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# gosuv
[![Build Status](](
## Program should not use in production (current is in beta)
Process managerment writtern by golang, inspired by python-supervisor
* [x] Realtime log view
* [x] Web control page
* [x] Add program support
* [ ] Edit support
* [ ] Delete support
* [ ] Path auto complete <>
* [x] HTTP Basic auth
* [ ] Github webhook
* [ ] Single log page, include search support
* [ ] 中文文档
## Requirements
Go version at least `1.6+`
## Installation
Standalone binary can be download from <>
Or if you have go enviroment, you can also build from source.
go get -d
cd $GOPATH/src/
go build
If you want to build a standalone binary, run the following command.
go get
go-bindata-assetfs -tags bindata res/...
go build -tags bindata
## Usage
Start server in the background
gosuv start-server
Show server status
$ gosuv status
Server is running
Open web <http://localhost:11313> to see the manager page.
![gosuv web](docs/gosuv.gif)
## Configuration
Default config file stored in directory `$HOME/.gosuv/`
- file `programs.yml` contains all program settings.
- file `config.yml` contains server config
File `config.yml` can be generated by `gosuv conftest`
Example config.yaml
enabled: false
username: uu
password: pp
addr: :11313
server_url: http://localhost:11313
## Design
HTTP is follow the RESTFul guide.
Get or Update program
`<GET|PUT> /api/programs/:name`
Add new program
`POST /api/programs`
Del program
`DELETE /api/programs/:name`
## State
Only 4 states. [ref](
# Plugin Design (todo)
Current plugins:
- [tailf](
All command plugin will store in `$HOME/.gosuv/cmdplugin`, gosuv will treat this plugin as a subcommand.
for example:
$HOME/.gosuv/cmdplugin/ --.
|- showpid/
|- run
There is a directory `showpid`
When run `gosuv showpid`, file `run` will be called.
## Use libs
* <>