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golang port of python-supervisor

Plugin Design

If executable file put in folder $HOME/.gosuv/cmdplugin with prefix gosuv-, gosuv will treat this file as a subcommand.

for example:

$HOME/.gosuv/cmdplugin/ --.
	|- gosuv-showpid			-rwx

When run gosuv showpid, file gosuv-showpid will be called.


Has a folder .gosuv under $HOME path.

Here is the folder structure

	|-- gosuv.json
	|-- logs/
		  |-- program1.log
	      |-- program2.log

For first run gosuv command, will run a golang server.

Server port default 17422 or from env defined GOSUV_SERVER_PORT.

When server get TERM signal, all processes spwaned by srever will be killed.

How to add program to gosuv

Eg, current folder is in /tmp/hello

gosuv add --name "program1" -- ./program1 1888

Will add a record to $HOME/.gosuv/gosuv.json

	"name": "program1",
	"command": ["./program1", "1888"],
	"dir": "/tmp/hello",
	"env": [],

Show status

$ gosuv status
program1		RUNNING

Stop program, ex: "program1"

$ gosuv stop program1
program1 stopped

Program not implement