash map.
func (m *StrStrMap) Sets(data map[string]string) {
if m.data == nil {
m.data = data
} else {
for k, v := range data {
m.data[k] = v
// Search searches the map with given `key`.
// Second return parameter `found` is true if key was found, otherwise false.
func (m *StrStrMap) Search(key string) (value string, found bool) {
if m.data != nil {
value, found = m.data[key]
// Get returns the value by given `key`.
func (m *StrStrMap) Get(key string) (value string) {
if m.data != nil {
value = m.data[key]
// Pop retrieves and deletes an item from the map.
func (m *StrStrMap) Pop() (key, value string) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
for key, value = range m.data {
delete(m.data, key)
// Pops retrieves and deletes `size` items from the map.
// It returns all items if size == -1.
func (m *StrStrMap) Pops(size int) map[string]string {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if size > len(m.data) || size == -1 {
size = len(m.data)
if size == 0 {
return nil
var (
index = 0
newMap = make(map[string]string, size)
for k, v := range m.data {
delete(m.data, k)
newMap[k] = v
if index == size {
return newMap
// doSetWithLockCheck checks whether value of the key exists with mutex.Lock,
// if not exists, set value to the map with given `key`,
// or else just return the existing value.
// It returns value with given `key`.
func (m *StrStrMap) doSetWithLockCheck(key string, value string) string {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[string]string)
if v, ok := m.data[key]; ok {
return v
m.data[key] = value
return value
// GetOrSet returns the value by key,
// or sets value with given `value` if it does not exist and then returns this value.
func (m *StrStrMap) GetOrSet(key string, value string) string {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFunc returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist
// and then returns this value.
func (m *StrStrMap) GetOrSetFunc(key string, f func() string) string {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFuncLock returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist
// and then returns this value.
// GetOrSetFuncLock differs with GetOrSetFunc function is that it executes function `f`
// with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (m *StrStrMap) GetOrSetFuncLock(key string, f func() string) string {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[string]string)
if v, ok = m.data[key]; ok {
return v
v = f()
m.data[key] = v
return v
} else {
return v
// SetIfNotExist sets `value` to the map if the `key` does not exist, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (m *StrStrMap) SetIfNotExist(key string, value string) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFunc sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (m *StrStrMap) SetIfNotExistFunc(key string, f func() string) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock differs with SetIfNotExistFunc function is that
// it executes function `f` with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (m *StrStrMap) SetIfNotExistFuncLock(key string, f func() string) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[string]string)
if _, ok := m.data[key]; !ok {
m.data[key] = f()
return true
return false
// Removes batch deletes values of the map by keys.
func (m *StrStrMap) Removes(keys []string) {
if m.data != nil {
for _, key := range keys {
delete(m.data, key)
// Remove deletes value from map by given `key`, and return this deleted value.
func (m *StrStrMap) Remove(key string) (value string) {
if m.data != nil {
var ok bool
if value, ok = m.data[key]; ok {
delete(m.data, key)
// Keys returns all keys of the map as a slice.
func (m *StrStrMap) Keys() []string {
var (
keys = make([]string, len(m.data))
index = 0
for key := range m.data {
keys[index] = key
return keys
// Values returns all values of the map as a slice.
func (m *StrStrMap) Values() []string {
var (
values = make([]string, len(m.data))
index = 0
for _, value := range m.data {
values[index] = value
return values
// Contains checks whether a key exists.
// It returns true if the `key` exists, or else false.
func (m *StrStrMap) Contains(key string) bool {
var ok bool
if m.data != nil {
_, ok = m.data[key]
return ok
// Size returns the size of the map.
func (m *StrStrMap) Size() int {
length := len(m.data)
return length
// IsEmpty checks whether the map is empty.
// It returns true if map is empty, or else false.
func (m *StrStrMap) IsEmpty() bool {
return m.Size() == 0
// Clear deletes all data of the map, it will remake a new underlying data map.
func (m *StrStrMap) Clear() {
m.data = make(map[string]string)
// Replace the data of the map with given `data`.
func (m *StrStrMap) Replace(data map[string]string) {
m.data = data
// LockFunc locks writing with given callback function `f` within RWMutex.Lock.
func (m *StrStrMap) LockFunc(f func(m map[string]string)) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
// RLockFunc locks reading with given callback function `f` within RWMutex.RLock.
func (m *StrStrMap) RLockFunc(f func(m map[string]string)) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
// Flip exchanges key-value of the map to value-key.
func (m *StrStrMap) Flip() {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
n := make(map[string]string, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
n[v] = k
m.data = n
// Merge merges two hash maps.
// The `other` map will be merged into the map `m`.
func (m *StrStrMap) Merge(other *StrStrMap) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = other.MapCopy()
if other != m {
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range other.data {
m.data[k] = v
// String returns the map as a string.
func (m *StrStrMap) String() string {
if m == nil {
return ""
b, _ := m.MarshalJSON()
return string(b)
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (m StrStrMap) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
return json.Marshal(m.data)
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (m *StrStrMap) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[string]string)
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &m.data); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for map.
func (m *StrStrMap) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) (err error) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
m.data = gconv.MapStrStr(value)
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (m *StrStrMap) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if m == nil {
return nil
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
data := make(map[string]string, len(m.data))
for k, v := range m.data {
data[k] = v
return NewStrStrMapFrom(data, m.mu.IsSafe())
// IsSubOf checks whether the current map is a sub-map of `other`.
func (m *StrStrMap) IsSubOf(other *StrStrMap) bool {
if m == other {
return true
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for key, value := range m.data {
otherValue, ok := other.data[key]
if !ok {
return false
if otherValue != value {
return false
return true
// Diff compares current map `m` with map `other` and returns their different keys.
// The returned `addedKeys` are the keys that are in map `m` but not in map `other`.
// The returned `removedKeys` are the keys that are in map `other` but not in map `m`.
// The returned `updatedKeys` are the keys that are both in map `m` and `other` but their values and not equal (`!=`).
func (m *StrStrMap) Diff(other *StrStrMap) (addedKeys, removedKeys, updatedKeys []string) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for key := range m.data {
if _, ok := other.data[key]; !ok {
removedKeys = append(removedKeys, key)
} else if m.data[key] != other.data[key] {
updatedKeys = append(updatedKeys, key)
for key := range other.data {
if _, ok := m.data[key]; !ok {
addedKeys = append(addedKeys, key)

@ -1,612 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with gm file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gmap
import (
// ListMap is a map that preserves insertion-order.
// It is backed by a hash table to store values and doubly-linked list to store ordering.
// Structure is not thread safe.
// Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Associative_array
type ListMap struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
data map[interface{}]*glist.Element
list *glist.List
type gListMapNode struct {
key interface{}
value interface{}
// NewListMap returns an empty link map.
// ListMap is backed by a hash table to store values and doubly-linked list to store ordering.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using map in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewListMap(safe ...bool) *ListMap {
return &ListMap{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
data: make(map[interface{}]*glist.Element),
list: glist.New(),
// NewListMapFrom returns a link map from given map `data`.
// Note that, the param `data` map will be set as the underlying data map(no deep copy),
// there might be some concurrent-safe issues when changing the map outside.
func NewListMapFrom(data map[interface{}]interface{}, safe ...bool) *ListMap {
m := NewListMap(safe...)
return m
// Iterator is alias of IteratorAsc.
func (m *ListMap) Iterator(f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
// IteratorAsc iterates the map readonly in ascending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (m *ListMap) IteratorAsc(f func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
if m.list != nil {
var node *gListMapNode
m.list.IteratorAsc(func(e *glist.Element) bool {
node = e.Value.(*gListMapNode)
return f(node.key, node.value)
// IteratorDesc iterates the map readonly in descending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (m *ListMap) IteratorDesc(f func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool) {
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
if m.list != nil {
var node *gListMapNode
m.list.IteratorDesc(func(e *glist.Element) bool {
node = e.Value.(*gListMapNode)
return f(node.key, node.value)
// Clone returns a new link map with copy of current map data.
func (m *ListMap) Clone(safe ...bool) *ListMap {
return NewListMapFrom(m.Map(), safe...)
// Clear deletes all data of the map, it will remake a new underlying data map.
func (m *ListMap) Clear() {
m.data = make(map[interface{}]*glist.Element)
m.list = glist.New()
// Replace the data of the map with given `data`.
func (m *ListMap) Replace(data map[interface{}]interface{}) {
m.data = make(map[interface{}]*glist.Element)
m.list = glist.New()
for key, value := range data {
if e, ok := m.data[key]; !ok {
m.data[key] = m.list.PushBack(&gListMapNode{key, value})
} else {
e.Value = &gListMapNode{key, value}
// Map returns a copy of the underlying data of the map.
func (m *ListMap) Map() map[interface{}]interface{} {
var node *gListMapNode
var data map[interface{}]interface{}
if m.list != nil {
data = make(map[interface{}]interface{}, len(m.data))
m.list.IteratorAsc(func(e *glist.Element) bool {
node = e.Value.(*gListMapNode)
data[node.key] = node.value
return true
return data
// MapStrAny returns a copy of the underlying data of the map as map[string]interface{}.
func (m *ListMap) MapStrAny() map[string]interface{} {
var node *gListMapNode
var data map[string]interface{}
if m.list != nil {
data = make(map[string]interface{}, len(m.data))
m.list.IteratorAsc(func(e *glist.Element) bool {
node = e.Value.(*gListMapNode)
data[gconv.String(node.key)] = node.value
return true
return data
// FilterEmpty deletes all key-value pair of which the value is empty.
func (m *ListMap) FilterEmpty() {
if m.list != nil {
var (
keys = make([]interface{}, 0)
node *gListMapNode
m.list.IteratorAsc(func(e *glist.Element) bool {
node = e.Value.(*gListMapNode)
if empty.IsEmpty(node.value) {
keys = append(keys, node.key)
return true
if len(keys) > 0 {
for _, key := range keys {
if e, ok := m.data[key]; ok {
delete(m.data, key)
// Set sets key-value to the map.
func (m *ListMap) Set(key interface{}, value interface{}) {
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[interface{}]*glist.Element)
m.list = glist.New()
if e, ok := m.data[key]; !ok {
m.data[key] = m.list.PushBack(&gListMapNode{key, value})
} else {
e.Value = &gListMapNode{key, value}
// Sets batch sets key-values to the map.
func (m *ListMap) Sets(data map[interface{}]interface{}) {
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[interface{}]*glist.Element)
m.list = glist.New()
for key, value := range data {
if e, ok := m.data[key]; !ok {
m.data[key] = m.list.PushBack(&gListMapNode{key, value})
} else {
e.Value = &gListMapNode{key, value}
// Search searches the map with given `key`.
// Second return parameter `found` is true if key was found, otherwise false.
func (m *ListMap) Search(key interface{}) (value interface{}, found bool) {
if m.data != nil {
if e, ok := m.data[key]; ok {
value = e.Value.(*gListMapNode).value
found = ok
// Get returns the value by given `key`.
func (m *ListMap) Get(key interface{}) (value interface{}) {
if m.data != nil {
if e, ok := m.data[key]; ok {
value = e.Value.(*gListMapNode).value
// Pop retrieves and deletes an item from the map.
func (m *ListMap) Pop() (key, value interface{}) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
for k, e := range m.data {
value = e.Value.(*gListMapNode).value
delete(m.data, k)
return k, value
// Pops retrieves and deletes `size` items from the map.
// It returns all items if size == -1.
func (m *ListMap) Pops(size int) map[interface{}]interface{} {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if size > len(m.data) || size == -1 {
size = len(m.data)
if size == 0 {
return nil
index := 0
newMap := make(map[interface{}]interface{}, size)
for k, e := range m.data {
value := e.Value.(*gListMapNode).value
delete(m.data, k)
newMap[k] = value
if index == size {
return newMap
// doSetWithLockCheck checks whether value of the key exists with mutex.Lock,
// if not exists, set value to the map with given `key`,
// or else just return the existing value.
// When setting value, if `value` is type of `func() interface {}`,
// it will be executed with mutex.Lock of the map,
// and its return value will be set to the map with `key`.
// It returns value with given `key`.
func (m *ListMap) doSetWithLockCheck(key interface{}, value interface{}) interface{} {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[interface{}]*glist.Element)
m.list = glist.New()
if e, ok := m.data[key]; ok {
return e.Value.(*gListMapNode).value
if f, ok := value.(func() interface{}); ok {
value = f()
if value != nil {
m.data[key] = m.list.PushBack(&gListMapNode{key, value})
return value
// GetOrSet returns the value by key,
// or sets value with given `value` if it does not exist and then returns this value.
func (m *ListMap) GetOrSet(key interface{}, value interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFunc returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist
// and then returns this value.
func (m *ListMap) GetOrSetFunc(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFuncLock returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist
// and then returns this value.
// GetOrSetFuncLock differs with GetOrSetFunc function is that it executes function `f`
// with mutex.Lock of the map.
func (m *ListMap) GetOrSetFuncLock(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := m.Search(key); !ok {
return m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f)
} else {
return v
// GetVar returns a Var with the value by given `key`.
// The returned Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (m *ListMap) GetVar(key interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(m.Get(key))
// GetVarOrSet returns a Var with result from GetVarOrSet.
// The returned Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (m *ListMap) GetVarOrSet(key interface{}, value interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(m.GetOrSet(key, value))
// GetVarOrSetFunc returns a Var with result from GetOrSetFunc.
// The returned Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (m *ListMap) GetVarOrSetFunc(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(m.GetOrSetFunc(key, f))
// GetVarOrSetFuncLock returns a Var with result from GetOrSetFuncLock.
// The returned Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (m *ListMap) GetVarOrSetFuncLock(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(m.GetOrSetFuncLock(key, f))
// SetIfNotExist sets `value` to the map if the `key` does not exist, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (m *ListMap) SetIfNotExist(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFunc sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (m *ListMap) SetIfNotExistFunc(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock differs with SetIfNotExistFunc function is that
// it executes function `f` with mutex.Lock of the map.
func (m *ListMap) SetIfNotExistFuncLock(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) bool {
if !m.Contains(key) {
m.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f)
return true
return false
// Remove deletes value from map by given `key`, and return this deleted value.
func (m *ListMap) Remove(key interface{}) (value interface{}) {
if m.data != nil {
if e, ok := m.data[key]; ok {
value = e.Value.(*gListMapNode).value
delete(m.data, key)
// Removes batch deletes values of the map by keys.
func (m *ListMap) Removes(keys []interface{}) {
if m.data != nil {
for _, key := range keys {
if e, ok := m.data[key]; ok {
delete(m.data, key)
// Keys returns all keys of the map as a slice in ascending order.
func (m *ListMap) Keys() []interface{} {
var (
keys = make([]interface{}, m.list.Len())
index = 0
if m.list != nil {
m.list.IteratorAsc(func(e *glist.Element) bool {
keys[index] = e.Value.(*gListMapNode).key
return true
return keys
// Values returns all values of the map as a slice.
func (m *ListMap) Values() []interface{} {
var (
values = make([]interface{}, m.list.Len())
index = 0
if m.list != nil {
m.list.IteratorAsc(func(e *glist.Element) bool {
values[index] = e.Value.(*gListMapNode).value
return true
return values
// Contains checks whether a key exists.
// It returns true if the `key` exists, or else false.
func (m *ListMap) Contains(key interface{}) (ok bool) {
if m.data != nil {
_, ok = m.data[key]
// Size returns the size of the map.
func (m *ListMap) Size() (size int) {
size = len(m.data)
// IsEmpty checks whether the map is empty.
// It returns true if map is empty, or else false.
func (m *ListMap) IsEmpty() bool {
return m.Size() == 0
// Flip exchanges key-value of the map to value-key.
func (m *ListMap) Flip() {
data := m.Map()
for key, value := range data {
m.Set(value, key)
// Merge merges two link maps.
// The `other` map will be merged into the map `m`.
func (m *ListMap) Merge(other *ListMap) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[interface{}]*glist.Element)
m.list = glist.New()
if other != m {
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
var node *gListMapNode
other.list.IteratorAsc(func(e *glist.Element) bool {
node = e.Value.(*gListMapNode)
if e, ok := m.data[node.key]; !ok {
m.data[node.key] = m.list.PushBack(&gListMapNode{node.key, node.value})
} else {
e.Value = &gListMapNode{node.key, node.value}
return true
// String returns the map as a string.
func (m *ListMap) String() string {
if m == nil {
return ""
b, _ := m.MarshalJSON()
return string(b)
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (m ListMap) MarshalJSON() (jsonBytes []byte, err error) {
if m.data == nil {
return []byte("null"), nil
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
m.Iterator(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
valueBytes, valueJsonErr := json.Marshal(value)
if valueJsonErr != nil {
err = valueJsonErr
return false
if buffer.Len() > 1 {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`"%v":%s`, key, valueBytes))
return true
return buffer.Bytes(), nil
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (m *ListMap) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[interface{}]*glist.Element)
m.list = glist.New()
var data map[string]interface{}
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &data); err != nil {
return err
for key, value := range data {
if e, ok := m.data[key]; !ok {
m.data[key] = m.list.PushBack(&gListMapNode{key, value})
} else {
e.Value = &gListMapNode{key, value}
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for map.
func (m *ListMap) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) (err error) {
defer m.mu.Unlock()
if m.data == nil {
m.data = make(map[interface{}]*glist.Element)
m.list = glist.New()
for k, v := range gconv.Map(value) {
if e, ok := m.data[k]; !ok {
m.data[k] = m.list.PushBack(&gListMapNode{k, v})
} else {
e.Value = &gListMapNode{k, v}
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (m *ListMap) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if m == nil {
return nil
defer m.mu.RUnlock()
data := make(map[interface{}]interface{}, len(m.data))
if m.list != nil {
var node *gListMapNode
m.list.IteratorAsc(func(e *glist.Element) bool {
node = e.Value.(*gListMapNode)
data[node.key] = deepcopy.Copy(node.value)
return true
return NewListMapFrom(data, m.mu.IsSafe())

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with gm file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gmap
import (
// TreeMap based on red-black tree, alias of RedBlackTree.
type TreeMap = gtree.RedBlackTree
// NewTreeMap instantiates a tree map with the custom comparator.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using tree in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewTreeMap(comparator func(v1, v2 interface{}) int, safe ...bool) *TreeMap {
return gtree.NewRedBlackTree(comparator, safe...)
// NewTreeMapFrom instantiates a tree map with the custom comparator and `data` map.
// Note that, the param `data` map will be set as the underlying data map(no deep copy),
// there might be some concurrent-safe issues when changing the map outside.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using tree in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewTreeMapFrom(comparator func(v1, v2 interface{}) int, data map[interface{}]interface{}, safe ...bool) *TreeMap {
return gtree.NewRedBlackTreeFrom(comparator, data, safe...)

@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
// Package gpool provides object-reusable concurrent-safe pool.
package gpool
import (
// Pool is an Object-Reusable Pool.
type Pool struct {
list *glist.List // Available/idle items list.
closed *gtype.Bool // Whether the pool is closed.
TTL time.Duration // Time To Live for pool items.
NewFunc func() (interface{}, error) // Callback function to create pool item.
// ExpireFunc is the for expired items destruction.
// This function needs to be defined when the pool items
// need to perform additional destruction operations.
// Eg: net.Conn, os.File, etc.
ExpireFunc func(interface{})
// Pool item.
type poolItem struct {
value interface{} // Item value.
expireAt int64 // Expire timestamp in milliseconds.
// NewFunc Creation function for object.
type NewFunc func() (interface{}, error)
// ExpireFunc Destruction function for object.
type ExpireFunc func(interface{})
// New creates and returns a new object pool.
// To ensure execution efficiency, the expiration time cannot be modified once it is set.
// Note the expiration logic:
// ttl = 0 : not expired;
// ttl < 0 : immediate expired after use;
// ttl > 0 : timeout expired;
func New(ttl time.Duration, newFunc NewFunc, expireFunc ...ExpireFunc) *Pool {
r := &Pool{
list: glist.New(true),
closed: gtype.NewBool(),
TTL: ttl,
NewFunc: newFunc,
if len(expireFunc) > 0 {
r.ExpireFunc = expireFunc[0]
gtimer.AddSingleton(context.Background(), time.Second, r.checkExpireItems)
return r
// Put puts an item to pool.
func (p *Pool) Put(value interface{}) error {
if p.closed.Val() {
return gerror.NewCode(gcode.CodeInvalidOperation, "pool is closed")
item := &poolItem{
value: value,
if p.TTL == 0 {
item.expireAt = 0
} else {
// As for Golang version < 1.13, there's no method Milliseconds for time.Duration.
// So we need calculate the milliseconds using its nanoseconds value.
item.expireAt = gtime.TimestampMilli() + p.TTL.Nanoseconds()/1000000
return nil
// MustPut puts an item to pool, it panics if any error occurs.
func (p *Pool) MustPut(value interface{}) {
if err := p.Put(value); err != nil {
// Clear clears pool, which means it will remove all items from pool.
func (p *Pool) Clear() {
if p.ExpireFunc != nil {
for {
if r := p.list.PopFront(); r != nil {
} else {
} else {
// Get picks and returns an item from pool. If the pool is empty and NewFunc is defined,
// it creates and returns one from NewFunc.
func (p *Pool) Get() (interface{}, error) {
for !p.closed.Val() {
if r := p.list.PopFront(); r != nil {
f := r.(*poolItem)
if f.expireAt == 0 || f.expireAt > gtime.TimestampMilli() {
return f.value, nil
} else if p.ExpireFunc != nil {
// TODO: move expire function calling asynchronously out from `Get` operation.
} else {
if p.NewFunc != nil {
return p.NewFunc()
return nil, gerror.NewCode(gcode.CodeInvalidOperation, "pool is empty")
// Size returns the count of available items of pool.
func (p *Pool) Size() int {
return p.list.Len()
// Close closes the pool. If `p` has ExpireFunc,
// then it automatically closes all items using this function before it's closed.
// Commonly you do not need to call this function manually.
func (p *Pool) Close() {
// checkExpire removes expired items from pool in every second.
func (p *Pool) checkExpireItems(ctx context.Context) {
if p.closed.Val() {
// If p has ExpireFunc,
// then it must close all items using this function.
if p.ExpireFunc != nil {
for {
if r := p.list.PopFront(); r != nil {
} else {
// All items do not expire.
if p.TTL == 0 {
// The latest item expire timestamp in milliseconds.
var latestExpire int64 = -1
// Retrieve the current timestamp in milliseconds, it expires the items
// by comparing with this timestamp. It is not accurate comparison for
// every item expired, but high performance.
var timestampMilli = gtime.TimestampMilli()
for {
if latestExpire > timestampMilli {
if r := p.list.PopFront(); r != nil {
item := r.(*poolItem)
latestExpire = item.expireAt
// TODO improve the auto-expiration mechanism of the pool.
if item.expireAt > timestampMilli {
if p.ExpireFunc != nil {
} else {

@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
// Package gqueue provides dynamic/static concurrent-safe queue.
// Features:
// 1. FIFO queue(data -> list -> chan);
// 2. Fast creation and initialization;
// 3. Support dynamic queue size(unlimited queue size);
// 4. Blocking when reading data from queue;
package gqueue
import (
// Queue is a concurrent-safe queue built on doubly linked list and channel.
type Queue struct {
limit int // Limit for queue size.
list *glist.List // Underlying list structure for data maintaining.
closed *gtype.Bool // Whether queue is closed.
events chan struct{} // Events for data writing.
C chan interface{} // Underlying channel for data reading.
const (
defaultQueueSize = 10000 // Size for queue buffer.
defaultBatchSize = 10 // Max batch size per-fetching from list.
// New returns an empty queue object.
// Optional parameter `limit` is used to limit the size of the queue, which is unlimited in default.
// When `limit` is given, the queue will be static and high performance which is comparable with stdlib channel.
func New(limit ...int) *Queue {
q := &Queue{
closed: gtype.NewBool(),
if len(limit) > 0 && limit[0] > 0 {
q.limit = limit[0]
q.C = make(chan interface{}, limit[0])
} else {
q.list = glist.New(true)
q.events = make(chan struct{}, math.MaxInt32)
q.C = make(chan interface{}, defaultQueueSize)
go q.asyncLoopFromListToChannel()
return q
// Push pushes the data `v` into the queue.
// Note that it would panic if Push is called after the queue is closed.
func (q *Queue) Push(v interface{}) {
if q.limit > 0 {
q.C <- v
} else {
if len(q.events) < defaultQueueSize {
q.events <- struct{}{}
// Pop pops an item from the queue in FIFO way.
// Note that it would return nil immediately if Pop is called after the queue is closed.
func (q *Queue) Pop() interface{} {
return <-q.C
// Close closes the queue.
// Notice: It would notify all goroutines return immediately,
// which are being blocked reading using Pop method.
func (q *Queue) Close() {
if !q.closed.Cas(false, true) {
if q.events != nil {
if q.limit > 0 {
} else {
for i := 0; i < defaultBatchSize; i++ {
// Len returns the length of the queue.
// Note that the result might not be accurate if using unlimited queue size as there's an
// asynchronous channel reading the list constantly.
func (q *Queue) Len() (length int64) {
bufferedSize := int64(len(q.C))
if q.limit > 0 {
return bufferedSize
return int64(q.list.Size()) + bufferedSize
// Size is alias of Len.
// Deprecated: use Len instead.
func (q *Queue) Size() int64 {
return q.Len()
// asyncLoopFromListToChannel starts an asynchronous goroutine,
// which handles the data synchronization from list `q.list` to channel `q.C`.
func (q *Queue) asyncLoopFromListToChannel() {
defer func() {
if q.closed.Val() {
_ = recover()
for !q.closed.Val() {
for !q.closed.Val() {
if bufferLength := q.list.Len(); bufferLength > 0 {
// When q.C is closed, it will panic here, especially q.C is being blocked for writing.
// If any error occurs here, it will be caught by recover and be ignored.
for i := 0; i < bufferLength; i++ {
q.C <- q.list.PopFront()
} else {
// Clear q.events to remain just one event to do the next synchronization check.
for i := 0; i < len(q.events)-1; i++ {
// It should be here to close `q.C` if `q` is unlimited size.
// It's the sender's responsibility to close channel when it should be closed.

@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
// Package gset provides kinds of concurrent-safe/unsafe sets.
package gset
import (
type Set struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
data map[interface{}]struct{}
// New create and returns a new set, which contains un-repeated items.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using set in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func New(safe ...bool) *Set {
return NewSet(safe...)
// NewSet create and returns a new set, which contains un-repeated items.
// Also see New.
func NewSet(safe ...bool) *Set {
return &Set{
data: make(map[interface{}]struct{}),
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
// NewFrom returns a new set from `items`.
// Parameter `items` can be either a variable of any type, or a slice.
func NewFrom(items interface{}, safe ...bool) *Set {
m := make(map[interface{}]struct{})
for _, v := range gconv.Interfaces(items) {
m[v] = struct{}{}
return &Set{
data: m,
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
// Iterator iterates the set readonly with given callback function `f`,
// if `f` returns true then continue iterating; or false to stop.
func (set *Set) Iterator(f func(v interface{}) bool) {
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
for k := range set.data {
if !f(k) {
// Add adds one or multiple items to the set.
func (set *Set) Add(items ...interface{}) {
if set.data == nil {
set.data = make(map[interface{}]struct{})
for _, v := range items {
set.data[v] = struct{}{}
// AddIfNotExist checks whether item exists in the set,
// it adds the item to set and returns true if it does not exists in the set,
// or else it does nothing and returns false.
// Note that, if `item` is nil, it does nothing and returns false.
func (set *Set) AddIfNotExist(item interface{}) bool {
if item == nil {
return false
if !set.Contains(item) {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
if set.data == nil {
set.data = make(map[interface{}]struct{})
if _, ok := set.data[item]; !ok {
set.data[item] = struct{}{}
return true
return false
// AddIfNotExistFunc checks whether item exists in the set,
// it adds the item to set and returns true if it does not exist in the set and
// function `f` returns true, or else it does nothing and returns false.
// Note that, if `item` is nil, it does nothing and returns false. The function `f`
// is executed without writing lock.
func (set *Set) AddIfNotExistFunc(item interface{}, f func() bool) bool {
if item == nil {
return false
if !set.Contains(item) {
if f() {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
if set.data == nil {
set.data = make(map[interface{}]struct{})
if _, ok := set.data[item]; !ok {
set.data[item] = struct{}{}
return true
return false
// AddIfNotExistFuncLock checks whether item exists in the set,
// it adds the item to set and returns true if it does not exists in the set and
// function `f` returns true, or else it does nothing and returns false.
// Note that, if `item` is nil, it does nothing and returns false. The function `f`
// is executed within writing lock.
func (set *Set) AddIfNotExistFuncLock(item interface{}, f func() bool) bool {
if item == nil {
return false
if !set.Contains(item) {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
if set.data == nil {
set.data = make(map[interface{}]struct{})
if f() {
if _, ok := set.data[item]; !ok {
set.data[item] = struct{}{}
return true
return false
// Contains checks whether the set contains `item`.
func (set *Set) Contains(item interface{}) bool {
var ok bool
if set.data != nil {
_, ok = set.data[item]
return ok
// Remove deletes `item` from set.
func (set *Set) Remove(item interface{}) {
if set.data != nil {
delete(set.data, item)
// Size returns the size of the set.
func (set *Set) Size() int {
l := len(set.data)
return l
// Clear deletes all items of the set.
func (set *Set) Clear() {
set.data = make(map[interface{}]struct{})
// Slice returns the an of items of the set as slice.
func (set *Set) Slice() []interface{} {
var (
i = 0
ret = make([]interface{}, len(set.data))
for item := range set.data {
ret[i] = item
return ret
// Join joins items with a string `glue`.
func (set *Set) Join(glue string) string {
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
if len(set.data) == 0 {
return ""
var (
l = len(set.data)
i = 0
buffer = bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for k := range set.data {
if i != l-1 {
return buffer.String()
// String returns items as a string, which implements like json.Marshal does.
func (set *Set) String() string {
if set == nil {
return ""
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
var (
s string
l = len(set.data)
i = 0
buffer = bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for k := range set.data {
s = gconv.String(k)
if gstr.IsNumeric(s) {
} else {
buffer.WriteString(`"` + gstr.QuoteMeta(s, `"\`) + `"`)
if i != l-1 {
return buffer.String()
// LockFunc locks writing with callback function `f`.
func (set *Set) LockFunc(f func(m map[interface{}]struct{})) {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
// RLockFunc locks reading with callback function `f`.
func (set *Set) RLockFunc(f func(m map[interface{}]struct{})) {
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
// Equal checks whether the two sets equal.
func (set *Set) Equal(other *Set) bool {
if set == other {
return true
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
if len(set.data) != len(other.data) {
return false
for key := range set.data {
if _, ok := other.data[key]; !ok {
return false
return true
// IsSubsetOf checks whether the current set is a sub-set of `other`.
func (set *Set) IsSubsetOf(other *Set) bool {
if set == other {
return true
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for key := range set.data {
if _, ok := other.data[key]; !ok {
return false
return true
// Union returns a new set which is the union of `set` and `others`.
// Which means, all the items in `newSet` are in `set` or in `others`.
func (set *Set) Union(others ...*Set) (newSet *Set) {
newSet = NewSet()
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
for _, other := range others {
if set != other {
for k, v := range set.data {
newSet.data[k] = v
if set != other {
for k, v := range other.data {
newSet.data[k] = v
if set != other {
// Diff returns a new set which is the difference set from `set` to `others`.
// Which means, all the items in `newSet` are in `set` but not in `others`.
func (set *Set) Diff(others ...*Set) (newSet *Set) {
newSet = NewSet()
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
for _, other := range others {
if set == other {
for k, v := range set.data {
if _, ok := other.data[k]; !ok {
newSet.data[k] = v
// Intersect returns a new set which is the intersection from `set` to `others`.
// Which means, all the items in `newSet` are in `set` and also in `others`.
func (set *Set) Intersect(others ...*Set) (newSet *Set) {
newSet = NewSet()
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
for _, other := range others {
if set != other {
for k, v := range set.data {
if _, ok := other.data[k]; ok {
newSet.data[k] = v
if set != other {
// Complement returns a new set which is the complement from `set` to `full`.
// Which means, all the items in `newSet` are in `full` and not in `set`.
// It returns the difference between `full` and `set`
// if the given set `full` is not the full set of `set`.
func (set *Set) Complement(full *Set) (newSet *Set) {
newSet = NewSet()
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
if set != full {
defer full.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range full.data {
if _, ok := set.data[k]; !ok {
newSet.data[k] = v
// Merge adds items from `others` sets into `set`.
func (set *Set) Merge(others ...*Set) *Set {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
for _, other := range others {
if set != other {
for k, v := range other.data {
set.data[k] = v
if set != other {
return set
// Sum sums items.
// Note: The items should be converted to int type,
// or you'd get a result that you unexpected.
func (set *Set) Sum() (sum int) {
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
for k := range set.data {
sum += gconv.Int(k)
// Pop randomly pops an item from set.
func (set *Set) Pop() interface{} {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
for k := range set.data {
delete(set.data, k)
return k
return nil
// Pops randomly pops `size` items from set.
// It returns all items if size == -1.
func (set *Set) Pops(size int) []interface{} {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
if size > len(set.data) || size == -1 {
size = len(set.data)
if size <= 0 {
return nil
index := 0
array := make([]interface{}, size)
for k := range set.data {
delete(set.data, k)
array[index] = k
if index == size {
return array
// Walk applies a user supplied function `f` to every item of set.
func (set *Set) Walk(f func(item interface{}) interface{}) *Set {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
m := make(map[interface{}]struct{}, len(set.data))
for k, v := range set.data {
m[f(k)] = v
set.data = m
return set
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (set Set) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(set.Slice())
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (set *Set) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
if set.data == nil {
set.data = make(map[interface{}]struct{})
var array []interface{}
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &array); err != nil {
return err
for _, v := range array {
set.data[v] = struct{}{}
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for set.
func (set *Set) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) (err error) {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
if set.data == nil {
set.data = make(map[interface{}]struct{})
var array []interface{}
switch value.(type) {
case string, []byte:
err = json.UnmarshalUseNumber(gconv.Bytes(value), &array)
array = gconv.SliceAny(value)
for _, v := range array {
set.data[v] = struct{}{}
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (set *Set) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if set == nil {
return nil
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
data := make([]interface{}, 0)
for k := range set.data {
data = append(data, k)
return NewFrom(data, set.mu.IsSafe())

@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gset
import (
type IntSet struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
data map[int]struct{}
// NewIntSet create and returns a new set, which contains un-repeated items.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using set in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewIntSet(safe ...bool) *IntSet {
return &IntSet{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
data: make(map[int]struct{}),
// NewIntSetFrom returns a new set from `items`.
func NewIntSetFrom(items []int, safe ...bool) *IntSet {
m := make(map[int]struct{})
for _, v := range items {
m[v] = struct{}{}
return &IntSet{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
data: m,
// Iterator iterates the set readonly with given callback function `f`,
// if `f` returns true then continue iterating; or false to stop.
func (set *IntSet) Iterator(f func(v int) bool) {
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
for k := range set.data {
if !f(k) {
// Add adds one or multiple items to the set.
func (set *IntSet) Add(item ...int) {
if set.data == nil {
set.data = make(map[int]struct{})
for _, v := range item {
set.data[v] = struct{}{}
// AddIfNotExist checks whether item exists in the set,
// it adds the item to set and returns true if it does not exists in the set,
// or else it does nothing and returns false.
// Note that, if `item` is nil, it does nothing and returns false.
func (set *IntSet) AddIfNotExist(item int) bool {
if !set.Contains(item) {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
if set.data == nil {
set.data = make(map[int]struct{})
if _, ok := set.data[item]; !ok {
set.data[item] = struct{}{}
return true
return false
// AddIfNotExistFunc checks whether item exists in the set,
// it adds the item to set and returns true if it does not exists in the set and
// function `f` returns true, or else it does nothing and returns false.
// Note that, the function `f` is executed without writing lock.
func (set *IntSet) AddIfNotExistFunc(item int, f func() bool) bool {
if !set.Contains(item) {
if f() {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
if set.data == nil {
set.data = make(map[int]struct{})
if _, ok := set.data[item]; !ok {
set.data[item] = struct{}{}
return true
return false
// AddIfNotExistFuncLock checks whether item exists in the set,
// it adds the item to set and returns true if it does not exists in the set and
// function `f` returns true, or else it does nothing and returns false.
// Note that, the function `f` is executed without writing lock.
func (set *IntSet) AddIfNotExistFuncLock(item int, f func() bool) bool {
if !set.Contains(item) {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
if set.data == nil {
set.data = make(map[int]struct{})
if f() {
if _, ok := set.data[item]; !ok {
set.data[item] = struct{}{}
return true
return false
// Contains checks whether the set contains `item`.
func (set *IntSet) Contains(item int) bool {
var ok bool
if set.data != nil {
_, ok = set.data[item]
return ok
// Remove deletes `item` from set.
func (set *IntSet) Remove(item int) {
if set.data != nil {
delete(set.data, item)
// Size returns the size of the set.
func (set *IntSet) Size() int {
l := len(set.data)
return l
// Clear deletes all items of the set.
func (set *IntSet) Clear() {
set.data = make(map[int]struct{})
// Slice returns the an of items of the set as slice.
func (set *IntSet) Slice() []int {
var (
i = 0
ret = make([]int, len(set.data))
for k := range set.data {
ret[i] = k
return ret
// Join joins items with a string `glue`.
func (set *IntSet) Join(glue string) string {
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
if len(set.data) == 0 {
return ""
var (
l = len(set.data)
i = 0
buffer = bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for k := range set.data {
if i != l-1 {
return buffer.String()
// String returns items as a string, which implements like json.Marshal does.
func (set *IntSet) String() string {
if set == nil {
return ""
return "[" + set.Join(",") + "]"
// LockFunc locks writing with callback function `f`.
func (set *IntSet) LockFunc(f func(m map[int]struct{})) {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
// RLockFunc locks reading with callback function `f`.
func (set *IntSet) RLockFunc(f func(m map[int]struct{})) {
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
// Equal checks whether the two sets equal.
func (set *IntSet) Equal(other *IntSet) bool {
if set == other {
return true
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
if len(set.data) != len(other.data) {
return false
for key := range set.data {
if _, ok := other.data[key]; !ok {
return false
return true
// IsSubsetOf checks whether the current set is a sub-set of `other`.
func (set *IntSet) IsSubsetOf(other *IntSet) bool {
if set == other {
return true
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for key := range set.data {
if _, ok := other.data[key]; !ok {
return false
return true
// Union returns a new set which is the union of `set` and `other`.
// Which means, all the items in `newSet` are in `set` or in `other`.
func (set *IntSet) Union(others ...*IntSet) (newSet *IntSet) {
newSet = NewIntSet()
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
for _, other := range others {
if set != other {
for k, v := range set.data {
newSet.data[k] = v
if set != other {
for k, v := range other.data {
newSet.data[k] = v
if set != other {
// Diff returns a new set which is the difference set from `set` to `other`.
// Which means, all the items in `newSet` are in `set` but not in `other`.
func (set *IntSet) Diff(others ...*IntSet) (newSet *IntSet) {
newSet = NewIntSet()
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
for _, other := range others {
if set == other {
for k, v := range set.data {
if _, ok := other.data[k]; !ok {
newSet.data[k] = v
// Intersect returns a new set which is the intersection from `set` to `other`.
// Which means, all the items in `newSet` are in `set` and also in `other`.
func (set *IntSet) Intersect(others ...*IntSet) (newSet *IntSet) {
newSet = NewIntSet()
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
for _, other := range others {
if set != other {
for k, v := range set.data {
if _, ok := other.data[k]; ok {
newSet.data[k] = v
if set != other {
// Complement returns a new set which is the complement from `set` to `full`.
// Which means, all the items in `newSet` are in `full` and not in `set`.
// It returns the difference between `full` and `set`
// if the given set `full` is not the full set of `set`.
func (set *IntSet) Complement(full *IntSet) (newSet *IntSet) {
newSet = NewIntSet()
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
if set != full {
defer full.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range full.data {
if _, ok := set.data[k]; !ok {
newSet.data[k] = v
// Merge adds items from `others` sets into `set`.
func (set *IntSet) Merge(others ...*IntSet) *IntSet {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
for _, other := range others {
if set != other {
for k, v := range other.data {
set.data[k] = v
if set != other {
return set
// Sum sums items.
// Note: The items should be converted to int type,
// or you'd get a result that you unexpected.
func (set *IntSet) Sum() (sum int) {
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
for k := range set.data {
sum += k
// Pop randomly pops an item from set.
func (set *IntSet) Pop() int {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
for k := range set.data {
delete(set.data, k)
return k
return 0
// Pops randomly pops `size` items from set.
// It returns all items if size == -1.
func (set *IntSet) Pops(size int) []int {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
if size > len(set.data) || size == -1 {
size = len(set.data)
if size <= 0 {
return nil
index := 0
array := make([]int, size)
for k := range set.data {
delete(set.data, k)
array[index] = k
if index == size {
return array
// Walk applies a user supplied function `f` to every item of set.
func (set *IntSet) Walk(f func(item int) int) *IntSet {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
m := make(map[int]struct{}, len(set.data))
for k, v := range set.data {
m[f(k)] = v
set.data = m
return set
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (set IntSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(set.Slice())
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (set *IntSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
if set.data == nil {
set.data = make(map[int]struct{})
var array []int
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &array); err != nil {
return err
for _, v := range array {
set.data[v] = struct{}{}
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for set.
func (set *IntSet) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) (err error) {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
if set.data == nil {
set.data = make(map[int]struct{})
var array []int
switch value.(type) {
case string, []byte:
err = json.UnmarshalUseNumber(gconv.Bytes(value), &array)
array = gconv.SliceInt(value)
for _, v := range array {
set.data[v] = struct{}{}
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (set *IntSet) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if set == nil {
return nil
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
var (
slice = make([]int, len(set.data))
index = 0
for k := range set.data {
slice[index] = k
return NewIntSetFrom(slice, set.mu.IsSafe())

@ -1,519 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gset
import (
type StrSet struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
data map[string]struct{}
// NewStrSet create and returns a new set, which contains un-repeated items.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using set in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewStrSet(safe ...bool) *StrSet {
return &StrSet{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
data: make(map[string]struct{}),
// NewStrSetFrom returns a new set from `items`.
func NewStrSetFrom(items []string, safe ...bool) *StrSet {
m := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, v := range items {
m[v] = struct{}{}
return &StrSet{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
data: m,
// Iterator iterates the set readonly with given callback function `f`,
// if `f` returns true then continue iterating; or false to stop.
func (set *StrSet) Iterator(f func(v string) bool) {
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
for k := range set.data {
if !f(k) {
// Add adds one or multiple items to the set.
func (set *StrSet) Add(item ...string) {
if set.data == nil {
set.data = make(map[string]struct{})
for _, v := range item {
set.data[v] = struct{}{}
// AddIfNotExist checks whether item exists in the set,
// it adds the item to set and returns true if it does not exist in the set,
// or else it does nothing and returns false.
func (set *StrSet) AddIfNotExist(item string) bool {
if !set.Contains(item) {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
if set.data == nil {
set.data = make(map[string]struct{})
if _, ok := set.data[item]; !ok {
set.data[item] = struct{}{}
return true
return false
// AddIfNotExistFunc checks whether item exists in the set,
// it adds the item to set and returns true if it does not exists in the set and
// function `f` returns true, or else it does nothing and returns false.
// Note that, the function `f` is executed without writing lock.
func (set *StrSet) AddIfNotExistFunc(item string, f func() bool) bool {
if !set.Contains(item) {
if f() {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
if set.data == nil {
set.data = make(map[string]struct{})
if _, ok := set.data[item]; !ok {
set.data[item] = struct{}{}
return true
return false
// AddIfNotExistFuncLock checks whether item exists in the set,
// it adds the item to set and returns true if it does not exists in the set and
// function `f` returns true, or else it does nothing and returns false.
// Note that, the function `f` is executed without writing lock.
func (set *StrSet) AddIfNotExistFuncLock(item string, f func() bool) bool {
if !set.Contains(item) {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
if set.data == nil {
set.data = make(map[string]struct{})
if f() {
if _, ok := set.data[item]; !ok {
set.data[item] = struct{}{}
return true
return false
// Contains checks whether the set contains `item`.
func (set *StrSet) Contains(item string) bool {
var ok bool
if set.data != nil {
_, ok = set.data[item]
return ok
// ContainsI checks whether a value exists in the set with case-insensitively.
// Note that it internally iterates the whole set to do the comparison with case-insensitively.
func (set *StrSet) ContainsI(item string) bool {
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
for k := range set.data {
if strings.EqualFold(k, item) {
return true
return false
// Remove deletes `item` from set.
func (set *StrSet) Remove(item string) {
if set.data != nil {
delete(set.data, item)
// Size returns the size of the set.
func (set *StrSet) Size() int {
l := len(set.data)
return l
// Clear deletes all items of the set.
func (set *StrSet) Clear() {
set.data = make(map[string]struct{})
// Slice returns the an of items of the set as slice.
func (set *StrSet) Slice() []string {
var (
i = 0
ret = make([]string, len(set.data))
for item := range set.data {
ret[i] = item
return ret
// Join joins items with a string `glue`.
func (set *StrSet) Join(glue string) string {
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
if len(set.data) == 0 {
return ""
var (
l = len(set.data)
i = 0
buffer = bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for k := range set.data {
if i != l-1 {
return buffer.String()
// String returns items as a string, which implements like json.Marshal does.
func (set *StrSet) String() string {
if set == nil {
return ""
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
var (
l = len(set.data)
i = 0
buffer = bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
for k := range set.data {
buffer.WriteString(`"` + gstr.QuoteMeta(k, `"\`) + `"`)
if i != l-1 {
return buffer.String()
// LockFunc locks writing with callback function `f`.
func (set *StrSet) LockFunc(f func(m map[string]struct{})) {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
// RLockFunc locks reading with callback function `f`.
func (set *StrSet) RLockFunc(f func(m map[string]struct{})) {
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
// Equal checks whether the two sets equal.
func (set *StrSet) Equal(other *StrSet) bool {
if set == other {
return true
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
if len(set.data) != len(other.data) {
return false
for key := range set.data {
if _, ok := other.data[key]; !ok {
return false
return true
// IsSubsetOf checks whether the current set is a sub-set of `other`.
func (set *StrSet) IsSubsetOf(other *StrSet) bool {
if set == other {
return true
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
defer other.mu.RUnlock()
for key := range set.data {
if _, ok := other.data[key]; !ok {
return false
return true
// Union returns a new set which is the union of `set` and `other`.
// Which means, all the items in `newSet` are in `set` or in `other`.
func (set *StrSet) Union(others ...*StrSet) (newSet *StrSet) {
newSet = NewStrSet()
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
for _, other := range others {
if set != other {
for k, v := range set.data {
newSet.data[k] = v
if set != other {
for k, v := range other.data {
newSet.data[k] = v
if set != other {
// Diff returns a new set which is the difference set from `set` to `other`.
// Which means, all the items in `newSet` are in `set` but not in `other`.
func (set *StrSet) Diff(others ...*StrSet) (newSet *StrSet) {
newSet = NewStrSet()
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
for _, other := range others {
if set == other {
for k, v := range set.data {
if _, ok := other.data[k]; !ok {
newSet.data[k] = v
// Intersect returns a new set which is the intersection from `set` to `other`.
// Which means, all the items in `newSet` are in `set` and also in `other`.
func (set *StrSet) Intersect(others ...*StrSet) (newSet *StrSet) {
newSet = NewStrSet()
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
for _, other := range others {
if set != other {
for k, v := range set.data {
if _, ok := other.data[k]; ok {
newSet.data[k] = v
if set != other {
// Complement returns a new set which is the complement from `set` to `full`.
// Which means, all the items in `newSet` are in `full` and not in `set`.
// It returns the difference between `full` and `set`
// if the given set `full` is not the full set of `set`.
func (set *StrSet) Complement(full *StrSet) (newSet *StrSet) {
newSet = NewStrSet()
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
if set != full {
defer full.mu.RUnlock()
for k, v := range full.data {
if _, ok := set.data[k]; !ok {
newSet.data[k] = v
// Merge adds items from `others` sets into `set`.
func (set *StrSet) Merge(others ...*StrSet) *StrSet {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
for _, other := range others {
if set != other {
for k, v := range other.data {
set.data[k] = v
if set != other {
return set
// Sum sums items.
// Note: The items should be converted to int type,
// or you'd get a result that you unexpected.
func (set *StrSet) Sum() (sum int) {
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
for k := range set.data {
sum += gconv.Int(k)
// Pop randomly pops an item from set.
func (set *StrSet) Pop() string {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
for k := range set.data {
delete(set.data, k)
return k
return ""
// Pops randomly pops `size` items from set.
// It returns all items if size == -1.
func (set *StrSet) Pops(size int) []string {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
if size > len(set.data) || size == -1 {
size = len(set.data)
if size <= 0 {
return nil
index := 0
array := make([]string, size)
for k := range set.data {
delete(set.data, k)
array[index] = k
if index == size {
return array
// Walk applies a user supplied function `f` to every item of set.
func (set *StrSet) Walk(f func(item string) string) *StrSet {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
m := make(map[string]struct{}, len(set.data))
for k, v := range set.data {
m[f(k)] = v
set.data = m
return set
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (set StrSet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(set.Slice())
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (set *StrSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
if set.data == nil {
set.data = make(map[string]struct{})
var array []string
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &array); err != nil {
return err
for _, v := range array {
set.data[v] = struct{}{}
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for set.
func (set *StrSet) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) (err error) {
defer set.mu.Unlock()
if set.data == nil {
set.data = make(map[string]struct{})
var array []string
switch value.(type) {
case string, []byte:
err = json.UnmarshalUseNumber(gconv.Bytes(value), &array)
array = gconv.SliceStr(value)
for _, v := range array {
set.data[v] = struct{}{}
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (set *StrSet) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if set == nil {
return nil
defer set.mu.RUnlock()
var (
slice = make([]string, len(set.data))
index = 0
for k := range set.data {
slice[index] = k
return NewStrSetFrom(slice, set.mu.IsSafe())

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
// Package gtree provides concurrent-safe/unsafe tree containers.
// Some implements are from: https://github.com/emirpasic/gods
package gtree

@ -1,816 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gtree
import (
// AVLTree holds elements of the AVL tree.
type AVLTree struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
root *AVLTreeNode
comparator func(v1, v2 interface{}) int
size int
// AVLTreeNode is a single element within the tree.
type AVLTreeNode struct {
Key interface{}
Value interface{}
parent *AVLTreeNode
children [2]*AVLTreeNode
b int8
// NewAVLTree instantiates an AVL tree with the custom key comparator.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using tree in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewAVLTree(comparator func(v1, v2 interface{}) int, safe ...bool) *AVLTree {
return &AVLTree{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
comparator: comparator,
// NewAVLTreeFrom instantiates an AVL tree with the custom key comparator and data map.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using tree in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewAVLTreeFrom(comparator func(v1, v2 interface{}) int, data map[interface{}]interface{}, safe ...bool) *AVLTree {
tree := NewAVLTree(comparator, safe...)
for k, v := range data {
tree.put(k, v, nil, &tree.root)
return tree
// Clone returns a new tree with a copy of current tree.
func (tree *AVLTree) Clone() *AVLTree {
newTree := NewAVLTree(tree.comparator, tree.mu.IsSafe())
return newTree
// Set inserts node into the tree.
func (tree *AVLTree) Set(key interface{}, value interface{}) {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
tree.put(key, value, nil, &tree.root)
// Sets batch sets key-values to the tree.
func (tree *AVLTree) Sets(data map[interface{}]interface{}) {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
for key, value := range data {
tree.put(key, value, nil, &tree.root)
// Search searches the tree with given `key`.
// Second return parameter `found` is true if key was found, otherwise false.
func (tree *AVLTree) Search(key interface{}) (value interface{}, found bool) {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
if node, found := tree.doSearch(key); found {
return node.Value, true
return nil, false
// doSearch searches the tree with given `key`.
// Second return parameter `found` is true if key was found, otherwise false.
func (tree *AVLTree) doSearch(key interface{}) (node *AVLTreeNode, found bool) {
node = tree.root
for node != nil {
cmp := tree.getComparator()(key, node.Key)
switch {
case cmp == 0:
return node, true
case cmp < 0:
node = node.children[0]
case cmp > 0:
node = node.children[1]
return nil, false
// Get searches the node in the tree by `key` and returns its value or nil if key is not found in tree.
func (tree *AVLTree) Get(key interface{}) (value interface{}) {
value, _ = tree.Search(key)
// doSetWithLockCheck checks whether value of the key exists with mutex.Lock,
// if not exists, set value to the map with given `key`,
// or else just return the existing value.
// When setting value, if `value` is type of <func() interface {}>,
// it will be executed with mutex.Lock of the hash map,
// and its return value will be set to the map with `key`.
// It returns value with given `key`.
func (tree *AVLTree) doSetWithLockCheck(key interface{}, value interface{}) interface{} {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
if node, found := tree.doSearch(key); found {
return node.Value
if f, ok := value.(func() interface{}); ok {
value = f()
if value != nil {
tree.put(key, value, nil, &tree.root)
return value
// GetOrSet returns the value by key,
// or sets value with given `value` if it does not exist and then returns this value.
func (tree *AVLTree) GetOrSet(key interface{}, value interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := tree.Search(key); !ok {
return tree.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFunc returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist
// and then returns this value.
func (tree *AVLTree) GetOrSetFunc(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := tree.Search(key); !ok {
return tree.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFuncLock returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist
// and then returns this value.
// GetOrSetFuncLock differs with GetOrSetFunc function is that it executes function `f`
// with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (tree *AVLTree) GetOrSetFuncLock(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := tree.Search(key); !ok {
return tree.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f)
} else {
return v
// GetVar returns a gvar.Var with the value by given `key`.
// The returned gvar.Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (tree *AVLTree) GetVar(key interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(tree.Get(key))
// GetVarOrSet returns a gvar.Var with result from GetVarOrSet.
// The returned gvar.Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (tree *AVLTree) GetVarOrSet(key interface{}, value interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(tree.GetOrSet(key, value))
// GetVarOrSetFunc returns a gvar.Var with result from GetOrSetFunc.
// The returned gvar.Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (tree *AVLTree) GetVarOrSetFunc(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(tree.GetOrSetFunc(key, f))
// GetVarOrSetFuncLock returns a gvar.Var with result from GetOrSetFuncLock.
// The returned gvar.Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (tree *AVLTree) GetVarOrSetFuncLock(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(tree.GetOrSetFuncLock(key, f))
// SetIfNotExist sets `value` to the map if the `key` does not exist, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (tree *AVLTree) SetIfNotExist(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
if !tree.Contains(key) {
tree.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFunc sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (tree *AVLTree) SetIfNotExistFunc(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) bool {
if !tree.Contains(key) {
tree.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock differs with SetIfNotExistFunc function is that
// it executes function `f` with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (tree *AVLTree) SetIfNotExistFuncLock(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) bool {
if !tree.Contains(key) {
tree.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f)
return true
return false
// Contains checks whether `key` exists in the tree.
func (tree *AVLTree) Contains(key interface{}) bool {
_, ok := tree.Search(key)
return ok
// Remove removes the node from the tree by key.
// Key should adhere to the comparator's type assertion, otherwise method panics.
func (tree *AVLTree) Remove(key interface{}) (value interface{}) {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
value, _ = tree.remove(key, &tree.root)
// Removes batch deletes values of the tree by `keys`.
func (tree *AVLTree) Removes(keys []interface{}) {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
for _, key := range keys {
tree.remove(key, &tree.root)
// IsEmpty returns true if tree does not contain any nodes.
func (tree *AVLTree) IsEmpty() bool {
return tree.Size() == 0
// Size returns number of nodes in the tree.
func (tree *AVLTree) Size() int {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
return tree.size
// Keys returns all keys in asc order.
func (tree *AVLTree) Keys() []interface{} {
keys := make([]interface{}, tree.Size())
index := 0
tree.IteratorAsc(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
keys[index] = key
return true
return keys
// Values returns all values in asc order based on the key.
func (tree *AVLTree) Values() []interface{} {
values := make([]interface{}, tree.Size())
index := 0
tree.IteratorAsc(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
values[index] = value
return true
return values
// Left returns the minimum element of the AVL tree
// or nil if the tree is empty.
func (tree *AVLTree) Left() *AVLTreeNode {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
node := tree.bottom(0)
if tree.mu.IsSafe() {
return &AVLTreeNode{
Key: node.Key,
Value: node.Value,
return node
// Right returns the maximum element of the AVL tree
// or nil if the tree is empty.
func (tree *AVLTree) Right() *AVLTreeNode {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
node := tree.bottom(1)
if tree.mu.IsSafe() {
return &AVLTreeNode{
Key: node.Key,
Value: node.Value,
return node
// Floor Finds floor node of the input key, return the floor node or nil if no floor node is found.
// Second return parameter is true if floor was found, otherwise false.
// Floor node is defined as the largest node that is smaller than or equal to the given node.
// A floor node may not be found, either because the tree is empty, or because
// all nodes in the tree is larger than the given node.
// Key should adhere to the comparator's type assertion, otherwise method panics.
func (tree *AVLTree) Floor(key interface{}) (floor *AVLTreeNode, found bool) {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
n := tree.root
for n != nil {
c := tree.getComparator()(key, n.Key)
switch {
case c == 0:
return n, true
case c < 0:
n = n.children[0]
case c > 0:
floor, found = n, true
n = n.children[1]
if found {
return nil, false
// Ceiling finds ceiling node of the input key, return the ceiling node or nil if no ceiling node is found.
// Second return parameter is true if ceiling was found, otherwise false.
// Ceiling node is defined as the smallest node that is larger than or equal to the given node.
// A ceiling node may not be found, either because the tree is empty, or because
// all nodes in the tree is smaller than the given node.
// Key should adhere to the comparator's type assertion, otherwise method panics.
func (tree *AVLTree) Ceiling(key interface{}) (ceiling *AVLTreeNode, found bool) {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
n := tree.root
for n != nil {
c := tree.getComparator()(key, n.Key)
switch {
case c == 0:
return n, true
case c > 0:
n = n.children[1]
case c < 0:
ceiling, found = n, true
n = n.children[0]
if found {
return nil, false
// Clear removes all nodes from the tree.
func (tree *AVLTree) Clear() {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
tree.root = nil
tree.size = 0
// Replace the data of the tree with given `data`.
func (tree *AVLTree) Replace(data map[interface{}]interface{}) {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
tree.root = nil
tree.size = 0
for key, value := range data {
tree.put(key, value, nil, &tree.root)
// String returns a string representation of container
func (tree *AVLTree) String() string {
if tree == nil {
return ""
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
str := ""
if tree.size != 0 {
output(tree.root, "", true, &str)
return str
// Print prints the tree to stdout.
func (tree *AVLTree) Print() {
// Map returns all key-value items as map.
func (tree *AVLTree) Map() map[interface{}]interface{} {
m := make(map[interface{}]interface{}, tree.Size())
tree.IteratorAsc(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
m[key] = value
return true
return m
// MapStrAny returns all key-value items as map[string]interface{}.
func (tree *AVLTree) MapStrAny() map[string]interface{} {
m := make(map[string]interface{}, tree.Size())
tree.IteratorAsc(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
m[gconv.String(key)] = value
return true
return m
// Flip exchanges key-value of the tree to value-key.
// Note that you should guarantee the value is the same type as key,
// or else the comparator would panic.
// If the type of value is different with key, you pass the new `comparator`.
func (tree *AVLTree) Flip(comparator ...func(v1, v2 interface{}) int) {
t := (*AVLTree)(nil)
if len(comparator) > 0 {
t = NewAVLTree(comparator[0], tree.mu.IsSafe())
} else {
t = NewAVLTree(tree.comparator, tree.mu.IsSafe())
tree.IteratorAsc(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
t.put(value, key, nil, &t.root)
return true
tree.root = t.root
tree.size = t.size
// Iterator is alias of IteratorAsc.
func (tree *AVLTree) Iterator(f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
// IteratorFrom is alias of IteratorAscFrom.
func (tree *AVLTree) IteratorFrom(key interface{}, match bool, f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
tree.IteratorAscFrom(key, match, f)
// IteratorAsc iterates the tree readonly in ascending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (tree *AVLTree) IteratorAsc(f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
tree.doIteratorAsc(tree.bottom(0), f)
// IteratorAscFrom iterates the tree readonly in ascending order with given callback function `f`.
// The parameter `key` specifies the start entry for iterating. The `match` specifies whether
// starting iterating if the `key` is fully matched, or else using index searching iterating.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (tree *AVLTree) IteratorAscFrom(key interface{}, match bool, f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
node, found := tree.doSearch(key)
if match {
if found {
tree.doIteratorAsc(node, f)
} else {
tree.doIteratorAsc(node, f)
func (tree *AVLTree) doIteratorAsc(node *AVLTreeNode, f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
for node != nil {
if !f(node.Key, node.Value) {
node = node.Next()
// IteratorDesc iterates the tree readonly in descending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (tree *AVLTree) IteratorDesc(f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
tree.doIteratorDesc(tree.bottom(1), f)
// IteratorDescFrom iterates the tree readonly in descending order with given callback function `f`.
// The parameter `key` specifies the start entry for iterating. The `match` specifies whether
// starting iterating if the `key` is fully matched, or else using index searching iterating.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (tree *AVLTree) IteratorDescFrom(key interface{}, match bool, f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
node, found := tree.doSearch(key)
if match {
if found {
tree.doIteratorDesc(node, f)
} else {
tree.doIteratorDesc(node, f)
func (tree *AVLTree) doIteratorDesc(node *AVLTreeNode, f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
for node != nil {
if !f(node.Key, node.Value) {
node = node.Prev()
func (tree *AVLTree) put(key interface{}, value interface{}, p *AVLTreeNode, qp **AVLTreeNode) bool {
q := *qp
if q == nil {
*qp = &AVLTreeNode{Key: key, Value: value, parent: p}
return true
c := tree.getComparator()(key, q.Key)
if c == 0 {
q.Key = key
q.Value = value
return false
if c < 0 {
c = -1
} else {
c = 1
a := (c + 1) / 2
if tree.put(key, value, q, &q.children[a]) {
return putFix(int8(c), qp)
return false
func (tree *AVLTree) remove(key interface{}, qp **AVLTreeNode) (value interface{}, fix bool) {
q := *qp
if q == nil {
return nil, false
c := tree.getComparator()(key, q.Key)
if c == 0 {
value = q.Value
fix = true
if q.children[1] == nil {
if q.children[0] != nil {
q.children[0].parent = q.parent
*qp = q.children[0]
if removeMin(&q.children[1], &q.Key, &q.Value) {
return value, removeFix(-1, qp)
if c < 0 {
c = -1
} else {
c = 1
a := (c + 1) / 2
value, fix = tree.remove(key, &q.children[a])
if fix {
return value, removeFix(int8(-c), qp)
return value, false
func removeMin(qp **AVLTreeNode, minKey *interface{}, minVal *interface{}) bool {
q := *qp
if q.children[0] == nil {
*minKey = q.Key
*minVal = q.Value
if q.children[1] != nil {
q.children[1].parent = q.parent
*qp = q.children[1]
return true
fix := removeMin(&q.children[0], minKey, minVal)
if fix {
return removeFix(1, qp)
return false
func putFix(c int8, t **AVLTreeNode) bool {
s := *t
if s.b == 0 {
s.b = c
return true
if s.b == -c {
s.b = 0
return false
if s.children[(c+1)/2].b == c {
s = singleRotate(c, s)
} else {
s = doubleRotate(c, s)
*t = s
return false
func removeFix(c int8, t **AVLTreeNode) bool {
s := *t
if s.b == 0 {
s.b = c
return false
if s.b == -c {
s.b = 0
return true
a := (c + 1) / 2
if s.children[a].b == 0 {
s = rotate(c, s)
s.b = -c
*t = s
return false
if s.children[a].b == c {
s = singleRotate(c, s)
} else {
s = doubleRotate(c, s)
*t = s
return true
func singleRotate(c int8, s *AVLTreeNode) *AVLTreeNode {
s.b = 0
s = rotate(c, s)
s.b = 0
return s
func doubleRotate(c int8, s *AVLTreeNode) *AVLTreeNode {
a := (c + 1) / 2
r := s.children[a]
s.children[a] = rotate(-c, s.children[a])
p := rotate(c, s)
switch {
s.b = 0
r.b = 0
case p.b == c:
s.b = -c
r.b = 0
case p.b == -c:
s.b = 0
r.b = c
p.b = 0
return p
func rotate(c int8, s *AVLTreeNode) *AVLTreeNode {
a := (c + 1) / 2
r := s.children[a]
s.children[a] = r.children[a^1]
if s.children[a] != nil {
s.children[a].parent = s
r.children[a^1] = s
r.parent = s.parent
s.parent = r
return r
func (tree *AVLTree) bottom(d int) *AVLTreeNode {
n := tree.root
if n == nil {
return nil
for c := n.children[d]; c != nil; c = n.children[d] {
n = c
return n
// Prev returns the previous element in an inorder
// walk of the AVL tree.
func (node *AVLTreeNode) Prev() *AVLTreeNode {
return node.walk1(0)
// Next returns the next element in an inorder
// walk of the AVL tree.
func (node *AVLTreeNode) Next() *AVLTreeNode {
return node.walk1(1)
func (node *AVLTreeNode) walk1(a int) *AVLTreeNode {
if node == nil {
return nil
n := node
if n.children[a] != nil {
n = n.children[a]
for n.children[a^1] != nil {
n = n.children[a^1]
return n
p := n.parent
for p != nil && p.children[a] == n {
n = p
p = p.parent
return p
func output(node *AVLTreeNode, prefix string, isTail bool, str *string) {
if node.children[1] != nil {
newPrefix := prefix
if isTail {
newPrefix += "│ "
} else {
newPrefix += " "
output(node.children[1], newPrefix, false, str)
*str += prefix
if isTail {
*str += "└── "
} else {
*str += "┌── "
*str += fmt.Sprintf("%v\n", node.Key)
if node.children[0] != nil {
newPrefix := prefix
if isTail {
newPrefix += " "
} else {
newPrefix += "│ "
output(node.children[0], newPrefix, true, str)
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (tree AVLTree) MarshalJSON() (jsonBytes []byte, err error) {
if tree.root == nil {
return []byte("null"), nil
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
tree.Iterator(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
valueBytes, valueJsonErr := json.Marshal(value)
if valueJsonErr != nil {
err = valueJsonErr
return false
if buffer.Len() > 1 {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`"%v":%s`, key, valueBytes))
return true
return buffer.Bytes(), nil
// getComparator returns the comparator if it's previously set,
// or else it panics.
func (tree *AVLTree) getComparator() func(a, b interface{}) int {
if tree.comparator == nil {
panic("comparator is missing for tree")
return tree.comparator

@ -1,979 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gtree
import (
// BTree holds elements of the B-tree.
type BTree struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
root *BTreeNode
comparator func(v1, v2 interface{}) int
size int // Total number of keys in the tree
m int // order (maximum number of children)
// BTreeNode is a single element within the tree.
type BTreeNode struct {
Parent *BTreeNode
Entries []*BTreeEntry // Contained keys in node
Children []*BTreeNode // Children nodes
// BTreeEntry represents the key-value pair contained within nodes.
type BTreeEntry struct {
Key interface{}
Value interface{}
// NewBTree instantiates a B-tree with `m` (maximum number of children) and a custom key comparator.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using tree in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
// Note that the `m` must be greater or equal than 3, or else it panics.
func NewBTree(m int, comparator func(v1, v2 interface{}) int, safe ...bool) *BTree {
if m < 3 {
panic("Invalid order, should be at least 3")
return &BTree{
comparator: comparator,
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
m: m,
// NewBTreeFrom instantiates a B-tree with `m` (maximum number of children), a custom key comparator and data map.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using tree in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewBTreeFrom(m int, comparator func(v1, v2 interface{}) int, data map[interface{}]interface{}, safe ...bool) *BTree {
tree := NewBTree(m, comparator, safe...)
for k, v := range data {
tree.doSet(k, v)
return tree
// Clone returns a new tree with a copy of current tree.
func (tree *BTree) Clone() *BTree {
newTree := NewBTree(tree.m, tree.comparator, tree.mu.IsSafe())
return newTree
// Set inserts key-value item into the tree.
func (tree *BTree) Set(key interface{}, value interface{}) {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
tree.doSet(key, value)
// doSet inserts key-value pair node into the tree.
// If key already exists, then its value is updated with the new value.
func (tree *BTree) doSet(key interface{}, value interface{}) {
entry := &BTreeEntry{Key: key, Value: value}
if tree.root == nil {
tree.root = &BTreeNode{Entries: []*BTreeEntry{entry}, Children: []*BTreeNode{}}
if tree.insert(tree.root, entry) {
// Sets batch sets key-values to the tree.
func (tree *BTree) Sets(data map[interface{}]interface{}) {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
for k, v := range data {
tree.doSet(k, v)
// Get searches the node in the tree by `key` and returns its value or nil if key is not found in tree.
func (tree *BTree) Get(key interface{}) (value interface{}) {
value, _ = tree.Search(key)
// doSetWithLockCheck checks whether value of the key exists with mutex.Lock,
// if not exists, set value to the map with given `key`,
// or else just return the existing value.
// When setting value, if `value` is type of <func() interface {}>,
// it will be executed with mutex.Lock of the hash map,
// and its return value will be set to the map with `key`.
// It returns value with given `key`.
func (tree *BTree) doSetWithLockCheck(key interface{}, value interface{}) interface{} {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
if entry := tree.doSearch(key); entry != nil {
return entry.Value
if f, ok := value.(func() interface{}); ok {
value = f()
if value != nil {
tree.doSet(key, value)
return value
// GetOrSet returns the value by key,
// or sets value with given `value` if it does not exist and then returns this value.
func (tree *BTree) GetOrSet(key interface{}, value interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := tree.Search(key); !ok {
return tree.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFunc returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist
// and then returns this value.
func (tree *BTree) GetOrSetFunc(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := tree.Search(key); !ok {
return tree.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFuncLock returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist
// and then returns this value.
// GetOrSetFuncLock differs with GetOrSetFunc function is that it executes function `f`
// with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (tree *BTree) GetOrSetFuncLock(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := tree.Search(key); !ok {
return tree.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f)
} else {
return v
// GetVar returns a gvar.Var with the value by given `key`.
// The returned gvar.Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (tree *BTree) GetVar(key interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(tree.Get(key))
// GetVarOrSet returns a gvar.Var with result from GetVarOrSet.
// The returned gvar.Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (tree *BTree) GetVarOrSet(key interface{}, value interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(tree.GetOrSet(key, value))
// GetVarOrSetFunc returns a gvar.Var with result from GetOrSetFunc.
// The returned gvar.Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (tree *BTree) GetVarOrSetFunc(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(tree.GetOrSetFunc(key, f))
// GetVarOrSetFuncLock returns a gvar.Var with result from GetOrSetFuncLock.
// The returned gvar.Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (tree *BTree) GetVarOrSetFuncLock(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(tree.GetOrSetFuncLock(key, f))
// SetIfNotExist sets `value` to the map if the `key` does not exist, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (tree *BTree) SetIfNotExist(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
if !tree.Contains(key) {
tree.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFunc sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (tree *BTree) SetIfNotExistFunc(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) bool {
if !tree.Contains(key) {
tree.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock differs with SetIfNotExistFunc function is that
// it executes function `f` with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (tree *BTree) SetIfNotExistFuncLock(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) bool {
if !tree.Contains(key) {
tree.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f)
return true
return false
// Contains checks whether `key` exists in the tree.
func (tree *BTree) Contains(key interface{}) bool {
_, ok := tree.Search(key)
return ok
// doRemove removes the node from the tree by key.
// Key should adhere to the comparator's type assertion, otherwise method panics.
func (tree *BTree) doRemove(key interface{}) (value interface{}) {
node, index, found := tree.searchRecursively(tree.root, key)
if found {
value = node.Entries[index].Value
tree.delete(node, index)
// Remove removes the node from the tree by `key`.
func (tree *BTree) Remove(key interface{}) (value interface{}) {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
return tree.doRemove(key)
// Removes batch deletes values of the tree by `keys`.
func (tree *BTree) Removes(keys []interface{}) {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
for _, key := range keys {
// IsEmpty returns true if tree does not contain any nodes
func (tree *BTree) IsEmpty() bool {
return tree.Size() == 0
// Size returns number of nodes in the tree.
func (tree *BTree) Size() int {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
return tree.size
// Keys returns all keys in asc order.
func (tree *BTree) Keys() []interface{} {
keys := make([]interface{}, tree.Size())
index := 0
tree.IteratorAsc(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
keys[index] = key
return true
return keys
// Values returns all values in asc order based on the key.
func (tree *BTree) Values() []interface{} {
values := make([]interface{}, tree.Size())
index := 0
tree.IteratorAsc(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
values[index] = value
return true
return values
// Map returns all key-value items as map.
func (tree *BTree) Map() map[interface{}]interface{} {
m := make(map[interface{}]interface{}, tree.Size())
tree.IteratorAsc(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
m[key] = value
return true
return m
// MapStrAny returns all key-value items as map[string]interface{}.
func (tree *BTree) MapStrAny() map[string]interface{} {
m := make(map[string]interface{}, tree.Size())
tree.IteratorAsc(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
m[gconv.String(key)] = value
return true
return m
// Clear removes all nodes from the tree.
func (tree *BTree) Clear() {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
tree.root = nil
tree.size = 0
// Replace the data of the tree with given `data`.
func (tree *BTree) Replace(data map[interface{}]interface{}) {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
tree.root = nil
tree.size = 0
for k, v := range data {
tree.doSet(k, v)
// Height returns the height of the tree.
func (tree *BTree) Height() int {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
return tree.root.height()
// Left returns the left-most (min) entry or nil if tree is empty.
func (tree *BTree) Left() *BTreeEntry {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
node := tree.left(tree.root)
if node != nil {
return node.Entries[0]
return nil
// Right returns the right-most (max) entry or nil if tree is empty.
func (tree *BTree) Right() *BTreeEntry {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
node := tree.right(tree.root)
if node != nil {
return node.Entries[len(node.Entries)-1]
return nil
// String returns a string representation of container (for debugging purposes)
func (tree *BTree) String() string {
if tree == nil {
return ""
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
var buffer bytes.Buffer
if tree.size != 0 {
tree.output(&buffer, tree.root, 0, true)
return buffer.String()
// Search searches the tree with given `key`.
// Second return parameter `found` is true if key was found, otherwise false.
func (tree *BTree) Search(key interface{}) (value interface{}, found bool) {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
node, index, found := tree.searchRecursively(tree.root, key)
if found {
return node.Entries[index].Value, true
return nil, false
// Search searches the tree with given `key` without mutex.
// It returns the entry if found or otherwise nil.
func (tree *BTree) doSearch(key interface{}) *BTreeEntry {
node, index, found := tree.searchRecursively(tree.root, key)
if found {
return node.Entries[index]
return nil
// Print prints the tree to stdout.
func (tree *BTree) Print() {
// Iterator is alias of IteratorAsc.
func (tree *BTree) Iterator(f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
// IteratorFrom is alias of IteratorAscFrom.
func (tree *BTree) IteratorFrom(key interface{}, match bool, f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
tree.IteratorAscFrom(key, match, f)
// IteratorAsc iterates the tree readonly in ascending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (tree *BTree) IteratorAsc(f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
node := tree.left(tree.root)
if node == nil {
tree.doIteratorAsc(node, node.Entries[0], 0, f)
// IteratorAscFrom iterates the tree readonly in ascending order with given callback function `f`.
// The parameter `key` specifies the start entry for iterating. The `match` specifies whether
// starting iterating if the `key` is fully matched, or else using index searching iterating.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (tree *BTree) IteratorAscFrom(key interface{}, match bool, f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
node, index, found := tree.searchRecursively(tree.root, key)
if match {
if found {
tree.doIteratorAsc(node, node.Entries[index], index, f)
} else {
if index >= 0 && index < len(node.Entries) {
tree.doIteratorAsc(node, node.Entries[index], index, f)
func (tree *BTree) doIteratorAsc(node *BTreeNode, entry *BTreeEntry, index int, f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
first := true
if entry == nil {
if !f(entry.Key, entry.Value) {
// Find current entry position in current node
if !first {
index, _ = tree.search(node, entry.Key)
} else {
first = false
// Try to go down to the child right of the current entry
if index+1 < len(node.Children) {
node = node.Children[index+1]
// Try to go down to the child left of the current node
for len(node.Children) > 0 {
node = node.Children[0]
// Return the left-most entry
entry = node.Entries[0]
goto loop
// Above assures that we have reached a leaf node, so return the next entry in current node (if any)
if index+1 < len(node.Entries) {
entry = node.Entries[index+1]
goto loop
// Reached leaf node and there are no entries to the right of the current entry, so go up to the parent
for node.Parent != nil {
node = node.Parent
// Find next entry position in current node (note: search returns the first equal or bigger than entry)
index, _ = tree.search(node, entry.Key)
// Check that there is a next entry position in current node
if index < len(node.Entries) {
entry = node.Entries[index]
goto loop
// IteratorDesc iterates the tree readonly in descending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (tree *BTree) IteratorDesc(f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
node := tree.right(tree.root)
if node == nil {
index := len(node.Entries) - 1
entry := node.Entries[index]
tree.doIteratorDesc(node, entry, index, f)
// IteratorDescFrom iterates the tree readonly in descending order with given callback function `f`.
// The parameter `key` specifies the start entry for iterating. The `match` specifies whether
// starting iterating if the `key` is fully matched, or else using index searching iterating.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (tree *BTree) IteratorDescFrom(key interface{}, match bool, f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
node, index, found := tree.searchRecursively(tree.root, key)
if match {
if found {
tree.doIteratorDesc(node, node.Entries[index], index, f)
} else {
if index >= 0 && index < len(node.Entries) {
tree.doIteratorDesc(node, node.Entries[index], index, f)
// IteratorDesc iterates the tree readonly in descending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (tree *BTree) doIteratorDesc(node *BTreeNode, entry *BTreeEntry, index int, f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
first := true
if entry == nil {
if !f(entry.Key, entry.Value) {
// Find current entry position in current node
if !first {
index, _ = tree.search(node, entry.Key)
} else {
first = false
// Try to go down to the child left of the current entry
if index < len(node.Children) {
node = node.Children[index]
// Try to go down to the child right of the current node
for len(node.Children) > 0 {
node = node.Children[len(node.Children)-1]
// Return the right-most entry
entry = node.Entries[len(node.Entries)-1]
goto loop
// Above assures that we have reached a leaf node, so return the previous entry in current node (if any)
if index-1 >= 0 {
entry = node.Entries[index-1]
goto loop
// Reached leaf node and there are no entries to the left of the current entry, so go up to the parent
for node.Parent != nil {
node = node.Parent
// Find previous entry position in current node (note: search returns the first equal or bigger than entry)
index, _ = tree.search(node, entry.Key)
// Check that there is a previous entry position in current node
if index-1 >= 0 {
entry = node.Entries[index-1]
goto loop
func (tree *BTree) output(buffer *bytes.Buffer, node *BTreeNode, level int, isTail bool) {
for e := 0; e < len(node.Entries)+1; e++ {
if e < len(node.Children) {
tree.output(buffer, node.Children[e], level+1, true)
if e < len(node.Entries) {
if _, err := buffer.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", level)); err != nil {
intlog.Errorf(context.TODO(), `%+v`, err)
if _, err := buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", node.Entries[e].Key) + "\n"); err != nil {
intlog.Errorf(context.TODO(), `%+v`, err)
func (node *BTreeNode) height() int {
h := 0
n := node
for ; n != nil; n = n.Children[0] {
if len(n.Children) == 0 {
return h
func (tree *BTree) isLeaf(node *BTreeNode) bool {
return len(node.Children) == 0
// func (tree *BTree) isFull(node *BTreeNode) bool {
// return len(node.Entries) == tree.maxEntries()
// }
func (tree *BTree) shouldSplit(node *BTreeNode) bool {
return len(node.Entries) > tree.maxEntries()
func (tree *BTree) maxChildren() int {
return tree.m
func (tree *BTree) minChildren() int {
return (tree.m + 1) / 2 // ceil(m/2)
func (tree *BTree) maxEntries() int {
return tree.maxChildren() - 1
func (tree *BTree) minEntries() int {
return tree.minChildren() - 1
func (tree *BTree) middle() int {
// "-1" to favor right nodes to have more keys when splitting
return (tree.m - 1) / 2
// search does search only within the single node among its entries
func (tree *BTree) search(node *BTreeNode, key interface{}) (index int, found bool) {
low, mid, high := 0, 0, len(node.Entries)-1
for low <= high {
mid = low + (high-low)/2
compare := tree.getComparator()(key, node.Entries[mid].Key)
switch {
case compare > 0:
low = mid + 1
case compare < 0:
high = mid - 1
case compare == 0:
return mid, true
return low, false
// searchRecursively searches recursively down the tree starting at the startNode
func (tree *BTree) searchRecursively(startNode *BTreeNode, key interface{}) (node *BTreeNode, index int, found bool) {
if tree.size == 0 {
return nil, -1, false
node = startNode
for {
index, found = tree.search(node, key)
if found {
return node, index, true
if tree.isLeaf(node) {
return node, index, false
node = node.Children[index]
func (tree *BTree) insert(node *BTreeNode, entry *BTreeEntry) (inserted bool) {
if tree.isLeaf(node) {
return tree.insertIntoLeaf(node, entry)
return tree.insertIntoInternal(node, entry)
func (tree *BTree) insertIntoLeaf(node *BTreeNode, entry *BTreeEntry) (inserted bool) {
insertPosition, found := tree.search(node, entry.Key)
if found {
node.Entries[insertPosition] = entry
return false
// Insert entry's key in the middle of the node
node.Entries = append(node.Entries, nil)
copy(node.Entries[insertPosition+1:], node.Entries[insertPosition:])
node.Entries[insertPosition] = entry
return true
func (tree *BTree) insertIntoInternal(node *BTreeNode, entry *BTreeEntry) (inserted bool) {
insertPosition, found := tree.search(node, entry.Key)
if found {
node.Entries[insertPosition] = entry
return false
return tree.insert(node.Children[insertPosition], entry)
func (tree *BTree) split(node *BTreeNode) {
if !tree.shouldSplit(node) {
if node == tree.root {
func (tree *BTree) splitNonRoot(node *BTreeNode) {
middle := tree.middle()
parent := node.Parent
left := &BTreeNode{Entries: append([]*BTreeEntry(nil), node.Entries[:middle]...), Parent: parent}
right := &BTreeNode{Entries: append([]*BTreeEntry(nil), node.Entries[middle+1:]...), Parent: parent}
// Move children from the node to be split into left and right nodes
if !tree.isLeaf(node) {
left.Children = append([]*BTreeNode(nil), node.Children[:middle+1]...)
right.Children = append([]*BTreeNode(nil), node.Children[middle+1:]...)
setParent(left.Children, left)
setParent(right.Children, right)
insertPosition, _ := tree.search(parent, node.Entries[middle].Key)
// Insert middle key into parent
parent.Entries = append(parent.Entries, nil)
copy(parent.Entries[insertPosition+1:], parent.Entries[insertPosition:])
parent.Entries[insertPosition] = node.Entries[middle]
// Set child left of inserted key in parent to the created left node
parent.Children[insertPosition] = left
// Set child right of inserted key in parent to the created right node
parent.Children = append(parent.Children, nil)
copy(parent.Children[insertPosition+2:], parent.Children[insertPosition+1:])
parent.Children[insertPosition+1] = right
func (tree *BTree) splitRoot() {
middle := tree.middle()
left := &BTreeNode{Entries: append([]*BTreeEntry(nil), tree.root.Entries[:middle]...)}
right := &BTreeNode{Entries: append([]*BTreeEntry(nil), tree.root.Entries[middle+1:]...)}
// Move children from the node to be split into left and right nodes
if !tree.isLeaf(tree.root) {
left.Children = append([]*BTreeNode(nil), tree.root.Children[:middle+1]...)
right.Children = append([]*BTreeNode(nil), tree.root.Children[middle+1:]...)
setParent(left.Children, left)
setParent(right.Children, right)
// Root is a node with one entry and two children (left and right)
newRoot := &BTreeNode{
Entries: []*BTreeEntry{tree.root.Entries[middle]},
Children: []*BTreeNode{left, right},
left.Parent = newRoot
right.Parent = newRoot
tree.root = newRoot
func setParent(nodes []*BTreeNode, parent *BTreeNode) {
for _, node := range nodes {
node.Parent = parent
func (tree *BTree) left(node *BTreeNode) *BTreeNode {
if tree.size == 0 {
return nil
current := node
for {
if tree.isLeaf(current) {
return current
current = current.Children[0]
func (tree *BTree) right(node *BTreeNode) *BTreeNode {
if tree.size == 0 {
return nil
current := node
for {
if tree.isLeaf(current) {
return current
current = current.Children[len(current.Children)-1]
// leftSibling returns the node's left sibling and child index (in parent) if it exists, otherwise (nil,-1)
// key is any of keys in node (could even be deleted).
func (tree *BTree) leftSibling(node *BTreeNode, key interface{}) (*BTreeNode, int) {
if node.Parent != nil {
index, _ := tree.search(node.Parent, key)
if index >= 0 && index < len(node.Parent.Children) {
return node.Parent.Children[index], index
return nil, -1
// rightSibling returns the node's right sibling and child index (in parent) if it exists, otherwise (nil,-1)
// key is any of keys in node (could even be deleted).
func (tree *BTree) rightSibling(node *BTreeNode, key interface{}) (*BTreeNode, int) {
if node.Parent != nil {
index, _ := tree.search(node.Parent, key)
if index < len(node.Parent.Children) {
return node.Parent.Children[index], index
return nil, -1
// delete deletes an entry in node at entries' index
// ref.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B-tree#Deletion
func (tree *BTree) delete(node *BTreeNode, index int) {
// deleting from a leaf node
if tree.isLeaf(node) {
deletedKey := node.Entries[index].Key
tree.deleteEntry(node, index)
tree.reBalance(node, deletedKey)
if len(tree.root.Entries) == 0 {
tree.root = nil
// deleting from an internal node
leftLargestNode := tree.right(node.Children[index]) // largest node in the left sub-tree (assumed to exist)
leftLargestEntryIndex := len(leftLargestNode.Entries) - 1
node.Entries[index] = leftLargestNode.Entries[leftLargestEntryIndex]
deletedKey := leftLargestNode.Entries[leftLargestEntryIndex].Key
tree.deleteEntry(leftLargestNode, leftLargestEntryIndex)
tree.reBalance(leftLargestNode, deletedKey)
// reBalance reBalances the tree after deletion if necessary and returns true, otherwise false.
// Note that we first delete the entry and then call reBalance, thus the passed deleted key as reference.
func (tree *BTree) reBalance(node *BTreeNode, deletedKey interface{}) {
// check if re-balancing is needed
if node == nil || len(node.Entries) >= tree.minEntries() {
// try to borrow from left sibling
leftSibling, leftSiblingIndex := tree.leftSibling(node, deletedKey)
if leftSibling != nil && len(leftSibling.Entries) > tree.minEntries() {
// rotate right
node.Entries = append([]*BTreeEntry{node.Parent.Entries[leftSiblingIndex]}, node.Entries...) // prepend parent's separator entry to node's entries
node.Parent.Entries[leftSiblingIndex] = leftSibling.Entries[len(leftSibling.Entries)-1]
tree.deleteEntry(leftSibling, len(leftSibling.Entries)-1)
if !tree.isLeaf(leftSibling) {
leftSiblingRightMostChild := leftSibling.Children[len(leftSibling.Children)-1]
leftSiblingRightMostChild.Parent = node
node.Children = append([]*BTreeNode{leftSiblingRightMostChild}, node.Children...)
tree.deleteChild(leftSibling, len(leftSibling.Children)-1)
// try to borrow from right sibling
rightSibling, rightSiblingIndex := tree.rightSibling(node, deletedKey)
if rightSibling != nil && len(rightSibling.Entries) > tree.minEntries() {
// rotate left
node.Entries = append(node.Entries, node.Parent.Entries[rightSiblingIndex-1]) // append parent's separator entry to node's entries
node.Parent.Entries[rightSiblingIndex-1] = rightSibling.Entries[0]
tree.deleteEntry(rightSibling, 0)
if !tree.isLeaf(rightSibling) {
rightSiblingLeftMostChild := rightSibling.Children[0]
rightSiblingLeftMostChild.Parent = node
node.Children = append(node.Children, rightSiblingLeftMostChild)
tree.deleteChild(rightSibling, 0)
// merge with siblings
if rightSibling != nil {
// merge with right sibling
node.Entries = append(node.Entries, node.Parent.Entries[rightSiblingIndex-1])
node.Entries = append(node.Entries, rightSibling.Entries...)
deletedKey = node.Parent.Entries[rightSiblingIndex-1].Key
tree.deleteEntry(node.Parent, rightSiblingIndex-1)
tree.appendChildren(node.Parent.Children[rightSiblingIndex], node)
tree.deleteChild(node.Parent, rightSiblingIndex)
} else if leftSibling != nil {
// merge with left sibling
entries := append([]*BTreeEntry(nil), leftSibling.Entries...)
entries = append(entries, node.Parent.Entries[leftSiblingIndex])
node.Entries = append(entries, node.Entries...)
deletedKey = node.Parent.Entries[leftSiblingIndex].Key
tree.deleteEntry(node.Parent, leftSiblingIndex)
tree.prependChildren(node.Parent.Children[leftSiblingIndex], node)
tree.deleteChild(node.Parent, leftSiblingIndex)
// make the merged node the root if its parent was the root and the root is empty
if node.Parent == tree.root && len(tree.root.Entries) == 0 {
tree.root = node
node.Parent = nil
// parent might be underflow, so try to reBalance if necessary
tree.reBalance(node.Parent, deletedKey)
func (tree *BTree) prependChildren(fromNode *BTreeNode, toNode *BTreeNode) {
children := append([]*BTreeNode(nil), fromNode.Children...)
toNode.Children = append(children, toNode.Children...)
setParent(fromNode.Children, toNode)
func (tree *BTree) appendChildren(fromNode *BTreeNode, toNode *BTreeNode) {
toNode.Children = append(toNode.Children, fromNode.Children...)
setParent(fromNode.Children, toNode)
func (tree *BTree) deleteEntry(node *BTreeNode, index int) {
copy(node.Entries[index:], node.Entries[index+1:])
node.Entries[len(node.Entries)-1] = nil
node.Entries = node.Entries[:len(node.Entries)-1]
func (tree *BTree) deleteChild(node *BTreeNode, index int) {
if index >= len(node.Children) {
copy(node.Children[index:], node.Children[index+1:])
node.Children[len(node.Children)-1] = nil
node.Children = node.Children[:len(node.Children)-1]
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (tree BTree) MarshalJSON() (jsonBytes []byte, err error) {
if tree.root == nil {
return []byte("null"), nil
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
tree.Iterator(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
valueBytes, valueJsonErr := json.Marshal(value)
if valueJsonErr != nil {
err = valueJsonErr
return false
if buffer.Len() > 1 {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`"%v":%s`, key, valueBytes))
return true
return buffer.Bytes(), nil
// getComparator returns the comparator if it's previously set,
// or else it panics.
func (tree *BTree) getComparator() func(a, b interface{}) int {
if tree.comparator == nil {
panic("comparator is missing for tree")
return tree.comparator

@ -1,991 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gtree
import (
type color bool
const (
black, red color = true, false
// RedBlackTree holds elements of the red-black tree.
type RedBlackTree struct {
mu rwmutex.RWMutex
root *RedBlackTreeNode
size int
comparator func(v1, v2 interface{}) int
// RedBlackTreeNode is a single element within the tree.
type RedBlackTreeNode struct {
Key interface{}
Value interface{}
color color
left *RedBlackTreeNode
right *RedBlackTreeNode
parent *RedBlackTreeNode
// NewRedBlackTree instantiates a red-black tree with the custom key comparator.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using tree in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewRedBlackTree(comparator func(v1, v2 interface{}) int, safe ...bool) *RedBlackTree {
return &RedBlackTree{
mu: rwmutex.Create(safe...),
comparator: comparator,
// NewRedBlackTreeFrom instantiates a red-black tree with the custom key comparator and `data` map.
// The parameter `safe` is used to specify whether using tree in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func NewRedBlackTreeFrom(comparator func(v1, v2 interface{}) int, data map[interface{}]interface{}, safe ...bool) *RedBlackTree {
tree := NewRedBlackTree(comparator, safe...)
for k, v := range data {
tree.doSet(k, v)
return tree
// SetComparator sets/changes the comparator for sorting.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) SetComparator(comparator func(a, b interface{}) int) {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
tree.comparator = comparator
if tree.size > 0 {
data := make(map[interface{}]interface{}, tree.size)
tree.doIteratorAsc(tree.leftNode(), func(key, value interface{}) bool {
data[key] = value
return true
// Resort the tree if comparator is changed.
tree.root = nil
tree.size = 0
for k, v := range data {
tree.doSet(k, v)
// Clone returns a new tree with a copy of current tree.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Clone() *RedBlackTree {
newTree := NewRedBlackTree(tree.comparator, tree.mu.IsSafe())
return newTree
// Set inserts key-value item into the tree.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Set(key interface{}, value interface{}) {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
tree.doSet(key, value)
// Sets batch sets key-values to the tree.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Sets(data map[interface{}]interface{}) {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
for k, v := range data {
tree.doSet(k, v)
// doSet inserts key-value item into the tree without mutex.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) doSet(key interface{}, value interface{}) {
insertedNode := (*RedBlackTreeNode)(nil)
if tree.root == nil {
// Assert key is of comparator's type for initial tree
tree.getComparator()(key, key)
tree.root = &RedBlackTreeNode{Key: key, Value: value, color: red}
insertedNode = tree.root
} else {
node := tree.root
loop := true
for loop {
compare := tree.getComparator()(key, node.Key)
switch {
case compare == 0:
// node.Key = key
node.Value = value
case compare < 0:
if node.left == nil {
node.left = &RedBlackTreeNode{Key: key, Value: value, color: red}
insertedNode = node.left
loop = false
} else {
node = node.left
case compare > 0:
if node.right == nil {
node.right = &RedBlackTreeNode{Key: key, Value: value, color: red}
insertedNode = node.right
loop = false
} else {
node = node.right
insertedNode.parent = node
// Get searches the node in the tree by `key` and returns its value or nil if key is not found in tree.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Get(key interface{}) (value interface{}) {
value, _ = tree.Search(key)
// doSetWithLockCheck checks whether value of the key exists with mutex.Lock,
// if not exists, set value to the map with given `key`,
// or else just return the existing value.
// When setting value, if `value` is type of <func() interface {}>,
// it will be executed with mutex.Lock of the hash map,
// and its return value will be set to the map with `key`.
// It returns value with given `key`.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) doSetWithLockCheck(key interface{}, value interface{}) interface{} {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
if node, found := tree.doSearch(key); found {
return node.Value
if f, ok := value.(func() interface{}); ok {
value = f()
if value != nil {
tree.doSet(key, value)
return value
// GetOrSet returns the value by key,
// or sets value with given `value` if it does not exist and then returns this value.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) GetOrSet(key interface{}, value interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := tree.Search(key); !ok {
return tree.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFunc returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist
// and then returns this value.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) GetOrSetFunc(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := tree.Search(key); !ok {
return tree.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
} else {
return v
// GetOrSetFuncLock returns the value by key,
// or sets value with returned value of callback function `f` if it does not exist
// and then returns this value.
// GetOrSetFuncLock differs with GetOrSetFunc function is that it executes function `f`
// with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) GetOrSetFuncLock(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) interface{} {
if v, ok := tree.Search(key); !ok {
return tree.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f)
} else {
return v
// GetVar returns a gvar.Var with the value by given `key`.
// The returned gvar.Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) GetVar(key interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(tree.Get(key))
// GetVarOrSet returns a gvar.Var with result from GetVarOrSet.
// The returned gvar.Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) GetVarOrSet(key interface{}, value interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(tree.GetOrSet(key, value))
// GetVarOrSetFunc returns a gvar.Var with result from GetOrSetFunc.
// The returned gvar.Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) GetVarOrSetFunc(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(tree.GetOrSetFunc(key, f))
// GetVarOrSetFuncLock returns a gvar.Var with result from GetOrSetFuncLock.
// The returned gvar.Var is un-concurrent safe.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) GetVarOrSetFuncLock(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) *gvar.Var {
return gvar.New(tree.GetOrSetFuncLock(key, f))
// SetIfNotExist sets `value` to the map if the `key` does not exist, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) SetIfNotExist(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
if !tree.Contains(key) {
tree.doSetWithLockCheck(key, value)
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFunc sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) SetIfNotExistFunc(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) bool {
if !tree.Contains(key) {
tree.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f())
return true
return false
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock sets value with return value of callback function `f`, and then returns true.
// It returns false if `key` exists, and `value` would be ignored.
// SetIfNotExistFuncLock differs with SetIfNotExistFunc function is that
// it executes function `f` with mutex.Lock of the hash map.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) SetIfNotExistFuncLock(key interface{}, f func() interface{}) bool {
if !tree.Contains(key) {
tree.doSetWithLockCheck(key, f)
return true
return false
// Contains checks whether `key` exists in the tree.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Contains(key interface{}) bool {
_, ok := tree.Search(key)
return ok
// doRemove removes the node from the tree by `key` without mutex.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) doRemove(key interface{}) (value interface{}) {
child := (*RedBlackTreeNode)(nil)
node, found := tree.doSearch(key)
if !found {
value = node.Value
if node.left != nil && node.right != nil {
p := node.left.maximumNode()
node.Key = p.Key
node.Value = p.Value
node = p
if node.left == nil || node.right == nil {
if node.right == nil {
child = node.left
} else {
child = node.right
if node.color == black {
node.color = tree.nodeColor(child)
tree.replaceNode(node, child)
if node.parent == nil && child != nil {
child.color = black
// Remove removes the node from the tree by `key`.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Remove(key interface{}) (value interface{}) {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
return tree.doRemove(key)
// Removes batch deletes values of the tree by `keys`.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Removes(keys []interface{}) {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
for _, key := range keys {
// IsEmpty returns true if tree does not contain any nodes.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) IsEmpty() bool {
return tree.Size() == 0
// Size returns number of nodes in the tree.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Size() int {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
return tree.size
// Keys returns all keys in asc order.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Keys() []interface{} {
var (
keys = make([]interface{}, tree.Size())
index = 0
tree.IteratorAsc(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
keys[index] = key
return true
return keys
// Values returns all values in asc order based on the key.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Values() []interface{} {
var (
values = make([]interface{}, tree.Size())
index = 0
tree.IteratorAsc(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
values[index] = value
return true
return values
// Map returns all key-value items as map.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Map() map[interface{}]interface{} {
m := make(map[interface{}]interface{}, tree.Size())
tree.IteratorAsc(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
m[key] = value
return true
return m
// MapStrAny returns all key-value items as map[string]interface{}.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) MapStrAny() map[string]interface{} {
m := make(map[string]interface{}, tree.Size())
tree.IteratorAsc(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
m[gconv.String(key)] = value
return true
return m
// Left returns the left-most (min) node or nil if tree is empty.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Left() *RedBlackTreeNode {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
node := tree.leftNode()
if tree.mu.IsSafe() {
return &RedBlackTreeNode{
Key: node.Key,
Value: node.Value,
return node
// Right returns the right-most (max) node or nil if tree is empty.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Right() *RedBlackTreeNode {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
node := tree.rightNode()
if tree.mu.IsSafe() {
return &RedBlackTreeNode{
Key: node.Key,
Value: node.Value,
return node
// leftNode returns the left-most (min) node or nil if tree is empty.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) leftNode() *RedBlackTreeNode {
p := (*RedBlackTreeNode)(nil)
n := tree.root
for n != nil {
p = n
n = n.left
return p
// rightNode returns the right-most (max) node or nil if tree is empty.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) rightNode() *RedBlackTreeNode {
p := (*RedBlackTreeNode)(nil)
n := tree.root
for n != nil {
p = n
n = n.right
return p
// Floor Finds floor node of the input key, return the floor node or nil if no floor node is found.
// Second return parameter is true if floor was found, otherwise false.
// Floor node is defined as the largest node that its key is smaller than or equal to the given `key`.
// A floor node may not be found, either because the tree is empty, or because
// all nodes in the tree are larger than the given node.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Floor(key interface{}) (floor *RedBlackTreeNode, found bool) {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
n := tree.root
for n != nil {
compare := tree.getComparator()(key, n.Key)
switch {
case compare == 0:
return n, true
case compare < 0:
n = n.left
case compare > 0:
floor, found = n, true
n = n.right
if found {
return nil, false
// Ceiling finds ceiling node of the input key, return the ceiling node or nil if no ceiling node is found.
// Second return parameter is true if ceiling was found, otherwise false.
// Ceiling node is defined as the smallest node that its key is larger than or equal to the given `key`.
// A ceiling node may not be found, either because the tree is empty, or because
// all nodes in the tree are smaller than the given node.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Ceiling(key interface{}) (ceiling *RedBlackTreeNode, found bool) {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
n := tree.root
for n != nil {
compare := tree.getComparator()(key, n.Key)
switch {
case compare == 0:
return n, true
case compare > 0:
n = n.right
case compare < 0:
ceiling, found = n, true
n = n.left
if found {
return nil, false
// Iterator is alias of IteratorAsc.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Iterator(f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
// IteratorFrom is alias of IteratorAscFrom.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) IteratorFrom(key interface{}, match bool, f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
tree.IteratorAscFrom(key, match, f)
// IteratorAsc iterates the tree readonly in ascending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) IteratorAsc(f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
tree.doIteratorAsc(tree.leftNode(), f)
// IteratorAscFrom iterates the tree readonly in ascending order with given callback function `f`.
// The parameter `key` specifies the start entry for iterating. The `match` specifies whether
// starting iterating if the `key` is fully matched, or else using index searching iterating.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) IteratorAscFrom(key interface{}, match bool, f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
node, found := tree.doSearch(key)
if match {
if found {
tree.doIteratorAsc(node, f)
} else {
tree.doIteratorAsc(node, f)
func (tree *RedBlackTree) doIteratorAsc(node *RedBlackTreeNode, f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
if node == nil {
if !f(node.Key, node.Value) {
if node.right != nil {
node = node.right
for node.left != nil {
node = node.left
goto loop
if node.parent != nil {
old := node
for node.parent != nil {
node = node.parent
if tree.getComparator()(old.Key, node.Key) <= 0 {
goto loop
// IteratorDesc iterates the tree readonly in descending order with given callback function `f`.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) IteratorDesc(f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
tree.doIteratorDesc(tree.rightNode(), f)
// IteratorDescFrom iterates the tree readonly in descending order with given callback function `f`.
// The parameter `key` specifies the start entry for iterating. The `match` specifies whether
// starting iterating if the `key` is fully matched, or else using index searching iterating.
// If `f` returns true, then it continues iterating; or false to stop.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) IteratorDescFrom(key interface{}, match bool, f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
node, found := tree.doSearch(key)
if match {
if found {
tree.doIteratorDesc(node, f)
} else {
tree.doIteratorDesc(node, f)
func (tree *RedBlackTree) doIteratorDesc(node *RedBlackTreeNode, f func(key, value interface{}) bool) {
if node == nil {
if !f(node.Key, node.Value) {
if node.left != nil {
node = node.left
for node.right != nil {
node = node.right
goto loop
if node.parent != nil {
old := node
for node.parent != nil {
node = node.parent
if tree.getComparator()(old.Key, node.Key) >= 0 {
goto loop
// Clear removes all nodes from the tree.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Clear() {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
tree.root = nil
tree.size = 0
// Replace the data of the tree with given `data`.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Replace(data map[interface{}]interface{}) {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
tree.root = nil
tree.size = 0
for k, v := range data {
tree.doSet(k, v)
// String returns a string representation of container.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) String() string {
if tree == nil {
return ""
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
str := ""
if tree.size != 0 {
tree.output(tree.root, "", true, &str)
return str
// Print prints the tree to stdout.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Print() {
// Search searches the tree with given `key`.
// Second return parameter `found` is true if key was found, otherwise false.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Search(key interface{}) (value interface{}, found bool) {
defer tree.mu.RUnlock()
node, found := tree.doSearch(key)
if found {
return node.Value, true
return nil, false
// Flip exchanges key-value of the tree to value-key.
// Note that you should guarantee the value is the same type as key,
// or else the comparator would panic.
// If the type of value is different with key, you pass the new `comparator`.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) Flip(comparator ...func(v1, v2 interface{}) int) {
t := (*RedBlackTree)(nil)
if len(comparator) > 0 {
t = NewRedBlackTree(comparator[0], tree.mu.IsSafe())
} else {
t = NewRedBlackTree(tree.comparator, tree.mu.IsSafe())
tree.IteratorAsc(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
t.doSet(value, key)
return true
tree.root = t.root
tree.size = t.size
func (tree *RedBlackTree) output(node *RedBlackTreeNode, prefix string, isTail bool, str *string) {
if node.right != nil {
newPrefix := prefix
if isTail {
newPrefix += "│ "
} else {
newPrefix += " "
tree.output(node.right, newPrefix, false, str)
*str += prefix
if isTail {
*str += "└── "
} else {
*str += "┌── "
*str += fmt.Sprintf("%v\n", node.Key)
if node.left != nil {
newPrefix := prefix
if isTail {
newPrefix += " "
} else {
newPrefix += "│ "
tree.output(node.left, newPrefix, true, str)
// doSearch searches the tree with given `key` without mutex.
// It returns the node if found or otherwise nil.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) doSearch(key interface{}) (node *RedBlackTreeNode, found bool) {
node = tree.root
for node != nil {
compare := tree.getComparator()(key, node.Key)
switch {
case compare == 0:
return node, true
case compare < 0:
node = node.left
case compare > 0:
node = node.right
return node, false
func (node *RedBlackTreeNode) grandparent() *RedBlackTreeNode {
if node != nil && node.parent != nil {
return node.parent.parent
return nil
func (node *RedBlackTreeNode) uncle() *RedBlackTreeNode {
if node == nil || node.parent == nil || node.parent.parent == nil {
return nil
return node.parent.sibling()
func (node *RedBlackTreeNode) sibling() *RedBlackTreeNode {
if node == nil || node.parent == nil {
return nil
if node == node.parent.left {
return node.parent.right
return node.parent.left
func (tree *RedBlackTree) rotateLeft(node *RedBlackTreeNode) {
right := node.right
tree.replaceNode(node, right)
node.right = right.left
if right.left != nil {
right.left.parent = node
right.left = node
node.parent = right
func (tree *RedBlackTree) rotateRight(node *RedBlackTreeNode) {
left := node.left
tree.replaceNode(node, left)
node.left = left.right
if left.right != nil {
left.right.parent = node
left.right = node
node.parent = left
func (tree *RedBlackTree) replaceNode(old *RedBlackTreeNode, new *RedBlackTreeNode) {
if old.parent == nil {
tree.root = new
} else {
if old == old.parent.left {
old.parent.left = new
} else {
old.parent.right = new
if new != nil {
new.parent = old.parent
func (tree *RedBlackTree) insertCase1(node *RedBlackTreeNode) {
if node.parent == nil {
node.color = black
} else {
func (tree *RedBlackTree) insertCase2(node *RedBlackTreeNode) {
if tree.nodeColor(node.parent) == black {
func (tree *RedBlackTree) insertCase3(node *RedBlackTreeNode) {
uncle := node.uncle()
if tree.nodeColor(uncle) == red {
node.parent.color = black
uncle.color = black
node.grandparent().color = red
} else {
func (tree *RedBlackTree) insertCase4(node *RedBlackTreeNode) {
grandparent := node.grandparent()
if node == node.parent.right && node.parent == grandparent.left {
node = node.left
} else if node == node.parent.left && node.parent == grandparent.right {
node = node.right
func (tree *RedBlackTree) insertCase5(node *RedBlackTreeNode) {
node.parent.color = black
grandparent := node.grandparent()
grandparent.color = red
if node == node.parent.left && node.parent == grandparent.left {
} else if node == node.parent.right && node.parent == grandparent.right {
func (node *RedBlackTreeNode) maximumNode() *RedBlackTreeNode {
if node == nil {
return nil
for node.right != nil {
return node.right
return node
func (tree *RedBlackTree) deleteCase1(node *RedBlackTreeNode) {
if node.parent == nil {
func (tree *RedBlackTree) deleteCase2(node *RedBlackTreeNode) {
sibling := node.sibling()
if tree.nodeColor(sibling) == red {
node.parent.color = red
sibling.color = black
if node == node.parent.left {
} else {
func (tree *RedBlackTree) deleteCase3(node *RedBlackTreeNode) {
sibling := node.sibling()
if tree.nodeColor(node.parent) == black &&
tree.nodeColor(sibling) == black &&
tree.nodeColor(sibling.left) == black &&
tree.nodeColor(sibling.right) == black {
sibling.color = red
} else {
func (tree *RedBlackTree) deleteCase4(node *RedBlackTreeNode) {
sibling := node.sibling()
if tree.nodeColor(node.parent) == red &&
tree.nodeColor(sibling) == black &&
tree.nodeColor(sibling.left) == black &&
tree.nodeColor(sibling.right) == black {
sibling.color = red
node.parent.color = black
} else {
func (tree *RedBlackTree) deleteCase5(node *RedBlackTreeNode) {
sibling := node.sibling()
if node == node.parent.left &&
tree.nodeColor(sibling) == black &&
tree.nodeColor(sibling.left) == red &&
tree.nodeColor(sibling.right) == black {
sibling.color = red
sibling.left.color = black
} else if node == node.parent.right &&
tree.nodeColor(sibling) == black &&
tree.nodeColor(sibling.right) == red &&
tree.nodeColor(sibling.left) == black {
sibling.color = red
sibling.right.color = black
func (tree *RedBlackTree) deleteCase6(node *RedBlackTreeNode) {
sibling := node.sibling()
sibling.color = tree.nodeColor(node.parent)
node.parent.color = black
if node == node.parent.left && tree.nodeColor(sibling.right) == red {
sibling.right.color = black
} else if tree.nodeColor(sibling.left) == red {
sibling.left.color = black
func (tree *RedBlackTree) nodeColor(node *RedBlackTreeNode) color {
if node == nil {
return black
return node.color
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (tree RedBlackTree) MarshalJSON() (jsonBytes []byte, err error) {
if tree.root == nil {
return []byte("null"), nil
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
tree.Iterator(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
valueBytes, valueJsonErr := json.Marshal(value)
if valueJsonErr != nil {
err = valueJsonErr
return false
if buffer.Len() > 1 {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`"%v":%s`, key, valueBytes))
return true
return buffer.Bytes(), nil
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
if tree.comparator == nil {
tree.comparator = gutil.ComparatorString
var data map[string]interface{}
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &data); err != nil {
return err
for k, v := range data {
tree.doSet(k, v)
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for map.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) (err error) {
defer tree.mu.Unlock()
if tree.comparator == nil {
tree.comparator = gutil.ComparatorString
for k, v := range gconv.Map(value) {
tree.doSet(k, v)
// getComparator returns the comparator if it's previously set,
// or else it panics.
func (tree *RedBlackTree) getComparator() func(a, b interface{}) int {
if tree.comparator == nil {
panic("comparator is missing for tree")
return tree.comparator

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
// Package gtype provides high performance and concurrent-safe basic variable types.
package gtype
// New is alias of NewInterface.
// See NewInterface.
func New(value ...interface{}) *Interface {
return NewInterface(value...)

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gtype
import (
// Bool is a struct for concurrent-safe operation for type bool.
type Bool struct {
value int32
var (
bytesTrue = []byte("true")
bytesFalse = []byte("false")
// NewBool creates and returns a concurrent-safe object for bool type,
// with given initial value `value`.
func NewBool(value ...bool) *Bool {
t := &Bool{}
if len(value) > 0 {
if value[0] {
t.value = 1
} else {
t.value = 0
return t
// Clone clones and returns a new concurrent-safe object for bool type.
func (v *Bool) Clone() *Bool {
return NewBool(v.Val())
// Set atomically stores `value` into t.value and returns the previous value of t.value.
func (v *Bool) Set(value bool) (old bool) {
if value {
old = atomic.SwapInt32(&v.value, 1) == 1
} else {
old = atomic.SwapInt32(&v.value, 0) == 1
// Val atomically loads and returns t.value.
func (v *Bool) Val() bool {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&v.value) > 0
// Cas executes the compare-and-swap operation for value.
func (v *Bool) Cas(old, new bool) (swapped bool) {
var oldInt32, newInt32 int32
if old {
oldInt32 = 1
if new {
newInt32 = 1
return atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&v.value, oldInt32, newInt32)
// String implements String interface for string printing.
func (v *Bool) String() string {
if v.Val() {
return "true"
return "false"
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (v Bool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
if v.Val() {
return bytesTrue, nil
return bytesFalse, nil
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (v *Bool) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
v.Set(gconv.Bool(bytes.Trim(b, `"`)))
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for `v`.
func (v *Bool) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) error {
return nil
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (v *Bool) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
return NewBool(v.Val())

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gtype
import (
// Byte is a struct for concurrent-safe operation for type byte.
type Byte struct {
value int32
// NewByte creates and returns a concurrent-safe object for byte type,
// with given initial value `value`.
func NewByte(value ...byte) *Byte {
if len(value) > 0 {
return &Byte{
value: int32(value[0]),
return &Byte{}
// Clone clones and returns a new concurrent-safe object for byte type.
func (v *Byte) Clone() *Byte {
return NewByte(v.Val())
// Set atomically stores `value` into t.value and returns the previous value of t.value.
func (v *Byte) Set(value byte) (old byte) {
return byte(atomic.SwapInt32(&v.value, int32(value)))
// Val atomically loads and returns t.value.
func (v *Byte) Val() byte {
return byte(atomic.LoadInt32(&v.value))
// Add atomically adds `delta` to t.value and returns the new value.
func (v *Byte) Add(delta byte) (new byte) {
return byte(atomic.AddInt32(&v.value, int32(delta)))
// Cas executes the compare-and-swap operation for value.
func (v *Byte) Cas(old, new byte) (swapped bool) {
return atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&v.value, int32(old), int32(new))
// String implements String interface for string printing.
func (v *Byte) String() string {
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v.Val()), 10)
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (v Byte) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v.Val()), 10)), nil
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (v *Byte) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for `v`.
func (v *Byte) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) error {
return nil
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (v *Byte) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
return NewByte(v.Val())

@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gtype
import (
// Bytes is a struct for concurrent-safe operation for type []byte.
type Bytes struct {
value atomic.Value
// NewBytes creates and returns a concurrent-safe object for []byte type,
// with given initial value `value`.
func NewBytes(value ...[]byte) *Bytes {
t := &Bytes{}
if len(value) > 0 {
return t
// Clone clones and returns a new shallow copy object for []byte type.
func (v *Bytes) Clone() *Bytes {
return NewBytes(v.Val())
// Set atomically stores `value` into t.value and returns the previous value of t.value.
// Note: The parameter `value` cannot be nil.
func (v *Bytes) Set(value []byte) (old []byte) {
old = v.Val()
// Val atomically loads and returns t.value.
func (v *Bytes) Val() []byte {
if s := v.value.Load(); s != nil {
return s.([]byte)
return nil
// String implements String interface for string printing.
func (v *Bytes) String() string {
return string(v.Val())
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (v Bytes) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
val := v.Val()
dst := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(val)))
base64.StdEncoding.Encode(dst, val)
return []byte(`"` + string(dst) + `"`), nil
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (v *Bytes) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var (
src = make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(b)))
n, err = base64.StdEncoding.Decode(src, bytes.Trim(b, `"`))
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, `base64.StdEncoding.Decode failed`)
return err
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for `v`.
func (v *Bytes) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) error {
return nil
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (v *Bytes) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
oldBytes := v.Val()
newBytes := make([]byte, len(oldBytes))
copy(newBytes, oldBytes)
return NewBytes(newBytes)

@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gtype
import (
// Float32 is a struct for concurrent-safe operation for type float32.
type Float32 struct {
value uint32
// NewFloat32 creates and returns a concurrent-safe object for float32 type,
// with given initial value `value`.
func NewFloat32(value ...float32) *Float32 {
if len(value) > 0 {
return &Float32{
value: math.Float32bits(value[0]),
return &Float32{}
// Clone clones and returns a new concurrent-safe object for float32 type.
func (v *Float32) Clone() *Float32 {
return NewFloat32(v.Val())
// Set atomically stores `value` into t.value and returns the previous value of t.value.
func (v *Float32) Set(value float32) (old float32) {
return math.Float32frombits(atomic.SwapUint32(&v.value, math.Float32bits(value)))
// Val atomically loads and returns t.value.
func (v *Float32) Val() float32 {
return math.Float32frombits(atomic.LoadUint32(&v.value))
// Add atomically adds `delta` to t.value and returns the new value.
func (v *Float32) Add(delta float32) (new float32) {
for {
old := math.Float32frombits(v.value)
new = old + delta
if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(
) {
// Cas executes the compare-and-swap operation for value.
func (v *Float32) Cas(old, new float32) (swapped bool) {
return atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&v.value, math.Float32bits(old), math.Float32bits(new))
// String implements String interface for string printing.
func (v *Float32) String() string {
return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(v.Val()), 'g', -1, 32)
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (v Float32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(strconv.FormatFloat(float64(v.Val()), 'g', -1, 32)), nil
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (v *Float32) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for `v`.
func (v *Float32) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) error {
return nil
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (v *Float32) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
return NewFloat32(v.Val())

@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gtype
import (
// Float64 is a struct for concurrent-safe operation for type float64.
type Float64 struct {
value uint64
// NewFloat64 creates and returns a concurrent-safe object for float64 type,
// with given initial value `value`.
func NewFloat64(value ...float64) *Float64 {
if len(value) > 0 {
return &Float64{
value: math.Float64bits(value[0]),
return &Float64{}
// Clone clones and returns a new concurrent-safe object for float64 type.
func (v *Float64) Clone() *Float64 {
return NewFloat64(v.Val())
// Set atomically stores `value` into t.value and returns the previous value of t.value.
func (v *Float64) Set(value float64) (old float64) {
return math.Float64frombits(atomic.SwapUint64(&v.value, math.Float64bits(value)))
// Val atomically loads and returns t.value.
func (v *Float64) Val() float64 {
return math.Float64frombits(atomic.LoadUint64(&v.value))
// Add atomically adds `delta` to t.value and returns the new value.
func (v *Float64) Add(delta float64) (new float64) {
for {
old := math.Float64frombits(v.value)
new = old + delta
if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(
) {
// Cas executes the compare-and-swap operation for value.
func (v *Float64) Cas(old, new float64) (swapped bool) {
return atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(&v.value, math.Float64bits(old), math.Float64bits(new))
// String implements String interface for string printing.
func (v *Float64) String() string {
return strconv.FormatFloat(v.Val(), 'g', -1, 64)
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (v Float64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(strconv.FormatFloat(v.Val(), 'g', -1, 64)), nil
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (v *Float64) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for `v`.
func (v *Float64) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) error {
return nil
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (v *Float64) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
return NewFloat64(v.Val())

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gtype
import (
// Int is a struct for concurrent-safe operation for type int.
type Int struct {
value int64
// NewInt creates and returns a concurrent-safe object for int type,
// with given initial value `value`.
func NewInt(value ...int) *Int {
if len(value) > 0 {
return &Int{
value: int64(value[0]),
return &Int{}
// Clone clones and returns a new concurrent-safe object for int type.
func (v *Int) Clone() *Int {
return NewInt(v.Val())
// Set atomically stores `value` into t.value and returns the previous value of t.value.
func (v *Int) Set(value int) (old int) {
return int(atomic.SwapInt64(&v.value, int64(value)))
// Val atomically loads and returns t.value.
func (v *Int) Val() int {
return int(atomic.LoadInt64(&v.value))
// Add atomically adds `delta` to t.value and returns the new value.
func (v *Int) Add(delta int) (new int) {
return int(atomic.AddInt64(&v.value, int64(delta)))
// Cas executes the compare-and-swap operation for value.
func (v *Int) Cas(old, new int) (swapped bool) {
return atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&v.value, int64(old), int64(new))
// String implements String interface for string printing.
func (v *Int) String() string {
return strconv.Itoa(v.Val())
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (v Int) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(strconv.Itoa(v.Val())), nil
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (v *Int) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for `v`.
func (v *Int) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) error {
return nil
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (v *Int) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
return NewInt(v.Val())

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gtype
import (
// Int32 is a struct for concurrent-safe operation for type int32.
type Int32 struct {
value int32
// NewInt32 creates and returns a concurrent-safe object for int32 type,
// with given initial value `value`.
func NewInt32(value ...int32) *Int32 {
if len(value) > 0 {
return &Int32{
value: value[0],
return &Int32{}
// Clone clones and returns a new concurrent-safe object for int32 type.
func (v *Int32) Clone() *Int32 {
return NewInt32(v.Val())
// Set atomically stores `value` into t.value and returns the previous value of t.value.
func (v *Int32) Set(value int32) (old int32) {
return atomic.SwapInt32(&v.value, value)
// Val atomically loads and returns t.value.
func (v *Int32) Val() int32 {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&v.value)
// Add atomically adds `delta` to t.value and returns the new value.
func (v *Int32) Add(delta int32) (new int32) {
return atomic.AddInt32(&v.value, delta)
// Cas executes the compare-and-swap operation for value.
func (v *Int32) Cas(old, new int32) (swapped bool) {
return atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&v.value, old, new)
// String implements String interface for string printing.
func (v *Int32) String() string {
return strconv.Itoa(int(v.Val()))
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (v Int32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(strconv.Itoa(int(v.Val()))), nil
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (v *Int32) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for `v`.
func (v *Int32) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) error {
return nil
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (v *Int32) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
return NewInt32(v.Val())

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gtype
import (
// Int64 is a struct for concurrent-safe operation for type int64.
type Int64 struct {
value int64
// NewInt64 creates and returns a concurrent-safe object for int64 type,
// with given initial value `value`.
func NewInt64(value ...int64) *Int64 {
if len(value) > 0 {
return &Int64{
value: value[0],
return &Int64{}
// Clone clones and returns a new concurrent-safe object for int64 type.
func (v *Int64) Clone() *Int64 {
return NewInt64(v.Val())
// Set atomically stores `value` into t.value and returns the previous value of t.value.
func (v *Int64) Set(value int64) (old int64) {
return atomic.SwapInt64(&v.value, value)
// Val atomically loads and returns t.value.
func (v *Int64) Val() int64 {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&v.value)
// Add atomically adds `delta` to t.value and returns the new value.
func (v *Int64) Add(delta int64) (new int64) {
return atomic.AddInt64(&v.value, delta)
// Cas executes the compare-and-swap operation for value.
func (v *Int64) Cas(old, new int64) (swapped bool) {
return atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&v.value, old, new)
// String implements String interface for string printing.
func (v *Int64) String() string {
return strconv.FormatInt(v.Val(), 10)
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (v Int64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(strconv.FormatInt(v.Val(), 10)), nil
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (v *Int64) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for `v`.
func (v *Int64) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) error {
return nil
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (v *Int64) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
return NewInt64(v.Val())

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gtype
import (
// Interface is a struct for concurrent-safe operation for type interface{}.
type Interface struct {
value atomic.Value
// NewInterface creates and returns a concurrent-safe object for interface{} type,
// with given initial value `value`.
func NewInterface(value ...interface{}) *Interface {
t := &Interface{}
if len(value) > 0 && value[0] != nil {
return t
// Clone clones and returns a new concurrent-safe object for interface{} type.
func (v *Interface) Clone() *Interface {
return NewInterface(v.Val())
// Set atomically stores `value` into t.value and returns the previous value of t.value.
// Note: The parameter `value` cannot be nil.
func (v *Interface) Set(value interface{}) (old interface{}) {
old = v.Val()
// Val atomically loads and returns t.value.
func (v *Interface) Val() interface{} {
return v.value.Load()
// String implements String interface for string printing.
func (v *Interface) String() string {
return gconv.String(v.Val())
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (v Interface) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.Val())
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (v *Interface) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var i interface{}
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &i); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for `v`.
func (v *Interface) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) error {
return nil
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (v *Interface) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
return NewInterface(deepcopy.Copy(v.Val()))

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gtype
import (
// String is a struct for concurrent-safe operation for type string.
type String struct {
value atomic.Value
// NewString creates and returns a concurrent-safe object for string type,
// with given initial value `value`.
func NewString(value ...string) *String {
t := &String{}
if len(value) > 0 {
return t
// Clone clones and returns a new concurrent-safe object for string type.
func (v *String) Clone() *String {
return NewString(v.Val())
// Set atomically stores `value` into t.value and returns the previous value of t.value.
func (v *String) Set(value string) (old string) {
old = v.Val()
// Val atomically loads and returns t.value.
func (v *String) Val() string {
s := v.value.Load()
if s != nil {
return s.(string)
return ""
// String implements String interface for string printing.
func (v *String) String() string {
return v.Val()
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (v String) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(`"` + v.Val() + `"`), nil
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (v *String) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
v.Set(string(bytes.Trim(b, `"`)))
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for `v`.
func (v *String) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) error {
return nil
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (v *String) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
return NewString(v.Val())

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gtype
import (
// Uint is a struct for concurrent-safe operation for type uint.
type Uint struct {
value uint64
// NewUint creates and returns a concurrent-safe object for uint type,
// with given initial value `value`.
func NewUint(value ...uint) *Uint {
if len(value) > 0 {
return &Uint{
value: uint64(value[0]),
return &Uint{}
// Clone clones and returns a new concurrent-safe object for uint type.
func (v *Uint) Clone() *Uint {
return NewUint(v.Val())
// Set atomically stores `value` into t.value and returns the previous value of t.value.
func (v *Uint) Set(value uint) (old uint) {
return uint(atomic.SwapUint64(&v.value, uint64(value)))
// Val atomically loads and returns t.value.
func (v *Uint) Val() uint {
return uint(atomic.LoadUint64(&v.value))
// Add atomically adds `delta` to t.value and returns the new value.
func (v *Uint) Add(delta uint) (new uint) {
return uint(atomic.AddUint64(&v.value, uint64(delta)))
// Cas executes the compare-and-swap operation for value.
func (v *Uint) Cas(old, new uint) (swapped bool) {
return atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(&v.value, uint64(old), uint64(new))
// String implements String interface for string printing.
func (v *Uint) String() string {
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v.Val()), 10)
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (v Uint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v.Val()), 10)), nil
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (v *Uint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for `v`.
func (v *Uint) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) error {
return nil
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (v *Uint) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
return NewUint(v.Val())

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gtype
import (
// Uint32 is a struct for concurrent-safe operation for type uint32.
type Uint32 struct {
value uint32
// NewUint32 creates and returns a concurrent-safe object for uint32 type,
// with given initial value `value`.
func NewUint32(value ...uint32) *Uint32 {
if len(value) > 0 {
return &Uint32{
value: value[0],
return &Uint32{}
// Clone clones and returns a new concurrent-safe object for uint32 type.
func (v *Uint32) Clone() *Uint32 {
return NewUint32(v.Val())
// Set atomically stores `value` into t.value and returns the previous value of t.value.
func (v *Uint32) Set(value uint32) (old uint32) {
return atomic.SwapUint32(&v.value, value)
// Val atomically loads and returns t.value.
func (v *Uint32) Val() uint32 {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&v.value)
// Add atomically adds `delta` to t.value and returns the new value.
func (v *Uint32) Add(delta uint32) (new uint32) {
return atomic.AddUint32(&v.value, delta)
// Cas executes the compare-and-swap operation for value.
func (v *Uint32) Cas(old, new uint32) (swapped bool) {
return atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&v.value, old, new)
// String implements String interface for string printing.
func (v *Uint32) String() string {
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v.Val()), 10)
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (v Uint32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v.Val()), 10)), nil
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (v *Uint32) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for `v`.
func (v *Uint32) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) error {
return nil
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (v *Uint32) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
return NewUint32(v.Val())

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gtype
import (
// Uint64 is a struct for concurrent-safe operation for type uint64.
type Uint64 struct {
value uint64
// NewUint64 creates and returns a concurrent-safe object for uint64 type,
// with given initial value `value`.
func NewUint64(value ...uint64) *Uint64 {
if len(value) > 0 {
return &Uint64{
value: value[0],
return &Uint64{}
// Clone clones and returns a new concurrent-safe object for uint64 type.
func (v *Uint64) Clone() *Uint64 {
return NewUint64(v.Val())
// Set atomically stores `value` into t.value and returns the previous value of t.value.
func (v *Uint64) Set(value uint64) (old uint64) {
return atomic.SwapUint64(&v.value, value)
// Val atomically loads and returns t.value.
func (v *Uint64) Val() uint64 {
return atomic.LoadUint64(&v.value)
// Add atomically adds `delta` to t.value and returns the new value.
func (v *Uint64) Add(delta uint64) (new uint64) {
return atomic.AddUint64(&v.value, delta)
// Cas executes the compare-and-swap operation for value.
func (v *Uint64) Cas(old, new uint64) (swapped bool) {
return atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(&v.value, old, new)
// String implements String interface for string printing.
func (v *Uint64) String() string {
return strconv.FormatUint(v.Val(), 10)
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (v Uint64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(strconv.FormatUint(v.Val(), 10)), nil
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (v *Uint64) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for `v`.
func (v *Uint64) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) error {
return nil
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (v *Uint64) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
return NewUint64(v.Val())

@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
// Package gvar provides an universal variable type, like generics.
package gvar
import (
// Var is an universal variable type implementer.
type Var struct {
value interface{} // Underlying value.
safe bool // Concurrent safe or not.
// New creates and returns a new Var with given `value`.
// The optional parameter `safe` specifies whether Var is used in concurrent-safety,
// which is false in default.
func New(value interface{}, safe ...bool) *Var {
if len(safe) > 0 && safe[0] {
return &Var{
value: gtype.NewInterface(value),
safe: true,
return &Var{
value: value,
// Copy does a deep copy of current Var and returns a pointer to this Var.
func (v *Var) Copy() *Var {
return New(gutil.Copy(v.Val()), v.safe)
// Clone does a shallow copy of current Var and returns a pointer to this Var.
func (v *Var) Clone() *Var {
return New(v.Val(), v.safe)
// Set sets `value` to `v`, and returns the old value.
func (v *Var) Set(value interface{}) (old interface{}) {
if v.safe {
if t, ok := v.value.(*gtype.Interface); ok {
old = t.Set(value)
old = v.value
v.value = value
// Val returns the current value of `v`.
func (v *Var) Val() interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
if v.safe {
if t, ok := v.value.(*gtype.Interface); ok {
return t.Val()
return v.value
// Interface is alias of Val.
func (v *Var) Interface() interface{} {
return v.Val()
// Bytes converts and returns `v` as []byte.
func (v *Var) Bytes() []byte {
return gconv.Bytes(v.Val())
// String converts and returns `v` as string.
func (v *Var) String() string {
return gconv.String(v.Val())
// Bool converts and returns `v` as bool.
func (v *Var) Bool() bool {
return gconv.Bool(v.Val())
// Int converts and returns `v` as int.
func (v *Var) Int() int {
return gconv.Int(v.Val())
// Int8 converts and returns `v` as int8.
func (v *Var) Int8() int8 {
return gconv.Int8(v.Val())
// Int16 converts and returns `v` as int16.
func (v *Var) Int16() int16 {
return gconv.Int16(v.Val())
// Int32 converts and returns `v` as int32.
func (v *Var) Int32() int32 {
return gconv.Int32(v.Val())
// Int64 converts and returns `v` as int64.
func (v *Var) Int64() int64 {
return gconv.Int64(v.Val())
// Uint converts and returns `v` as uint.
func (v *Var) Uint() uint {
return gconv.Uint(v.Val())
// Uint8 converts and returns `v` as uint8.
func (v *Var) Uint8() uint8 {
return gconv.Uint8(v.Val())
// Uint16 converts and returns `v` as uint16.
func (v *Var) Uint16() uint16 {
return gconv.Uint16(v.Val())
// Uint32 converts and returns `v` as uint32.
func (v *Var) Uint32() uint32 {
return gconv.Uint32(v.Val())
// Uint64 converts and returns `v` as uint64.
func (v *Var) Uint64() uint64 {
return gconv.Uint64(v.Val())
// Float32 converts and returns `v` as float32.
func (v *Var) Float32() float32 {
return gconv.Float32(v.Val())
// Float64 converts and returns `v` as float64.
func (v *Var) Float64() float64 {
return gconv.Float64(v.Val())
// Time converts and returns `v` as time.Time.
// The parameter `format` specifies the format of the time string using gtime,
// eg: Y-m-d H:i:s.
func (v *Var) Time(format ...string) time.Time {
return gconv.Time(v.Val(), format...)
// Duration converts and returns `v` as time.Duration.
// If value of `v` is string, then it uses time.ParseDuration for conversion.
func (v *Var) Duration() time.Duration {
return gconv.Duration(v.Val())
// GTime converts and returns `v` as *gtime.Time.
// The parameter `format` specifies the format of the time string using gtime,
// eg: Y-m-d H:i:s.
func (v *Var) GTime(format ...string) *gtime.Time {
return gconv.GTime(v.Val(), format...)
// MarshalJSON implements the interface MarshalJSON for json.Marshal.
func (v Var) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.Val())
// UnmarshalJSON implements the interface UnmarshalJSON for json.Unmarshal.
func (v *Var) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var i interface{}
if err := json.UnmarshalUseNumber(b, &i); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UnmarshalValue is an interface implement which sets any type of value for Var.
func (v *Var) UnmarshalValue(value interface{}) error {
return nil
// DeepCopy implements interface for deep copy of current type.
func (v *Var) DeepCopy() interface{} {
if v == nil {
return nil
return New(deepcopy.Copy(v.Val()), v.safe)

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gvar
import (
// IsNil checks whether `v` is nil.
func (v *Var) IsNil() bool {
return utils.IsNil(v.Val())
// IsEmpty checks whether `v` is empty.
func (v *Var) IsEmpty() bool {
return utils.IsEmpty(v.Val())
// IsInt checks whether `v` is type of int.
func (v *Var) IsInt() bool {
return utils.IsInt(v.Val())
// IsUint checks whether `v` is type of uint.
func (v *Var) IsUint() bool {
return utils.IsUint(v.Val())
// IsFloat checks whether `v` is type of float.
func (v *Var) IsFloat() bool {
return utils.IsFloat(v.Val())
// IsSlice checks whether `v` is type of slice.
func (v *Var) IsSlice() bool {
return utils.IsSlice(v.Val())
// IsMap checks whether `v` is type of map.
func (v *Var) IsMap() bool {
return utils.IsMap(v.Val())
// IsStruct checks whether `v` is type of struct.
func (v *Var) IsStruct() bool {
return utils.IsStruct(v.Val())

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gvar
import (
// ListItemValues retrieves and returns the elements of all item struct/map with key `key`.
// Note that the parameter `list` should be type of slice which contains elements of map or struct,
// or else it returns an empty slice.
func (v *Var) ListItemValues(key interface{}) (values []interface{}) {
return gutil.ListItemValues(v.Val(), key)
// ListItemValuesUnique retrieves and returns the unique elements of all struct/map with key `key`.
// Note that the parameter `list` should be type of slice which contains elements of map or struct,
// or else it returns an empty slice.
func (v *Var) ListItemValuesUnique(key string) []interface{} {
return gutil.ListItemValuesUnique(v.Val(), key)

@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gvar
import "github.com/gogf/gf/v2/util/gconv"
// Map converts and returns `v` as map[string]interface{}.
func (v *Var) Map(tags ...string) map[string]interface{} {
return gconv.Map(v.Val(), tags...)
// MapStrAny is like function Map, but implements the interface of MapStrAny.
func (v *Var) MapStrAny() map[string]interface{} {
return v.Map()
// MapStrStr converts and returns `v` as map[string]string.
func (v *Var) MapStrStr(tags ...string) map[string]string {
return gconv.MapStrStr(v.Val(), tags...)
// MapStrVar converts and returns `v` as map[string]Var.
func (v *Var) MapStrVar(tags ...string) map[string]*Var {
m := v.Map(tags...)
if len(m) > 0 {
vMap := make(map[string]*Var, len(m))
for k, v := range m {
vMap[k] = New(v)
return vMap
return nil
// MapDeep converts and returns `v` as map[string]interface{} recursively.
func (v *Var) MapDeep(tags ...string) map[string]interface{} {
return gconv.MapDeep(v.Val(), tags...)
// MapStrStrDeep converts and returns `v` as map[string]string recursively.
func (v *Var) MapStrStrDeep(tags ...string) map[string]string {
return gconv.MapStrStrDeep(v.Val(), tags...)
// MapStrVarDeep converts and returns `v` as map[string]*Var recursively.
func (v *Var) MapStrVarDeep(tags ...string) map[string]*Var {
m := v.MapDeep(tags...)
if len(m) > 0 {
vMap := make(map[string]*Var, len(m))
for k, v := range m {
vMap[k] = New(v)
return vMap
return nil
// Maps converts and returns `v` as map[string]string.
// See gconv.Maps.
func (v *Var) Maps(tags ...string) []map[string]interface{} {
return gconv.Maps(v.Val(), tags...)
// MapsDeep converts `value` to []map[string]interface{} recursively.
// See gconv.MapsDeep.
func (v *Var) MapsDeep(tags ...string) []map[string]interface{} {
return gconv.MapsDeep(v.Val(), tags...)
// MapToMap converts any map type variable `params` to another map type variable `pointer`.
// See gconv.MapToMap.
func (v *Var) MapToMap(pointer interface{}, mapping ...map[string]string) (err error) {
return gconv.MapToMap(v.Val(), pointer, mapping...)
// MapToMaps converts any map type variable `params` to another map type variable `pointer`.
// See gconv.MapToMaps.
func (v *Var) MapToMaps(pointer interface{}, mapping ...map[string]string) (err error) {
return gconv.MapToMaps(v.Val(), pointer, mapping...)
// MapToMapsDeep converts any map type variable `params` to another map type variable
// `pointer` recursively.
// See gconv.MapToMapsDeep.
func (v *Var) MapToMapsDeep(pointer interface{}, mapping ...map[string]string) (err error) {
return gconv.MapToMaps(v.Val(), pointer, mapping...)

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gvar
import (
// Scan automatically checks the type of `pointer` and converts `params` to `pointer`. It supports `pointer`
// with type of `*map/*[]map/*[]*map/*struct/**struct/*[]struct/*[]*struct` for converting.
// See gconv.Scan.
func (v *Var) Scan(pointer interface{}, mapping ...map[string]string) error {
return gconv.Scan(v.Val(), pointer, mapping...)

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gvar
import "github.com/gogf/gf/v2/util/gconv"
// Ints converts and returns `v` as []int.
func (v *Var) Ints() []int {
return gconv.Ints(v.Val())
// Int64s converts and returns `v` as []int64.
func (v *Var) Int64s() []int64 {
return gconv.Int64s(v.Val())
// Uints converts and returns `v` as []uint.
func (v *Var) Uints() []uint {
return gconv.Uints(v.Val())
// Uint64s converts and returns `v` as []uint64.
func (v *Var) Uint64s() []uint64 {
return gconv.Uint64s(v.Val())
// Floats is alias of Float64s.
func (v *Var) Floats() []float64 {
return gconv.Floats(v.Val())
// Float32s converts and returns `v` as []float32.
func (v *Var) Float32s() []float32 {
return gconv.Float32s(v.Val())
// Float64s converts and returns `v` as []float64.
func (v *Var) Float64s() []float64 {
return gconv.Float64s(v.Val())
// Strings converts and returns `v` as []string.
func (v *Var) Strings() []string {
return gconv.Strings(v.Val())
// Interfaces converts and returns `v` as []interfaces{}.
func (v *Var) Interfaces() []interface{} {
return gconv.Interfaces(v.Val())
// Slice is alias of Interfaces.
func (v *Var) Slice() []interface{} {
return v.Interfaces()
// Array is alias of Interfaces.
func (v *Var) Array() []interface{} {
return v.Interfaces()
// Vars converts and returns `v` as []Var.
func (v *Var) Vars() []*Var {
array := gconv.Interfaces(v.Val())
if len(array) == 0 {
return nil
vars := make([]*Var, len(array))
for k, v := range array {
vars[k] = New(v)
return vars

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gvar
import (
// Struct maps value of `v` to `pointer`.
// The parameter `pointer` should be a pointer to a struct instance.
// The parameter `mapping` is used to specify the key-to-attribute mapping rules.
func (v *Var) Struct(pointer interface{}, mapping ...map[string]string) error {
return gconv.Struct(v.Val(), pointer, mapping...)
// Structs converts and returns `v` as given struct slice.
func (v *Var) Structs(pointer interface{}, mapping ...map[string]string) error {
return gconv.Structs(v.Val(), pointer, mapping...)

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gvar
import (
// Vars is a slice of *Var.
type Vars []*Var
// Strings converts and returns `vs` as []string.
func (vs Vars) Strings() (s []string) {
for _, v := range vs {
s = append(s, v.String())
return s
// Interfaces converts and returns `vs` as []interface{}.
func (vs Vars) Interfaces() (s []interface{}) {
for _, v := range vs {
s = append(s, v.Val())
return s
// Float32s converts and returns `vs` as []float32.
func (vs Vars) Float32s() (s []float32) {
for _, v := range vs {
s = append(s, v.Float32())
return s
// Float64s converts and returns `vs` as []float64.
func (vs Vars) Float64s() (s []float64) {
for _, v := range vs {
s = append(s, v.Float64())
return s
// Ints converts and returns `vs` as []Int.
func (vs Vars) Ints() (s []int) {
for _, v := range vs {
s = append(s, v.Int())
return s
// Int8s converts and returns `vs` as []int8.
func (vs Vars) Int8s() (s []int8) {
for _, v := range vs {
s = append(s, v.Int8())
return s
// Int16s converts and returns `vs` as []int16.
func (vs Vars) Int16s() (s []int16) {
for _, v := range vs {
s = append(s, v.Int16())
return s
// Int32s converts and returns `vs` as []int32.
func (vs Vars) Int32s() (s []int32) {
for _, v := range vs {
s = append(s, v.Int32())
return s
// Int64s converts and returns `vs` as []int64.
func (vs Vars) Int64s() (s []int64) {
for _, v := range vs {
s = append(s, v.Int64())
return s
// Uints converts and returns `vs` as []uint.
func (vs Vars) Uints() (s []uint) {
for _, v := range vs {
s = append(s, v.Uint())
return s
// Uint8s converts and returns `vs` as []uint8.
func (vs Vars) Uint8s() (s []uint8) {
for _, v := range vs {
s = append(s, v.Uint8())
return s
// Uint16s converts and returns `vs` as []uint16.
func (vs Vars) Uint16s() (s []uint16) {
for _, v := range vs {
s = append(s, v.Uint16())
return s
// Uint32s converts and returns `vs` as []uint32.
func (vs Vars) Uint32s() (s []uint32) {
for _, v := range vs {
s = append(s, v.Uint32())
return s
// Uint64s converts and returns `vs` as []uint64.
func (vs Vars) Uint64s() (s []uint64) {
for _, v := range vs {
s = append(s, v.Uint64())
return s
// Scan converts `vs` to []struct/[]*struct.
func (vs Vars) Scan(pointer interface{}, mapping ...map[string]string) error {
return gconv.Structs(vs.Interfaces(), pointer, mapping...)

@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
// Package gredis provides convenient client for redis server.
// Redis Client.
// Redis Commands Official: https://redis.io/commands
// Redis Chinese Documentation: http://redisdoc.com/
package gredis
import (
// AdapterFunc is the function creating redis adapter.
type AdapterFunc func(config *Config) Adapter
var (
// defaultAdapterFunc is the default adapter function creating redis adapter.
defaultAdapterFunc AdapterFunc = func(config *Config) Adapter {
return nil
// New creates and returns a redis client.
// It creates a default redis adapter of go-redis.
func New(config ...*Config) (*Redis, error) {
var (
usedConfig *Config
usedAdapter Adapter
if len(config) > 0 && config[0] != nil {
// Redis client with go redis implements adapter from given configuration.
usedConfig = config[0]
usedAdapter = defaultAdapterFunc(config[0])
} else if configFromGlobal, ok := GetConfig(); ok {
// Redis client with go redis implements adapter from package configuration.
usedConfig = configFromGlobal
usedAdapter = defaultAdapterFunc(configFromGlobal)
if usedConfig == nil {
return nil, gerror.NewCode(
`no configuration found for creating Redis client`,
if usedAdapter == nil {
return nil, gerror.NewCode(
redis := &Redis{
config: usedConfig,
localAdapter: usedAdapter,
return redis.initGroup(), nil
// NewWithAdapter creates and returns a redis client with given adapter.
func NewWithAdapter(adapter Adapter) (*Redis, error) {
if adapter == nil {
return nil, gerror.NewCodef(gcode.CodeInvalidParameter, `adapter cannot be nil`)
redis := &Redis{localAdapter: adapter}
return redis.initGroup(), nil
// RegisterAdapterFunc registers default function creating redis adapter.
func RegisterAdapterFunc(adapterFunc AdapterFunc) {
defaultAdapterFunc = adapterFunc

@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gredis
import (
// Adapter is an interface for universal redis operations.
type Adapter interface {
// Do send a command to the server and returns the received reply.
// It uses json.Marshal for struct/slice/map type values before committing them to redis.
Do(ctx context.Context, command string, args ...interface{}) (*gvar.Var, error)
// Conn retrieves and returns a connection object for continuous operations.
// Note that you should call Close function manually if you do not use this connection any further.
Conn(ctx context.Context) (conn Conn, err error)
// Close closes current redis client, closes its connection pool and releases all its related resources.
Close(ctx context.Context) (err error)
// Conn is an interface of a connection from universal redis client.
type Conn interface {
// Do send a command to the server and returns the received reply.
// It uses json.Marshal for struct/slice/map type values before committing them to redis.
Do(ctx context.Context, command string, args ...interface{}) (result *gvar.Var, err error)
// Close puts the connection back to connection pool.
Close(ctx context.Context) (err error)
// AdapterGroup is an interface managing group operations for redis.
type AdapterGroup interface {
GroupGeneric() IGroupGeneric
GroupHash() IGroupHash
GroupList() IGroupList
GroupPubSub() IGroupPubSub
GroupScript() IGroupScript
GroupSet() IGroupSet
GroupSortedSet() IGroupSortedSet
GroupString() IGroupString
// ConnCommand is an interface managing some operations bound to certain connection.
type ConnCommand interface {
// Subscribe subscribes the client to the specified channels.
// https://redis.io/commands/subscribe/
Subscribe(ctx context.Context, channel string, channels ...string) ([]*Subscription, error)
// PSubscribe subscribes the client to the given patterns.
// Supported glob-style patterns:
// - h?llo subscribes to hello, hallo and hxllo
// - h*llo subscribes to hllo and heeeello
// - h[ae]llo subscribes to hello and hallo, but not hillo
// Use \ to escape special characters if you want to match them verbatim.
// https://redis.io/commands/psubscribe/
PSubscribe(ctx context.Context, pattern string, patterns ...string) ([]*Subscription, error)
// ReceiveMessage receives a single message of subscription from the Redis server.
ReceiveMessage(ctx context.Context) (*Message, error)
// Receive receives a single reply as gvar.Var from the Redis server.
Receive(ctx context.Context) (result *gvar.Var, err error)

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gredis
import (
// Config is redis configuration.
type Config struct {
// Address It supports single and cluster redis server. Multiple addresses joined with char ','. Eg:,
Address string `json:"address"`
Db int `json:"db"` // Redis db.
User string `json:"user"` // Username for AUTH.
Pass string `json:"pass"` // Password for AUTH.
MinIdle int `json:"minIdle"` // Minimum number of connections allowed to be idle (default is 0)
MaxIdle int `json:"maxIdle"` // Maximum number of connections allowed to be idle (default is 10)
MaxActive int `json:"maxActive"` // Maximum number of connections limit (default is 0 means no limit).
MaxConnLifetime time.Duration `json:"maxConnLifetime"` // Maximum lifetime of the connection (default is 30 seconds, not allowed to be set to 0)
IdleTimeout time.Duration `json:"idleTimeout"` // Maximum idle time for connection (default is 10 seconds, not allowed to be set to 0)
WaitTimeout time.Duration `json:"waitTimeout"` // Timed out duration waiting to get a connection from the connection pool.
DialTimeout time.Duration `json:"dialTimeout"` // Dial connection timeout for TCP.
ReadTimeout time.Duration `json:"readTimeout"` // Read timeout for TCP. DO NOT set it if not necessary.
WriteTimeout time.Duration `json:"writeTimeout"` // Write timeout for TCP.
MasterName string `json:"masterName"` // Used in Redis Sentinel mode.
TLS bool `json:"tls"` // Specifies whether TLS should be used when connecting to the server.
TLSSkipVerify bool `json:"tlsSkipVerify"` // Disables server name verification when connecting over TLS.
TLSConfig *tls.Config `json:"-"` // TLS Config to use. When set TLS will be negotiated.
SlaveOnly bool `json:"slaveOnly"` // Route all commands to slave read-only nodes.
const (
DefaultGroupName = "default" // Default configuration group name.
var (
// Configuration groups.
localConfigMap = gmap.NewStrAnyMap(true)
// SetConfig sets the global configuration for specified group.
// If `name` is not passed, it sets configuration for the default group name.
func SetConfig(config *Config, name ...string) {
group := DefaultGroupName
if len(name) > 0 {
group = name[0]
localConfigMap.Set(group, config)
intlog.Printf(context.TODO(), `SetConfig for group "%s": %+v`, group, config)
// SetConfigByMap sets the global configuration for specified group with map.
// If `name` is not passed, it sets configuration for the default group name.
func SetConfigByMap(m map[string]interface{}, name ...string) error {
group := DefaultGroupName
if len(name) > 0 {
group = name[0]
config, err := ConfigFromMap(m)
if err != nil {
return err
localConfigMap.Set(group, config)
return nil
// ConfigFromMap parses and returns config from given map.
func ConfigFromMap(m map[string]interface{}) (config *Config, err error) {
config = &Config{}
if err = gconv.Scan(m, config); err != nil {
err = gerror.NewCodef(gcode.CodeInvalidConfiguration, `invalid redis configuration: %#v`, m)
if config.DialTimeout < time.Second {
config.DialTimeout = config.DialTimeout * time.Second
if config.WaitTimeout < time.Second {
config.WaitTimeout = config.WaitTimeout * time.Second
if config.WriteTimeout < time.Second {
config.WriteTimeout = config.WriteTimeout * time.Second
if config.ReadTimeout < time.Second {
config.ReadTimeout = config.ReadTimeout * time.Second
if config.IdleTimeout < time.Second {
config.IdleTimeout = config.IdleTimeout * time.Second
if config.MaxConnLifetime < time.Second {
config.MaxConnLifetime = config.MaxConnLifetime * time.Second
// GetConfig returns the global configuration with specified group name.
// If `name` is not passed, it returns configuration of the default group name.
func GetConfig(name ...string) (config *Config, ok bool) {
group := DefaultGroupName
if len(name) > 0 {
group = name[0]
if v := localConfigMap.Get(group); v != nil {
return v.(*Config), true
return &Config{}, false
// RemoveConfig removes the global configuration with specified group.
// If `name` is not passed, it removes configuration of the default group name.
func RemoveConfig(name ...string) {
group := DefaultGroupName
if len(name) > 0 {
group = name[0]
intlog.Printf(context.TODO(), `RemoveConfig: %s`, group)
// ClearConfig removes all configurations of redis.
func ClearConfig() {

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gredis
import (
var (
// localInstances for instance management of redis client.
localInstances = gmap.NewStrAnyMap(true)
// Instance returns an instance of redis client with specified group.
// The `name` param is unnecessary, if `name` is not passed,
// it returns a redis instance with default configuration group.
func Instance(name ...string) *Redis {
group := DefaultGroupName
if len(name) > 0 && name[0] != "" {
group = name[0]
v := localInstances.GetOrSetFuncLock(group, func() interface{} {
if config, ok := GetConfig(group); ok {
r, err := New(config)
if err != nil {
intlog.Errorf(context.TODO(), `%+v`, err)
return nil
return r
return nil
if v != nil {
return v.(*Redis)
return nil

@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
// Copyright GoFrame Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package gredis
import (
// Redis client.
type Redis struct {
config *Config
type (
localGroup struct {
localAdapter = Adapter
localGroupGeneric = IGroupGeneric
localGroupHash = IGroupHash
localGroupList = IGroupList
localGroupPubSub = IGroupPubSub
localGroupScript = IGroupScript
localGroupSet = IGroupSet
localGroupSortedSet = IGroupSortedSet
localGroupString = IGroupString
const (
errorNilRedis = `the Redis object is nil`
var (
errorNilAdapter = gstr.Trim(gstr.Replace(`
redis adapter is not set, missing configuration or adapter register?
possible reference: https://github.com/gogf/gf/tree/master/contrib/nosql/redis
`, "\n", ""))
// initGroup initializes the group object of redis.
func (r *Redis) initGroup() *Redis {
r.localGroup = localGroup{
localGroupGeneric: r.localAdapter.GroupGeneric(),
localGroupHash: r.localAdapter.GroupHash(),
localGroupList: r.localAdapter.GroupList(),
localGroupPubSub: r.localAdapter.GroupPubSub(),
localGroupScript: r.localAdapter.GroupScript(),
localGroupSet: r.localAdapter.GroupSet(),
localGroupSortedSet: r.localAdapter.GroupSortedSet(),
localGroupString: r.localAdapter.GroupString(),
return r
// SetAdapter changes the underlying adapter with custom adapter for current redis client.
func (r *Redis) SetAdapter(adapter Adapter) {
if r == nil {
panic(gerror.NewCode(gcode.CodeInvalidParameter, errorNilRedis))
r.localAdapter = adapter
// GetAdapter returns the adapter that is set in current redis client.
func (r *Redis) GetAdapter() Adapter {
if r == nil {
return nil
return r.localAdapter
// Conn retrieves and returns a connection object for continuous operations.
// Note that you should call Close function manually if you do not use this connection any further.
func (r *Redis) Conn(ctx context.Context) (Conn, error) {
if r == nil {
return nil, gerror.NewCode(gcode.CodeInvalidParameter, errorNilRedis)
if r.localAdapter == nil {
return nil, gerror.NewCode(gcode.CodeNecessaryPackageNotImport, errorNilAdapter)
return r.localAdapter.Conn(ctx)
// Do send a command to the server and returns the received reply.
// It uses json.Marshal for struct/slice/map type values before committing them to redis.
func (r *Redis) Do(ctx context.Context, command string, args ...interface{}) (*gvar.Var, error) {
if r == nil {
return nil, gerror.NewCode(gcode.CodeInvalidParameter, errorNilRedis)
if r.localAdapter == nil {
return nil, gerror.NewCodef(gcode.CodeMissingConfiguration, errorNilAdapter)
return r.localAdapter.Do(ctx, command, args...)
// MustConn performs as function Conn, but it panics if any error occurs internally.
func (r *Redis) MustConn(ctx context.Context) Conn {
c, err := r.Conn(ctx)
if err != nil {
return c
// MustDo performs as function Do, but it panics if any error occurs internally.
func (r *Redis) MustDo(ctx context.Context, command string, args ...interface{}) *gvar.Var {
v, err := r.Do(ctx, command, args...)
if err != nil {
return v
// Close closes current redis client, closes its connection pool and releases all its related resources.
func (r *Redis) Close(ctx context.Context) error {
if r == nil || r.localAdapter == nil {
return nil
return r.localAdapter.Close(ctx)

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